Trying Your Toast Recipes | Singapore, India, UK, Austria, Canada

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- Peanut butter is the glitter of the food world. (upbeat music) (toast crunching) Hi, I'm Beryl and the theme of today's episode is toast. And, you know, this episode came about, just to say, because when I hit a hundred thousand subscribers, I asked you all how you toast, where you live, and I meant like a "Ching" toast. And I got toast recipes, and it was the most wholesome thing that's happened to me in a long time. And I just loved you all for that so much. So, going through them, I thought, "Wait a second, this is genius." So we're doing a toast episode. And we're actually gonna do two of these, maybe even three of these? I dunno, I got very excited, because toast is such, it's so universal. We all love it. It's so easy to make. We can all do it. This is a cooking show that you could actually follow along with. So with that, let's eat toast. - Hi, Beryl, I'm June and I live in Singapore. So my favorite bread and toast toppings is what we call kaya bread. Kaya and butter bread in Singapore. So, there's actually two slices of toast lightly browned, with a smear of kaya which is coconut jam that is a really popular condiment in Southeast Asia. And a few pats of cold butter. And you sandwich them together and it makes a really nice breakfast. Some people like to eat it with soft-boiled eggs. You can dip the kaya toast into the egg. Some other folks actually would dip the kaya toast into coffee. That's really nice as well. This is a really common breakfast food in Singapore and in places like Malaysia because the kaya is sweet and it's creamy and the cold butter with the warm toasted bread really makes a great combination. - Okay, so the first one I'm trying is the Kaya toast. And I'm very excited to have coconut jam. (squeals delightedly) This tastes like dulce de leche, became best friends with a coconut, and they decided to make the most delicious spread that's ever been made. Mm, Oh, my God. I really love this. Oh! Oh, it's hot. So we're gonna dunk it in my coffee. Any chance to flaunt my love for Nescafe, you know, obviously I'll take. (chews gently) Oh, interesting, it adds like a little bit of like a, like a tanginess? It's good, I kind of like it better without the coffee. Eating this, I truly do not feel like I'm in my living room in New York City. I actually feel like I have been transported because it is so different from anything I've ever had. Yum, oh, last bite. I'm sad. I literally licked my finger. What a way to start. That was spectacular. Spectacular. - Hi, I'm Agnes. I'm from Vienna in Austria and I like to eat my toast with sour cream and ham. The way to make it is super simple, you just take a slice of toast, you mix some sour cream with small cut pieces of ham and then you season it to taste with salt and pepper. This mixture you put on top of the toast and then you put it in the oven until the top gets a bit brown. Then you can serve it with a salad or just eat it by itself. I like this recipe a lot because it's a family recipe named after my grandfather's aunt. So called, that's why it's called Tante Hansi Toast in my family or Aunty Hansi Toast. And we would normally eat it maybe twice a month as a mid-week dinner. It was very much beloved and we were always looking forward to it. I think this is a very easily accessible recipe. It just needs a few ingredients, not a lot of time. And, it's super delicious. So, just give it a try. - This one looks very interesting. Definitely not something that I would have come up with on my own. (toast crunches) (plate crash) Babe! What the fuck, man? Stop. Interesting. So, I actually used Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. Sour cream just like, kinda does a number on my stomach for some reason. But Agnes said that she does as well, so it's an okay swap. This kind of reminds me of like baked alfredo, like, alfredo on toast, if that's a thing. I like that this is named after her aunt. I feel like that's so funny to have a toast named- I want a toast named after me. What would my toast be? My toast would probably have an egg on it and it would be called, This Is So Good! That's stupid. Definitely filling, I'm like, I'm feeling kinda full. Also, I just want to say that just because you burn things in the oven doesn't mean that they're not gonna taste good. And it's totally okay. And the burned part tastes fine. (chuckles) - Hi, my name is Becca and I live in London in the UK. And my all-time favorite thing to have on toast is peanut butter. And I've been mixing it up recently. And my favorite topping at the moment is peanut butter with fresh coriander leaves, chili and lime juice. So I like to make this with whole meal or seeded bread. I toast the bread, put the peanut butter on top and then top it with a sprinkle of some chopped fresh coriander leaves, chopped fresh red chili, or dried chili flakes and lime juice. It's a really great savory toast option. And it's a really fun way to mix up peanut butter toast. Idea for this recipe, I got from the top of my favorite peanut butter here in the UK. So I can't be the only person making it but I wouldn't say it's like a British toast classic. I think toast is really great because there's so many different options you can do with it. You can change up the bread. You can change up the toppings and whatever you're in the mood for. You can get from a piece of toast. - Okay, uh, peanut butter toast from the UK, with a little bit of coriander and some lime juice. Definitely not a pairing I would have ever come up with on my own. Whoa, wait a minute. Hold on. Wait a second. This is amazing? Wait a minute, hold on. This was on the back of her peanut butter jar? Okay, this one says nothing. My peanut butter jars are not like, giving me any guidance. They're just telling me the calories. Okay, well back to the toast, this tastes fabulous. It is funky, but like, no wait, funky, funky