Tunneling Under a Concrete Footing for a Sewage Drain

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oh my god what's going on YouTube so welcome back to another video today dad and I have pretty much one project that we wanted to do today and that is to tunnel underneath this concrete walkway leading into the house because we're gonna put a 1/2 bathroom right here behind this wall so come with me and I'll show you real quick with what the project is gonna look like we have our hole dug here it's plenty deep and we are going to be boring a hole under the concrete patio like I had mentioned earlier and we don't we don't really know what to expect so we're gonna get right to it and we're gonna take you guys along any trouble we have you guys are going to see and hopefully we can share some tricks and tips along the way [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right so dad's gonna explain the angles that we've got laid out and kind of the overview plan for what's going on here okay so when I want to have a subcontractor come on-site I don't want to play a pea plumber to cut concrete and to dig we can do that so when he gets here all he has to do is run pipe we want to think ahead and make it easy for him as best we can we couldn't come 90 degrees off the building because we'd be under the end all this concrete and then this line represents 45 degrees off the building but that's too long to bore two-tone so we're gonna go here 22 and a half so then the plumbers should be able to easily tie into our main sewer with some common fittings and not have to get real creative on us sure and the other thing we did we measured the invert of our sewer line so the invert is the bottom of the pipe I was able to get the tape measure down to the bottom of the pipe our invert here is 48 and a half inches and we're 48 inches beat to the bottom of the hole so plenty of depth because about 5 and about 25 20 feet of run of pipe we'll have about five inches of rise sure sewer line drops quarters the foot okay so we're gonna move that side and you start digging okay get to it all right we dug the hole it wasn't too bad pretty sandy soil we got lucky so hopefully that luck stays with us our next step we're gonna dig a deeper pit right here and start to tunnel we need the pit because we're tunneling with a piece of pipe with a nozzle on it and the backwash is gonna fill up that pit with water and we'll be able to dump it out we got dad over here he's about to fit the pipes what are we doing over here dad one end of this three quarter pipe okay and adapt the garden hose to the other okay with a valve so we can have control of the water here yep all right so dad's got his bazooka I mean he's got the the hose hooked up to the nozzle to the pipe and he's gonna let it rip nice and that's gonna be our boring device all right and I'm Jordan do it so he gets away okay what Oh fire yeah Wow well we can we can put it up and go help what's this for that it's a splash splash shield all right that's the plan okay so we've got the nozzle lined up with our our line there's the main pipe right there and we've got it on line with where we want to go dad's just testing it we're gonna let it rip here and that was slow okay more gas yep going through easy like butter oh my gosh it's full blast whoo Wow they're not expected to be that easy now we just got to get it's a good big margin yep some we're good turn it off oh thanks for the drain we could either put the other piece of pipe on there and punch all the way through you have a nice ya talent for it to go through huh or we could uh let's do that okay you want to put the three inch pipe on there yeah no I mean the other length oh okay and it will punch through in the bathroom okay sure [Music] [Music] okay it's right there [Music] so problem number one is that when we came all the way underneath the concrete and got down into here and we started hitting the concrete Oh and so now dad's trying to dig it out trying to get under Neath the concrete to see if he can see if you can make you feel some wet dirt maybe maybe we're closer than we think and if we can get our bearings by getting a little more underneath so the angle of the hole that we made is wrong I think and that's why we're hitting the concrete so we're just gonna pull the entire pipe out and go uh more right so we're gonna cut right with the pipe and see if we see if we can make a bigger and better hole that way we don't hit the foundation and have a little more wiggle real pub a little more wiggle room inside the hole to work with [Music] [Music] I mean think we're almost through we changed the angle we're out of it I can hear it it's right there I'm just waiting for a gush of water to come through you can hear it I don't know if you can hear it on video but I can hear it is it going okay definitely sure you don't know what the whole amount of this yeah yes sir just for some motivation I the hose is definites you're in the house for sure yeah yeah you're right there cuz I can hear it it's a couple more inches so close we're gonna remove some of this water and we'll get back to you guys when the when the water is removed cleaned out a little bit so dad has a little more room to work so it's not as flooded we got a little bit more water draining out right there you can see and I'm gonna go back in here we're gonna get this we're gonna get this thing okay go forward a man it's right there guys I can hear it oh yeah now your heads up alright [Music] yeah oh and yeah [Music] good job that's crazy right there yeah good job almost had us almost we persisted