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boom there it is so we got another epic on the account straight away [Music] hey guys this is hell hades this is a ray channel legends video you guys are getting tons of questions on this so i'm gonna do an end to end guide how to set up the ultimate starter account or if you're doing referrals how to turbo charge that referral account to be able to just kind of like smash their way into the early game as quickly as possible i need to call out two people here safira from hh gaming of course he's pulled together a tool to make it incredibly easy a lot of people are saying they were trying to do it didn't work does it still work hell hades you got it wrong it still works okay we've got a tool to make it easy and i also want to call out mega muchos who gave us a couple of tips along the way and you want to watch this video end to end by the way because you're going to learn some stuff yeah you actually learn to do this properly rather than like half ass it and get it wrong let's go but guess why is this such a hot topic at the minute there is a patch drop in probably today or tomorrow where you can get new champions from referral codes from your referral program you'll be able to get an epic and a legendary and the legendary honestly seems nutty and he won't be available from shards he is just available from referral codes for a new player playing the game getting these two champions would be obscene yeah it would help you push right through to late game and late game players are gonna want these champions because honestly it's like ninja 2.0 the legendary and you're playing with the epic and it's like damn there's so much synergy there it's nuts i did a video on this yesterday i'll link it at the end so you can see what i mean but these champions are crazy okay so what do we need to do and you'll see here on my main account i actually never got the referral stuff done i never did on my free to play i'm doing it myself but on my main account i never got it done so i'm able to show you here end to end exactly what to do now what saphiro has done is pull together this awesome page move me a second this awesome page on hellhades.com uh refer refer a friend basically yeah so we're kind of coming at this if you want to give your friend the ultimate start whilst also letting them refer your account this is the page to do it if you just want to do your own referrals by the way this is the page to do it it's actually crazy what we've been able to pull together in a really short amount of time so what it tells you here is how to create a link to give you the ultimate start so basically what you'll do you will gain a champion at level one and you will gain a champion at level 15 both epics if you choose for that and at the same time you will also be referring your account if you choose to do that so all we do here let me just zoom in a touch so you can see what's going on we've got the option to pick a startup champion this champion you will get as soon as you log into the game on this new account and there's a bunch of options here so you've got light swarn good epic champion boyd champion as well grizzle joel good champion as well there's champions on here like rector giraffe tyrell bane like these are all great epic champions okay if you just wanted to use it as a referral account and you just want more energy because basically to get your referral to a high level quickly you just need energy you just gotta burn your way through campaign as quick as you can you can just pick the option to get a thousand energy and a shard and stuff yeah it's it's pretty simple so these packs you literally picked whichever one you want i'm gonna pick the epic book i know i'll pick the champion so you can see it working i'll pick feign so at level one as soon as i log in and get through the tutorial i would get a fame at level 15 i will also get a tyrell yeah so as an ultimate starter account it's nuts because you can also put promo codes in over the top of that and get other epics it's like that these starter accounts would have been nutty the second thing you need to do is to put your um number in here and you can see saf just kind of done like a an image you only want the first part of your um number so how do you find that you go into your accounts into your info and it tells you your um number here if you hit copy id like this it will copy it but it will copy the whole thing you don't want the whole thing so i paste it in there and i just want to delete anything up to the end of the first number okay this is my um number this is the champion i want i hit generate link uh link created click here to copy to clipboard okay so i've now copied that onto my pc this only works to do the link stuff on a pc or a mac you can then play it on other devices but you need to do this on a pc or a mac we then go into our search bar and just paste that link that we've just copied okay and it will take us to this page this is where we've got a kind of new tip i guess that you probably wouldn't have seen before so what do you want to call yourself i just make sure that your copy of raid is shut this is player and play stuff at the minute uh so i want to call myself hh test then you need to put in a password obviously i've just rewritten that next and then it asks you to put in an email address now everyone asks can you use the same email address over and over or do i need a different one and this is what uh megan mutros has come to us with i never knew this before but basically you can put your email address in so let's say my email was test 123 at gmail.com so that would be my email one if i wanted to get over the fact of having to do multiple emails i could actually do all stops anywhere this side of the at gmail like to say test full stop or t pull stop est123 at gmail for my second account i could then put the full stop one more further along i could put two full stops in if i want but it's using the same email but enabling you to create multiple accounts under one email to save you having to make loads of google play email stuff okay okay so i'm making one up just for this uh this is not my real email address for those that are very concerned for my welfare hit play for free and it will it will download so you see in the bottom left here it will say raid xc downloaded hit that and it will try and load up player and play and it will say to you hold on a minute you've already got player in play installed so you hit launch and what it's going to do is now launch player and play but with this new uh account that you've just set up okay and this is now going to be your referral account so you see here player and players launching here we go it's come up as my hh test clearing play launches straight away and you see it reloaded there so it's reloading from my normal account into this new account and this is now my my referral or it could be