Turek Trotting | Response to Frank Turek's 4 Reasons Why Christianity is True

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in other words it must be spaceless timeless immaterial powerful to create the universe out of nothing personal in order to choose to create why hello my fellow apes welcome back to the torture that is frank turek's intellectual constipation i know that can give you intellectual constipation the reason that we believe christianity is true is because the answer to four questions is yes now i gave my own four questions last time but for giggles let's add an extra per response here's this one will you gishkaleb like there's no tomorrow yes we spoke briefly about gish galloping in the last installment during which we tackled turret's first reason but since this technique or more accurately a very similar technique plays such a crucial role throughout his second reason and indeed his apologetics in general i'm going to give it proper introduction the term gish gallup is named after the young earth creationist dwayne gish who overwhelmed his opposition with a rapid series of specious arguments half-truths and misrepresentations making it impossible for them to adequately respond within reasonable time well i usually refer to the theory of evolution as a fish to gesh theory so we understand what we're talking about likewise to most apologists tarik utilizes the gish gallop technique in debates unconsciously or otherwise but he also employs the same method in his apologetic sermons now strictly speaking this isn't gish galloping as there's no explicit opposition and so i'd like to christen this monologue version toric trotting whereas gish galloping involves rapid misinformation and half-truths to overwhelm the opposition turret trotting is done at a karma pace since there is no direct opposition to offer refutation alright so with this on the table let's get to torrick's second question question number two does god exist the second question is does god exist is there really a being out there known as god there are several arguments for the existence of god let me just give you one is there evidence for that kind of being being yes there's very good evidence three lines of evidence yep that's right in the graduation presentation we got not one but two bonus arguments we'll get to them in time but first let's hear the primary starting with the punchy rendition oh and if you can watch out for the turret trotting even atheists today are admitting that space matter and time had a beginning out of nothing well think about this friends if space matter and time had a beginning out of nothing whatever created space matter and time can't be made of space matter in time now when you think about a spaceless timeless immaterial powerful personal intelligent cause who do you think of god that trot was 27 seconds long 65 words and yet the number of unsubstantiated claims was really quite astonishing remember he's presenting an argument there are several arguments for the existence of god and yet all we got was assertion after assertion after assertion with no evidence whatsoever to just scratch the surface he claimed that space had a beginning space the matter had a beginning matter and that time had a beginning time and he offered precisely bugger all in terms of evidence well to this we need only swing hitchin's razor that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence i want to play a game as you hear the graduation version i want to encourage you all to know how many claims toric makes and how many arguments or how much evidence he provides for each claim good luck the first piece of evidence is that the universe exploded into being out of nothing once there was no space once there was no matter once there was no time and then the entire space-time continuum left into existence even atheists are admitting this now even stephen hawking who's an atheist says almost everyone now believes that space time and matter had a beginning out of nothing if that's the case whatever created space time and matter can't be made of space time and matter right in other words it must be spaceless timeless powerful to create the universe out of nothing personal in order to choose to create also intelligent because this universe is also fine-tuned which is the second line of evidence that you that god exists now when you think of a spaceless timeless immaterial powerful personal intelligent cause who do you think of that's what we mean by a theistic god did you keep count i mean i got 11 but there's probably more in any case let's go through it again this time visually noting each and every assertion the first piece of evidence is that the universe exploded into being out of nothing once there was no space once there was no matter once there was no time and then the entire space-time continuum left into existence even atheists are admitting this now even stephen hawking who's an atheist says almost everyone now believes that space time and matter had a beginning out of nothing okay stop we're not even halfway but that will do for now in 23 seconds 67 words turret has made seven assertions and so let's slow down and address each at a time he opens by claiming that the universe exploded out of nothing the first piece of evidence is that the universe exploded into being out of nothing as always i recommend watching his sermon in full if you can stomach it if only to confirm my saying that for out he offers no argument or evidence for this extraordinary claim none most apologists at least misrepresent big bang cosmology but in this case tariq doesn't even do that hence hitchens razor is more than suffice we can move on however since there's a lot of misinformation around the big bang and this assertion exploits said misinformation i think it's worth emphasizing that despite many theologians and apologists very confidently claiming as tauric does here that the universe exploded out of nothing the actual physicists you know the people with actual phds don't to really hammer home this fact i'm going to show you just three physicists contradicting turek with the last rodney holder also being a theologian we use the phrase the big bang to refer to that earliest moment of the history of the universe where we don't understand what is going on it's a placeholder for our lack of understanding so it could be that the answer to the question what happened before the big bang is a lot of other big bangs or a lot of other quantum events that were taking place in a larger landscape of reality than we have direct access to certainly it looks like our space-time realm has a beginning but whether that can be identified with the beginning of the universe i would be uh unsure about and actually i've been reluctant to um and indeed i simply haven't done it made an argument about um for the existence of god from the universe having a beginning as a side note i appreciate that a minority of viewers find my having fun at the expense of apologists at little one palatable but in all seriousness let me ask you this how else should we respond to those that confidently misrepresent things in order to further their religious and political ambitions it's not like tariq is merely claiming that he's convinced by some argument or piece of evidence no he's asserting his belief as unanimous fact almost misrepresenting actual evidence physicists and indeed some theologians in whatever form of discourse do acts such as this demand respect the hubris of these humble apologists is revolting it's an insult to earnest theists who genuinely find these arguments convincing and whilst earnest theists don't embody such arrogance themselves they seldom call out their ilk that