Tuesday, December 17

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Live from New York City, it's the Wendy Williams Show. ("Feel It") ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ Feel it, feel feel, feel it ♪ ♪ Let's go, come on you need it ♪ ♪ How you doing ♪ How you doing? Here's Wendy! (cheering) ♪ How you doing ♪ (cheering) Thank you for watching. Say hello. (speaking drowned out by cheering) How you doing? How you doing? I'm doing okay let's get started, it's time for hot topics. (cheering) (hip hop music) You know. I know, I love this. Right? (cheering) It's like a baby doll dress. If I thought I had a weight problem I'd be mad though cause this is a whole lot but I know what's under here and it's all good. (cheering) Congratulations Mariah, I am surprised. (cheering) I am so shocked. It's been 19 years that "All I Want for Christmas is You" song, come on now. We love the video, we love the words. (cheering) The whole bit. But anyway, this is the time that she reached number one on the Billboard hot 100 charts for the first time ever. I mean, the song is 25 years old. It's Mariah's 19th hit. Like what took so long? (clapping) I only say that to say, by the way I love your boots. You knew exactly what you were, uh-huh, Suzanne, uh-huh. (clapping) Okay. Those are scrumptious. Damn these feet. (laughing) You got on snake boots I would love to wear and all I got on is snake sneakers cause this is all I can do with the lymphedema. (grunts) But all right, parties up here though, hey. (cheering) Sorry. Anyway, Mariah's Christmas show sold out at Madison Square Garden on Sunday. Norman? Yes? This is Norman's footage, this is how close he was. I was so close to her. I've never been that close to her in my life. I feel like maybe we made eye contact but I can't be sure. Did you blow any of these up to hang in your Mariah shrine office. Absolutely. Like five new pictures. Of course great, so good. How many times did she change costumes? She wore four different costumes including the one with the wings, that I think is behind you right-- Uh-huh, did you see the boyfriend? The boyfriend's in the show, they danced together he dipped her a little bit. Did they look like it was a thing or-- Yeah. Did he dip her better than a regular background dancer? Yeah, yep. Wow. (laughing) And you stayed for the entire thing? The whole thing. (clapping) Did you eat expensive snacks from the. I had maybe like an adult beverage. But yeah (laughing) but that was it. You smuggled that in? Yeah. Okay, okay now. That's why we give away those flasks here on the show. Right? (laughing) Right. In other Mariah news she's being called a cheap skate. (burp) Well, apparently she was in, she's on tour, she was in Atlantic City and, two weeks ago, and her team was sent to pick up a package of stuff equaling just under $500 from a steakhouse and the staffer was not left a tip, so he's complaining. But when you do pick-up or take-out, do you tip? No. Okay wait, now hold on, hold on. This was a huge discussion in our morning meeting. Clap if you tip. (clapping) Well I have to say, if I'm sitting in the car outside I tip. You know, because then you're walking five steps to the car and you know, what not. If I'm going in to pick-up, I don't feel obligated to tip on take-out. Clap if you're with me, like you don't feel obligated. (strong clapping) Number one, number two, a lot of restaurants, they already tack on the 18% without you even looking at the bill so you you're scrambling for your readers. If you're like me you can't see without them and I'm just like assuming and I go inside, I'm like, yeah I'm about to come in I called for take-out, okay it's at the front. Yeah, good. I give the exact amount and I leave, I don't feel any bad about it but it depends on the situation though also. You know what I'm saying. According to Emily Post Tipping Etiquette Guide, darling, take-out is no obligation. (clapping) Yeah. (sighing) No cause am I the only one who wants to see Brad Pitt get back with Jennifer Aniston? Like, no, no, yes, all right blondie. Stand up, there you are. There you are. I want them back together, the reason why is cause I feel as though they've both grown up. It has been like what, 20 years? Yeah. Since Angelina Jolie broke them up? But Brad was the dumbbell because Brad was already married and Brad knew what he had to lose. So he's stupid but men are stupid. Sorry sir, I'm sorry. I'm sorry sir. (clapping) I apologize. Sometimes you guys do stupid things and I feel like sometimes things can be forgiven in particular circumstances, is this your misses lovely? No. (laughing) I got a husband. Oh. Oh you have a husband? Yeah. Damn it man. (laughing) Another one bites the feminine dust. Wow. (laughing) How long you