TSP #56 - Teardown & Repair of a Stanford Research PS350 5000V, 25W High Voltage Power Supply
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Channel: The Signal Path
Views: 23,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stanford Research, High Voltage Power Supply, 5000V, Cockroft Walton Generator, Fluke 289, HSV Connector, Dielectric Breakdown, Teardown, Repair
Id: 09otx2Pfphw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2015
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Instead of giving the regulators their own heatsink they could have just moved them up higher on the chassis and connect them with wires.
I would run plastic rods perpendicular to the walls of the case to add rigidity to the case. I don't think metal rods would be advisable, but then again the high voltage box seems to be grounded so it may be okay.
Nice video, as you zoomed in I saw the ground of the 7815 being kinda odd, but totally missed that the other 2 were disconnected.
Interesting video. If it were me, I would have pretended like I knew exactly the spot to measure first :D