Turner Falls Park: Oasis of Oklahoma

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annad with rver TV stay tuned for our next adventure check us out [Music] hey all Russell Hardware TV welcome check it out we are loading up we're leaving Oklahoma had a great little visit with family now it's time to hit the road nice little Park here called redbud RV Park down here near Blanchard Oklahoma just south of Oklahoma City had a good little stay here if you ever get this direction I highly recommend it all right we're going to start heading south we're heading down to towards Dallas [Music] they got toll roads down here cost like 50 cents says pay by the plate I guess they mail me a bill huh all right this is I-35 we're going to truck South for a little while then we'll peel off we're gonna look for uh Highway 77 a few miles down the road [Music] end of September and it is this hot as a pistol here in humid all right we're heading south I'm gonna get off this interstate we're gonna pick up uh Highway 77 we're going to find a little place called Turner Falls Turner park has a waterfall caves old rock castle I thought we'd stop and just kind of check it out okay here it is Highway 77 you could actually pick up 77 back up towards Oklahoma City but I thought we'd get a little jump start green and pretty here huh look at all the trees yay should only be a couple miles up the road here first of next week I got a big YouTube conference I'm a tenant in Dallas at the urban center that's a goal and after that I'm heading home heading back to Arizona but have all kinds of footage saved up we'll be watching good new videos all fall into the winter Arkansas Kentucky some of West Virginia bunch in Michigan Nebraska so there'll be all kinds of good new content coming out on RV or TV okay we should be getting close up here this Turner Falls I've picked this out this by random I was checking Google Maps and I always type in historic sites state parks cool attractions Scenic byways that's how I find a lot of these right on Google Maps and Turner Falls has kind of popped up I said why not and I'm cheating I have it on the phone should be right up here to the right I see the sign there's a campground here in a waterfall you don't think of waterfalls in Oklahoma huh it looks like this is where we're gonna check in it's fee based it's got to pay to get in there's a free Overlook up on the main road but I wanted to check the castles why not okay there's an open sign they just opened it's just now uh eight o'clock all right hi is this where the castle is nice young lady we're getting here early so that's even better for me early's good if you follow me you know I'm out early okay she just said follow this road down I'll make a couple lefts into a parking lot very popular place reviews on it oh look at this the waters across the room wow I bet that water really Roars they get huge thunderstorms in Oklahoma severe weather too seeing a massive storm cell I posted pictures of that on a community tab here in the channel that thing was intense looking and I think I'm going correctly here we'll just follow the water yeah these buildings uh Stone buildings they call them castles well I was reading they were built back in the 30s okay Straight Ahead that's a campground we're not going up there wow we're about the first ones here cool and she said to concession stand there it is this is where we park right here all right what do you say you wanna go for a walk we'll just follow the water up I wonder if there's fishing here in mabia what do you fish for in Oklahoma or they got cabin rentals we're in a cabin here Campground pick a neck bring a lunch sit out here and enjoy the day but it is warm record-breaking Heat for into September this whole area down in Texas too kind of Pretty in here hey hey I see it wow that is a big building definitely abandoned so if we can go up those stairs there old brick wall see what the sign says here thank you was constructed in the 1930s by a doctor this was his summer home I'll be darn the architecture is like a castle it sure is huh well let's hike up here oh those are steep whoa it's an early morning workout yeah everything looks like a castle where they got the block laid you know that rock was this laid in there they cemented it in must have cost a fortune to put this up yeah look how steep that is well we say you want to go in a castle in Oklahoma so this was a doctor's house fireplace wood ceiling kind of crumbling boy he must have been skinny that is narrow oh my goodness this is kind of cool though no way I'm fitting to there [Music] well figure it out we'll get out there somehow it's amazing they look at that barred off the doors it's amazing they didn't turn this into something like a restaurant or something up here pictures of wildlife up there in the wall kind of stood the test of time there's another fireplace interesting not only skinny had to be short all right here we go we made it out yay just different levels there's everywhere oh it looked another little building I wonder where that falls is it has to be around here somewhere we'll find it even the benches are made out of stone that'd take a ton of work to lay those blocks and stone in there like that well 1930s what's that 90 years this has been here concrete's crumbling but still hanging in there there's a pipe maybe water huh see what's in this one wow that's a concrete ceiling you can see the rebar in there yeah just the thickness of the walls so here you go here's a castle in Oklahoma at Turner Falls you had this odd shaped Rock just laid in there that takes a ton of time to do something like that build a wall okay well we say we'll head down and go find out waterfalls there's even more stairs that go up even higher but I've hiked up as much as I wanna that's enough exercise for early morning foreign [Music] definitely has the architecture of a castle with the little square tops blocks on all the walls Rock stairways all the levels my goodness must have been something more here too than maybe just at home I don't know all right well let's go find that balls my kid's having fun he jumped in the water they're filming them doing something fun I'd say the Falls are up this way Upstream has to be I bet that water really Roars you here after this heavy storms we're probably used to it runs right across the road yeah the Falls should be up this way I'm no geologist but I'd say that's what limestone Sandstone limestone so he had endless supplies and rock to build that castle and all these walls aha there's the Falls yay I see it that's cool foreign this is actually really nice in here listen that waterfall set out here in a bench kind of therapeutic or something huh sign says no lifeguards I guess you can swim take a little dip doesn't look very deep they got a castle caves cabins to stay in the campgrounds cool looking screen and a waterfall not sure what that building sessions all that there you go here's your Zen moment and Turner Falls let's go back to the van we'll find that overlook up on the main road it's got to be a view it's got to be up there somewhere for more information on my travels be sure to check out my website rvtv.tv there you can sign up for my free newsletter put one up twice a month on the fifth and the 20th also I got free screensaver downloads get that and now merch store got all kinds of cool stuff hats t-shirts coffee mugs puzzled you name it which helps support the channel and Future videos just like this one here at Turner Falls that's rvertv.tv [Applause] bet it's up there look some guy's standing up there that has to be it heck yeah big old rock cliff huh I bet this place gets packed a lot of people pray uh wait around in the Stream there's some other cabins right there to rent I bet it's real popular especially in the heat we're still the only ones in here there has to be people up that Campground we'll find out from up top whole bunch more cabins that ain't spot those I like driving through this water running straight over the road that's kind of cool this looks like the way we came in we got a store there off to the left so you can get supplies ice everything you need plus with the concessions stand you can buy food a bunch of workers there okay here's our exit that's a steep little climb out of there you think Oklahoma you don't think about little Hills and rolling terrain like this normally it's flat I bet this building up here is it has to be I think so oh they got a zip line here oh my goodness no way I'd go on one of them here it is windmill is way off there's the Falls we're just down there look at this view pretty cool right there is that castle more stairs to go down why not bet that's where that guy was standing on the ledge down here okay foreign all the padlocks lock up your memories kind of like on London Bridge you see that around but right there there's your view Turner Falls [Music] [Music] thank you there's the campground up top of that Hill [Music] pretty good sized Park [Music] we're not too much farther down to Texas [Music] you know what else there's a town called Gene Autry Oklahoma named after the famous old movie actor cowboy maybe we'll try to find that next what do you think [Music] [Music] oh I'm just going to follow this uh Highway 77 for a ways I'm not going to get back on that interstate you know we don't do interstates very often back roads small towns and cool little stops it's like Turner Falls right here in beautiful Oklahoma [Music] well I loaded up here on Google Maps at town at Gene Autry Oklahoma I think that'll be our next stop what do you think Journey continues talk soon [Music]
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 35,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turner Falls park Oklahoma, turner falls, honey creek, arbuckle mountains
Id: y0NypJMgOy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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