Tupac Shakur 2Pac on In Living Color with Jamie Foxx and Tommy Davidson Funny

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me Cosby kids you don't get on me Vader yo yo hold up hold up Elvira hold up what something that this is the VIPs yeah that means very very important people hey guys I'm Duff from MTV and I'm here to interview Tupac first rockumentary Oh straight yo is he'll ever gonna see this yellow cuz you know I was in Virginia Beach and I met his cousin right he told me I put some lyrics on the tape you know and then sitting in yo what's up yeah yeah take that hey I met your cousin every Daniel a [ __ ] he told me to send the tape ass up man you just broke $150,000 camera will do it I'm sorry look a shoebox manager will take care of it now step off Oh peaches hurt what's up can I help me some soap buck said our name wasn't gonna list weight ain't no list look this is bad it ain't no list but you can get with me in my main man you know I'm sayin here we go to the got a little pit house you know say dress energy coochie you know what I'm saying you don't even get like you got chandeliers and stuff you sell five-star hotel I know you're not touching me nobody touch nothing Oh tell me I got an album out to in the Orient roughly oh that's why I'm dating pygmies man oh [ __ ] you you usually to buck you really get it - still going stays girl be screaming at some time I keep your head up they'll be hotter there - thank you check this out bruh I got a show to do and I appreciate your attitude no you're just giving me maybe bust you up like that yeah Allison my you're standing here you you must be standing in yeah yeah you know what I'm gonna do to you you best watching see ya I am his neck I'm your main man so so so you know you're gonna do do you round me your honor but do you [ __ ] Oh what's up we got a problem yeah you got a problem yeah yeah you you you get from under me no I'm so is this a mistake mr. [ __ ] but you just come right on there man loves open door free a right foot off my car square all right and don't we're not getting along this is you sought me out man I don't get you another party down here man Oh strong you know how you doing Oh
Channel: deeup23
Views: 4,832,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tupac, Shakur, 2Pac, Pac, In, living, color, jamie, foxx, tommy, davidson, funny, rare, clip, laugh, jokes, comedy, hot, fresh, west, coast, thug, life, darnelle, deeup23, darnell, outlawz
Id: LH9TCzmhlt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2009
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