Tucker calls this the most 'totally evil' thing President Joe Biden has done | Guy Benson Show

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well i'm joined now sitting right next to me by someone that perhaps you've heard of if you're a fox fan tucker carlson is host of tucker carlson tonight weeknights 8 pm eastern on fox news channel also tucker carlson today and tucker carlson originals at fox nation you can find out more at foxnation.com or tuckercarlson.com you're very busy they have you doing many things tucker i can't believe i'm on a show sponsored by a finnish booze company that is the coolest thing that's ever happened to me well i'm glad that we can be i love finland i'm actually part finish and the finns no booze they do yeah they do and this has been the most popular alcoholic beverage there for like 70 years it's like guinness is to ireland as long drink is to finland and they sponsor the show and it's really good that's right so it's such a great country it's a wonder it's a wonderful country i think i want to start with just some like almost shop talk because whenever i'm out meeting people and chatting with fox viewers around the country when i'm traveling many times people ask about you oh tucker what's he like you know his show it's been such a huge success it got me thinking because you've been in this business for a while now you've been at cnn crossfire 26 years the bowtie days and msnbc of course and at fox different roles here at fox and now this prime time show that has just been like a rocket ship this massive success not taking anything away from your prior successes at other networks and other shows what is it about this show that you think has catapulted it to the level that it is what's unique about it well i don't have any sense of you know i'm i'm the least software person in the world by design i think self-awareness leads to self-obsession which leads to self-pity which leads to misery so i really try not to think about myself um but if i'm being completely honest about it i think it it's pretty simple like i've hosted a lot of shows on multiple networks and it really depends on the network you know if you're hosting a show on a channel that nobody watches then nobody's watching you know what i mean it's like you host a show on fox right now and speak to relevant issues you can't but help get a big audience and that's kind of so i'm not being falsely modest i'm being sincere because i i've lived it i think it really has a lot to do with you know the 8 pm show and fox is just an amazing piece of real estate um i know that personally i'm 52 so i've really kind of run out of any interest at all in what liars say so for example 20 years ago if someone had ever called me a white supremacist i think i would have been paralyzed with horror because that's an awful thing to call someone's awful thing to be and i'm of course not but now i really i've realized just having grown older that like the people saying that don't mean it at all you know the first time someone called me that i went on tv and said no actually you know i'm i've got really pretty liberal racial views i think we're all the same everyone's created by god i'm a christian i think we have identical value and i really mean that and i do think that and so i hope this clears it up he's a white supremacist and that's when i realized they don't care what you say no there's no there's no point right so the only reason they're saying that is in order to control you through fear and i'm just old enough that i'm not at all afraid i know exactly who i am i have weaknesses that's just not one of them now if they call me out one of my weaknesses if they're like like what i don't know we notice that you gain and lose 50 pounds a year like maybe you could get your you know snacking under control that would probably hurt my feelings a little bit because that's totally real what's what's your worst like guilty pleasure i mean you know i'll eat anything bad um i think partly it's well it's just a lack of self-control or you know i write a lot you know that's essentially my job is to write and so i think when you know you're totally absorbed in writing something every day you kind of give yourself permission in a very self-indulgent way to eat crappy food and that's whatever i mean it's just and part of it is just just laziness you know rather than make a meal or go find a meal you know if someone were to put a bunch of fig newtons in my house and probably eat them it's like here they are right so that's like an actual fault or sometimes i get mad you know i have a temper that's a totally fair criticism and i take that seriously but the other criticisms that are not real at all they're not even close to real i sincerely don't care i just don't care so that's a strength if you don't care and you that means you can't they don't have a leash on you like they're not controlling but they try of course and there's this whole almost cottage industry there's a whole group of people devoted seemingly to criticizing you and trying to get you fired and canceled every day do you ever think about them when you're planning the program like even to give them middle fingers on a nightly basis it's funny if you knew how cut off i was by design i don't think anyone would actually really believe it but i just i lead a very different kind of life you know i'm not interested in participating in that i don't like the internet i think technology is for the most part poison i'm for mris you know for chemotherapy but in general technology has not liberated us it's enslaved us and it makes people unhappy and it divides them from each other and i just don't participate you know i don't like the internet at all and