Tubbo, CaptainSparklez, Nihachu, Smajor1995 & fWhip Break Each Other's Trust In Among Us!

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oh it's it's fine i took tub off no don't take oh my god do you take yellow he's taking a little tub off whip i'm gonna start swearing i'm gonna start swearing you're gonna have yellow i'll take you it's a weapon now it's a weapon now i can use it as a website i'm swearing right now yeah oh my god it's a wet swear words have never been more power it's powerful he's gonna be like if you don't vote for scott right now i'm swearing yeah literally he's gonna use that captain are you there he will respond he will respond to me no okay can you tell me when you get back up good luck all right i'm ready made it out to be ever in your favor doing my ties gonna gonna gonna have a great day buddy we need lights we need lights camera and action did it i enabled the lights i fixed them i fixed them i know i know i can see all your karaoke messages where is the captain where is the captain med bass scan whoop i'm yelp five that is my id i am yelp five it's mr matt no oh this is awful this is awful this is awful i'm dead i'm dead oh no oh good heaven oh good heaven oh good heavens god will find me god will find me he's getting to scott nicki will find me nicki no the captain the captain will find my body oh my god captain cat the captain will find me captain why you let me down you let me down captain it was mr manifold all along go on captain go on do me proud do me proud captain oh my god not like this oh my god oh yo carl are you in chat i'll i'll definitely i'll hit you up with a slight opens up dude i definitely want to play yeah we have 10 at the moment but if you're able to hello dead body bro saw that on the monitors yeah sparkles and i were running towards that from the far side so i don't think it's him it was right in front of nav it's uh maddie's body yeah yeah and uh i guess that's why tubbo wasn't following me yeah i literally said it was like honestly for the majority that i was like must be trouble he's an event i've not seen him what did you do so i went first down to shields i did i did what are you doing shields it's a weird one to do first [ __ ] whatever why why is it a weird one just where they did it it's weird that you're saying you first went to shields but you is you don't know what yeah there's only one thing in the shields jack i reset the manifolds i reset the manifold i remember that one because it's my name jack jack old man of all the reasons i did that i did i thought it was cool you guys suck this actually sucks there was no reason [Music] oh within the sound of silence in restless dreams now the streets [Music] oh god is that really lagging out my stream really that was lagging out my stream i can't listen to hello darkness my old friend because it lags out my stream oh well i'm glad i know now i'm glad we could probably have emo only off now mods you know i'm dead i can't exactly cheat could you please turn on the discord overlay so we can see who's talking oh god i can't do that because i have uh i get a bunch of dms and they pop up i have to get the extension but i don't have that enabled at the moment i'm really sorry it'll take way too much time to set up oh nice give us the other one that was so quick it was jack what was yours [Music] no just loads of short ones just do like eight short tasks there's like no no that's way too quick i can only do five short tasks that's max how could it was like it only showed five tasks on the side even though you have like seven set up and i have to go because i will refer to the stream and i'm gonna be there with them yeah i have a question for him so please add him i have to say i'm in i'm in my car why am i a minion on that shirt why did you make me a minion i'm not gonna lie i'm not that creative carl that's the cold what the region is europe okay sweet one second um are you guys playing on the beta version or the nominated okay sweetie i'm so ready i'm so ready come on give me impostor this time if i get imposter you can tell it's me because i'm going to kill whip first okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what did i do to you over here you're two pg oh and maddie's next to go what do you mean i'm innocent wait the code is deep currently she is innocent that's why he wants to kill you because you're too personal no no no no no no flips first to go maddie i'll leave you you'll be the you'll be like the third person i kill if i last night okay okay i feel that makes me feel better okay awesome there you go maddie oh everybody carol street and you want to be brown carl there we go i i usually am purple but that's okay wait there's more i'm usually sorry that's okay that's okay there's so many people that watch me purple i'm so glad no one wanted to be yelling because five nights we'll see if that works okay let's let's go let's go let's go down that's a long name there we go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's play this game