Tucker: Left ignores Ivy League discrimination against Asian, white students

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
joe biden and kamala harris are hardly deep thinkers that's the whole point it's the waterbug campaign right on the surface but if you ask them rouse them from a dead sleep what's an existential threat that america faces russia iran but number one on the list would be institutional racism that's the biggest threat we face neither one of them can define that term obviously joe biden gave a speech about it this summer he didn't even try to define it he just declared that institutional racism is everywhere and apparently it is and they're telling institutional racism caused kamala harris to drop out of the presidential primary just as she was about to lose her home state it's what made that minneapolis cop murder a man when the crops failed in ancient rome the authorities blame the gods but when democrats don't like something they blame institutional racism you've seen a lot of this but that does not mean that institutional racism doesn't exist the justice department just made a pretty strong case that it does exist the doj has concluded that yale university in new haven connecticut systematically discriminates against asian and white applicants there's not really any question about the evidence to overwhelming the doj looked at yale's admission practices over an 18-year period what did they find quote asian-american and white applicants have only one-tenth to one-fourth the likelihood of admission as african-american applicants with comparable academic credentials they caught yale colt yale hasn't even denied it really it's true and by the way everybody knows it's true ask any chinese or korean-american parent you know they're highly aware of this their kid could have straight a's and an amazing s.a.t score but he's not going to princeton he'll be lucky to get into boston college because he's the wrong color is there a single american who doesn't know this everybody knows it are we okay with that shut up say democrats stop talking about it it's not a real problem as one new york times writer put it quote justice department working overtime for those marginalized depressed upper class white students able to go to yale looking after main street as if that's what it's about what would be funny would be to see what would happen if ivy league schools stopped admitting the low iq children of famous liberals what would they think of that people like cnn's chris cuomo who went to yale because his dad was the governor of new york would the new york times support that shutting down the pipeline for the kids of democratic politicians to brown yale princeton harvard oh no that would hit them where they live but discriminating against some korean kid so we can feel virtuous oh yeah we're for that another new york times writer put it this way quote it is not discrimination to take into account systemic inequality oh right so in other words it's not discrimination to discriminate as long as i'm the beneficiary of the discrimination okay so that's how it works but it's not how the jim crow south worked yeah but the left doesn't care about details according to new york times if you're an african-american student who got a mercedes from your parents for your 18th birthday you were the victim of systemic inequality you need a 200 point bonus on your s.a.t but if you're a kid from appalachia grew up in a trailer park without parents had to work your way through high school at crystal burger you were the beneficiary of systemic racism not one person believes that it's absolutely ridiculous it makes no sense it's insulting to all of us it's degrading to all of us because it's too unfair but they don't care the goal isn't to convince you the goal is to make you as cynical as they are they think they can accomplish that and maybe they can by rubbing their total lack of moral standards into your face just weeks ago the media that doesn't care about yale's overt discrimination against asians was horrified about the term wuhan coronavirus because it could hurt chinese americans they said they never explained how but they said it watch the president referred to the coronavirus as a quote foreign virus and i think it's going to smack uh it's going to come across to a lot of americans as smacking of xenophobia xenophobic wartime trump where he thinks the only path now is to basically declare the virus public enemy number one painted in somewhat racist terms the xenophobia and the racism in outbreak is such a common thing and it is incredibly dangerous it is problematic and it is scary and i just really want to call that out why do you keep calling this the chinese virus why do you keep using this a lot of people say it's racist it's not racist at all no not at all it comes from china that's why it is quote problematic and scary to criticize the chinese government but not to openly discriminate against chinese american children but you cannot criticize the government of china anyone who does must be silenced white house adviser peter navarro was actually thrown off the air for the crime of telling cnn's viewers where the coronavirus came from and i will say that this virus that is affecting the united states right now is the chinese you know what virus we let you say that once peter please don't say it again on this show i know why china all right peter navarro we appreciate you being with us i know what you're trying to do there i know why you're saying at the anchor schools right you're not allowed to say certain things on the air and cnn are msnbc or else you might start thinking for yourself watch the wuhan coronavirus has now surpassed the 2003 sars outbreak the first u.s case of chinese coronavirus was confirmed at her house one of her hospitals inside that building is the world's first lab-grown copy of the uhan coronavirus outside mainland china the chinese coronavirus death toll has jumped to at least 26 people the death toll from the wuhan coronavirus spiked today the chinese virus the coronavirus that is worrying the whole world this comes as the chinese coronavirus death toll has jumped to at least 26 people and sickened at least 835 people oh so it was okay to call it the wahan corona virus because it is from rouhan probably from a chinese lab actually the evidence shows but once that became a public relations problem for the chinese government you were racist for saying it so what can we conclude actual racism means nothing to these people what matters to them is whether they can use racial division to advance a partisan political agenda where's the aclu in all this the aclu spent i don't know about a hundred years worrying about racial discrimination they were always left-wing they did some pretty virtuous things but they announced on thursday that they have no problem with systemic racial discrimination in college admissions quote calling for an end to consideration of race in college admissions threatens the future of campus diversity oh in other words says the aclu we need racism because it brings us diversity this it goes without saying is totally grotesque that's why almost nobody says it out loud they don't want you to talk about it because they can't defend it and in fact once the words hit the air and people look at them they realize wow this is disgusting and yet kimmel harris supports it along with the aclu she is pushing to eliminate the core anti-discrimination law in california we can't say this enough that's how shocking it is in the 1990s californians passed by popular vote proposition 209. that recognized that giving racial preference is wrong it's morally wrong but democrats have changed their view now they understand that discrimination is key to their goals a caste system a system in which americans are rewarded or punished based on how they were born allows them to take and maintain power
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,163,358
Rating: 4.8358402 out of 5
Keywords: Yale Asian Students, Yale DOJ, Tucker Yale, Tucker ivy league, tucker universities, carlson, fnc, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight, harvard university, ivy league, yale students discrimination, cnn, coronavirus cnn, media coverage cornavirus
Id: quFJMQ3_14s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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