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hi guys it's sheri i hope that you are having a wonderful day y'all let's do some noteworthy crafting stay tuned [Music] so are you a beginner paper crafter an intermediate paper crafter or a more seasoned and advanced paper crafter no matter the skill this is the channel for you we are doing some amazing paper crafting on this channel and you can find something that you are able to do no matter your skill level and we have an amazing online crafting family we fellowship daily during our daily live chats and we have loads of fun and you learn a lot while having fun so go ahead hit that subscribe button and make sure that you hit the notification bell so that you will know when i post new videos so remember when i said today's project was going to be noteworthy that's exactly what i mean because we are going to decorate a pre-existing composition book and we're going to make it into something really noteworthy and really into a very fun and easy to make journal we are going to start with this plain old 50 cent composition book that i got from target and guys y'all can find these all over the place right now very cheap because back to school items are out and for sale so i was able to get this one for 50 cents got a whole bunch of spiral notebooks for 25 cents and i'll be crafting with those as well so in the live chats as well as in the regular comments so many of you have left comments about journaling your way through the pandemic and i think that's an awesome idea because there are days when um this whole pandemic thing can be overwhelming and i know for me whenever i'm writing something down it really does help to soothe my soul so i do journal a lot and i thought i would just make a few journals so if you two enjoy journaling what better way to journal than in something beautiful so this is what we're making today and i used just some regular paper that i found at hobby lobby a while back and then i painted the edge of my composition book because i didn't like that black i thought it was too stark and i didn't want to cover it with paper so we are going to make this right now so the first thing that we need to do is we need to paint this book and i am going to just bring in this piece of paper that i've been using and i am going to be using some acrylic paint by folk art and it's called dolphin so this is going to be very very easy to do so i am going to lay my composition book on this napkin so that it can catch anything that might um tap off and all i'm going to do is just cover this from the top to the bottom with paint and you'll probably get some paint on your hands but that's okay and i'm pouncing my paint on because i like the textured look that it gives projects versus the brush stroked look so i am going to make sure that i cover the front and the back of this so i am going to go ahead and make sure the front is nicely covered and you can always come back and add a coat if you want to so then i'm just going to pick it up and do the back side of this and then once i have all of my paint on i am going to set it to the side and let it dry because you know that old saying no one wants to watch wet paint dry so i'm not going to put you guys through that but i did want you to see the process and just how easy it is because all i did was i pounced my paint from the front to the back and i covered this and getting paint on this part of the book doesn't matter because we'll be covering that with paper so i am going to take this part of the project set it to the side let it dry and we'll work on something else all right guys so the paper that i'm going to use on this is so beautiful it is from graphic 45 and it is from the joy to the world collection and the page is titled joy to the world and it is just spectacular look at how beautiful these vibrant prints are and just the angels so pretty so wonderful to work with and if you happen to be journaling in that book it can't help but lift your mood so what we're going to do is we are going to take tape and i've already placed tape on one side and we are just going to place tape just like this and we'll go from the top to the bottom and i am just going to lay down some strips of tape i could go outside and spray this but it is just so oppressively hot outside that i will just place tape on this now i could run it through my xyron but for those of you who might be experiencing bad weather as well we're going to do this the old-fashioned way we're not going to glue it because glue will warp your book so we are simply just going to place some tape and i'm putting about five strips of my inch and a half tape down so as soon as that paint is dry we can go ahead and work on this cutie and you will notice that i am not too concerned about making sure that my tape is budding against each other from piece to piece because we're going to have a very good stick on this so all i'm doing is going over this with my bone folder we're going to let that paint continue to dry and i will be back all right guys so my composition book is dry enough for me to be able to work with now if you wanted to you could actually go over this with some mod podge i'm not but you most certainly could if you wanted to protect yours even further so what i am going to do is i am going to take my paper that has the tape on the back side and i'm just going to place it down so that i'm covering just a little bit of that painted spine and i'm going to lay it down just like that and i think that it's just gorgeous so i am going to spread that out now i'll open it and i'm simply going to take my finger blade and just trace out all the way around my composition book and if you wanted you could actually place down a liner piece on the inside but i think this will also make an awesome gift for any child or teen that's going back to school during these trying times i think that it would just be so inspirational just to have this as the outside cover isn't that pretty and it just instantly transformed this into something awesome for those of you who are into bible journaling how beautiful is this look at the front of this it's gorgeous so we're going to flip it over and now we're going to do the back side and we'll do the back using the same method that we use for the front so i am simply going to take my paper and place it down covering just a little bit of that spine and i want to try to get it as even as i can and then i'll open this up and i'm simply going to trim out the excess and guys how easy is it to take something ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary it does not take a whole lot of anything for us to be able to take something we buy from the store and we transform it into something fabulous and that's exactly what we've done here we have taken this and we have just transformed this into something beautiful i don't know if you guys realize it or not but i will keep saying it i am an upside down girl to my core and when you look at this i was trying to be so careful and i put this on upside down but that's okay because you know life doesn't always go in the right direction either we just have to make the best of it so i am just going to go around my edges get this nice and smooth i think that this is just absolutely beautiful and like i said here on the inside if you wanted to you could take just a coordinating piece place it on the inside just like we did the outside and you will have a gorgeous gorgeous journal so now what i want to do to this is i am going to do just a little bling not a whole lot just a little something i just want to add a little flavor to this so i am just going to take my reptile glue place my reptile glue on the back place that down and i got these flowers from hobby lobby in the bridal section so i've got those there and then i have these awesome stickers that come with the joy to the world collection and i am just going to pick out one that i think will just add to the charm of this all right guys so i think that what i want to go with on this is a sticker that says tis the season and this is one of those times that you definitely want to add a contrasting color to the back because you don't want your sticker getting lost in the busyness of that paper so by placing this contrasting color on the back what i'm doing is just adding some instant um pop to the sticker so i'm just cutting this out trying to follow the shape of that sticker and y'all know i don't like scissors and then i'll do the same thing here and i should have used my finger blade because that's what i'm better with but you know what in the end it all works out so now i can take this and when i place it like that now you can see it if i had simply placed that tis the season down it would have gotten lost in all of that so i am going to take some glue place some glue on the back and now i'm going to place that right in there slide my flowers just a little bit because i don't want them to be too coordinated and so now here is what we have we have this awesome awesome journal that is just so precious and so sweet and like i said for those of you who do bible journaling this is really perfect for that because it just falls in line with that whole realm and it is just a gorgeous gorgeous journal even though your girl put the back on upside down it is still gorgeous so i am going to bring the other one back in so now we can see just the contrast of the two we've got just the muted flowers of this one and then we have the gorgeous angels and the vibrant hues of this one either way taking those plain composition books or spiral notebooks and turning them into something that fits you or something that fits someone else that you might want to give it to this is a perfect way to do it so guys i hope that you have liked this project and if you have please hit the like button if you are not a subscriber to my channel i would love to have you join my online crafting family you guys have a great day happy crafting and we'll chat later bye [Music] you
Channel: The Posh Paper Lady
Views: 17,292
Rating: 4.9528656 out of 5
Keywords: Altered composition book, Turn a composition book into a journal, DIY journal, Composition book hack, Easy diy journal
Id: z8p6WKjd3X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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