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this video is sponsored by squarespace yep the 140 is still in this absolute state but not for long because today we will start the 140i build [Music] now we pretty much can confirm that this car was stolen and then recovered it looks like it's been stripped for parts as for all the dust on the interior well we think that was caused by a fire extinguisher as you guys have been saying that if you spray fire extinguisher inside a car it can get rid of your fingerprints or they're really hard to trace but the spray from the fire extinguisher can be corrosive and cause damage to the electric so we need to get that sorted as soon as possible now we know this car has been modified in the past because we've seen an upgraded anti-roll bar and also eibach springs some are about lowering things which have just been put on it the wheels have obviously been taken off these look like i've just been plonked on by the auction the tires are completely bold and we definitely won't be keeping them now despite all the bad news the good news is that it starts and it drives but there's no exhaust [Music] okay so there's two ways we could have gone with this 140 yard we know we don't have a front end we know we're missing some parts here and there we found some parts in the car but we could have replaced it with all standard m140i parts but the other way we could have gone with this would be to do something crazy with it and well of course i chose the crazy route so right here next to my bmw m4 which i fitted an m3 for an n2 i've got a bmw m2 competition bonnet two wings and the bumper which is up there i just enjoy making it difficult for myself but if it pays off i know it's gonna look really good i also have the m2 competition headlights as well but we know our headlights go on this channel but before we start cleaning and fixing this whole thing up and fitting the m2 front end we have no history on this thing at all so first things first just to be safe we need to service the thing so i've got spark plugs oil and oil filter let's get this thing serviced first step was to remove all the trim and the rubber at the back of the engine because there's a spark plug right at the back which would be really difficult to get to if it was all in then we can remove the bolts for the coil pack pull them out then i needed a special 14 mil socket which was really thin so it could go down and loosen the spark plug and from removing the spark plug we can see that probably this has never been changed before and then here's a fresh ngk one now the six cylinders so we're doing this six times over back on with the coil packs plug all the electrical connectors in and back in with the bolts up we go with the ramp then it's time to remove the under tray [Music] and this time the sump is all in one piece unlike the m4 we've just got to loosen this bolt here to drain all the oil out and once the oil is drained out it's time to remove the oil filter which is right at the back of the engine i've got my special little oil filter removal tool unscrew the oil filter out with the old one and in with the new [Music] one i can then put the sump plug back in and then it's in with the fresh oil all six liters of it [Music] and then i can freshen the engine up with some silly shine links in the description usually i change the air filter on the service but something tells me we're going to be fitting an induction kit later down the line to this i managed to pick up a brand new engine cover off ebay for just 30 pound and that's going to make a whole lot of difference to the engine bay okay we are looking good it's amazing how much uh engine cover and a bit of silly shine can make such a big difference uh we've still got the under trade support back on but i want to start it first and check for any leaks we can't check the oil level without starting it because the bmws don't have any dipstick in them so let's just check that first come on okay so the engine has to be warm to measure the oil level which is pretty stupid because if you've got low oil level but then you're warming the car up you're gonna do a lot of damage but we'll wait for that i assume i would have lights appearing all over the place if i didn't put enough oil in anyway okay whilst wait for the engines get warm it's a good time to show you guys the hardworks beats talent group set the long line t-shirts and the shorts as well they've got reflective ink on the back of work beats talent and they're available at matt also don't go to ek the link is in the description now with youtube being my full-time job now there's loads of things i stress about you know like filming editing getting the content out on time doing photoshop but there's one thing that i don't necessarily have to stress about anymore and that is building a website that is all thanks to squarespace who have sponsored today's video from websites to online stores to marketing tools and analytics squarespaces are all in one platform to build and run your business i said to you guys at least once every month websites are so important for whatever business you run it can be the first point of contact and if you don't have a website or a professional looking one at least then you're gonna lose customers which is where squarespace comes in to help check this out so when starting a website with squarespace there's hundreds of templates to start from i'm gonna start with this one you can then go in edit your website drag and drop your logos in there you can then remove text or add your own photos in there it's as simple as that i can edit the text i can also add buttons in there wherever i like i can even add my own youtube videos on the website there's a bunch of tools on the left left-hand side to grow your business like email campaigns and marketing tools it really is the all-in-one platform so when you need a website go to squarespace.com or click the link in the description box below use code matt armstrong and you're going to get 10 of your first website or domain name once again thanks squarespace is sponsored in this video right let's go check this oil level and we are looking