Tumblr Wumblr - Episode 64

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just bought a slow cooker [Music] i just laughed way harder at this than i should have you know i had to do it to end this person just killed me three consecutive times do the stanky leg [Music] my brother's toothbrushes over the past month why is he so angry does dude even still have teeth neck with extended sleeves from ander mueller mister i tie the ends of the sleeves shut and fill them with rocks if anyone tries to stop me i start swinging [Music] this is how they came up with the name orange is the new black just cover your nipples with swastikas and stuff won't delete them this is a future staff wants [Music] political alignment chart i can understand wanting a hood ornament but this is something else virus karma's a fu shitty car mods this is a statement since the two best-selling games of all time are tetris and minecraft i think we can safely say that people [ __ ] love squares snuggles snuggles get your head in the [ __ ] game being cute is really hard because even when you're angry people just kind of giggle at you and say oh you're so cute when you're angry no stop recognize my power [ __ ] block i'm gonna throw this at everyone i saw some great pigeons the other day these are normal pigeons yes but they're great i can't handle this ancient roman gold nipple cover first century ad from zurnis international auction house help i've fallen glamorously and i can't get up all of the other mannequins look like they are so sick of fish god damn it jarrah's at it again thanks for your incredible support guys without you i will never become an unkillable serpentine god king i want someone who doesn't watch wrestling to explain to me what's happening in this scene competitive light bulb replacement ravioli ravioli don't loot the spider lally this is important because if you do noi will kill you if season 3 of stranger things doesn't open with the kids playing d and d with a very confused yet enthusiastic steve then what is even the point fanfic written by 14 year old is wild because they all think smirk is just a fancy word for smile so every serious romantic scene comes out looking like are you implying i don't look like this when i'm trying to be romantic it's like his snoring got so bad that his wife left him and now he's just alone with his extra strength breathe right strips maybe the strips were so effective that he inhaled his wife teacher voice i'll wait [Music] that's the face that's the face exactly time zones are amazing it's a different time all around the world for example in some parts of the us it's still 1950 this is gold shots fired does anyone else remember the slight homosexual ink impossible slight slight i'm sorry but said your senior junior was gayer than richard simmons singing a duet with elton john on a rainbow snake me up snake me up inside i can't sneak up snake me up inside [Music] snake me ritual to hex brett kavanaugh logged into facebook for the first time in months and this is what greets me i always feel really uncomfortable when to heavily tattooed people have a baby and the baby comes out blank i don't know i just expect some tattoos blank one of my dear friends is a tattoo artist and his wife is heavily inked and their child asked how old will i be when the pictures start to appear oh jesus that's adorable i miss when i was like 12 and it would be the night before a big field trip or something and i couldn't go to sleep because i was so excited i miss being so into a book that i would stay up past my bedtime reading it everything seems so blank or something i don't know i'm only 19 and everything is so tiring i miss wanting to be awake this is the realest show on this website fiscally conservative but socially liberal is a hip trendy way of saying i still think poor kids are being too grabby with this whole wanting food thing but i also like weed did you mean libertarians faking it how to seem like a better person without actually improving yourself finally a book for me alt title how to bullsh your way through things and get away with it look at you hacker a pathetic creature of meat and bone how can you challenge a perfect immortal machine shut the f up you'll die if i dunk you in the toilet [Music] look at this absolutely terrible little statue i found at goodwill today i bought it sasuke from hamilton i've played a few games of dnd and my favorite class to play is the bard and my favorite blood spell is vicious mockery which is essentially where you say a magic your mom a joke and the target takes damage the type of damage is kinda weird psychic damage i never understood that what the hell is psychic damage how can that hurt you i should amend that to say that i never understood that until now when reading this caused me to take psychic damage iral when you use the flower filter to look innocent but you're still a venomous bee great for a cat missing a back leg i got this for my three-legged cat because he can't scratch his left side he'll be trying to scratch and all you see is his little nub going crazy i found these and he immediately loved it the expression on his face when he first tried it was priceless the only downside is that it's possible it'll fall off because it was hard for me to get all pieces of tape to stick on a corner at the same time but i can always buy more double-sided tape so not a big deal to me the product is for floyd not me and he's happy so five stars i'm not over this review of a self-groomer for a three-legged cat look at him he hasn't been able to scratch his left side by himself since he lost his leg but now he can and he is living life the fullest that is the face of a cat who has finally scratched an itch woke up mid flight made this note immediately went back to sleep begone you foul demon cotton eyed joe by grasp on this plane faded long ago from whence you came there you shall go i seal thee away cotton i joe rare blog to keep cotton eyed joe sealed away i love how it's a banishing spell and still fits into the song perfectly timing wise elizabethan peasant one look yonder someone has written up on that ceiling that thou art most easily gulped peasant two more fool they for i cannot read elizabethan peasant one sign lowers his visage unto his palm elizabethan peasant one lo hast thou learned to read elizabethan peasant too verily and compose as well elizabethan peasant one with haste then how is the word eye cup composed elizabethan peasant one what i know a sporting gest what art thou when thou art a peasant and art occupied in a privy elizabethan peasant too i wish not but certain am i that thou shalt tell me speedily elizabethan peasant one most verily thou art appear elizabethan scholar one a lack i have in my purse but 69 pence elizabethan scholar two lusty fellow now star well what such as some poor tens elizabethan scholar one i i have not sufficient to sup on foul elizabethan scholar one my name is verily michael with the b and i has been afraid of insects my entire life elizabethan scholar two cece's wither is the bee elizabethan scholar one either is a bee mine outspoke companion how many apples aren't hay vested from a tree me i know not may it be twice a score my companion nay fool every appel grows upon a harvest sprig me federic upon the heavens i will strike thee down for thy scalding wit is not to my mighty brawn i literally can't get myself to sit through movies that don't have women i'm like where the f are the women why are there so many men this is boring as fbi even if it's historically accurate as everyone knows women were invented in 1990 all the nodes of women weren't on old-time battlefields are wrong there were more prostitutes and mercant women than there were soldiers in most every encampment they followed the armies marching alongside them and notably ran the camps many more women dressed as men to fight long before female nurses were officially considered to be a part of the military they were already on the battlefield they merely didn't get written into official reports because they were invisible women not supposed to be there usually they would be local women running a makeshift care center out of their homes movies involving ancient societies guess how many had female fighters spies mostly female yeah only the men were caught usually because nobody suspected the servant woman but historians believe most cases have more women spies than men most cases meaning across time incontinence note in most films tv productions even commercials women only comprise 17 of the people in a crowd seeing any more and viewers think there are too many women to be realistic even when in real life women are just over half the population you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 386,137
Rating: 4.9265013 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, posts, tumblr top posts, top posts, tumblr stories, brainydude, funny tumblr stories, funny tumblr posts, funniest tumblr posts ever
Id: Ip6JHaeOEg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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