they put they almost had us in the first half but give up yeah I kept telling dad we're gonna get it we're gonna get it dad was like I don't know that concrete's there it's okay so for the next step we gotta get this 10-foot three-inch pipe inside of this channel and we don't have enough clearance here for 10 feet so we got to dig about a foot back so we can lay that three-inch pipe in the channel so we're gonna get that dug real quick and then we'll explain to you guys how we're gonna get that pipe in that channel so we got the whole extended back about a foot and a half maybe a foot and the reason we had to extend it back again was to lay this three-inch pipe that we're gonna use for the drainage for the toilet right right so now what we have done is we have taken our pipe that's shooting the water the black pipe you can see it it's inside of the three-inch pipe so we're gonna turn the water on and start as the water is shooting into the hole we're gonna be using the three-inch pipe as a I don't know we're just gonna be using it to clear the dirt for the necessary diameter and yeah and dirt and everything is just gonna flush out on this end hopefully and if it doesn't we can just pull the pipe out clean it manually and keep going until we break through so that's the plan huh yeah and we're gonna use that sledgehammer to kind of knock it so that's what we're gonna do so let's get to it [Music] nice cuz he can't hit underneath the water with a sledge so he got the crowbar and now it's moving cuz water's coming out yeah we know we have fall the water is draining out the back look at that yep [Music] there you go back to the truck you slip up [Music] all right so we hit a little bit of a wall literally so same problem that we had earlier with the pipe the black pipe now we're having at the white pipe so we pulled it out and we're gonna clean the inside of the pipe and we're just gonna kind of clean up the area so we have a clean space to work so we can see what we're doing water is draining out of that hole down there and this this hole was almost full when we were going so we're letting it drain out yeah we're about a foot away yeah we're right there there's a nice core sample okay you can see where the pipe reaching out the middle and then the PVC pipe is just pushing right through the clay yeah pretty cool that is cool dad's over there getting ready to cut the pipe and the reason that we have to cut the pipe is because we got all the way to here and the 3-inch pipe is stopping right about here at the wall so we've got about another foot to go but the problem is is that the skinny black pipe that our hose is connected to is able to clear that however if you have a 3-inch pipe in in the equation it is unable to clear the concrete because it's hitting the top of it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here we're gonna take this three inch pipe and we're gonna wait a minute we're gonna cut the top off either either half a wedge or a step so it'll clear the footing and push itself through we Jerry will making sure we have proper slope on the pipe always but we've come this far so that's our only option to try to get it past the footing so we're gonna do it recheck our slope make sure we got proper fall yeah okay let's cut it see if this works [Music] [Applause] [Music] and they keep you or you the pipe oriented this way this label will be a reference for the top of the pipe as it goes in the hole yeah good thinking I think this'll work okay dad and I have been at this for hours since the last clip that I saw and it's pretty much just been readjusting it's been the same process but over and over and over again until we get it right so it's essentially just been angle adjusting a little bit of shimming to get the pipe to dig into the debt the dirt and the clay properly so we can break through we're trying to make enough space for clearance can you feel it dad not yet okay but we've got a good feeling like we're about to break through so we're gonna keep you guys updated but we feel like this is it so fingers crossed almost lost fingers crossed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay yep [Music] oh my god don't get stuck alright so we had to bring in the vehicle because we need to take the pipe out because it's cracking and we want to analyze what's going on we eat the other side of the pipe so we're on the one-yard line but we just can't get it through we can't figure out what's going on we've done everything so we're just gonna take it out and see what's going on you get a chai and go straight out okay okay there we go we're out oh my gosh look at all that clay buildup yeah I'm thinking that might have been the problem or one of them we're gonna see how shoot up that end is where dad gets over here alright guys so dad and I have been working non-stop all day long we had a couple of breaks here and there but unfortunately we were not able to get the three inch pipe under the under the concrete and clear the foundation we're not giving up just yet though so we're gonna go get a new piece of pipe that way we have a fresh start tomorrow and we'll see you guys then [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 77,613
Rating: 4.7350321 out of 5
Keywords: diy, tunneling, half bath, how to add a half bath, sledgehammer, diy home renovation, how to add value to your home, adding a bathroom, sewer drain, PVC pipe, studpack, boring tunnel, diy home project, DIY home, Louisiana flooding, water table, DIY epoxy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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