Trying to Watch: Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas

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everybody it's me Alex here with Ruben my god John alright oh I have to introduce by my Twitter I suggested I guess it's the rules at that other room and everybody more comedy hijinks conundrum is not the right word to finish that at that other Ruben whatever anyway so we're gonna watch some Christmas movie are you in a Christmas mood uh well you know massive bout depression over Christmas oh yeah I'm [ __ ] and of course is January yeah January the very great bit fifth today um so yeah nice and relevant the plan was to get it on the Christmas Day or whatever I completely missed it everything happened yadda yadda yadda know nothing about this movie apart from that it's basically Christian propaganda I'm pretty sure yeah say this is gonna be great it looks like someone who could snap at any moment he just announced just kill people yeah yeah well just pull off and then in the name of Christ I just pull about mini uz hours but just once that gun in town everyone in the studio where's Polly his house who is he no some dude I love a chocolate I love it exquisite no I don't get things like this because they say it's like a family comedy but how like indoctrinated would you have to be to put this on like every Christmas and watch this yeah I think you're ready better than the smaller move either yeah anyone I saw it weird though made on a budget of $500,000 this is significantly better than the Smosh intro animation thing you remember mm-hmm which was really really [ __ ] awful how much did they up and that was millions of dollars budget according to IMDB like four or something this they made an effort just everyone hates it because it look like the propaganda love it but could be worse so far definite could be worse I'm just wondering is there going to be a point where it's I switch and just become really insulting piss me off probably just a Christmas for everybody it's been such a good mood pissed of everyone else so that's you here so it's gonna piss it's got like a 1 on Metacritic so there he is Kirk is there gonna be like a a love angle to it ah everybody that's me I was enjoying the party until was still weigh less angered by this and I'm the Smosh me because like merrily there's like an ounce of professionalism here yeah but like they might curse of America they love things don't they they love they just love stuff well is who we just kind of like yeah stuff we're in different everything and it despise everything we despise passion basically that you care about visions get the [ __ ] out okay you don't belong here we'd like great they may come you making me cringe may care cringe get out what the [ __ ] I don't see in this it's basically it's basically saying if you don't like Christmas you're a [ __ ] monster even though a lot of the things you're saying then are just like yeah the thing about obligation the thing about the tackiness yeah and then them greed yeah holiday junk material no but it represents Jesus being born because like [ __ ] you yeah but then it just became one of those things it's just like an end-of-year if I can enjoy yourself a little bit yeah go back to your [ __ ] jobs haha yeah his beard is almost too like perfect mmm it's like distractingly perfect I think it gives to the same barber as Drake yeah I like this guy I like him as well I relate to him that was [ __ ] me on Christmas - yes yeah his face is reminding me of somebody else as well it's got Gary old anything going on yeah with the something else as well what's he doing jerking off people make service Henderson supposed to be like real funny man shouldn't be playing a shimmy playing Christmas musical he hates Christmas even playing hey this guy should be the guy that plays whatever gordon freeman in the half-life movie yeah cuz he look yes i looks more like her than gary oldman those yeah he does [ __ ] make them love christmas against their own [ __ ] will message is going to be he doesn't like christmas and bad for that so we're going to convince him to by showing him that it's actually about some christian you know comes from Christian origins yada yada yada gonna be so good if they made a half like movie Dylan album it's a suit with him Darren dome and whenever he went to like say something and open his mouth they got interrupted like the entire [ __ ] movie and then he says like one word at the end and then it was cut its mm-hmm oh yeah that's just like completely unrelated yeah would you like in your sandwich no no it has to be just I'm saying his name or something like no one knows his name the whole way through and that's like ye yo u glasses Freeman yeah Freeman I hate Christmas I such a reductive way of looking at things this the Oh someone enough we could could have had that mentality yes really so enough work you could have eaten that toy yeah why don't understand about that sort of viewpoint is that if you if you as a Christian who believes in God is so like insecure about that isn't isn't it about your belief mm-hmm shouldn't be about how you believes your personal connection to get within when we do it so like if that really bothers you then don't take part in it yeah for a snow globe in your house whatever like you still put look put a big centered Jesus tree in the middle you know big cross or something sorry I won't tell you how I feel and I'll [ __ ] light myself and everyone around me so everyone else is happy okay it's so dramatic see really dramatic I love it this is a great movie it's so enjoyable I love it he reminds me of like a talk-show host or something what could kill the cow camera the way he's like maybe looking at them and like mmm yeah you're wrong and this is why yeah you're a [ __ ] yeah this is why his weight little mer isms as well you like before he starts he just seemed like he's gonna flip doesn't it yes care I'm a little bit scared for Christian I'm here for an [ __ ] dad Gordon that piano music in the background as ammonia-soaked from Halo 5 here it's like the room actually really liking this music like the house of cards via second guy was nice this musics pretty good yeah I'm just enjoying watching a movie that isn't quite was more competently put together than mine cool cat whatever it's just like you just have your