been married? Four years. Four years, yeah. (clapping) Like I try to guess sometimes girls, I try to guess. Suzanne, I would've never guessed. Me neither. Just him sitting there. Me neither. Right? I'm shocked by that one. He looks like our team. (mumbling) (laughing) He doesn't want-- He looks like Brendan. No. And they dress the same. (laughing) No he doesn't look like Brendan. I mean, like you know, sneakers. Dockers. The scarf, well whatever. The scarf. Yeah, mm-hmm. He said they're not Dockers. He's like, Wendy, madam, these are not Dockers. Any who, you understand what I'm saying though, like this Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie thing, I forgiven him and I've forgiven whatever she was lacking that Jolie gave him, you know what I'm saying? But I gotta tell you something and this is not from my mouth but, this is a girl after my own heart. You know, Bookman, in the hot topic she leads the whole hot topics. Bookman was like, that's cause people do not like Angelina Jolie. Clap if you're agreeing with Bookman. (light clapping) She can save the whole planet. You know, going around feeding cows and babies and stuff. (laughing) I'm sorry, at the end of the day, you and Brad did Jen dirty. So. (clapping) Yeah, yeah. So Brad went to Jen's Christmas party and it was a very, very intimate Christmas party and this was the only picture that we could find. Actually, this is him at her birthday party when she turned 50. This is him at the Christmas party going in. And you know it's intimate like, even Puffy's party got more footage. Right, (laughing) right. Than this right here, now this is how you throw a private party. Nobody catches anything but you can see that that's him and they say he was the last guest to leave. (moaning in awe) (clapping) He arrived at seven with everyone else. He left at 11, that's a perfect party by the way. (laughing) Perfect, in by seven, out by 11. Get out, the news is on. I don't know what they're doing but you know what you guys? I like it. (clapping) I do. And it's awards season, they're all gonna be attending those award shows. He's nominated for "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". Now he looks really good here, not like, not my type. You know I like a thicker more robust guy like you. (laughing) But you don't like men. (clapping) Okay, all right. But he looks really good here, don't you think? Yeah. Like youthful in the face, slim in the waist. You know what I'm saying. And then Jen is nominated for "The Morning Show". (clapping) Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. What would really stun me is if they walk the red carpet together holding hands. (crowd oohing) You know, whether they win or not doesn't even matter to me. They would style steal the entire carpet. I'd be all over that. (clapping) I recently did something with the Hollywood Reporter and you know, years ago, I think it maybe was like season one of this show I was invited, they were top media influencers in the country or something like that and in season one they put me there, I'm like, what? And then the cover was no good Matt Lauer. Well that's how long ago this was. Okay, okay. And then Insider, you remember seeing Anna Wintour and she was ignoring me but she knew who I was so she kept walking away from me so purposely I kept walking near her. (laughing) This is back when I wore heels six inches, right? I sashayed over and I literally am standing over her cause she's only like four feet 11. And by the time I put my heels on, when I wore them, I'm like six feet 10. Right, I'm like, hello Anna. (laughing) I said, I love your hair, it's very iconic. And she turned her back and totally, oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. True facts right. Season one of the show. I'm like this business is something else. And then, Katie Couric, who I like, came over and motor boated me. (laughing) She had a drink in her hand so you know, I'll forgive her. And then Barbara Walters was there but could barely stand up. Oh it was a scene, this is season one. Yeah. When I'm just getting used to, I don't know who I've become. Right. I don't even know if I like these people. Right. (laughing) At that point I was like 46 or seven years old. You know writing my own bills and leading a regular life and I wasn't impressed by any of it. I was impressed that I was invited. Oh, Wendy from Jerz. But when I was in there seeing all the shenanigans going on, I might've been there for half hour. Yeah. Before I was like okay, hello car, come around, pick me up please. Quickly, quickly. And when I got home I didn't even know who to call. Anyway, 11 seasons later and we're still here. (cheering) So now look. (mumbling) So, wait, wait. And thank you, thank you for keeping it