Tuna Two Ways | MasterChef UK: The Professionals | S02 EP11

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these professional chefs all want to break into  the top ranks of the world's culinary Elite   deciding who has the talent to cut it is Master  Chef Judge Greg Wallace i' have no quals at all   uh eating the whole lot it served up to me and  culinary Legend Michelle Rue Jr with two mishan   stars he's expecting Perfection your French beans  unfortunately are well underdone you could almost   put them back in the ground and they would  grow again cooking doesn't get better than [Music] this these four chefs have been  working in professional kitchens for years   but they want to prove they can compete at their  industry's highest level this is Master Chef the   professionals and we want to uncover a star we  are looking for someone who has everything it   takes to get to the top of their profession  in today's show the professionals will be   set three grueling tests only the best  chef will make it through to the [Music] quarterfinal in this the first of the tests the  contestants will not be cooking for Michelle as   one of only a hand full of two michand star chefs  in the country the four contestants will have to   earn the right to cook for him to whittle them  down to the best three he's sending in his senior   suf Monica to judge them move get that garnish  on the plate now Mon My suf has been working for   me for over 5 years I trust her judgment I know  that if she says it's all right then it's good Monica wants to determine who she'd be prepared to  put in front of Michelle only the best Three Chefs   will have the privilege to cook for him the other  will be going [Music] home today's skill test   is to turn us some vegetables taking a knife and  turning the vegetable into a barrel shape and the   pallet test is to make us a lovely hollay sauce  let's get them in let's see what they're made of first up is head chef David whose career  began at 13 washing dishes in a hotel kitchen   I see Michelle senior seaf Works in a te  Rich Star Restaurant um so that imagine   that's the standard that we got to try and  aspire to David 10 minutes off you go good luck have you turned vegetables  before David um a long time   ago to be first back in [Music]  college you got three minutes [Music] David well done you did that with 15 seconds  to spare excellent David on your skills test   turning the vegetables um obviously you hadn't  done it in a long time since College you say uh   it was very clear to see uh you had the principal  right though you know to barrel down the side of   of the vegetables but out of practice it shows  the cette at least you attempted to turn it but   you never done one before what you should have  done was actually left the green on but you've   just peeled that corette Michelle would just  laugh at you you know if you saw that as for   your potatoes you don't want to see these  ridges when you're turning the sides are   uneven okay and it's not good enough to serve in  Michelle's restaurant shall we have a look at your holay that is way too strong on the reduction  it's all you got in your mouth is lemon juice whoa starts off all right nice  creamy texture some seasoning and then   what s is a big smash of lemon juice  in the back of your throat too much [Music] lemon I don't think I've  impressed the judge today I think   I am let the nerves probably get  just a touch the B of me um but   hopefully I'll get through and be  able to impress them in the next round 27-year-old suf Ryan has been cooking  for 10 years his dream is to work in a michand   starred restaurant performing well in  Master Chef is important to me because   he would show the people back home what I'm  capable of doing and where I can go in life   Ryan you have a great opportunity here you have  10 minutes show us what you got off you [Music] go you're s minutes left Ryan you've only taken [Music] three Ryan you've got 4 minutes  left and you've still got to do the veg that's it your time's up well done you stop  shaking now no Ryan on your skills test turning   the vegetables obvious that you have the knowhow  the skills to turn for the turn potatoes that was   really well done your last one and you was shaking  so much you know I'm really impressed Ryan well done that Holland days is really nice really   nice nicely seasoned nice kick  of the vinegar and the tan as well proper really lovely creamy  texture well seasoned and a really   nice bit of acidity Tang at the end of  it very good very good so thank you very much I was just trying to take it all in  still it's like just it's an incredible   Feeling Just going there and just cooking  for them too really but the praise was good   yeah hopefully she'll get me through to the next  round Hannah is Junior Sue chef at a prestigious   Country housee Hotel she's just 21 but has  big Ambitions my dream would be to have my   own restaurant um I've planned it all out in  my head I've even got a name the industry is   dominated by men and I would like to be up  there with the top women turning vegetables   