face in your hands the whole time let's take away the rock leaving the baby falling to the hahaha now let's insert a giant dragon and have him battle and ogre there is like a like a Christian TV channels in there yes it's like Bible Network serving so this seems like the thing that belongs on there mm-hmm and only there because no one else would ever want to watch it that's the whole film gonna be in the card him telling stories yeah I bet you I wanted to use a dumb movie like the cover suggested [ __ ] my ass just cuz they're really vile disgusting sex yeah with the zoo haha they're about to kiss yeah I was gonna lean in so much [ __ ] musics good today is gonna turn to gay porn very shortly just piss his finger on his lip Shh and then it puts his other finger up his butt like take you away my problem of this is just how boring we it shot now it's just shot reverse shot shot reverse shot shot reverse shot and then another one not saying anything interesting either really yes you're going to explain why Christmas trees or thing now dammit it's so such like an insignificant detail I'm bored we talking about so you're a Christian just clock room shut the [ __ ] up I like sure there's no one quite as altima Superman if marble is there really no blank just so Gilligan could get Claire what can be thought you can kill forth or if you really want to how I know the Superman could do it saving Christmas everybody Superman Thor buddy druid I really wish [ __ ] forehead was in this movie hmm last time I checked God did do this he did do it Christianity all of it happened true real that's all this is so far [ __ ] you in your opinion okay it happened it's like um it's like they need to make this movie just to sort of convince themselves that what they believe is true you know mm-hmm the Bible to me is just like an Aesop's fable hmm yeah supposed to just teach you like basic morals the New Testament some of the Old Testament stuff is like call someone a mean name and you'll get [ __ ] torn to shreds by bears uh I follow my faves yeah it's my fave tea it's very much shot like a TV movie something that belongs on like I said earlier the Bible Channel and whatever equivalent type of thing it doesn't feel like a movie [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you just missed a really awesome scene an angel came down and then fought crocodile like I'm steve-o and his wrestling it grabbed his [ __ ] you know mouth from his battling and maybe it's cuz I fell asleep I was imagining it oh oh well oh [ __ ] off did you hear that Satan yes I thought I thought Santa was meant to be Saint Nick yeah he's gonna correct another Exantus Satan look at Cameron's eyes he's got those like delays dies were like he's looking at things he's not actually looking at them yeah like he's just thinking about like yeah he's not [ __ ] paying any attention to anything he's probably more worried that it's like sex slaves that he keeps in his basement are gonna be found by his family or something yes what a [ __ ] happening this is so out of touch oh my god I was not expecting that why was he beating that diet they're your parents engine as I wasn't [ __ ] wasn't yes don't get masses really so we call Santa Santa cause he beat up DJ Khaled yeah yeah again you remember that guys remember that folks this film like I don't think it like there's a place in the search for the worst it's got its own separate like yeah just sort of I don't even know it weren't even what it was it isn't for isn't for most of us okay are they applying it this actually happened you just imagine Christmas music in his head knees like yes I just invented look about smile now lots of thumbnail invert that it's the thumbnail let's go blue suit kids tonight yeah I tell you what there this is very weird because he doesn't like challenge anything no it was like yeah yes oh yeah well this just kind of represents the entire thing isn't it Wow don't question I think [ __ ] believe it yeah [ __ ] it mo who is nearly over Ruben it was it has all been set in the car what do you think about seeing as you're a Christian you find agreeable or [ __ ] hard and people actually think I am rather sweeter in like it random quotes from the Bible at Kirk Cameron or you tell me tell people to tweet a me quote that are the Reuben don't see all the editing power lies in your hand so all of my bits to say no I know I just returned to I am a Christian well you just said it for me anyway yeah um attached minions to it somehow as well mhm yep thanks everyone they haven't counted um most of his points though like it being consumerist garbage excessive you know obligation yeah I think really silly not disclose base it just saying just [ __ ] enjoy it okay Christ loved him [ __ ] if you want to be a nice dude as well as a Christian just enjoy Christmas that's basically all this is just enjoy it for what it is yeah one of these purrs so everyone does they ready that's creepy is it time for the bloodbath is this the mini uz bit around it he's gonna pull out this stuff and [ __ ] battle bit over the [ __ ] top what the hell he's a penguin could you put any more [ __ ] things on your tree no no condoms really it's a really dense tree yeah calm the [ __ ] down look at that calm down as massive as well that's hundreds of dollars worth right there of decorations calm down I'm such a huge trees well yeah how did I even get in the house this is really the worst thing ever such a self-indulgent Kirk Cameron everybody it was weird because this wasn't really a movie it was a it was a message wrapped up as that in like a bow over maybe there weren't characters that had been above like a Christmas present yep ah it's really manipulative and like this music delimiters although he's actually a little yeah yeah go I want to live in a American sized house find some nice um Christian wife yeah I find myself a nice American wife marry them and don't have instant citizenship like really Christian as well like this you fit and stay well into that Christmas scene hi I'm Ruben Ruben I don't believe in God or the existence of any further power no in that really drove boys can say it my reven I'm a Christian you want to say yeah hi I'm Ruben I'm a Christian I like it like is if you're in this movie like when I'm saying it would alleviate the [ __ ] monotony yeah I'm Ruben and I'm a [ __ ] Christian because like they're just imagining like you just being in this movie and it randomly pans over to you it just and you just say that yeah just completely honest a no no they're gonna end the film in a dance-off cuz it has to end it that's why they got him headphones out now you have to hear for a little bit yeah that was this guy just he was there earlier my one yes I love this movie tell out then it's so awkward [ __ ] yes oh I love it ah yes I will embrace you cringe that this is one of my favorite movies I've ever seen that guy was like it's conspiring earlier she was planning something ah yes so good it's so like just unsafe we're on there what they're doing right now so embarrassing throwing the headphones on the floor I'm loving this why could get why would you need a nutcracker that big anyway [ __ ] huge so they just have massive nuts and racket it's open wow thank you they need to open the ostrich egg eggs somehow ostrich eggs right he's pretty good though look at him better than me look I just want it to a wrong on the plate for me that's where you get married to some Christian woman in America what you really latched on to we go to America meets a Christian woman converts actually lives in denial for years yeah as a breakdown just lie but they can't see through your life yeah just say I'm a Christian yeah yeah I'm come see Christmas who are these people why do we care this is like a like an Iceland advert we could eat until we split at the seams they were just they never acknowledged about the indulgences thing it's excess first of all people have a problem with sorry that's not the other [ __ ] someone in Africa could eat that jumper you prick ending on a freeze-frame [ __ ] classic yay yay love you I was a giant piece of [ __ ] like I had left to sell out from what I do know right now that one's cuz it was just like oh okay I like this for Darren dome what that was Gordon Freeman I looked at my whole weight was he the director yeah it was a Darren dome film so it's his idea and he knew he knows Kirk Cameron or something and so like your jokes he's other off like oh god that's what they were doing them again yes yes yes such a good idea yes yes Andy but I don't understand this font choice either that's very very distracting is that the [ __ ] a team up in this [ __ ] yeah so that was interesting I mean I got more laughs than the Smosh movie I was the Marvel stinger hang on so charming Ruben it's so lovely I want to be a Christian now I'm a Christian you know me and Jim keep saying you'll convert to a religion dude you think say yeah yeah I can't I can't be anything mainstream oh yeah it's good to complete your [ __ ] yogi [ __ ] part ha ha hey yogi [ __ ] um my meditation pillow sugar I've seen is actually why good that's the thing that Christians are always so much more happy it does the happy people aren't they they just enjoy [ __ ] jealous of them there we go that's the end of [ __ ] um was it called Kirk Cameron say it I don't really understand it we save Christmas you just sort of convinced modem related yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah so he missed he just basically sort of convinced so much be so many cameras of the camera it's just like their family isn't it a lot of his family were there the bones were there Cornwall's with Hervey's now maybe they did film it on Christmas I wouldn't be surprised if they just [ __ ] it some films Christmas movie God Squad dance crew yet they were they described an scary Michael Pina Michael Kenna what do you think you ever had to do to join the God Squad be able to dance probably now what if I believed in God there do we have to dance God Squad you have to be the God Squad dance my can dance I can do that one dance yeah you can't yeah so [ __ ] [ __ ] so good that maybe I was a family project basically this whole thing family project that's some started a little circle jerk between care camera and yeah they're an Arab is sucking each other off like hmm maybe we should get away tonight yeah yeah 2008 oh yeah that a sensation right oh that was happen uh yeah unless it was something like shocked the yeah the film is not that the film is like yeah that happens they sometimes like food fight was just put away for like ten years then was finally released so that was something like is one of those nothing in movies at the same time had moments that I would found really funny I've never tell anyone to watch this ever yeah it's like was it was kind of like okay I mean the Smosh movie is worse the kool Kamp slightly thing is worse so like Smosh was more entertaining no sorry it was more not entertaining I make cool cats more entertaining because it was just so [ __ ] weird bizarre the Smosh movie was way more [ __ ] annoying like it really annoyed me because they would like these bits of like this could have been something if some effort was put in but with this that's just the whole way just sort of scratch my head what the hell is this what's going on very interesting it's hardly even a movie yeah it's kind of a long advert it's a long emigrate more than anything else on it feels like a TV movie there belongs on the Bible Channel yeah so got some decent house of cards isn't charge cards ish music at points knows that Uncle Frank wisdom I'm Nancy Della Rocca like Zack de la Rocha yes so I'm follow Rubin on Twitter at that other Rubin and I'm calling a Christian rather which I'm not if you're if you're am if you know any Christian nice young ladies in America with massive houses hit Rubin up send them my way I'll convert and check out Jami deer as well looked at the subs again they're going up quite very something like quite quickly it's weird so uh thanks for watching oh my [ __ ] god it's still going another stinger so what's his name Thanos who just comes in fine I'll convert them all my way just explodes quick Karen hey that's where the budget one yeah you
Channel: I Hate Everything
Views: 399,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I HATE EVERYTHING, I hate, everything, hate everything, comedy, satire, IHE, Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas, Trying to Watch, the search for the worst, Saving Christmas, Kirk Cameron's, Kirk Cameron
Id: 8qPElaD8Zhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2016
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