good yes now onto the exciting stuff [Music] okay so this right here is a full bmw m2 competition front end now if you're watching this and you're unfamiliar with what a bmw 140r front end actually looks like normally this is what it looks like pretty average right but this is what an m2 competition front end looks like [Music] it's way more aggressive there's more sharp lines in it but most importantly is wider than the 140i the arch actually comes out a lot more now on the m2 the rear arch actually does it as well but on the 148 it doesn't i'm not quite sure what we're going to do about that yet but i think the 140i is going to look so good with an m2 competition for an end now i've seen a few pictures going around the internet if someone has actually done this before but as far as i know it wasn't really documented so i don't exactly know whether there's anything that needed to be modified or not but you know me i'm willing to give it a go so we're just gonna try it and well wing it as we go along i know you guys want this interior sorting as soon as possible believe me so do i but i've got slicks coming very soon so we'll get on to that i'm just excited to try and fit this and see if it works m2 headlights on a 140i i don't know i think that's asking for trouble but let's get to it come on so full front end off a bmw m2 competition cost me 3 000 pounds it sounds expensive but i also got the front radiator pack and a lot of stuff that i didn't really need which i could then sell on and get part of that money back so far the wings were going on quite nicely and seem to fit the way they should [Music] the headlights was the same sort of story whether their work or not i don't know [Music] when i plugged in the passenger headlight they seem to start working before even starting the car so we could be on to a winner so the wings were on then it's on to the bonnet this is pretty difficult on your own but somehow i managed then we've got to plug all the washer jets in which are underneath the bonnet then this is the hard part trying to get the panels to line up perfectly i spent ages lowering the bonnet down moving the wings hiring the bonnet back up moving the bonnet round until finally i could get something which i was kind of happy with hoping baby let's talk until we're fine okay this is starting to look sick look how much wider these are those wheels are absolutely making the crease they look so lost in those arches obviously they will be changed at some point we can't keep them that is a joke but the front end is looking a lot more aggressive we've still got the front end the front bumper sorry to go on but i just want to see well the chances of the headlights working are what are really low but when i put that one in the zenon lights did come on while the um little rings that did come on so let's start it and just see if those lights actually will come out if they do it's a miracle but i'm expecting them to be coated come on okay here we go here we go ignition on and lights yeah just as i thought we they're definitely gonna need coding well hopefully they just need coding not rewiring but all right it's a good start it's a good start i'm still not 100 happy with this bonnet line on that side as it compared to that side i think it does need a bit of a jigging round but i literally would be here all day trying to get it absolutely perfect i wasn't very happy with this until i saw another m4 at a show and i realized it was exactly the same and that is just how the panel gap is but that one is uneven which well isn't great but as you guys know if you've ever done it it takes so long to get it perfect okay now the bit that's going to finish the whole front end off which is gonna look absolutely banging the front bumper let's hope this fits right if it does it's gonna look sick let's get it on well so far so good i'd actually be surprised if this bumper went on without any problem but there was a problem something was blocking it and it turned out to be this little plastic intake at the bottom here so all i did was remove it and the bumper went on well pretty easily often come with the wheels so then i could fit the m2 arch line in which again went in pretty easily down to come with the 140i so it could fit the side skirts which are found inside the car this is where i ran into an issue these were the side skirts which were in the car which i assume came off the 140i but i don't think they agreed with the m2 wings [Music] okay so it seems we've ran into a first issue was bound to run into some sort of issue it was going too smoothly to check this out so i put on these side skirts which were inside the car and they seem okay they're not damaged or anything like that i can only assume they've came off this car because well they seem to fit everywhere down to this point here when and the m2 looks like it was probably a little bit longer look it's just coming up short there and right here it's sitting pretty much flush and it's the same story on this side it is just a little bit too short now i have tried pushing the wing back but if i push it back any further it will clip the door it will clip the door and then you won't be able to open the door so we've we're sort of stuck here so i can't imagine the m2 side skirt fit into this because the m2 is a coupe and this is a hatchback i can't uh well i don't know what size girl would fit to this which leaves me with sort of well i've well probably just one option really okay now this is the only option that i can think of but if you've got any other ideas let me know in the comment section below i would think you could probably maybe cut the side skirt there somehow extend it longer then you'll have a gap and then we sort of fill in the gap somehow that may be a really stupid idea it may work it may not i don't know let me know in the comment section and also if you've enjoyed watching up to now make sure you hit that subscribe button okay so before i show you the completed front end we've got another little modification that we need to do now i found these mirror caps inside the car which are sort of like m3 m4 style they look pretty much exactly the same on my