Tucker: Clinton dynasty crumbles

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[Music] well good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight 25 years ago this month exactly Bill and Hillary Clinton took control of the Democratic Party and they basically run it with a few exceptions ever since it's been a long time here's a look back I still believe in a place called hope I accept your nomination [Applause] I experimented with marijuana at a time too and I didn't like it and didn't inhale you could put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorable zhh I did not have sexual relations with that woman miss Lewinsky I can state unequivocally that as my husband had said these are false allegations it depends upon what the meaning of the word is [Applause] [Music] the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy what difference at this point does it make I feel your pain this was the biggest nothing burger ever thank you [Applause] if you're a recent college graduate that's your entire life that's how long the Clintons have been in control a quarter century and for decades they've held control because they and their acolytes have ruthlessly stamped out numerous charges of sexual harassment and assault brought against Bill Clinton suddenly out of nowhere that's no longer working for them society wide backlash against sexual harassment by powerful producers actors and politicians has finally turned and bit the Clintons themselves just yesterday Democratic senator Kirsten Gillibrand she's the one who filled Hillary Clinton's New York Senate seat when Hillary left it to become Secretary of State said that Bill Clinton should have resigned during the Monica Lewinsky scandal in response Gillibrand was blasted by Hillary Clinton's longtime spokesman flee brains he tweeted this over 20 years you took the Clintons endorsements money and seat hypocrite but senator Gillibrand is not alone in turning on the Clintons liberal blogger Matt Iglesias who's defended them for years who works at Fox he now says the president should have resigned back then at an event in Miami former DNC chair Donna Brazile also very close to the Clintons says that Bill Clinton's accusers deserve to be heard where's this coming from what does it mean other than the end of the Clinton era finally and completely Chris Hahn is an attorney he spent years working for Senator Chuck Schumer of New York a longtime Clinton ally and he joins us to me Chris thanks for joining us anytime doctor thanks for having me I'm not gonna pile on the Clintons actually I'm gonna say something that I didn't think I would ever say I agree with flee brains in this case I think that senator Gillibrand is basically treating the Clintons like the Clintons treated women she used them and now she's discarding them and I think it is contemptible wouldn't you agree no I look I mean she's got a good opinion and I think it's a good voice that needs to be heard and let's face it Tucker I think that opinions on some of the things that happened in the 90s have evolved dramatically in this country particularly in the last you know ten months or so and I think that there is a people looking back on what happened not just with Bill Clinton Anita Hill and and Justice Thomas with a whole new light and they are looking at you know if I were much younger you might be able to pull that over on me because that'd be like really people didn't worry about rape in the 1990s but I was there actually and Justice Thomas was never accused of any physical contact of any kind he was accused of saying sexual things to Anita Hill we can debate whether he did or not I never accused of assault in any way Bill Clinton was credibly accused of forcible violent rape by a woman who was not a political opponent she was a Democrat and she told a bunch of people about it at the time and she was attacked by fellow Democrats dismissed by the press and made to feel that she'd done something wrong that was wrong then and it's wrong now and what I find in fire is all these people attacked her then and now they're like oh well you know standards have changed no rapes always been real it's always been bad I agree Tucker I mean they're you're not getting any argument meeting you know and you look back on it now and and and there's a lot of disgust when you look back at that both on you know both from people on the left and the right and the way things were done towards women who came forward with allegations and I think the initial instinct that is happening now for women to be believed until they're not is probably the right way to go and I think we're gonna see more of that and I think it's empowering for women and I think that we're gonna see less sexual harassment in the workplace and we're gonna see women move farther up the chain because I think having more women in power is gonna stop this all together and I think that's a great thing for America let's totally race that's that's a first oh that's nonsense social science doesn't back you up and there been Studies on this and if they don't say what you say they say but moreover Hillary Clinton just ran for president a year ago she's married to the guy riot of rape and she attacked the she did attacked the women who accused him of sex crimes and she didn't do it in the 90s she did it last year while running for president and she's still denying it so she wanted the most loved job in America and she's attacking the women so how does your theory work exactly Tucker you know on the Clintons I love them I think that they I think bill