this way cause without you, well I'd be, mm, I don't know how to do anything else but this. Anyway so, recently the Hollywood Reporter called up, ring. (click) And they want to talk to me. Not for the magazine but for the dot com. My son says that's a bigger deal than the magazine, I don't know, I would like to have had a hard copy of something but it's okay, a dot com, I guess that's what kids do these days. Uh-huh. Dot com is everything. Right. That's bigger clout. Okay, it was snowing like crazy. Yeah. So I sat down with this guy named Evan and his last name was Real. No, that's his real last name, right. And he was the interviewer and we had such a good time, he wanted to interview me about the success of this stupid show. So here's just a clip and notice the snow in the background, take a look. You got your star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, you're about to have your own Madame Tussaud's wax figure which is such an iconic moment for any public figure and not to mention, you have a wig of yours, a dress of yours, one of your sparkly microphones in the Smithsonian. Yeah. How does it feel to have your career immortalized so many times in such a short span of time? It feels like I'm talking about somebody else not me. Wendy from Jersey. Yeah. Like my family doesn't treat me any different. The public treats me different but I still don't feel, my staff doesn't treat me any different. You know, many of us, we've been there from the first day of six week sneak peak, we've become like family. Yeah. And I don't wanna be treated any different. You know, I just want my respect from this industry. It seems as though, that's the biggest fight that I have, so I've given up. (clapping) (laughing) (cheering) For the full interview, go to THR for The Hollywood Reporter go to thr.com there's a full interview with a whole bunch of talking. Thank you Hollywood Reporter. (cheering) All right, now look at here. Justin Timberlake's co-star looks guilty as heck to me. (groaning in awe) Only cause she ran, she didn't stay. So Jessica Beal goes to New Orleans, he invited her on the set of his movie that he and his love interest in the movie are filming together, Alisha. And at the same time Jessica was on the set, this girl Alisha was spotted at the LA airport and didn't, look, look, look, look. And didn't say a herd to the paparazzi, take a look. Welcome back to LA. How's filming, may I ask? Alisha is there anything you can say? Alisha come on. No comment Alisha? At all? Alisha was it tough to go back filming after all that? (traffic) Any apologies to the family? Any regrets? Now she looks fantastic but guilty as hell. (laughing) Right? (clapping) Not for nothing, she should've stayed on the set and been more visible than ever cause if you really don't screw around with a married man than you wouldn't have a reason to run, all's I'm saying. (clapping) And you know, this would've been her chance like, you know with the Kraft services while they're getting chicken and macaroni and cheese and stuff and she sees Jessica off to the side, no cameras and no him. Just the two of the girls. Say, look you know girl, nothing happened. You know, I deeply apologize. You understand? Yes. I apologize, nothing happened. Yes, my hand was on your husbands lap but that was out of friendship, it wasn't out of, you know! You've put a hand on a mans lap before, doesn't mean you're screwing around with him. Sometimes you're just telling him like right here, he was clearly wasted. He even said he was wasted there. She might've been like, calm down girl. Stop drinking so much. Talking to Justin. (laughing) You know what I mean. Anyway. (laughing) By her running, all this says to me is, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. (clapping) Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, k, k, k, k, k. I have something for you. I don't know who this person is but he is nice to look at. Okay, he's an actor and a comedian his name is Kumail. All right just, no calm down. You don't see what I'm about to show you. Okay. His name is Kumail Nanjiani, okay and he shocked fans yesterday when he showed off his new body. Like most of us, he might have, he's got a little bit of a loose stomach and he could use a training bra, take a look. This is the before, this is the before. Okay. But he looks like a regular guy, like I like guys like that, I, you know not for nothing. You know, hey, (mocking squeaking sounds). (laughing) Okay. But yesterday, he posted a picture. (crowd gasping) Okay. (cheering) But my type in real life is the first guy cause this one seems like you gotta try too hard. Like, I like the (mocking squeaking sounds), you know. Aw, anyway this is what he did. He said for one year to get in shape for