i don't go there i don't do social media i hate social media so how do you build a nightly show if you're cut off to some text message through text messages with your team no no with hundreds of people so i get daily texts from probably a couple hundred at least people i know around the country world really who i've known for a long time have got good judgment who are in different worlds living different kinds of lives who send me stuff and that's the primary way that i understand the world and it's almost like having a team of course i know this sounds very weird but it's 100 ask anybody who works with me it's true and um and then in my private life i really try and read books i don't i think the internet is so misleading it gives the google gives the illusion of access to knowledge when in fact it's a tightly constrained world constrained by people with the worst possible motives you know so if you want to understand what's happening in the world read history and i i do i mean i have a lot of faults but i do read every day book you know actual paper they're made out of paper so that's what so like i have no sense of it so the only time i ever get any sense of it is on you know if i go into public with one of my kids and someone starts screaming at me i'm like totally baffled by it why are you mad at me but apparently there is quite a bit of opposition to our show but none of it ever filters down to me at all i last thing i'll say is i listen very very carefully to the negative opinions of people i respect and trust so it's not that i'm impervious to criticism i take it very seriously if my wife thinks i've done something wrong man i brood about it because i really care i've been married 30 years i really care what she thinks my children close friends i have a couple producers who i'm very close to personally i listen very carefully to them so but what i don't do is listen to people who aren't speaking in good faith who are stupid or unwise or whose own lives are demonstrably disastrous like why would i care what they think or like malignant on purpose but they just have no demonstrated record of success so like would you buy real estate from a homeless guy would you invest with bernie madoff no then why would you take personal life advice from someone whose personal life is in disarray like i would never do that because i'm not an idiot so i listen to people who are impressive and there are a million people i know who are more impressive than i am and i listen very carefully to what they say um but i'm absolutely not going to listen to like cnn why would i care what they say i just i literally don't care you and i appeared on gut fell briefly together because you were having a debate a formal debate with greg about who the dumbest person on cnn was and you had a very strong opinion on that there was another network mentioned at one point and another uh anchor these days at that network and i believe you went out of your way not to mention her name i will you don't have to but nicole wallace yesterday referred to or compared our network fox news to terrorists and i wonder you can you can engage with her or not but with this wildly overheated rhetoric i mean what drives that do they believe it are they angry that were well i haven't seen nicole i've known nicole for you know more than 20 years nicole when i knew her was called nicole devenish and she was a flak she was a you know a spin person she worked for jeb bush who was then governor of florida and she was is what they call a communications director or something so people like that you know have their merits have their values they're not all evil or anything but that their job description is lying they lie for a living they'll say what they're told to say they'll say what they have to say they're not involved in even the theoretical pursuit of truth and i don't think that she has changed her orientation ever since like whatever drives nicole wallace i mean i find her unusually venomous and lacking credibility and repulsive actually but that's just a gut reaction that i have because i've known her for so long and i respect her so little but that whole category of people is really shocking to me look you're on tv okay people some percentage are taking you seriously i in my show i'm afraid of what's happening in a lot of ways the country and i say that and i know that that probably freaks people out but i really try not to make people more afraid than i think is warranted last night for example we did a piece on the riots of the summer of 2020 and we have a lot of footage of those riots and some of that footage is so shocking enough being blunt with you so racially divisive that we don't put it on the air at my request because i don't it's real but i don't want to give people the impression you think it's too much some hellscape it's too much and television is such a powerful medium you can really evoke heavy-duty emotion in people television is not about conveying facts it's about conveying feelings emotion so you should pause before you whip people into a frenzy you really should i don't always and that's my fault and i should but i try to someone like nicole devonish who has no record of achieving anything in her life like nicole what's the sum total of nicole devenish's or whatever she's calling herself now like she's just not an impressive person so in place of actual achievement she tries to be as extreme as she possibly can i think in this moment that's a moral failing i mean it let me ask you about a poll that i just saw and it's interesting because what you do often on tucker carlson tonight and today and all the tucker carlson's yeah is you will sometimes broach topics that others don't or won't yeah and