was a great president I think she would have been a great president they are no longer going to be the leaders of the Democratic Party that is very very clear at every point in about a year and a half we'll pick a new nominee to run for president and he or she will be the leader of the Democratic Party going forward until they're not president or till they lose the president and that's an interesting conversation now I look I agree with you and actually I would love to have a longer conversation about which wing in the party is ascendant at this point but I can't I just we need I don't want to do a week of sex stories about the Clintons because they're off the stage I agree with you I hope this is the last one we ever do they're gone I look I agree with you but Michelle Goldberg if the New York Times is not gone she has a column there she's totally fraudulent a fraudulent feminist she's running this quote because of Broderick's allegations Bill Clinton no longer has a place in decent society now we can say Bill Clinton's off the stage Michelle Goldberg's not off the stage she still as a platform people listen to her and take her seriously where was she a year ago these allegations are 20 years old why should we let Michelle Goldberg this ersatz feminist off the hook for just now recognizing rape is wrong like why should I forgive her I'm pretty I you know I I I've seen Michelle Goldberg I don't think she was writing a column for The New York Times in 1996 she was defending very constantly though I read her stuff she was difficult for Hillary okay look what look Tucker you're gonna hold Hillary Clinton responsible for our husband's crimes that's ridiculous no I'm not I'm not actually and by the way and a joke Goldberg because exactly why because Michelle Goldberg and lots of other people on the Left thought it was more important than that they have power then that some woman get justice okay fine but you can't pretend to be a feminist simultaneously which is what people like Michelle Goldberg and it's not just her it's it's the entire feminist establishment that covered up for life's crimes because they wanted him in office and I just think they should be held accountable for that not the Clintons they're defenders like I said I think there's been a major evolution in this country and I think that's a good thing and I think things are gonna change and we're not going to be seeing these things covered up and swept under the rug so that's our last year's organizer that is fairly good for the current president people didn't think rape was a big deal last year during the campaign I thought my Democrats were the party of women so but you're telling me they didn't take it seriously last year talker the person who was accused of rape was not running for president year his wife woman who would never stick he was never he was never accused of rape she believed her husband that was no crime to believe she don't believe her husband for a second and you that don't insult my intelligence she attacked women who accused him I was there I covered this in 1998 and she led the charge against Monica Lewinsky who did nothing wrong she was a good kid and mrs. Clinton is the one who said she's a stalker in a nut case and don't believe her she did that yeah it wasn't just by evening her husband I think look Tucker I think Monica Lewinsky is owed an apology by a lot of people yeah myself included and I think everybody I think everybody on the left and the right who attacked that woman and painted her with a scarlet letter when she was just a 20-something I cried person I feel that there's nobody in in in my lifetime who I feel was treated worse than her politically I think that's something that needs and they have a way the FBI ought to apologize to her also they sweated her they threatened her she didn't do anything wrong I mean she did something you know she's a kitchen intern but I agree there are many people responds knowing that woman's life but Hillary Clinton is one of them my only point is when it was politically expedient all these fake feminists defended Hillary Clinton and now that she's off the stage like oh I can unburden myself just kidding he's guilty well look look I don't I don't think they're fake feminists Tucker I think they were compiled compartmentalizing some of their feelings on different things I know a lot of women I know a lot of women I know a lot of women who do not like Bill Clinton to this day and are very critical of Bill Clinton because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal because of the other things brought up against em and these are liberal women Chris I hope that we have closed the book on the Clintons and we'll see you back here on another topic well I think I think we have thanks men
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,139,195
Rating: 4.8004532 out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker Carlson, Tuckers Thoughts, Apple News, Media, Scandals, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Politics, Primary Opinion, Special, Fox News, News
Id: iQrYvdxWEjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
Reddit Comments

Her voice makes me want to end it all.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/dgreenest 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

My God, the people who voted for either of these criminals must be fucking imbeciles.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Frontfart 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2017 🗫︎ replies
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