Marvels upcoming "Eternals" movie, he's a star right. So he said, he would never, he was honest, he said he would never be able to do this for a full year without a trainer, a nutritionist all paid for by the movie studio. So at least he's honest. (cheering) He's honest. (clapping) Oh and by the way. He's 41. Woo! See the veins intimidate me. (laughing) I like the hair though. You know, cause it's not like taco meat. (laughing) I like the hair. But the ab right there, it's like intimidating. He had time to work out as much as he wanted because they were all paying for it and he's like, he said he'd never be able to do this as a regular person and that's what I think we can all walk away with is that, you know, these people get this way because they do stuff, they have stuff and if you're struggling with your new year resolution where you're gonna lose weight and get a body like this. You know where I live. (clapping) Now I wanna shout out to the legendary Tom Joiner. (cheering) Who by the way, I look at everyday because he has this bobble head, it literally (mumbling). (Norman laughing) It literally is with my collection of bobble heads over my stove in the kitchen. I don't use the stove so nothing gets dirty and-- Right. (laughing) You know what I mean? I got a, like a shelf, I got the dance mom. Abby Lee Miller. Abby Lee Miller, yup. I got a Paul Wall with the grills. Uh-huh. I got Colonel Sanders. (laughing) Yeah, like, I got me I'm a bobble head too. And Tom Joiner, I got so many of them but Tom, Tom has retired after 25 years of doing radio. Syndication most of his life. (clapping) I was actually shocked when I found this out, I had no idea it was actually DJ Boof who told me about it. I was like Boof, who always gets information wrong. (laughing) But you got that Whopper right last night. Right? And I wore the mittens today too. I put them on the Instagram. Boof stopped by before going to one of his creepy appearances and bought me some stuff. Creepy. (laughing) I'm like where are you going? Aw, uh-huh. Look, mittens and that's ear muffs, with a blingy muffle-ation and then, there's my Whopper. I told him extra cheese and extra pickles and don't put the ketchup in the same bag. Put it on the side cause normally the ketchup is cold and I don't like a cold condiment. (laughing) Any who, so back to Tom Joiner right? So (laughing) so Tom and his morning show was syndicated number one, the number one urban morning show all across the country. He's my friend but my other friend Rickey Smiley's gonna be taking over all Tom Joiner's stuff. (cheering) And. His numbers in my phone only I didn't get around to calling but I found out from the hot topics bureau it all came down to the money. Uh-huh, he's 70 years old. 70. 70 years old and he said he would stay for the rest of his life but it all came down to the grid. So Tom, retire well, I know you live down the street from my parents there in Florida. They point at your house every time we're riding around. There's where Tom lives! (laughing) I'm like, okay can you drive faster before he sees us stalking him. (laughing) Anyway Tom congratulations, happy retirement. (clapping) And we've got more great show for you everybody. Up next, we've got celebrity fan out. So, grab a snack and come on back. (upbeat techno music) (cheering) (upbeat pop music) (cheering) Okay, so it is time for celebrity fan out. I love this segment. And away we go. The first lovely fan, it comes from Sheila S who watches the Wendy show on KDFW in Dallas, Texas and Sheila writes, hey Wendy, how you doing? How you doing? I was in Nashville when I met Tom Hanks. (cheering) Oh wow. He looks frightened. She says, he was taking a selfie in front of the Ryman theater and when I asked him if I could get a photo with him he said, snap away. Okay. (cheering) Our next celebrity fan out comes from Katie L who watches the Wendy show on WSBN in North Lauderdale, Florida. Katie writes, hey Wendy, how you doing? How you doing? I was at work when I met John Leguizamo. (cheering) Yay. (clapping) He was such a fun person to be around, she says. Katie by the way, I love your curls. Really good. (clapping) Okay. Our next celebrity fan out comes from Christian B, who watches the Wendy show on KPLR in St. Louis, Missouri. And Christian writes, hey Wendy, how you doing? How you doing? (laughing) I was walking in Time Square when my, really? Only thing I know about Time Square is you run. (laughing) Don't make eye contact and make sure you have something sharp in your hand. (laughing) When she was walking. Oh yeah, you're from out of town, that's what you all do. St. Louis. Okay, so she says I'm walking in Time Square on my birthday when I met Ciara. Wow. (cheering) Wow. She's from out of town too, she doesn't