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i'm going to go ahead and cut my six inch and my tenon i'm gonna hi guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here don't forget to subscribe and click on the bell right next to it that way you get notified every single time i upload a new video so i've actually already done a video similar to this one for this if you guys don't remember but if you missed it i will link it down below for the past video that i did that was kind of similar to this one i did it a little bit different i actually used my own frosting i did use the cake from the grocery store but the frosting i used my own and for this video i will not be using my own frosting i actually want to use the frosting on the cake so yeah if you did see my part one like i said i'll link it down below this video will be similar to it but not the same and also the whole design that i'm doing will be quite different before we get started with cake decorating i will be making myself a meal and for that so this portion of the video is sponsored by hellofresh you guys know i am a huge fan of hellofresh they basically sent you all the ingredients that you need right at your door for you to make some bomb meals today i will actually be making sesame soy beef bowls so this is just one meal of the three that came in my box and this comes in handy so much for times that i don't want to eat i don't need fast food i want to cook at home i really don't know what to make i want something a little bit different but i also don't feel like going to the grocery store and getting a bunch of ingredients hello fresh got me so like i said they do send you all the ingredients that you need fresh and pre-proportioned ready to go just for you to get to cooking as well as this right here which tells you the prep time the cook time calories and in the back some easy to follow instructions with some pictures so this saves me so much time whenever i am ready to cook i just pull out the bag of whatever meal it is i'm going to be making open it up and inside are all the ingredients that i will be needing to make this meal [Applause] so the meat was on the side since this was packaged on ice and now i just follow the instructions on how to get this going so i'm gonna get to cooking and i'll be right back with my meal [Music] so [Music] okay guys my bowl is done i'm gonna i already did a little taste test because it smells so good okay so i'm gonna go ahead and grab a little bit of everything and it even shows you how to serve it so let me have a bite with you guys [Music] i liked it so hello fresh does have something for everybody from low carb vegetarian also kid friendly and you are able to adjust your boxes if you guys want to check out hellofresh you guys can head over to hellofresh.com and use my code 12 ltm it will give you guys a 12 free meals as well as free shipping now let's get on to some cake decorating okay so here i have six grocery store cakes on the past video that i did i actually only used one i think was yeah i think we only used one grocery store cake and it was just a two-tier wedding cake so for this one it is six of them and i will be doing a three tiered wedding cake and like i said i do want to reuse all of the frosting that's already on this cake basically like recycle it and then try and frost the wedding cake uh frosting so i just went to the grocery store and this is what they had there this one is a happy birthday with some purple roses this one is another happy birthday with some pink roses uh these two are just plain white and then this one is a random graduation cake and this one we have here a unicorn cake so first off let me go ahead and decide what i'm gonna do actually i'm thinking of doing it a six eight ten inch cake wedding cakes i feel like as far as like the decoration it's always very simplified very simple just i already went ahead and bought some roses so i can incorporate this onto the cake and then just make it look a little bit more fancy so i will be using this and then also some gold flakes which i had used on one of my facebook lives so if you know you know and i'm thinking since these circles are eight inch i think i'm gonna use these two as my eight inch and then for these four square cakes i'll go ahead and cut out six inch and ten inch circles so first step i'm gonna go ahead and open up all my cakes so let me get rid of all the little the heart designs that they have on here and thankfully they did pipe roses on all these three which gives me a lot of frosting to work with i'm trying to get rid of the green but as far as like this color i can work with i'm debating to incorporate purple to the wedding cake okay so i'm gonna go ahead and start scraping off all of the frosting on these cakes i'm gonna first kind of exclude the green i don't like the green this is fine but i'm trying to get rid of the green leaves that way i'm left with like the pink and the white frosting [Music] so i basically got rid of like the really bright pop-out colors like the orange the green and the really bright purple over here i think for the most part these colors kind of blend it together now especially these so i'm really gonna try and use the most frosting out of these two so now i'm just going to scrape the flowers a little bit of red one in there i cannot get any bread actually because then when i'm frosting my cake i don't want breadcrumbs on here yeah i'm gonna go ahead and scrape all of the frosting out [Music] okay so i went ahead and took off the frosting from all of my cake and now i'm gonna cut it into six inch and a tenon six inch and a ten inch and then now i'm gonna cut out my bread and the eight inch i'm gonna use the other circle cake so i'm gonna do a double layer for both so two ten inch and two six inch [Music] okay so i have my two six inch my two ten inch and i have this board right here so i'm gonna transport transport i'm gonna transfer my ten inch cake onto the board that's not the biggest one is it oh yeah yeah because