TURN 4 OTK?! Anduin's Gift Combo!

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all right deck intro time and this time  we're the gift that keeps on giving so   for this combo we're first going to start by  playing radiant and then we steal one of the   opponent's minions and we play the new card  anduin's gift to buff it and cycle through   our deck then we buff that minion some  more and we play a topsy for the otk now   one really nice part about anduin's gift on  the combo turn is it pairs extremely nicely   with handmaiden so I think that's pretty much it  for the deck intro this time guys now one really   fun part about this deck is if you get to about  four or five mana you can pretty much just go for   lethal no matter what your hand is remember  to like and subscribe and thanks so much for watching a shadow priest uh oh all right well it's not a bad  hand but we need to find our minions Shadow excavate sure interesting okay well I mean they're all reasonable let's take  the card draw still hard to turn down extra card draw that's a good steal oh wow  very nice very nice just need to   find a radiant now okay that's quite  sadly doesn't corrupt that that's okay I could probably try to go next  turn oh maybe not that's annoying oh just preemptively do that I guess that's fine oh I probably have lethal  here but I'm going to wait a turn if I buff that I could just take the  mill as well I'm just going to take the   mill I feel like if I play that he's  going to destroy it so let's not do that it would be bad to mill like okay that's  fine about to say would be bad to mill like   handmaiden or something but otherwise it should be okay he's omega dead actually I could have just destroyed it there   like that but whatever I'm assuming  I'm going to get my other potion that's not the best ordering but  it doesn't really matter does it the hundo all planned guys all planned okay that's a fun hand need to find a handmaiden now so close plagues that's really bad for  my Thrive and Shadow Visions how bothersome of course he has the perfect opener naturally they're all three the same that's   funny that is funny all right I  probably could play it but I'll wait doesn't actually reduce that much be  nice to get like an insight or something all four the same that's crazy that is insane it's   actually the best one for me to be  honest like the least disruptive yeah ah man I really wish I had an Insight  or a handmaiden or something see what we get well it's not terrible would  allow me to just play it probably okay well we may go digging next turn good start sure okay I'm tempted to just YOLO go for  it do I YOLO go for it okay we're YOLO gamers now I draw it oh that was a mistake actually  well it's probably fine lul exacties renathal Druid well the armor  actually could be a problem so we'll see that's never a good sign didn't draw it well we had the makings of a good  hand all right I guess I still want   like what like Insight probably I  need a handmaiden that's like the   biggie that's scary as well is it like a  mil druid then or something it's pretty wasteful fine all those are relatively okay I think I want  to thin my deck and I probably could just play   the radiant with the gift next turn but I think  I'll wait be nice to hit a handmaiden first weird okay I mean divine is always so  good but I really could still use a handmaiden that's a good steal  could waste a wave as well okay perfect I probably can go next turn right probably actually would help if he played another  Minion make my funnel cake better right oh okay that makes my  devour much better too sure oh okay oh boy oh we hit like nothing that's crazy still fine laggy that was not a good draw but it worked out c'thun and renathal going to  guess it's corrupt the waters then no or he could be jebaiting very nice I   mean I could just play it probably  but I'll wait since I have double palm elementaly sure that's probably not bad but  I'll take the wig get some free buffages actually probably get two if I  play the handmaiden right that's funny   I'm not running anything that weird he  might get it possible okay not a good start very nice handmaiden always lucky rubber ducky guess I well yeah I  can probably just go next turn confuse I mean I could just in case like  if I can't find a topsy or something other two are probably  irrelevant so okay sure fine whatever not reno do we just go for it  here I don't have a potion right now   either which is kind of bad oh well that's  kind of annoying am I stealing the totem all right we'll try it we are totem stealers do that boom that was confusing deck is fun renathal no fair murloc okay good start vitality totem this guy has everything it's probably fine take the heal guess I'll hold it he's  probably going to hit me I can   just use it for a handmaiden maybe I'll top deck a handmaiden not bad okay that's interesting do I ever have lethal here you know what let's try it I do turn four by the way
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 31,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, wild hearthstone decks, wild priest deck, whizbang's workshop, whizbang's workshop cards, new hearthstone cards, whizbang workshop, inner fire priest, divine spirit inner fire priest, topsy turvy priest, priest deck hearthstone, wild priest hearthstone, legend decks hearthstone, meta decks hearthstone
Id: T0GF941Re84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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