my crew mate again i'm gonna kill two we will not oh you gotta be quiet now we will not stray from the captains we will not stray i will not stray we will not stray we will not stray me and the captain we are strong as one we are strong as one we are so strong we are strong where are we going captain where are we going captain are you going into electrical oh you are captain excellent choice excellent choice where did he go oh god i've lost him i've lost him i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i've lost him i've lost the captain i've absolutely lost him ollie's going to be the murderer he's purple the purple man is going to come and kill me and i am i'm ready i'm ready to where where did all he go i've lost the captain oh god oh god it's flip it's flip oh god it's maddie i'm surrounded by the pg streamers oh god i need to get out of here i need to get out of here it's ollie gonna be ollie i need to go to the upper engine it's so dark it's so dark and gloomy it's so dark and gloomy where are we where are we heading to where to next react oh there's a dead body and electrical guys there was the navigation the two sisters dead oh [ __ ] kill them a spanner in the works here and say what if taba was trying to miss leaders well but i said i would have killed whip first and i had so many opportunities to kill him but maybe that's that's the reason you didn't turbo because you told us you would wait wait taboo are you are you trying to backstab us no carl okay so you're a manipulative guy jack manafort is framing me guys please help i do not know i don't think it's youtube i was with him he was a good guy i'll say that's true i wouldn't i just realized i didn't get the report there i clicked it at the identical time apparently oh you must have got i went into electrical with jack and he was fixing the lights so then i went up yeah as he turned the lights off he was in electrical yeah the body was yeah i was just in there with tubbo yeah i was there as well we all laughed there but i saw him walking and leaving i'm gonna step vote i was only on the right side so i'm proven for that kill you're proving the captain will stand by my side oh the captain's with me the captain's with me he is following me for once or how the tables have churned me and the captain once enemies not best friends this is awesome this is the redemption i've had a screw screw the reactor we don't even need it we don't need the reactor don't need power i can live without energy i can live without energy is it ollie no it's not ollie no bodies no bodies ollie's ollie's standing very still well he's olly is all i really think he's gonna stab me any second i really do i really i can't help but think my time on this earth is near near an end you know when i when i see the purple guy i just my brain goes to fanath law and and matpat and i just i just think i just can't contain myself i'm about to be stabbed yep i knew it who was it who what it was catherine oh my god oh my god i just wanted to do the wiring oh my god thank you so much for the stuff with prime lottie i really appreciate it thank you so much god now i gotta be simon says can i have a mod on turning off emo only after i'm dead i really like to see what chat's saying like after i oh my god it's scott oh my god not toppo man i thought tubby was already dead honestly was he oh where was he oh i'm carl whoa whoa okay carl was just alive in the region right yeah where i walked out over to cafeteria to get my last task where tubbo's body was so ollie was in there uh and what who else is kathryn had just turned up at the end and there was something mr manifold over here was sitting standing still inside of the oh yeah what were you doing during the whole reactor thing i walked through the reactor room with everyone else no no not just a reaction i know that what have you been doing before that catherine fill us in on your little journey how do you feel a song on your little journey i was in the admin room i swiped my card i fixed the wiring electrical and then i went to the reactor room with you guys and then we're here and who else is with us because there was a fourth person i don't remember who it was i don't know i was in reactor i fixed it i was in navigation side i didn't bother going for the second reactor because oh no it was carl of course it was because he died so yeah it was right well if it's not well i mean sparkly found turbo i have no idea who it is but we gotta vote somebody and jack's saying he had a lag speaker suspiciously if you said yeah no it's just a massive lag spike he was standing still for like 15 seconds and i believe it's katherine i don't know who we're voting for oh god did i just seriously get voted off do you guys know how bad his pc is no we don't know how it is oh my god he can barely stream why would you oh my gosh it's really a loud ghost over here spooky from beyond the void yeah yeah wow you did not realize the timing that i literally went i called react over and then like carol sparkles ollie and