know the rules around here, okay. Nobody walks in Time Square. All right she was, she said my cologne smelled wonderful and I blushed so hard. Aw. That's cute. It's a good picture. Thank you Christian. (clapping) This is our final one. Celebrity fan out, it comes from Zita J who watches the Wendy show here in New York on WNYW and Zita writes, hey Wendy. How you doing? I was performing, performing? Wow. I was performing when I met Jennifer Lawrence and Adele. (cheering) Are you serious? After the show, they asked me if they could come back stage. I was touching up my make up when Jen asked if I could do hers. Aw. See what I'm saying. Jennifer Lawrence and Adele, they were hanging out on a girls night out. She goes on to say, you could tell they were having the ultimate girls night out. Wow. (clapping) Thank you Zita, thank you everybody. I do love celebrity fan out. If you've ever had an encounter with a celebrity, sharing is funny. Go to wendyshow.com. Up next, oh my gosh, do you smell what it smells like in here? Yeah! You better best realize that Carla Hall is here! (cheering) (upbeat pop music) (upbeat pop music) (cheering) (speaking drowned out by crowd) Here's a spot on the floor. Oh my gosh your shoes are so cute. Your dress is so cute. Thank you. Ladies and Gentleman, Carla Hall. (cheering) Carla is the author of that book, called. Carla Hall's Soul Food. There you go. You've had it out for a while. Yes, yes. There's all kinds of good recipes. Let's get to cooking. All right. All I smell is goodness. You know what but Wendy, okay you have a shoe cam but do you have a glasses camera? All right, do it. Come on, wait, oh my gosh. (cheering) Those are prescription? They're prescription. I can't even hear without my glasses girl. No, they don't even fit! No, I pay for that. How much were those? I don't know, I don't even know. No, I. Like you know when you wear those thick Coke bottle glasses? Yes. That's you. That's me. But those are really good. No you pay for the lens reduction. And I match the Christmas tree. (cheering) Yeah. But anyway, enough about me and my glasses. I like your jacket too. Thank you, thank you. This is a design, he painted this, it's like (mumbling). They remind me of remember when Madonna and Sandra Bernhard wore those shorts together? They remind me of that. All right, let's get to cooking. Okay, so we're doing a hot smoked salmon. We have creamed kale and we have a baked apple with all the trimmings. Girl, you jumped right into the hot, I mean you don't think that you can smoke salmon in your house. No but look, cause normally I use the liquid smoke. Okay. Back when I used to cook. Yeah, yep. You know what? I'm not gonna yup your yum. No but this right here. These are wood chips? Those are wood chips, you soak them and I've got soy sauce. We have all this stuff for a brine. You know how you brine a turkey, you brine your salmon. Yeah we have hot sauce on here-- Yeah hot sauce, I've got hot sauce, got soy sauce, wine, ginger, salt and pepper and all this stuff. You know. And then you just take all this stuff and you pour it over your salmon, four hours. Four hours in the fridge-- Four hours in the fridge, turn it and then it looks like this. You are hitting it hard, I love that you love it. (cheering) Girl. You know you take this, you have the chips, you put a little bit of that soaking water in here, you put this on top, you cover with foil. Where do you get the chips? In the grocery store. Right next to the, the wood chips. Next to the coal, next to the coal! Y'all know what I'm talking about, next to the coal. They have them. Is this the same stuff that you put in a fireplace? Yeah like char, no not no, next to the charcoal, not the fireplace. Okay. Wendy, come on, stop it. But the fact that she's eating it means you need to make the recipe! Okay. So look. (clapping) Okay but we need something to go with this cause the side that we're doing is the creamed kale. I have leeks in here with oil. I'm gonna add in some cream. Leeks? Yeah, you know like creamed spinach, leeks. Leeks like onions. Okay, okay, all right I didn't know that. Okay, garlic. Salt, pepper and chili flakes. Look I turned this up. Yeah she turned that on. You're gonna bring this to a boil, you're gonna bring it to a boil, take it down to a simmer. And then you have this kale in here, I'm doing baby kale. Can we stir them (mumbling). Well I don't like kale so much. Well then eat it with cream. Only cause, and I think that you're really gonna make this good. Yes. The thing with kale and we always talk about this, it's very bitter. Right but it's a bitter green but I don't like bitter but the cream makes it sweet and the garlic and the chili's. There's a restaurant near my apartment that makes a really good