and making Holland days 10 minutes yeah good  luck off you [Music] go just under 5 minutes [Music] [Music] Hannah that's it time's up  you've done it time's up well done   thank you Hannah on your skills test turning  the vegetables looking at them clearly you've   done it before you know how to do it  they're almost perfect potatoes very   cute you took your time with it and and you  managed to get two lovely potatoes out well done that is lovely and smooth on the tongue  okay you got the richness coming through the   kick of the lemon not too strong it just  liks just a touch more salt would have been perfect I really like that that is silky smooth  and that lemon citrusy just comes in at the end   and it was perfect for it okay so thank you  we'll get you back in soon thank you very [Music] much when I went into the room I thought I  need to do my best and that's exactly   what I've done so if I hopefully it is good  enough for them to go through to the next round last up is 26-year-old Bradley he's just  become head chef at a top leester restaurant I   really want to get through to uh the next  round hopefully to cook for Michelle R Jr   and hopefully to see if he likes what I  can produce 10 minutes off you go good [Music] luck right you've done  that in 4 minutes you got 6 minutes [Music] left well you finished and  you've got 2 minutes left so well   done thank you on your skill test  you went very quick I think just a   touch too quick because you had the time  to just look over them and get them all   the same size it would have been perfect  but you do have the skill very clear to see that is really nice really great taste on that yeah it's good all days it's very good all days   quite happily stick that on my  exgs Benedict thank you very [Music] much I'd like to say I was  a perfectionist uh I think I got the   standards that I was happy with could  have been a little bit better as in   the Turning of the vegetables  butly went a little bit too fast let's do this judging one step at a time  let's pick the chefs that we know have talent   the ones that really do look good I like Hanah  she took her time and she showed that she had   great methods and skills I was really surprised by  Hannah she came in here she looked really nervous   but actually she was fine once she started  cooking she did very well I like Bradley he   worked at twice the pace as anybody else did  he turned out perfectly turned veg he turned   out a perfect holiday I can't really see an issue  I'd like him to go through as well but I think he   needs to calm it down a bit right well we've  got Hannah in we' got Bradley in we now have   to decide between Ryan and David Ryan did okay  he did okay his his Holland days was excellent   his turned vegetables weren't perfect but the  man was visibly shaking Ryan under pressure   was shaking like mad it does concern me because  Master Chef is a highly pressurized competition   David did not deliver on his turn vegetables he  hadn't done them since College he admitted that   much that was a bit of an issue but he made  good Holland days it was great consistency   you know we're talking about a squeeze of lemon  too much that's all but which one we going to put [Music] through [Music] the chef leaving us today [Music] is [Music] David right guys that was a strong round  however that was your easiest round next   time you're going to cook for my boss Chef  Michelle don't disappoint me Good [Music] Luck now I've got this round behind  me this is where the real competition   begins I feel um I can start to really show  my true abilities as a chef it's pretty big   buzz to get through the first round I'm just  going to try and keep myself confident and   motivated my nerves are all over say I was  shot like but I think I next round I should   be to like compose myself a bit more now and  I know know what to look forward to [Music] now it's day two Bradley Ryan  and Hannah are back this time   they have the chance to cook for Michelle rud Junior to get through to the quarterfinal  they have to show him they can deliver the   precise inspiring food expected at this highest level in front of you you have a beautiful steak  of tuna for the versatility test we want you to   cook two different great dishes using that  tuna steak 50 minutes to prove to us that   you and cook at the end of today guys two of you  will be going home but one of you of course will   be a quarterfinalist off you go their ladder  includes French beans potatoes honey asparagus   olives bulgar wheat cherry tomatoes and quail's  eggs they also have a selection of plates to give   Michelle a sense of their presentation skills the  versatility test is is all about testing our chefs   to the maximum we're looking for someone who  has got dedication who has got the willpower   and the skills and the knowledge to go absolutely  to the top we want two restaurant standard plates   of food from one main ingredient and we are giving  them a limit of 50 minutes tough call yes but the   very best will shine in this round they have a  beautiful piece of tuna and on no account must   