i think jack came up then all of you left except carl and i was like judge i'm trying to kill him to jump into him so it's just an event watching and as i killed him as i jumped out and killed him jordan found trouble's body so it wiped carol's body off the map [Music] no i just happened to so it also worked out perfect that i found your body because i killed you lizzy up and you're not killed maddie up your navigation got down to electrical and also jordan seen me run up that way so i was like oh god he's gonna know it's me and yeah yeah luckily you didn't catch one and i was like thank goodness this is fine here are we missing oh there we go sorry i was thinking can we please get rid of the wiring task just get rid of it you can't oh my god thank you yeah that would be amazing but i love the wire the imposter i'm not gonna kind of relax then i'm still not the impulse you haven't got to be the imposter what i want to be chat is the import i need move that's that's what we want i've literally found the body already oh my god it's carl i don't even know who i did not see who ran to the right tub always stood still near weapons oh no i tapped out to turn on smooth jazz i'm sorry i also passed i believe it where where yeah i and the panel at the back it was kind of in between so like on the top yeah they must have done it i literally did the panel and then yeah they must have done it literally after i run down because i've seen trouble and sparkles go down so then i finished my thing and went down to do the trash [ __ ] there's a load of stuff in there no there was no body there were literally nobody in weapons at that point so they must have worked for that where i was i did admin first and as i was leaving admin i think it was whip case yeah that was me i just did the download up by the trash chute and did anyone do that sparkles up there when i was doing it did you see him do that captain what did i i did not no i didn't see him do it i'm a little suspicious in attendance you're deflecting the blame yeah oh no oh that's not good okay we might we might be good though [Music] loud ghost i'm not dead [Music] maybe you should be the captain just no smiled me the captain just no smiled me the captain just no smiled me this sucks this sucks [Music] are we liking the jazz are we liking the smooth jazz i feel like we're liking that i'm not gonna do oxygen someone else can do that it takes me way too long to do it thank you boys so much for this sub still you guys are absolutely insane i really really appreciate it i don't say it all the time but i really do appreciate it so much [Music] exactly so you report the body so that it stops it going for the oxygen in that point i didn't know it stopped it i didn't know i'm gonna let it i did that one time so it's i believe him around the other one and i was like he's doing that so i went back around to do the admin one and then i guess there was a body there yeah luckily trouble was dead at the little swipe card bet and ollie runs and i run behind him and it only just goes straight up talking to ignoring the dead body i don't think it's mr manifold because he had every opportunity to eliminate me and electrical alone and he could have vented and he didn't no the older person would be like you know the old but it was like a clean opportunity i came out of electrical past sparkles and manifold jack going in then went and did the stuff in reactors and i passed catherine who didn't go over to do oxygen oddly enough catherine you were running the opposite direction to be fair where are you going guys my brain is small and when the snapchats have happened when the arrows pop up on screen you know that makes you prone to in the middle of doing a while amounts of farts okay [Music] oh we don't well we'll see if there's a victory screen dang it it's [ __ ] we have made a mistake [Music] oh my god there's a hamster ball oh that's adorable when did they add hamsters into this i came into electrical when jack and uh sparkles were there and i was like i need one of you to leave or i need two of you to leave and then jack and sparkles just left her an electrical never sat in the vent and i thought she was going to leave everybody she ran back over to the vents so i literally hopped out stopped her jumped back and came out of security and ran past catherine i wanna die thing and i was like oh i just finished the download and then i'm standing at the upload point she's like no it's you and that was excuse me yeah erica's top imposter again oh i've lost the captain already i've lost the captain already where has he gone where is he go oh i found him never fear i found him i will not stray from his side oh my god he's getting away he's getting away where is he going where is he gone is he down where is he gone there he is i found him i'm here captain don't worry don't worry you're safe you're safe you're safe captain i would oh who wouldn't race card okay guys it can't be the captain wait who went right side up it was just six of us in there what