Turbocharged Ford 300 Inline Six Makes Over 500 HP on the Dyno - Engine Power S8, E14
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Views: 530,848
Rating: 4.9451165 out of 5
Keywords: Car, PowerNation, howto, how-to, diy, automotive, cars, trucks, automobile, do it yourself, automobiles, auto, powerblock, Turbocharged Ford 300, ford engine, ford 300, Inline Six, horsepower, ford 300 turbo, turbo, boosted, turbocharger, boosted engine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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How about no
I thought about doing 1 of these as a swap in a ranger. The engine is so long though. Same problem the barra has. Did see barra swapped mustangs with TT setup on TRC a few weeks ago. The 300 is all about torque, so high horse power numbers would be harder to get. And, not as stout as a 2j or barra from factory.
I saw somewhere not long ago some guy put 735,000 miles on one of these, never had it apart!
I love the 300, but what would it go in? Modern engine bays don't usually fit I6s.
hey OP google the ford barra. aussie best performance ford secret straight 6. leaves the 300ci in the dark ages where it belongs.
I own one (N/A)
it came to the usa as a forklift and generator engine... so shouldnt be too hard to find (LPG = propane) is the one to go for