Naked Science - Tsunami Warning
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Channel: Naked Science
Views: 544,945
Rating: 4.6674123 out of 5
Keywords: tsunami, naked, science, documentary, giant, wave, warning, ocean, devastation, damage, global, catastrophe, sea, predicting, epicentre, alarm, powerful, deadly, quake, water, swell, california, biggest, indonesia, coast, sumatra, size, simeulue, earthquake, seismic, uplifting, reef, fault, line, killer, cataclysmic, flood, education, oceanography, huge, america, cascadia, subduction, zone, danger, pacific, vancouver, canada, massive, magnitude, richter, scale, indian, san, francisco, landslide, city, volcano, asteroid, marine, center, shore, wavelength
Id: k9oLluVyCQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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