kale salad and I order it at least once a week cause it doesn't taste like kale but it's all kale. Tell me how you like it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Right? (clapping) I mean, it's good, you see how this wilts down? It wilts down so nicely and you can use regular kale or you can-- You don't even know this is kale. I know it's like creamed spinach, you like creamed spinach? Yeah I do. Yeah. What are you doing for Christmas? I'm gonna be in Miami with my family. Are you, oh you're gonna do warm too, I'm doing warm. Where you going? I'm gonna go to California. Wait, is Noah going? Noah's not going we had him for Thanksgiving. He's 24, this is her stepson. Yes, but Matthew's going. The yoga. The yoga instructor that used to be an attorney and they're married. He is so, yes you remembered. He is doing so great. He loves the yoga but I'm going out there, Sherri Shepherd had invited me, what I thought-- You and Sherri are like the best combination ever, I love her. But I thought she invited me to go see a comedy show, she actually invited me to be in it and I said yes in the text. (crowd awing) I'm gonna do 10 minutes of stand up with Sherri at the Comedy Union. (cheering) Are you gonna curse? Am I gonna curse? I may say, I may say one curse word. But it's gonna be all about how I get mistaken for Tracy Ellis Ross. (laughing) Oh yeah, that's a good one. I've told you that. I mean, people are talking to me and then they, I give them a hug and they feel good and they walk away like, by Tracy, she's so nice. (laughing) I'm like Tracy you're welcome. Yes. Okay, there's no jokes in there about how Noah poses doing yoga? I mean your husband. Matthew. Here let's move over here and do some apples. Okay wait. I'm waiting for, this is really good. Can I have this in some Tupperware to take home? I know. This is-- And the salmon. Yeah. She wants the salmon. We gotta have that for lunch. Work that out. All right so, look, now we're gonna do apples. All right show the picture of him, in the yoga. Yeah so Matthew has this picture, it's like upside down in the yoga. He spreads real good. Yes. (clapping) Yes, we use those positions. There's gotta be some comedy in there somewhere. Yes. Oh right the apples. Okay so we're baking the apples, here. What is this? This is like a Calvados butter, I have butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, some maple syrup and some Calvados. What is a Calvados? It's like a liquor. Yeah. Oh I taste it, what the hell! I know. And I don't drink but I eat my alcohol but you can actually, substitute this for like, apple juice. And I take some apple cider, we cover this, we put it in the oven and then here we have this. This is really creative. Yeah. It looks very fancy. So now what we're gonna do is fix, we're gonna put the, some toppings on it. Oh okay. Here. We got this, you want some nuts? I like nuts. (laughing) Candied nuts. Do I? Candied nuts. (laughing) You want some, here we have some like cinnamon, like some red hots. Oh I like a red hot. Uh-huh. You like creamies? What is that? Whip cream. No, that's the homemade one. No, I like the one out of a can. (laughing) I know you went out of your way to make this. You can squeeze it. (growling sound) You know sometimes like your favorite stuff is the cheapest stuff. That's right, that's right. I love all cheese but government cheese is my favorite. (laughing) (clapping) It's so good. You guys, this is so good. Oh my gosh. Red hots with the, wow. It's a cinnamon candy. All right. (clapping) Okay. You guys, we'll see you later. (mumbling) Carla, for more information on these recipes go to wendyshow.com. Holiday gift grab is next. (upbeat pop music) (cheering) (upbeat holiday pop music) Ho, ho, how you doing? (cheering) It's time for our holiday gift grab. Nutcrackers, what's first? (twinkling) Do you Spotify? I Spotify, we love this. Okay, Spotify premium plays millions of songs, ad-free, on demand and off line. Find the right music or the right podcast for every moment of your day. I love Spotify studio audience, you're going home with a one year subscription. (cheering) Okay. What's next nutcrackers? (twinkling) Okay. Okay, this is so good, all right. This is FRESHeTECH. They're high-quality audio with sleek and stylish designs. Look how sleek and stylish the design. (cheering) Bundle includes one portable speaker and two sets of ear buds. This is gonna be great for your holiday or to give away to somebody. Take your music every where you go. Studio audience, you're getting all of it. (cheering) What's last nutcracker? (twinkling) (cheering) Oh God. (laughing) Eat your way through the holidays and then get it off with Blink Fitness. This gym puts mood and muscle together. Break a sweat with 500 on demand