my friend or whatever and then of course we've got to go through this tutorial so i'll get through the tutorial and then i'll show you when we get through that that kind of login stuff by the way you would not believe how many times i've done this tutorial i probably have done it over a hundred times for various forms of content and it's enough to drive a fella crazy okay so i'm leveling this helm this useless helm for the 100th time at least to finish the tutorial yes we know for resistance great uh what a useless waste of silver that was and then you get into the point where you're now playing the game okay so all of the stuff pops up great great great and you'll you'll know instantly if this has worked yeah you can know 100 instantly if it's worked look at your mailbox your mailbox will have the champion that you selected plus all the goodies that you wanted yeah so i've got my fame i've got some energy and all that type of stuff when i hit level 15 i will also now get a terrell what a start and then if i want i can then go to promo code and be like lady because it's a brand new account yeah or any of the new promo codes that are around and be like shabam oh hold on a minute i can't do it on player and play this was the second point i'm going to leave this in the video so you can see i could have put a different promo code there what i'm actually going to do now uh first i'm going to show you that it's worked on my main account and then i'm going to show you how i will actually play the game so player and play i've just switched back to my main account okay my um numbers back to what it was i'm on my main see here five nine seven seven all that stuff on my main account and you should instantly see now a new referral account see this here it is instantly there you'll know it doesn't it's not like oh it will lag it'll be a few months or whatever no instantly there okay that's a good thing to be able to check if it's worked for you as well but your referral account instantly is active now to actually play the referral account i'm gonna do a fresh instance of bluestacks okay instance of bluestacks i will have links down below for bluestacks i will have links down below for um the link to this kind of ability to do it from the website but you load up a fresh bluestacks you then want to get yourself a raid shadow legends on that blue stack so you go into the play store just search in the app store install raid on bluestacks as i say there'll be a link down below that you can do this if you do it through my link i do get a dollar or so but either way this is definitely the best way to do referrals for yourself if you're someone just starting the game for new just play on player and play uh is is totally cool to do if you're trying to do your own referrals then bluestacks is definitely the way because you can have multiple instances of bluestacks running at the same time therefore you can run multiple referrals at the same time you see here we're going to log in it's going to make me um it's going to get me to this kind of login page i'm going to log into that new account that i just set up throughout my uh fake email it'll say successful login back to the game and it's going to log in now that new referral account that i just i just pulled together and this is where you can now do that lady kun promo code because i'm now playing on an android device and that is only a promo code for android or ios which i didn't know yesterday so um some promo codes i guess they've just got like specific uh areas that they'll let you do it but uh that one is one of them so i'm back on this referral now i go into promo code and say turbo charge me baby lady work boom there it is so we got another epic on the account straight away and then tomorrow i could do another promo code the talia um to liar one uh or i could do more energy all of that type of stuff and then if you want to run it as referrals you just push yourself as far through the campaign as you can and then farm campaign and the easiest way to do it let's just assume that i was right the way through as far as i could get like here and then you can set yourself up a macro with this kind of little circle with a a play button almost in the middle of it you can record a macro so i could say let's just start one i can basically record a macro where i just record me hitting the repeat button yeah and it's literally just a two second macro where i record myself pressing the repeat button and then i set it to run over and over again and then when the energy is used up for the day close down that blue stacks uh you don't need to be there to do it i literally had one running on my free to play yesterday whilst i was going out uh with the family and stuff so it's not like you need to be actively at your pc uh there's a little bit of work to get yourself to that point in the game but after that you just leave it running and you level up and if you get yourself those level 50 um slots done then you're going to get yourself those referral champions or if you're just watching this because you want to enjoy playing raid then these macros could be pretty useful so i could just say record a macro and it's recording your mouse click so i just play record there and then i hit stop at the top right and now i've got this new macro i could go into the settings wheel and just say repeat the action um infinitely down here and i could say repeat it every 20 seconds yeah hit save and then once we get through just let them finish this level off quick once we get to this point thank you for the level up i then hit play and i relax like this what it's going to do is it's it's going to redo my mouse clicks so every 20 seconds it's going to try and hit repeat in that section of the screen i can go off now have my cup of tea have lunch with the with lady h and know that my referral account is leveling so obviously you want to do a higher placing campaign but you only really want to be in campaign if it's going to be purely a referral account i hope that has answered every single question and i hope this new tool is going to help you turbo charge those new accounts to do it quicker but there you go guys i've been hell hades sub to the channel if you haven't already i'll catch you later you
Channel: Hell Hades
Views: 104,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TURBO CHARGE YOUR STARTER & REFERRAL ACCOUNTS! FULL EASY GUIDE! | Raid: Shadow Legends, hellhadestv, hell hades, Raid: shadow legends, raid referral guide, raid bluestacks referral, how to get referral link in raid shadow legends, how to use referral link raid shadow legends, raid shadow legends referral link, raid best starter champion, raid best starter team, raid best starter 2022, raid best starter, raid best start, raid great start, hell hades tier list
Id: ukzjNcHcQ5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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