was that there was like most of us in communication yeah where was the body majority it was the navigation i came straight down the right side past navigation and did shields and then went into comms but they were all you went past navigation [Laughter] is still alive so the chance of him being imposter is right that's honestly very true honestly who's with you who went down with you no one i didn't even see lizzy so i thought i was running from electrical so i don't think it's him and then i was with tubbo and sparkles and sparkles are for sure he allowed that's the only person that story is going to the right yeah you also went to the right and then reported it oh i guess wait no because i was with i was with somebody whenever i found the body who was it with dennis catherine i'm so sorry wait wait wait really quick really quick oh yes a surprise it wasn't me but enjoy i would say to be fair that's yeah i guess that's what anybody would say something they would say [Music] it's time to follow where i'm gonna i'm gonna look in the shadows and wait for someone to walk past i'm gonna look in the shadows so oh there it goes carl there goes carter now we chase car now we chase car we're going on the hunt we're going on the hunt get the captain oh i'm so glad he's here i'm so glad the captain's here i'm so glad he's here [Music] god there's no way i can die with the captain by my side no way i refuse to believe that anything bad could happen to me while the captain is here for a rule well it can't be the captain that's the one thing i was i found the body me and captain walked into electrical and jack's body was just on the floor so who was in electrical before us the door was closed i never got through [Music] i'm but it could be turbo is what you're saying wait i don't think it's catherine of court let's be clear let's be clear tubbo and and captain sparkles were together the entire time so far nobody said it couldn't be ollie front to back they were there the entire time we linked up in reactor okay i'm just making sure because tubbo might be just trying to save himself no so we're catherine were you guys together i mean catherine was in storage which is next to it keep in mind keep in mind keep in mind you could vent to electrical electrical exactly i think we skip here i think we skip here yeah i think there's only one killer left i think there's only one killer left guys oh that is and we're just cold you guys are so bad guys think about it so keep in mind easy fact okay okay sorry catherine that's just revenge it's the captain it's the captain i'm still gonna stand by him he'll protect me he'll protect me the captain will protect me the captain will from hell yeah there's no way that the captain is gonna do anything bad me and the captain we are best friends we move as one we are a unit where you going captain what's up captain where are you going where are you going [Music] there's no way he can shake me he can't shake me there's no way he can shake me go captain go get him get carl captain get get we're just gonna not talk about that we're gonna not talk about that [Music] there's no way it could be the captain there's no way it could be the captain that's why it could be the captain [Music] there's no way it could be the captain there's no way he could be the captain there's no way it could be the captain there's no way he can be the captain guys there's there's jack and sparkles are into electrical and then it came up the jack was reported a dead body by trouble and i was like oh well i've got it and then trouble was like well it wasn't the sparkle it wasn't yeah it wasn't the captain it wasn't it didn't do anything or are you just blinded by your love or something what happened well you see he was he was doing the right way i was i was i was i was i was my favorite was seeing what the lateral confusion on carol's padding you watched captain sparkles snapped my neck yeah it wasn't me it could never be the captain jacket we'd like to give someone else the chance of being an imposter just saying three times always a little bit too stressful scott you are the one that did the first killer right i've never been i've killed you i've never been no i didn't kill you last time i felt so safe because i saw three people leslie buddy up with me and i went marjorie all right all right that could work out yeah that was gonna be rough when it was 1v8 [Music] don't worry don't worry captain i'll make sure nothing bad happens to you i'll make sure nothing bad happens to you captain where are we heading cap where we heading where we heading cap go on we're the dream team you and me captain where are we going we're going in electrical exciting where we heading next where to next okay okay you got more tasks that's good that's good that's good you got more tasks i'm glad i'm glad keep up the good tasks i'm really enjoying the smooth jazz right now there's no way it can be the [Music] captain are we going captain where are we going [Music] there's he's never he's not getting out