is like how you describe weird cheese. This definitely has like Southeast Asian vibes to me. Maybe like Thai food, because you have the peanut butter and the coriander and the lime and the spice. But then like, you add the bread and you're kind of, back down to it being like peanut butter on toast. It is tangy, the lime juice is fabulous. I would have never thought to put lime juice on toast. Honestly, peanut butter is the glitter of the food world. It just gets everywhere. I feel like it is all over me. I've had three bites of toast and I'm literally covered in peanut butter. And then, you know, you try to wipe it off and it does not come off. I, I stand by my statement. I've had a lot of peanut butter recently. We had the peanut butter and egg sandwich. Then the peanut butter and pickle sandwich. Now I'm having peanut butter and lime. Do you see, do we need to do a peanut butter episode? Like, what's going on here? - Hey guys, my name is Merlin and I'm currently residing in the United Arab Emirates. I'm an Indian, I'm from India and this recipe if from India and it's my favorite toast recipe. It's called chili cheese toast and the steps for it are as follows: You mildly toast the bread on a pan preferably than a toaster, and then you slather a lot of butter, you can never go wrong with extra butter. After which we will, you know, finely chop our green chillis and finely chop garlic. Top it with your bread. After which you will add your cheese. So, this is the fun part, grating the cheese. So you can either use your white processed cheese or you can use mozzarella. Personally, I like the white processed cheese. I make sure there is cheese in every nook and corner, on every inch of my toast. After which, melt the cheese using a normal conventional oven. But, then we have the broke student life, the dorm life, so, microwave oven is the way to go. So that is about how you make your chili cheese toast. It's so delicious. It's amazing when you pair it with a good hot cup of chai. I eat it like, I think once a week. And it is like a compulsory dish to have right before finals because like, yum. - Chili cheese toast. Oh, it smells so good. Oh, my God. It's like the best cheesy garlic bread you've ever had because there's chili in there. So it's got this like, pop of heat. Definitely good dorm food. Super easy to make. This like, really reminds me of being in India because we make this as a snack when I visit my in-laws. I love this one. I feel like the green chili really makes this what it is. It just like, gives it that heat, which is so nice with the fat from the cheese. And it kind of makes it more Indian. Well that went down quickly. Um, delicious. Everybody should try it. Okay. - Hi, my name is Kat Salvonte and I live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I like to have my toast with avocado, maple syrup, and sea salt. Maple syrup is special to Canada because Canada is, I believe, the world's largest producer of maple syrup. So we eat a lot of it. I cut the avocado in half, pop out the seed and mush it within its skin. Then I drizzle some maple syrup on. Mix that up and spread it on toasted sourdough bread. Then I sprinkle some sea salt on top and enjoy. Which combines sweet and salty and creamy all in one. Oh, and also crunchy, so four wonderful things. I'm not sure this version of avocado toast is common in Canada, but I wouldn't be surprised if others put maple syrup on their avocado toast. I think toast is universal because it's easy to make. It's warm. You can change up the toppings. And it's often the first thing that kids learn how to make. So, what's not to like? - We're ending with a classic with a twist. Avocado toast with maple syrup. You might be thinking, "Beryl, where is the other half of that?" Reggie took it. This is what cohabitation is. You're prepping. He thinks that it's up for grabs. And when you come back in after setting up the camera, half of the toast is gone. It was like a little mouse came in. I like it? I've never thought to pair sweet with avocado. Although to be fair, I think one thing that I've been learning, in doing this series is, I have very much lived in this world where sweet went with sweet and savory went with savory. I've never really mixed these two flavors. And I am learning that you can. And in fact, you should. Combining these two is not like a, it's not a no-no, it's a yes-yes. I also low-key love that this came from Canada. Like, bless, you know? I know that this episode might seem kind of basic and it's toast. I feel a lot of times when I'm watching cooking shows or cooking things, even like my own, I would watch it and be like, Oh yeah, great, that looks good. But I'm never going to make that. I really want to make sure that I spend enough time focusing on foods that have a very low entry point so that you could try them and that you could watch this and be like, "I can make toast." Like, we could all make toast. And there's something really fun about this because all of these toasts that I tried are incredibly different and are, the flavors are totally different. And they're definitely types of toasts that I have never had before. So that's just all to say that I really liked this episode and I'm gonna do it again. Leave me more toast recipes. Okay, bye.
Channel: Beryl Shereshewsky
Views: 842,576
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Keywords: beryl toast, toast around the world, trying your toast recipes, beryl shereshewsky toast, trying your toast recipes part 1, toast beryl, toast recipes, beryl shereshewsky india, beryl, beryl shereshewsky, toast recipe, beryl shereshevsky, beryl shereshevsky brazil, berly, shereshe, greatbigstory, toast, easy recipes, kaya toast, chili cheese toast, india, indian food, indian recipes, canada, avocado toast, great big story, easy recipes for breakfast, Great big story beryl
Id: 9pdYxUq7keE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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