Turn Zucchini into canned Pineapple | Canning Mock Pineapple + How I use it

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hey friend welcome back to seed and Sparrow Homestead welcome back to my kitchen here today is the day that I'm going to bring you the mock pineapple recipe I have been collecting lots of zucchini and summer squash from the garden and we're gonna be turning this into the some mock pineapple used just like canned pineapple so we're gonna be doing that and then we're gonna take a trip outside to the garden and see if we can find any more zucchini I want to make sure I've got all of it together to work with and then if we have more that I need for the mock pineapple I think I might shred some up and freeze it for baking over the winter months so we're gonna do that and I might also throw together some sort of baked good and maybe a dinner recipe with the mock pineapple um just to give you some more ideas how to use it and I'll list some other ways that I like to use it as well so let's go outside and see if we can find any more [Music] sun is really bright right now we're gonna go find some snippers the other day I was being kind of lazy and I didn't feel like finding some snippers and I ended up tearing out an entire zucchini plant it's a word of advice just go find the snippers all right we're back inside I got three more zucchini from the garden and then all these other ones I've just been collecting over the last week or so now for mock pineapple you can use any summer squash variety you just can't use a winter squash variety so here I have and this is just a black beauty standard zucchini and then I have some yellow summer squash that's what I am using today so any variety of summer squash is okay just stay away from the winter squash varieties all right so we're getting started with this mock pineapple recipe and it's a very simple recipe for anyone who's a new canner don't be intimidated by this at all there is nothing complicated about it very simple so first step is just peeling all of the zucchini and this is just a great way to use up that excess zucchini that's starting to fill up your countertops from the garden every year I deal with this and every year I tell myself okay grow less zucchini next year just never listen to myself so here we are and we're making more mock pineapple but any excess that I have I will just make it into some shredded zucchini for the freezer but this is the first step we're just peeling all the zucchini I have about 12 to do so I'll see you in a minute foreign [Music] all right all of our zucchini has been peeled so now I'm going through and I'm dicing it up into these little cubes you have the option to shred it as well so it's your preference I just prefer it cubed that's what I'm doing this recipe does come from the national Center for home food preservations website and I will link that down in the description for you now the recipe calls for four quarts of cubed zucchini or shredded zucchini so I just converted that to cups so we need 16 cups of zucchini and I will let you know about how many zucchinis that takes now these are all varying in sizes but I'll try and give you an approximate so that you know how much you will need to go ahead and make this recipe I finished up chopping all of the zucchini I have 16 cups here it took about seven medium sized zucchini it's not like the massive ones and not these itty bitty ones they were all good medium sized and that is even with taking out some of the yellow squash slices you can see some of them are pretty seedy and the canning process doesn't really change their texture at all so they're not very pleasant to bite into so I left out some of the really seedy pieces um so I've got my zucchini ready to go now we're gonna work on our sugar pineapple juice and lemon mixture to our 16 cups of zucchini I'm going to add in I think this is 46 ounces of unsweetened pineapple juice yes 46 ounces and it's important to get no added sugar now I'm adding in one and a half cups of bottled lemon juice three cups worth of granulated sugar I am using raw organic cane sugar that is perfectly safe to can with this gets stirred well and we are going to bring this to a boil and then we will reduce the Heat and allow it to simmer for 20 minutes I am filling the jars with the pineapple first and then I'm going to come back in with the liquid and fill it up to a half inch of head space typical drill here we're going to de-bubble we're going to wipe the rims down make sure there's no food residue put on our new washed Lids tighten the Rings to fingertip tight now I'm going to take this moment to give you a few more ideas on how to use this especially if you were like myself when I first started canning this I did it out of necessity because I had so many zucchini to use up and I didn't really use a whole lot of canned pineapple to begin with so I had to get creative and find ways to use this so some of the ways that I have come up with I like to use it in different stir fries especially things that are like Asian inspired any of like your teriyaki beef and chicken it's great in like a white chicken chili throw in some of that mock pineapple if you're making a fresh salsa to eat right away not canning a salsa you can add in some of this mock pineapple you can use it on skewers and kebabs in Hawaiian pork chops for holidays we love pineapple and brown sugar on our ham any sort of fried rice maybe like a chili shrimp with some mango and mock pineapple throw it into ham or chicken salad and if you are fans of pineapple on Pizza there you go plus all of the ways that you can use it in baked goods so we are going to process these jars at a full rolling boil for 15 minutes all right so we are waiting for the canner to come to a boil and then we'll start processing the mop pineapple but I have seven zucchini left here I'm just shredding we're gonna store it in the freezer for use over the cool months for baking I think I'm going to store it um in like two pack portions I believe