it be overcooked I want it rare because tuner  is very soft I want to see texture whether   it's in a salad form or whether it's something  that they've added to this dish to make it go crunch cooking for Michelle Rue Jr today is  going to be quite nerve-wracking knowing he's   in the room and he's looking at what I'm doing  and he's going to be either critical about my   food I'm not too sure I'm a bit nervous about it  all right Bradley I'm good thank you good what   are you cooking for us then uh today I'm going to  do a classic tuna nishua salad and then I'm going   to do a like a tuna caracho going to season it  up sear it it that's what got in my head so how   did you come into cooking um basically I always  enjoyed cooking like with my nana going around   making cakes and things like that you know I  always enjoyed cooking at school and working   within art classes so I thought hey let's be like  an artist but work with food that's interesting so   you're really going to present us a beautiful  salad n I'm going to try to you've had 15 minutes I want this qu final place and if I get it   I'll be like smiling from  here to here I'll have to last time I saw you you were a bag of nerves how  are you feeling now I'm a lot more settled now   the nerves are gone I got through that first round  what are you cooking for us um I'm going to do a   confy tuna Nissa salad and then I'm going to do a  marinated tuna with a bul wheat um bul wheat salad   then most foods can be turned into a fine dining  dish if cooked correctly and served correctly well said chefs you are halfway you have 25  minutes left we are strict on [Music] time it was really really exciting getting  through the first round um it's a massive   Buzz now I have to cook for Michelle I'm  really going to have to up my game because   the standards are going to be even higher  this round all right Hannah Hello what are   you going to be doing with this lovely piece  of tuna um today I'm going to be doing a tuna   Caraco with a tomato basil salad and then for  the next one I'm going to be doing a SE piece   of tuna with asparagus new potatoes and some  poach cegs and you are one of our youngest uh   contestants does that put you at a natural  disadvantage I don't think so I don't think   age obviously older people are going to have  more experience than what I have but depends   whether they have the determination is what I do  I want to become a great cook there's a lot of   good chefs but I want to be a great one that's  great I I love that love to hear it Well Done Hannah last 5 [Music] minutes last 60 seconds final touches time's up you're out of [Music] time 26-year-old Bradley is hoping his first  dish of seared tuna with an Asian dressing   will prove he has talent it's got a really  lovely modern presentation and it's got some   lovely height the only thing I will say is  it's a shame we can't really see much of the tuna that's delicious it's lovely it's fragrant  it's well seasoned the tuner is very well   cooked it's got that seared outer uh yet raw  inside um it's got lovely sweet and sour Asian   flavors there it's a very well balanced dish  I enjoy that and um I think it's um it's well judged I'd have no quals at all  uh eating the whole lot if it was   served up to me um nice his second dish is a salad nisis the Juna is very good well seasoned um your  French beans are unfortunately are well underdone   they're very very crunchy you could almost put  them back in the ground and they would grow again   the whole dish is lacking uh seasoning and and oil  I think this dish actually looks better than it tastes it needs a bigger punch of something  the green beans within the nishua salad were   slightly undercooked as Michelle said but I  thought that they had a nice sort of salad   crunch more than a alente crunch to them but  hey it's a give or take really Ryan hopes his   10 years experience will show in his first  dish of tuna marinated in a honey and soy   dressing on a bulgar wheat salad this is really  simplistic very very simple but I like it and   the reason why I like it is that it's so neat  and clean however if I look at the plate I can   see big thumb prints and marks of your I take  it they yours um so you haven't wiped down the plate lovely tuna I I was worried that  it would have that burnt taste but it   hasn't it's kept the sweetness  of that marinade um that's very nice really really interesting flavors flavors  that I didn't expect from such a simple looking dish for his second dish Ryan's also made a salad nisis the tuna is lovely it it has been  cooked properly um it it's very pink well   seasoned and it's got a little hint of garlic  in there that's delicious two things which are   not right French beans are practically  raw and the potato as well is severely   underdone it's very very very crunchy which  is not right a shame you've let yourself down there sharp shalot Sweet Tomato very good  nice flavors flavors of Summer a few little   things let me down but I sort that it in  the next round 21-year-old Hannah has made   a sear tuna salad with tomatoes basil and  