it's ten eight but is this ten inch this is eight inch eight no you already have any shut the camera okay guys i just realized that i cut what i thought i was cutting as ten inches as eight inches so basically i just have six inch and eight inch there's no ten inch but even if i wanted to cut a 10 inch for a third tier the cake is not wide enough like the the sheet cakes are not wide enough for me to cut out 10 inches so that makes it feel a little better because even if i wanted to cut them 10 inches as you guys can see up in us like a barely fit so even if i wanted 10 inch i couldn't have been able to do it so instead of me doing a three tier cake a little quick turnaround i'm actually going to do a two-tiered cake but the bottom one i'm going to do a very tall and then the top one aka the six inch i'm gonna do it short i uh which i feel like it's also something that i've been seeing a lot when it comes to wedding cakes like a very top bottom tier and then the top tier is like smaller and then the flowers are just like you know uh kind of where like the top and the middle tear connects so i have to update you guys as to why we're not doing three tiers so yeah this is going to be my eight inch eight inch and then i'm gonna go ahead and add some frosting for the filling i was just gonna leave it like that just frosting but i feel like for wedding cakes it has to have a yummy filling so i'm gonna be adding some chopped pecans and then right on top of that drizzling some milk chocolate [Music] and i'm not going to go too to the edge because i didn't put a border just because i don't want to waste my frosting i want to use the frosting for the actual frosting of the cake [Music] okay so this is my eight inch like i said i do want to make this top so let me put this to the side and now bring in my circle cakes so these are actually eight inches already so no cut no need to cut or anything because they're already why do i explain things like that they are eight inches so i don't have to cut or anything i just have to take off the frosting okay these two have like uh cocoa flakes coconut coconut flakes around the cake which is going to be a little messy so number one i'm going to take off all the flakes that way um it doesn't get stuck on my frosting for when i do frost my cake okay they put too much flakes on the sides i don't think i want to be able to save anything from the sides but from the top i think i can still grab a good amount [Music] okay guys it's starting to get dark but i think the light is still good but i'll bring out more ring lights but i already took up the frosting off this one and off this one and i was able to save a good amount but for some reason this cake is a little lopsided which is very very common like you know for a grocery short cake because once they frost it they're even it out so they're not too worried about the cake but since this is a wedding cake i do want for it to be like as even as possible i mean i just personally can't really frost a cake but they're like like lopsided a little bit so i'm gonna cut this a little bit just to even it out and it'll make it easier for me to frost it okay and then for this one i'm also going to go ahead and level it off just a little bit especially because this tears are going to be kind of tall so i don't want for it to be flopping or anything i mean these are fine to the kind of like that you fix it with icing it's fine but they are these are going to be stacked so i just want evenness okay so now i'm going to stack this one on top of this one [Music] okay yeah that's pretty tall okay so this is the top tier i'm still missing the two short ones on top but i don't know if you guys know kind of what i'm talking about i'm sure you guys have seen this kind of cakes like this cheers very tall and then uh the top one is they just have like the flowers here that's kind of what i'm going for let me rinse or i'm gonna clean up but first i kind of wanna you guys see how these layers are a little bit off i don't have too much frosting to fix these errors so i'm gonna fix them now before i get on to the frosting so this will just make it even again if i had for example if i had right now you're confused huh because if i had a lot of frosting i could just do like a very thick layer of frosting and then cover up all the unevenness but because i don't have that much frosting and i'm trying to like only use you know what i mean yeah so i'm pretending so basically like i'm going into this cake pretending that my friend's wedding is tomorrow and they canceled her cake on her and she's like crying and i don't have time to bake i don't have time to go buy frosting because the store's closed or something like what would i do this is what i would do okay there we go i think i got the breads as good as i can get them let me do a quick clean up and then i'll be right back so we can frost this or no i'll be back so we can stack the six inch okay so i'm gonna go in with my six inch literally what i just did with those over there so here's one i did try to take out the six inch out of two of them out of just one square cake but they didn't fit [Music] so okay so instead of frosting both of them just white i want for this to be like a very very soft green this is actually a neon green should i use neon green i wanted like a pistachio green but i don't have any so i'm just gonna use some leaf green just a little bit i was going to do pink but i feel like pink is not really wedding vibes especially with the roses that i bought and stuff i feel like it'll kind of bring the cake to life something a little bit different uh from like you know your regular cake okay i think this should be enough to frost this whole cake okay so i'm going to start frosting this frosting it's not as smooth anymore because i am like reusing it but like i said i think i'll be able to save it with some warm water i'm going to do a quick little crumb coat around the whole cake okay so i am done crumb coating this i'm going to frost it this is a frosting