of sight he's not getting out of sight there's no way i'm not letting him out of my sight he could die he could die and that would be really bad that'd be really bad if he were to die that would be really bad if the captain was to pass away but it would never happen i would simply just not let it happen okay good the captain's here captain how are you feeling how are you feeling captain on this fine day i wish i could speak to you we're so close we're in talking distance yep captain cap get this way this way captain i need to do a task up here i need to do a task up here thank you captain oh my god he's staying with me he's staying with me [Music] okay i think lizzy's got bad luck sounds like something a killer would say i was so i went with lizzie so many times that round because i was like right there were so many opportunities where i was like she couldn't murder me here and she didn't so i was like that's fine and then we say and then she died [Music] and then i watched her walk away from it and then o2 got called so i'm assuming that she was trying to get me to walk away from it and then i walk over there and then interesting it's really reasonable maddie is quite sad yeah maddie what's your response in the middle of a hallway it does scream maddie no it's time last time i was really good at banding poster i wouldn't make such a just last time but not this time so it was not a flip sorry that was a really poor argument i'm gonna vote you she's seen her sister and was just bloodlust only one of us can play the game honestly i'm happy to go with the minority this this time because if it's that's suspicious look at him look at him go [Music] oh god he's follow me follow me oh my god the captain's following me now oh wait i actually i don't i don't need to do any casting oh ah well this is awkward uh let's go investigate captain what's going on i need to i need to do this wiring box here you see all right let's go cap oh captain captain don't get ahead of yourself man you're getting a little bit a little bit a little bit quick little bit brisk on your feet don't worry captain just hear me again it's you and me again bud [Music] cheer me again bud [Music] [Music] we're waiting for the cap okay the captain's done the captain captain let's go to the lights captain go go as a team cap wait a minute captain i think it might be ollie i have reason to suspect captain that it may be ollie i don't want to alarm you but [Music] i have reason to suspect it might be ollie captain follow me follow me [Music] i have reason to suspect it's ollie captain captain with me with me with me with me captain [Music] [Music] all right hello okay so well i have i have been observing the situation i i i've been observing and my conclusion is it can't be the capital it can't be the captain but or yeah it can't be the cap but also also we went in okay i went in i went into med bay um there were four of us it was me the captain and i think it was catherine i scared myself when you saw it well no you stood on top of the other hand oh and so you just stood on it you didn't yes the green thing went the only person i did not see that entire game was ollie no no no but here's the catch okay why we were in that room the lights went out okay the door locked okay and then when we left ollie was with us and there's only a ben in bed so hence pace yeah i walked in through the door we yeah carol at one point i thought it was you but then i was like no wait he reported maddie wouldn't have done that if it wasn't a seven head player put your other imposter under the bus so that you can play gosh early was i right out the right way the issue with purple's five head plays is sometimes he's five head and then sometimes he's boy who cries wolf and just occasionally and gets awesome every single time i'll still at one point i finished my task and was like maybe i'm going with trouble and sparkles because i know they're safe and i was like but if sparkles kills me trouble well not like when you will yeah that's the thing he moved so quick i'm trying to get returns to anyway there he is there he is where are we heading captain coming with yeah let's go oh oh no you're going around you're going around are you oh you're refueling are you refueling are you yeah yeah we're going in here captain we're going in here we're going in here [Music] where are we heading cap we'll be heading this way this way cap this way let's go this way oh that's maddie oh it's definitely not the captain how do you know scottish major because i was doing oxygen and maddie came into the room like she was watching me from the hallway and then came into the room and stood in front of the keypad task that you do when the reactor goes off which isn't attached the reactor on the left side went on and so i was like right i'll go and get it and i seen lizzie there and i was like right if lizzy's dead it's maddie but i came back and lizzie wasn't dead but there was a dead car when there was a dead carol in the hallway home towards navigation so