that's what most of my recipes call for I did pull out some I can't think I pulled out chicken legs for dinner tonight so they're thawing and work on that a little bit later but I do have a dessert that we're gonna get started here as soon as I'm done with shredding the zucchini I did just want to mention if you are freezing shredded zucchini it is best to measure beforehand because once it has frozen and then thawed it's just not the same it's the water separates and the zucchini definitely turns mushy um making it very difficult to measure so it is best to measure before you freeze our mock pineapple is all finished I did some quick math here I ended up with five jars the ingredients for these five jars cost about five dollars a little less now my zucchini was free from the garden these are 16 ounce containers at the store a 20 ounce container is about two dollars so not quite a 50 saving but at a dollar per jar I'll take it so we're gonna work on a dessert now this recipe has been around in my family for a while um my Aunt Lisa would make it at every family gathering it was such a huge hit now I am altering it just with one ingredient it is a mandarin orange cake and instead of the Mandarin oranges I'm going to try and use the mock pineapple I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work um so we're gonna see how it turns out but this recipe is just honestly it's so simple but it is so delicious so all I have is two cups of organic rocking sugar and two cups of organic all-purpose flour to my flour and sugar I'm going to add in two teaspoons of baking soda and a half teaspoon of salt I'm gonna mix that all up and we have just a couple wet ingredients to add in to our dry ingredients we're gonna add eggs then we're gonna add in and this is 20 ounces of mock pineapple with the juice drained that's gonna go in and then we are going to mix this really well for a couple of minutes you want everything very well combined now I forgot I usually do this in my KitchenAid mixer here and let it go at like a high speed for three or four minutes because I really want that fruit to break apart and really incorporate itself into the batter now you can do that by hand but I'm just taking a shortcut here and I'm going to use my mixer okay so I have a 9 by 13 pan here that has been greased we're gonna pour our batter in here and then this is gonna go into the oven 350 degrees for 40 minutes oh foreign so while our cake is still warm I'm going to prepare it's kind of like a glaze for the top of it so it's two tablespoons of butter three tablespoons of milk and three quarter cup of brown sugar so I'm gonna get this on my stove top here and I'm going to bring this to a boil and allow it to boil for a minute or two until it starts to lighten a little bit in color and then we're going to pour it right over our hot cake [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it is confirmed this cake with the mock pineapple is just as good if you were to make it with mandarin oranges the way this cake just absorbs that glaze it is so so good and if you have a really sweet sweet tooth you can go ahead and you can double the glaze recipe to make this cake all the more gooey I'm gonna get our dinner going now I've pulled out four chicken legs and I've seasoned them with salt and pepper I've got my Skillet nice and hot with some oil and I'm going to Brown These on each side and then allow it to cook until it is just about done this meal is very simple there are hardly any ingredients here but I find that some of the best tasting meals honestly have the least amount of ingredients you really don't have to complicate cooking from scratch a few quality ingredients or sometimes all that you need once the chicken is just about done I'm going to remove it from the pan and I'm going to deglaze the pan with some of the mock pineapple juice I have strained the juice from the pineapples and we're going to deglaze the pan with it scraping up all of those good Brown bits from the bottom we are going to combine some barbecue sauce with that pineapple juice this is a zesty Peach barbecue sauce which I have canned but you can use any barbecue sauce that you have on hand I do have a video coming out though where I'm preserving some peaches and I will share this recipe with you we're gonna tap that barbecue sauce and pineapple juice mixture with our chicken legs and I'm going to add an entire jar of mock pineapple to the tops of this here this is going to go under the broiler for a few minutes until everything is nice and caramelized and making sure that your chicken is completely done it should register about 170 degrees with a thermometer and you do want to check it every minute or two under the broiler just to make sure it's not burning here it is all done it was very good my husband said I can make this anytime very quick to throw together and like I said very few ingredients really easy meal to make I'm serving it with some coconut milk and Jasmine rice this is something I shared a few videos back I'll link that video down below if you want to go and grab that recipe hey Brent thanks for hanging out with me today in my kitchen I hope you enjoyed any questions you might have feel free to ask them down below I will happily answer them may your day be blessed I will see you next time take care foreign [Music]
Channel: Seed and Sparrow Homestead
Views: 7,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mock pineapple, canning, canning zucchini, homestead, pineapple zucchini, water bath canning recipe, zucchini pineapple, homesteading, gardening, water bath canning, how to can zucchini, home preserving, canning pineapple zucchini, faux pineapple, home canning recipes, pantry, homemaking, homemaker, how to water bath can, pantry challenge, three rivers homestead, three rivers challenge, every bit counts challenge, acre homestead, roots and refuge farm, canning pineapple
Id: _8XCw7eH1Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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