Tsunami | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids

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Hey, hello friends! Whoops! Oh no! I guess that's a tsunami! Come, let me tell you all about it. Zoom In! Tsunamis are caused by sudden movements of the ocean floor, due to earthquakes.. ..landslides on the sea floor.. ..land slumping into the ocean.. ..large volcanic erruptions.. ..or a meteorite crash on the ocean floor. When an earthquake, a landslide or a volcanic erruption.. ..occurs on the sea or ocean bed a vertical jolt is created. Which displaces the bed and causes extreme tension in water. The water is pushed upwards but gravity tries to pull it down. This causes an upsurge in the water levels. And the waves start moving away from the point of tension. Tsunamis are barely felt as a ripple on the ocean surface.. ..as the water is quite deep. But, as and when those waves reach the land, the water becomes shallower. And the waves constantly increase in height. They hit the shore and oh my, cause a lot of destruction. It is said the first wave of a tsunami is not the strongest. But the successive waves are bigger and stronger. And tsunamis can travel at a speed of about 500 miles per hour. Which is almost as fast as a jet plane. And that's why, tsunami waves are called killer waves. Deadly, isn't it? Trivia Time! Did you know, that a tsunami wave can be less than 30cms in height.. ..and can pass of unnoticed? If you get stuck in a tsunami don't swim.. ..becuse the currents will pull you in the opposite direction. Just hold onto a floating object and be safe. So here's the deal, go watch this video to know more about earthquakes. After all, that's one of the major causes of a tsunami. This is me zooming out! Tune in next time for more fun facts.
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 2,372,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tsunami, what is tsunami, meaning of tsunami, tsunami videos, tsunami animated videos, tsunami caught on camera, tsunami video movie, tsunami in detail, facts about tsunami, tsunami facts, myths about tsunami, tsunami myths, truths about tsunami, tsunami truths, bones, volcano, eruption, earthquake, what is an earthquake, Dr. Binocs learn series for kids, interactive learning, preschool learning, Dr. Binocs learn series for kids videos, dr binocs videos, why does tsunami occur
Id: MfsugkikLJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2016
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