quaal uh first off you're you're the first   contestant I've seen ever on Master Chef  actually polish your plates with a bit of   vinegar uh I'm impressed well done thank  you let's start with your first dish it   is as pretty as a picture it's that plate of  food that you you just as a diner want to dive in beautifully cooked tuna it's got a lovely  seasoning around it I don't know what you   rolled it in it's got a lovely seasoning the  fried Basel Leaf is a great addition I think   it's a beautiful dish it's accomplished and I  think that um it shows me that you do understand presentation I like that really nicely cooked  tuna lovely and soft in the middle natural   sweetness that fish coming through there's a  slight bit of acidity there in that dressing I   like I like your flavors on that her second dish  is SE tuna with potatoes asparagus quail's eggs   and a soy dressing oh dear Hannah something's gone  wrong here I think the first dish you gave me was   beautiful and pretty and and really dainty full of  color full of expression um and and this one looks sad the tuna is slightly overcooked for my taste  the asparagus are well cooked the potatoes well   cooked edar are good as well the dressing you've  given me is a is a a soy based dressing it's I I   always have problems with potato and soy  I don't think it goes particularly well together you go into quite sweet tuna and then the  crisp freshness of the asparagus into a sticky egg   none of it molds none of it acts on each other  there are no hints of anything like there were in   the first dish it's just an array of ingredients  I wish that had gone in the bin I would never Ser   that to my customers and I'm just disappointed  that I've done it today as well or as bad as   you think you've done you are halfway go and get a  break we're going to get you back in soon off you go [Music] I think we've got a very good standard in  the kitchens today I think all three of our chefs   have produced uh at least one very good dish  I'm really impressed with Ryan very impressed   cuz the first dish of the Sea chuna of the  bolgar week delivered flavor well beyond   what it should have done he actually managed to  make a salad NIS look elegant my game plan for   this afternoon is just get my head down I'm  here to go as far as I can hopefully Win It   Hannah looked really relaxed and she was really  enjoying herself in the kitchen that one dish   of sear tuna with the curls of the cucumber  and the potato almost like anas was great it   looked beautiful the second dish was almost  just a rush of just putting a few ingredients   on the plate you just reached for anything we  had egg we had potato wasn't a completed dish   sadly not right and I think she knows that I'm  now on a big mission to get positive comments   only this afternoon if I don't I'm just going  to be be so angry Bradley's first dish of sear   tuna Asian style I thought was very good he  certainly understands the balance needed in   an Asian dressing that sweetness the sour the  hot of the chili it was a really good dressing   I thought he also attempted a nissis salad good  cooking a little bit more flavor in the dish but   not far away I'm just going to make sure that  that quarterfinal rounds mine just really go   through it in find detail and make sure that  I produced exactly what is expected from that [Music] recipe for the classic recipe  test we're going to ask you to cook a   pulle omori that's a supreme of chicken  in a creamy Morel sauce garnished with   a pilaf rice for the the dessert we  want you to cook a classic far Bon   a Britany cake there's a quarterfinal place  up for grabs two of these 1 hour 20 off you go their first classic recipe is Puli morels are   one of the rarest and most expensive Ive  mushrooms famous for their Rich earthy [Music] flavor creamy Morel sauce is a permanent  fixture in my restaurant I always serve it   all through the year it is a favorite and it  is glorious it has to be creamy just creamy   enough to coat the back of a spoon but not  over reduced and not too to cloying or heavy   or it will kill the taste of the wonderful  delicate chicken the chicken needs to be   served in a bowl I need plenty of this sauce  because that's the beauty of this dish this   wonderful mushroom cream sauce and we need lots  of [Music] it the second classic far Bron is a   Yorkshire pudding style cake made with currants  prunes and apple which originated in 19 Century Britany the faon is a true French classic I  want to see those lovely Golden Brown Sweet   edges and caramelization lots of fruit  in there I want to be able to see the   fruit I don't want to see an undercooked  cake if it's undercooked it is absolutely [Music] horrible 15 minutes  gone guys you've had 15 minutes all right Bradley yep you understand the  recipes uh never done either of them before you're   very much cooking by instincts here then aren't  you yeah I'd like to say I think I was yeah well   that's good cooking by instincts I mean it'll  show us if you can if you are a real [Music] Chef Bradley seems to be shot in confidence  it's gone he