that's not the hallway so could it not also be lizzie then after i'd taken one second you died when the reactor went and maddie does anyone want to listen to my smooth murder jazz i put it in general i don't know if it's copyrighted because i don't want to listen to you it doesn't just says up smooth jazz yeah but it it i don't think it's no claims when i look in the description so i wait that's i'm gonna be honest that doesn't really indicate anything oh well this sucks yeah this is my smooth murder just i mean i hope it works out [Music] [Music] yeah i think the cap's waiting for me yes let's go oh my god we're such the dr no captain no no oh god oh god we've been separated we've been separated okay okay we're fine we're fine i need to download this oh god i was on the edge of my seat just that moment we were separated i'm gonna be honest with you guys [Music] okay captain this way yes okay oh look now the captain sticks by my side we have a dream team we have the dream team where your next cap oh up okay [Music] you got this you got this man put on you [Music] uh [Music] it [Music] i don't know i don't know because he was gone yeah they're literally walking on security jumped out of the bed and tries to jump back in i'm quick give up and i watched always stand there and it was the animation of lizzie's body just falling over like i'm literally literally lying extremely i can promise you now if we kill ollie we win and then if it's not scott we get ollie it's easy enough yeah it makes most of us take off ollie first because scotland scott went for lizzy for maddie instantly and i also went for maddie when it was her so yeah which if it's maddie we think oh it i didn't realize you can't wait voted for so it's on you guys okay we don't get victory here we vote scott next yeah if we don't get a if you don't get a victory go for school i'll win enough yeah kill that's fine oops it's not fine scott you're the [ __ ] that's fine because we're just not caught you've not caught the imposter you've done a very bad thing you're a good person we caught the imposter because she murdered leslie poor leslie yeah okay i was so right to believe that major thank you i'm glad you've spoken and he kept running around so i couldn't catch up with him and then catherine was next to lizzie and then tubber [Laughter] is very strong actually it's like it's not you guys done the snow map yet today or is that like on the couch we just started i'll play one more round one more round hello hello hello hello hello how does wrong i like that we're keeping the keys so we we don't get too confused nice alliteration gotta have a an allotment of k names food i love that ma me and maddie have both been imposters three times in a row i have not been in foster yet i am so with maddie both of my imposter time i can't wait me and only again when it was me and maddie she did really well like she didn't know [Music] like a limited supply of being good at this game i'm not i really hope from the import [Music] i bet this game sucks where's the captain there he is there he is let's go captain [Music] [Music] go on cap where are we heading are we heading cat okay it's time to walk away it's time to walk away well it definitely can't be the captain i because we were on the right side of the ship and kara did i didn't see her do shields bob so she was around there and she seen me run afterwards literally into like the admin cafeteria about at the door right i was with uh i mean he's chasing me a bit but he didn't kill me no no no no no no can i explain god thank you so much five thousand bits oh no i was gonna say i i knew that you knew i was with ollie if i died so having all that and i knew that you knew that i was with carlos before because yeah so that's why i didn't and then kyle followed me around for like the rest of the round because i knew that you weren't gonna kill me i have yeah i feel like the only way to beat the tubbo and the sparkles do is both imposters need to like double kill them at the same time you need to take them out enough no don't do it that's brutal that's brutal steal that's like a lot of coordination that's completely brutal thank you wisp so much for the ride i hope you had a wonderful stream kit how have you been recently kit we haven't spoken to speak again have you been kid and the captain is gone i lost him i lost the captain i lost the captain i really did i really i really just went and i really just went and lost them [Music] i lost them [Music] i lost hello okay lizzy's dead she was just alive who was nearly who is lizzie where did he just go where did lizzie just go as he was in storage it can't be the captain i was with the captain the whole time you were with the captain the whole time i was except for and then he murdered leslie johnson no he did it he definitely didn't he definitely didn't i literally saw him do shields he then at least they don't animate so now i know for a fact you're lying no they do they get brighter don't they have their setting off right now no