work-out classes, that's what they have, over 100 locations. Studio audience you're all getting a one year membership. (cheering) Thank you. For more information on this great stuff go to wendyshow.com, ask Wendy is next. (upbeat pop music) (cheering) (upbeat pop music) (cheering) All right. Everybody have a seat it's time for ask Wendy, come along now. Oh now hold on. (laughing) Hi Mrs. Christmas, come over here. How you doing? Hi Wendy, how you doing? Who are you, where you from, what do you do? My name is Melanie, I'm from Long Island and I'm in IT. Okay. How can I help you Melanie? So, even though I look like I'm in the Christmas holiday spirit, I'm really not. I probably won't be buying Christmas gifts either. So my sister has this annual Christmas dinner and how do I tell her that I don't wanna attend? And your parents are gonna be there and your cousins and your aunts and your uncles and stuff? Pretty much. Well there's a bigger problem going on in my opinion in Melanie's life. What is going on in your life Melanie? Did you recently break up with him? No, absolutely not. Okay. You haven't had a him in years? Married 21 years. Okay. How do you and your husband get along? We're fine, we're fine. Does he not wanna go to the party? He'll be working. He'll be working. Do you have children? No. Okay, how long have you been married? 21 years. Okay and why don't, go to the party. What's a matter with you? (laughing) Why don't you wanna go? I just don't feel like I'm in the Christmas holiday spirit. Why? I just don't-- You see where I'm trying to examine her. There's something bigger than her sisters party going on. I just don't feel like being-- You're the only one dressed like fricking Christmas in here. (laughing) We would think that you'd be the one. I'm trying to get into the spirit. You are a let down. (laughing) Are you at least happy being here? I am, I am, I am. (cheering) (clapping) I'm gonna think about it. Melanie, go to the party. It's not about buying gifts, you know what I'm saying? We are women of a particular age, it's not about the gifts. Go to the party. Mm-hmm. Let your husband work and then when he comes home, give it to him good. (cheering) Just saying. Come on. I couldn't figure it out, how you doing? Hi Wendy, I'm Katie, how you doing? Hi Katie, where you from, what do you do? I'm from Maryland, I'm in college. Okay. How can I help you girl? So I have this friend and I've only been friends with her for about five months but I've caught her boyfriend cheating on her at a party, making out with another girl, so. (laughing) Sounds like college to me. So do I tell her or do I just mind my own business. Mind your own business. I mean you girls are in college, she's not marrying him. She probably doesn't even care, as a matter of fact, while he was making out with the next girl, she was probably making out with the next guy. (laughing) I went to college, I know how the game works. (cheering) All right Katie, we'll be right back. (upbeat techno music) (cheering) (upbeat pop music) (cheering) Never too old for some Kim. Okay, oh I'm sorry, okay. Oi, okay. Look, everybody have a seat it's time for eye candy. Everyone looks fabulous by the way. But I only got one on most legendary, how you doing diva fan? Looks like this. And drum roll please. (drum rolling) Today's eye candy winner is. Marlene Crawford. (trumpet) (upbeat pop music) Here. Don't turn it on, it might spin in both of our heads. Is that a wig? Yes. It's a wig? Yes. It looks good. Thank you. Look, when I called you out earlier I had no idea we were actually having eye candy fitted into the show cause sometimes it's a last minute thing when we need something else to do, before we say goodbye. (laughing) All right, talk about your look. Monochromatic, just going for the Christmas sprit. Yeah and you're from Brooklyn, you're a property manager? Yes. Fabulous. Thank you. (clapping) And the boots. Can we talk about them? Yes. They're great, comfy, three-inch heel. Oh, with a chalk heel. Yes, very comfortable. I like it. Okay well keep your diva fan Marlene or Darlene rather and we'll be right back, thanks. (upbeat pop music) New Yorker. (laughing) That's all I wanted, Boof. Oh, Carla Hall, thank you for lunch cause I'm gonna eat it. (cheering) And my co-host's, my studio audience, thanks for understanding. Tomorrow, Jason Derulo is here plus the hot topics. I love people watching, see you next time on Wendy. Bye-bye. (upbeat pop music) (cheering) How you doing? Nice. (techno sounds)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 359,013
Rating: 4.7097507 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show
Id: E-pOHxwRS-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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