and something that has been discussed and you know this whispered about a lot especially in dc is the health and the mental fitness of president bibe yeah now you have major pollsters actually asking questions about it and this politico story has it's a 4648 split is the guy uh mentally sharp or the exact term was mentally fit for the job with 48 of plurality saying no he's not it's interesting to see that conversation which was very harsh sort of off limits for quite some time starting to bubble up a little bit more openly i wonder what your thoughts are on that well i'm so divided internally on the subject i have such mixed feelings about it because yes he is going see now obviously and but just to tell you i know that i've known joe biden for 30 years i always liked joe biden for whatever it's worth very warm person never agreed with him but i never hated him at all i always liked joe biden i know a bunch of members of his family and i some a couple of them very well and i knew for a fact that the certain members of the family were very concerned about his cognitive ability they didn't expect him to get the nomination nobody did and he got it and they were freaked out about it that's i'm not speculating i know that for a fact so i knew that the family believed he was in cognitive decline so there's that and that's news that's news on the other hand i'm a human being i'm 52 like i hope i make it to 78. i think there's nothing sadder than someone losing his mind i think that's that with relatives of course people you really love yeah i respect old people that's the other thing i just instinctively respect old people they've been around longer i aspire to be able to exactly thank you nicely put i aspire to be an old person and so the maca man senility is like i'm not gonna do that i probably have because i've violated a lot of my principles in the heat of the moment but i try not to i don't want to be that guy i want to treat old people with respect even if i you know abhor what they're doing and so i'm not coming out every night saying he's a vegetable well first of all he's not a vegetable but he is in decline look pull up tape from joe biden four years ago it's a totally different man so everybody knows it i would just say as a political matter i felt that his obvious whatever you want to call it the fact he was slowing down was one of the reasons he got elected because he seemed non-threatening so he might be a little punchy he's clearly not in his game whatever you you know however kind of safe normal safe thank you that's the word safe and i got that i totally understood that i know why people voted for biden i definitely do i'm not mocking them for voting for him they were exhausted by trump they're not ideological they didn't think about the ideas that biden represents or the trump represents or it's like trump is freaking me out i need to get something calm and that's why they voted biden i understand it what what we didn't understand is that biden would be immediately taken over and used as a vessel by people who really have a hard ideological agenda that is yeah how safe is it feeling right now not at all and you know if biden had come in and done things i disagree with raised taxes or kept troops in syria and i would have complained about it because i don't agree with those things however i wouldn't have been afraid you know if he had made good on his promise to try to unite the country not demonize whole segments of the population the base of their back status you know the worst thing that biden's done in office so far is that press conference where he said we're running out of patience for you people who haven't had the vaccine really first of all people are vaccinated according to pfizer's own numbers are not living longer than people who aren't vaccinated in fact according to the physician they're living a little shorter they also are according to the actual studies slightly more likely to pass on the virus so like i'm not saying there's no benefit to the vaccine i'm not saying that what i am saying is there's no basis upon which to demonize people who haven't been vaccinated and blame them for the freaking pandemic that's totally evil that he did that was totally evil talk about dividing the country that's the worst thing i've ever seen a president do i'm still mad about it and no one's talked about the vaccines because like you want to be an anti-vaxxer i'm not an anti-vaxxer about a million vaccines i'll probably have many more my kids have had vaccines but that is wrong that is totally wrong you cannot force people to take medical treatment against their will period period not in this country because why would we stop with corona what about hiv or tuberculosis or do you know what i mean like this is insane and everyone's afraid to say it's insane i'm not afraid because i'm i don't care it isn't so you're not afraid to say many things but that's just that's truly nuts and we're going to wake up one morning and be like i can't believe we lived through that why didn't we say something it was all a dream except it wasn't we're living it here at the patriot awards in florida it's good to see you tucker thanks for dropping by like guy benson as i was gonna like wind him up and let him go but we have a break tucker carlson tucker carlson tonight every week night 8 p.m eastern fox news channel good to see you sir thanks for doing thanks man super fun appreciate it we'll be right back
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,358,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, joe biden, guy benson, tucker, tucker carlson
Id: efW0hclklYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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