they don't have turbo so wait why was the emergency meeting called i'm confused i called the emergency meeting because i saw standing on a vent oh there's no evidence it'll be interesting to see if trouble please i'm also investigating i just have to quit the game now the captain is good i've had it it's just freezing on the spot no dude well how are you what are you going to do without me nothing i can't i'm just going to stand still [Music] there's nothing i can do there's nothing there's nothing i can do the captain's gone the captain's gone there's nothing i could do all right all right so the captain instead and it wasn't the captain so i figured [Music] i'm heartbroken i miss the captain i want carl dead the captain was not imposter you know what that's fair kill me that's okay yeah thank you thank you no i'll go for my can i be the first vote yeah vote for yourself okay you should be disappointed i understand i actually you know what it's it's my fault yeah yeah yeah yeah be upset with yourself i'm gen i'm just not the to be clear to be clear it's absolutely the captain i am going to it's not the captain no the foreign logical here what are we doing because we can decide because i want i want the element of chaos gone that's too much for me vote for carter i mean i'm happy to get rid of trouble for the kiosk level as well no it's cold for me not for me no oh my god you know what if you kill me i'm not gonna if you kill me i'm not gonna do my tasks out of spite vote for carl i'm just going to try i will protest i will protest who are we going for it sorry i i can't i can't believe the captain no one went out you're fighting rhythmology i'm still gonna protest i'm still gonna protest the captain was not unimportant i ain't protesting the captain should not have died how he did the captain should not have died he shouldn't have the captain shouldn't have died it was unnecessary it was me it was unnecessary yes he may have been an imposter chat but does that really make him a bad guy yes he killed jack manifold in front of me does that really make him a bad guy huh huh the captain did not deserve to die i want to see some nays in the chat i want to see some nay nay he did not deserve to die he did not deserve to die sadness thank you so much for the 500 bits this is sadness i can't believe he's gone i can't believe he's gone can we get some hashtag cap writes in the chat them cap writes it can't be the captain it can't be the way where was the german's the body camera it was an electrical as [ __ ] as flip as what because he wrote i was an electrical and left and past him when he went into electrical and then he was doing charge the entire time so maddie's went into electrical and flip's kilter his flight i'm i'm standing next to tubbo in the cafeteria right now we were chilling he was he wasn't i think you've done it and then done that there is a vent in electrical someone could have come in i actually when maddie was the one who voted him last time and now maddie's dead yeah i'm gonna say that i really miss the captain i agree no we don't no i missed the captain [Music] i'm i'm still standing in protest i'm still standing in protest i miss him i really miss him the days just feel longer without the captain the days really feel longer without the captain [Music] the days really feel longer [Music] swept i just did the reactor and followed you back to the table why is it me gee you were trying to kill me i think it's scary i was not trying to kill you why would i kill you in a hallway why would i do that kara what's your shout out what how do you think this is what i think you think it's clip yeah i think it's gone i forget scott i don't know every round i'm sure i'm sure the captain doesn't hear your smiles when you're talking flip i can hear your grin guys the days really feel longer while the captain's not with us true i mean he's just gonna call reaction we'll all die but like let's see i really miss the captain oh my god you suck man you actually saw it and flip five sparkles when you jumped out of the vent there are two of them i thought we were gonna do a little double kill thing and then that yeah so i like called the meeting i screwed up because apparently i still had a couple seconds on my cooldown so yeah but he didn't even notice oh i watched i watched you and tubber walk into electrical and then i walked in and tubba was the only one there um there's something impossible to know um your your kill cooldown does not go down when you're an event yeah it doesn't yeah thank you very soon it's been fun i'm sending you over to the man and i'll see you next time
Channel: TubboLIVE
Views: 258,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tubbo, tubbolive, live, stream, live stream, tubb, captainsparklez, captain sparklez, nihachu, smajor1995, smajor 1995, smajor, fwhip, thunder1408, thunder 1408, jack manifold, itsoli, its oli, among us
Id: f7Oe0krU8wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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