doesn't quite understand what   this sace should be he doesn't understand  what the pudding should be and it's rocking [Music] him guys you've had 30 minutes  you got 50 minutes [Music] left do you   understand the recipes um I've made the  chicken and thean before but I've never   made that uh cake before now do you have an  idea of what it's supposed to to look like   kind of a well a sweet York shun that's what  I'm kind of thinking it might be like that's   a very good way of describing it yes  so we could be in for good things here   yeah hopefully does that mean you're feeling  positive uh I'm feeling better than I did last time Ryan's a quiet character slightly  nervous character but he seems to have   a spring in his step Ryan has managed to  control his nerves a bit more he's now   cooking with a smile on his face he's still got  that little bit of a tremble going on but he's focused 25 minutes left guys only 25 minutes okay Hannah do you know this cake  I honestly never heard of it before do you   know what it's supposed to look like um I'm  guessing kind of a Yorkshire pudding kind of   kind of looking Hannah do you think you have  the qualities to go through to the next round   I need to step it up and um because the last  round was really disappointed so I'll try my   hardest to keep improving you know if you kick  me down I'll get back up again and start again   6 minutes [Music] okay Hannah thought she had  a bad first round I don't think so Hannah's   Got Talent she really proved to us that she  has it within her to go all the [Music] way [Music] 60 [Music] [Music] seconds that's it time [Music] up with a quarterfinal place at stake the chef's  classic dishes need to reach the standard Michelle requires first under scrutiny is their chicken  with Morel sauce and peaf rice Bradley let's   start with you the actual dish itself needs lots  of sauce so not enough sauce there you've just   drizzled a few droplets in there I've noticed on  your workbench there's still loads left in the pan there m chicken is beautifully cooked tender moist  and the skin is nice and crispy perfectly   seasoned what little of the sauce There is  is very good such a shame didn't give me more three more Fork Falls in and I'm going  to get really bored with it cuz if you   look down now your sauce as  as was um is gone Ryan your turn the chicken is beautiful it's it's nice  and tender it's seasoned properly the sauce   itself is very very deep in flavor possibly  even maybe too deep in flavor actually it's   got that very very musky flavor of the morel  mushroom but I think it probably needed just   a little bit more cream in there to to to give  it that um softness you've put the rice in a   little ring and stacked it up which looks  neat uh in fact it looks very neat uh and   it's it's the kind of presentation that  I would uh do if I was serving it in my restaurant that chicken is beautiful and  moist and that sauce is lovely and creamy   and wow have you got the flavor of morel in  there m I really do like that Hannah your turn the morel sauce I don't think  it's cooked through enough you   can taste the wine there a bit too  much the mushrooms haven't leeched   all their lovely flavor into the cream  chicken very well cooked can't fault it chicken is lovely that you obviously  know how to do really well I'd let   you cook 100 chickens for me that  sauce you need to practice could   you take your chickens away for me  and could you bring in your cake please it's the last chance for the  chefs to impress with their far Breton Bradley you first Bradley has served his  with caramel sauce and whipped cream a f   Bon or a Britany cake should be much taller and it  should be quite light and fluffy this looks rather dense it's not inedible if you put  a good generous dollop of the cream   and the caramel sauce it's actually  really nice but it's not a Brittany cake we got an almost Flapjack going on  there if you went to Britany and you know   they' throw it back at you I sort of knew  before putting it down that it was right I   could look around I was like I know mine should  be more like theirs I know this is not correct Ryan to accompany his cake Ryan has made  caramelized app apples cremon glaze and a caramel sauce it actually tastes far better than  it looks it hasn't got the texture of the   original Cake the actual cake itself looks  a bit wet and sloppy you had trouble getting   it out of the tin because you put too  much milk in your batter it's edible I love your custard like your caramel sauce  like the sweetness you've got inside that   batter mix and I like the fruit in there but  it's sloppy it doesn't hold up it's not a nice   texture I had a bit of a nightmare with a cake  it wouldn't come out the tin I slammed it down   and then Michelle R come up and he just he  just said look just as long as you serve a   little bit the cake he said that's we need  to see a bit on the plate so that's why I   done that and it was a bit scruffy Hannah  your turn Hannah has made an apple compt   rum soaked currants and Bailey flavored  whipped cream to go with her far