do so i as an atheist will much of turric's apologetic preaching is profoundly irresponsible and his misrepresentation of cosmology is but one example once there was no space this claims but one of many that utilizes the general public's ignorance of big bang cosmology and whilst there are some arguments and evidence in its favor tariq doesn't reference any of them in either of his presentations and so the razer has its way once again i'm not going to give this any more attention than tarik did once there was no matter again tariq offers no argument or evidence so let's move on once there was no time for the same reason let's move on and then the entire space-time continuum left into existence now here's a question what does it even mean to say that then the entire space-time continuum left into existence the very notion of then is predicated on time there can't be a then before time just as there can't be a north beyond the north pole even atheists are admitting this now are they now according to what source how does turrek know this i guess we have to take it on faith as he offers nothing tangible but you know what let's assume for reductio that every single atheist on the entire planet admitted that the totality of everything the grand universe began to exist out of nothing what would this achieve nothing this is just an appeal to popularity and a false one according to the correspondence theory of truth which if you recall turret champions throughout his first reason belief has precisely no effect at all on truth further still even if the universe is temporarily finite this wouldn't be a problem for atheists as such a case is perfectly compatible with a worldview absent gods time could be for instance an emergent property of specific matter such a discovery wouldn't have me on my knees even stephen hawking who's an atheist says almost everyone now believes that space time and matter had a beginning out of nothing it would have been nice for turret to have at least shared where he got this quote from because no result comes up on search engines but notice that the quote the toric offers is of a brilliant scientist expressing a fact about what most people most laymen believe what does that achieve imagine me quoting the renowned christian c.s lewis saying that most academics are atheists or most people are not christians what would quoting him as opposed to anyone off the street achieve now before we move on to turk's second argument i want to respond to one more thing if that's the case whatever created space time and matter can't be made of space time and matter right more often than not apologist groups space time and mata into a simultaneous beginning and this enables them to claim that whatever created all three must be without all three clever move but what if say time had a beginning but mata didn't well we'd have for instance the hypothesis that time is an immersion property of some form of matter and the apologist would be left empty-handed all right so i've taken the time to thoroughly break down taric's first argument for god's existence as it's his primary argument it is indeed the only argument he provides in his punchy version but from here on out i'm going to succinctly interject to the core of his arguments as much as i'd like to still man his assertions and bring into the frame the surrounding literature it takes just a few seconds to spew vomit but hours to clean it and i'm done cleaning the second piece of evidence is the fine-tuning of the universe that if you were to change any one of a number of factors just imperceptibly about the universe for example if you were to change say the gravitational force by more than one part in 10 to the 40 we wouldn't be here as already said i'm fighting the urge not to delve deeper into fine tuning and so i'm just going to offer one response if we were to roll 5d6 the chance of any specific sequence turning up is one in 7776 that's very unlikely increase the sequence to just 10 and the chances are one in over 60 million that's very very unlikely does this somehow prove that zeus is guiding every die no of course not also think about your amazing biology you know there's a word inside of you it's in your genome every one of your 40 trillion says that's trillion cells has a word that's 3.5 billion letters long all the letters are in the right order putting aside the semantic issues by saying the right order tariq is presuming that there is a right order that there is an order that's been consciously determined by a being is first begging the question furthermore it's some order isn't it children being born with life-threatening deformities cancer sudden heart failure and brain aneurysms being a thing viruses with their own right order annihilating innocent populations and the list goes on and on secondly turakish cherry-picking from centuries of scientific discovery as if science is just some big buffet he's more than happy to take the slice that is the sequence of our genome but he ignores the slices either side that overwhelmingly support evolution by natural selection gene duplication for instance which occurs when a stretch of genetic code is duplicated and re-inserted into a creature's dna demonstrates how new information a longer word can and indeed has emerged through natural means john perry have stated clearly has a fantastic video on this very topic in which he provides the examples of dachshunds odd-shaped legs the unique digestive system of leaf-eating monkeys and the evolution of snake venom i highly recommend checking it out so if a god does exist she's certainly rewriting her code which implies she's probably not omnipotent the third argument for god after the beginning the sustaining and fine-tuning is the moral argument and this is going to be big on a college campus but all the only point i want to make here is if there's just one thing morally wrong out there just one like it's wrong to torture babies for fun then there has to be a god why because if there is no god if there is no being beyond humanity then that's just your opinion against a baby torturous opinion many theists define objective morality in such a way that only a cosmic law ordained by a supernatural consciousness would count as objective morality in turret's case this is given away by his words off because if there is no god if there is no being beyond humanity then that's just your opinion against a baby torturous opinion because he defines morality in such a way it follows by definition that the type of objective morality he's insisting upon can't exist without a god and so sure this kind of objective morality can't exist without a god get over it this is nothing more than an appeal to emotion it's akin to saying if we don't have a large amount of expendable cash then we can't afford to go on a luxurious cruise with turret yep that's true tough or lucky oh and once again have a shot for hitch anyhow as always thank you kindly for the view and an extra special thank you to my wonderful patrons and those of you who have supported the channel via other means genuinely i really really appreciate it one day stealing a page from tariq i'll take you all on a canoe to the isle of wight for five easy payments of 9999 but you'll have to make your own way back
Channel: Rationality Rules
Views: 98,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turek trotting, turek trot, frank turek gish gallop, gish gallop, turek religion, turek reason why Christianity is true, turek christianity, frank turek response, frank turek, cross examined, cross examined response, frank turek debunked
Id: ZHcB848ZbPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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