that i have i don't know it will be if it will be enough i think it will i also went ahead and added a little bit of water to this um because the frosting was drying up too much it was uh becoming a little hard for me to frost i'm gonna attempt to frost the whole cake with just this right here i do have some extra put to the side for the little cake but this is all i have and all i was able to save from all of the other ones okay i started frosting this tear took a little bit longer than i thought just because the frosting was kind of dried up and i should have added a little bit more water warm water to kind of like get it to work again but i made it work finally have this completely frosted now to do my little one which this one shouldn't take as long so let me go ahead and quickly frost this and then we'll get to tearing the cake adding the gold flakes and then the flowers do so i am done frosting both i am going to add these smoothie straws to give my tear a little bit of support these will just give the cake some support that way this tear doesn't like fall down onto my pastel [Music] okay that is done i'm going to now throw this on top of this and then we'll go on with the flowers and the most important part which i really feel is going to make the cake pop and just look fancy and very wedding vibes is the gold flakes so let me grab that okay i got i got i have my gold plate right here i ordered these off amazon and then some flowers i didn't go kind of extra with buying flowers because i didn't know like exactly what color i was gonna end up using or exactly what color the frosting was gonna turn out to be but i think the camera doesn't catch as much again because of the ring lights but it's like a very very light pistachio green and then this one is white and i'll probably end up using these right here these are more yeah like the pink ones i'm not getting too much wedding vibes and these are giving me like wedding vibes every single time that i stack cakes i use my hands and when i go like this like i scratch the cake every single time so i was seeing videos of like how other people do it and they actually use spatulas and let it go so many cakes that i've done and i've never been able to do that like that's one thing that i suck at doing oh i just stabbed him with a spatula also i'm trying not to make it too messy uh because i have no more frosting to like kind of cover up the board with the pipe but again i feel like the flowers are going to cover up any mistakes so so i managed to get both spatulas down here this doesn't feel right no okay i'm going to use my hand and a spatula [Music] see this is where i get stuck and then i end up stabbing the cake i'm gonna just let it go huh i think it worked and then let it go with this [Music] okay that wasn't too bad there is that big mistake right here from when i where i stopped it right now but i'm gonna put flowers here so i think i'm able to cover that i'm gonna bring down the lights a little bit so the cake can pop out more and then i can kind of fade sorry guys normally when i do these cakes these cakes take a long time you guys see it edit but we've been here for about two three hours uh especially because i kind of like we clean up in between isa so hence why we have to keep working around the lights okay i'll bring up the lights right now but just you guys can kind of see the the color also i always pick uh like the pretty side of the cake what looks like more stable and that's the front of your cake which i think should be right here and then um that's fine again we're gonna cover it up with flowers first okay so for the gold leaf it's actually the second time yeah second time that i ever played with uh this right here the first time was actually with you guys on facebook live if you know you know i was like really also this frosting is whipped cream so it is very um sensitive to the touch it will transfer so i'm going to actually use a brush kind of play with it okay i'm gonna get on the table again if you know you know if you saw my facebook live girl um this is flying all over the place i never knew like what gold leaf was i'm telling you guys i had never played with it and it's literally like super super super like as thin as air paper um out of gold so like gold leaf so this is what it looks like so i'm gonna grab a little bit of water a little bit of water it'll pick up the gold leaf and then just transfer to the cake oh that looks pretty and when i was live a lot of you guys could tell me like let's use a brush and i didn't know what you guys meant by use a brush and then this is what you guys meant so we have a little bit right there the flowers will go like this so i'm gonna put the gold leaf all around here okay i'm gonna bring down the lights a little bit i feel like it's washing it out but this looks pretty [Music] i need a little bit more right here it might seem like a lot right now but the flowers are going to kind of empower it you kind of sound so weird okay i'm going to stop with the gold leaf there add to the flowers oh it'll focus me i'm gonna add the flowers now and then we'll see if it needs more [Music] gold [Music] and i think it needs a little bit more gold leaf i don't want to like overdo it but just like right here [Music] so i went ahead and added the a pretending it was for somebody and then i also got this right here which i thought would put the whole cake together my board is white i didn't really think about that [Music] but [Music] okay so that is it for my wedding cake from grocery store cakes i'm actually really really happy with the way this came out also let me know what other kind of cake videos or challenges you guys want to see on my channel and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed watching i love you guys and i'll see you on my next one bye
Channel: Les Do Makeup
Views: 1,301,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YSmgY0fsT_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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