Hannah   I think you've done a great job here you have  dressed a beautiful dessert I think it looks   great the presentation is quirky yet fun and  and quite appetizing I think it's great well done that is more the consistency of a f Bon it  tastes lovely the Apple compot I think is   delicious you've put some honey in there  which is giving it a lovely sweetness and   a beautiful balance of flavor I have never  tasted a chantilli flavored with bay leaf   but it's lovely um I think honestly  I think you've done a very good job here let me say that is really good really  really good it's by far the best cake   on the bench by far really impressed I've  never made the dessert before I've never   even heard of it never seen it anything  and so really I just read the recipe and   hope for the best we've got plenty of  judging to do because there's ups and   downs from everybody here and there's real  highlights from everybody here as well so   off you go we'll get you back as soon as we  made a decision thank you very much [Music] I think they've all done very well I think they've  proved that they they want to win this competition   very good presentation skills all three of them  as well they've got the artist Eye which is great   I love to see that Bradley the first tuna dish  that he gave us uh was fantastically well judged   delicious starter his second dish was a tuna  Nas um which felt a little bit flat lacked a   little bit of flavor lacked a bit of punch chance  of getting through to the quarterfinals I believe   they're looking pretty slim his cake came up like  a flapjack um not what we were looking for not   what we expected Bradley hasn't wowed us enough  really I think today uh to Merit going through   in the quarterfinals no okay let's let's take  Bradley out of the equation Bradley goes home   now this is between Hannah and Ryan Ryan got  off to a very good start he had that piece of   T he put it in the griddle pan he had the nice  black lines down it beautifully rare yet cooked   sitting on a bulgar wheat that had been enhanced  by some Asian flavors which really worked very   well however there was a big thumb print on the  side there which looked a bit messy presentation   wise his NWI I thought was just stunning that  to me is how you dress a nissis salad in a fine   dining environment it was very nice but to big big  mistakes undercooked potatoes and practically raw   French beans yeah that's not on when it came with  the chicken with the morel sauce uh chicken was   well cooked I thought the morel sauce was very  good that sauce was a bit harsh too strong for   me his uh cake was was a was a disaster it was  ghastly I was disappointed with that dessert to   go home today would be absolutely heartbreaking  I'd be geted Hannah her sear tuna was very nice   beautifully seasoned and and really seed on the  outside and beautifully rare in the middle and   she'd fried some Basel Leaf to give it texture as  opposed to just putting some Basel on top there   it was clever cooking the second plate that she  gave us was not accomplished I think she ran out   of ideas not a complete dish it was more a list  of ingredients her chicken was very well cooked   and well prepared uh well seasoned her sauce had  not really cooked through properly it needed the   mushrooms to impart more flavor into the sauce  her dessert was was was was fantastic by far   the best dessert that girl has got natural pastry  talent I personally don't think I'm going through   but I think Ryan's going to be going through  because he's um sort of had a good run we've   seen great food come out of Ryan's kitchen I  think Ryan had a very very good steady round   and produce quality food I can also see that  there is a real spark a real creative spark and   a real touch in Hannah I see a massive potential  in Hannah I think she is naturally gifted whatever   you see in Hannah as a diner the best food serve  up to me today came from Ryan who's it going to [Music] be [Music] Chef going through to the next round is [Music]  Hannah I really can't believe it I really can't   I've got to come back um I'm in the quarterfinal  gosh um I'm feeling upset I suppose I wanted to   go through but uh I made too many mistakes on the  day my dessert let me down and I think she done a   better dessert on the day and that might just sway  the balance a bit I feel like crying at the moment   I don't know how I'm feeling I'm just Gob smacked  I just don't know what to say Hannah will be back   for the quarterfinal to battle it out for the  title of professional Master [Music] Chef [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World TV
Views: 27,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken morel sauce, cooking show, cooking vidoes, far breton dessert, french desserts, full episode, gregg wallace, master chef, masterchef, masterchef UK, masterchef full episodes, masterchef the professionals, masterchef tv, masterchef world tv, michel albert roux, michel roux jr, tuna
Id: v225b6jUBhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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