m4 but one of you guys sent me these in the post carbon mirror cap so i'll put your instagram on the screen right now so massive shout out for you for sending me them now this is what i'm thinking these are carbon which i think they'll be better suited for the m4 with the carbon roof so i may put these on the m4 and then those black ones put them on the 140i we also have these darken indicators as well i think they're like dynamic ones so we'll replace these clear ones with the darker ones as well so let's uh let's get on with it so to remove the indicators i was under the assumption that i had to remove the glass in the mirror and i ended up breaking it turns out i didn't even actually have to remove the glass okay the indicators are in i'm just about to test whether they work before i put them all back together because that was a bit of a pig and yes i cracked the glass you know one step forward two step backs that sort of thing but the good news was they've worked so it was worth it kind of then time to put the mirror caps on which just clipped in and they look 10 times better okay mirror caps are on there looking sick minus the crack mirror that i did but we'll ignore that for now inside well it's looking a little bit sorry for itself and i do really want to clean it but i'm waiting for slick's car care to come and work his magic because i'll just probably make it worse um right the steering wheel is looking well a little bit sorry for itself but we did find the airbag in the last video sitting in the car it's also missing the flappy paddles on the back of the steering wheel this is obviously a automatic so i can change gear on the back of the steering wheel but what i did find is in the back down here are the flappy paddles sort of shifted oh my god for the back of the steering wheel before i found the shifters i actually ordered some new ones i got like upgraded ones there from mmr performance they're a little bit longer than standard and they look better than aluminium so we'll put the steering wheel back together and then we'll put these on as well and it should look pretty cool let's do it first off we've got to remove the steering wheel with a big 16 mil bolt in the middle unclip the electrical connectors and the steering wheel will come out then we've got to remove all the electrical side of the flappy pedals out of the old ones and put them in the new ones there's just a little pin that you have to push out and then they simply just pull off [Music] and then go straight on to the mmr flappy paddles i can then connect them up to the steering wheel and they look lovely [Music] once both fluffy paddles are on the steering wheel i can then start connecting the steering wheel back onto the car and of course i can clip the airbag back in as well [Music] a little wipe down and then it's looking fresh that is looking loads better hopefully it's taking that little restraint system light off we won't know to the start i'm a bit nervous to start it just in case that dust has messed with any of the electrics in the airbag so i'm going to start it outside okay here we go i'm not getting in it to start it foot on the brake jesus yes we seem to be okay what we got okay we have got oh we've still got the airbag light on so we're gonna have to plug it in and see what is causing that code unless it just has to be reset just because it's been off with the airbag off i don't know um any other warning lights just the airbag light we've got the um tpms sensor that's because obviously these wheels are obviously not the original wheels and an engine management light which is probably something to do with the lack of exhaust anyway i'm dying to show you guys the front of the car because it looks so good it's completely transformed it although we still have a lot to do let me go show you the frog [Music] okay i admit it does look a little bit weird at the minute but bear with me obviously it's not a finished product we're far from the finished product the m2 front end that does look so sick and it's so much more aggressive than a 140i front end that is sick i'm actually surprised how easy it was to go on even the colour the colour does look really nice but i don't know whether we should keep this colour or not let me know in the comments section below the front end now has completely been updated it looks like a different cop well it is a different car as soon as you move to the right hand side here well that's where it all goes a little bit downhill well a little bit a lot the wheels are obviously tragic they are killing it at the minute and well obviously it just looks like the car's driven into another car that is a completely different car from that wing backwards these wheels now are absolutely hidden inside that arch and well we're obviously not going to keep them anyway but i'm thinking maybe we go to some 90s or 18 inches there and we're obviously gonna have to widen the front but on the m2 competition the front arches are a lot wider where on the 140 the rear arch as well there's barely any flare to them at all so any suggestions for that do we go for an m2 comp rear end as well but that means we've got wide in it and well it anything's possible but it's gonna give me a bigger headache but other than that i think we've made some really good progress on the 140i already the engine seems good fingers crossed and now we have a front end so it's starting to sort of come together remember if you're new here and you want to stay up to date with the m2 140i build then hit that subscribe button i really appreciate that you've watched all the way up to this point now thanks for watching this video i'll see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you like a truck i just can't deny giving me the best time
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 140,471
Rating: 4.9714222 out of 5
Keywords: bmw, bmw m140i, bmw m2, m140i, salvage car, copart, salvage, service, maintenance, oil, filter, m2, front end, bodykit, matt armstrong, mat armstrong, b58, turbo, tuning, repair, how, to
Id: Ofy9fLrHLWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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