Trying To Grimsby | Skint S2 | Part 1 | Full Episode | Origin

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[Music] times a half for most of us but it's worse for those who haven't got jobs and are skint I'm afraid I haven't paid perhaps you don't see it but it's there in every town across Britain my freedom of freeze is empty soup and that's about it the town's hardest hit are the ones that have lost their old Industries in Grimsby the fishing days were the Glory Days it was just party party party time all the time everyone was happy everyone had money you out was a little bit a brothel in every fall worst hits the East Marsh where the fishermen lived it's left the youngins fighting for jobs everyone is doing something to make a bit of extra cash and when work leaves other things flood in we have a problem about 60 on the earth we've got a [ __ ] jail sentence but here in Grimsby they're used to stormy seas it takes a lot to pull them under still got a try try try hotels water falls out of the sky should be free of charge look at the lovely subs and it's in the toughest of times that people show their greatest strengths okay now babe you didn't have to rob that the entire [ __ ] foreign Grimsby is a great town and like anywhere it takes all sorts there's the rich who are doing just fine the hard-up who were just about scraping by and then there are those who were totally skinned and I've known I only want about five pounds for it but it's whether he's willing to give us the five pound for it if you don't then we're stuck I'll go get him and when you've got no job and you're totally skinned you do whatever you need to do just to get by we've got to be late 15 DVDs and uh if that [ __ ] type battle by him it'll give me a quid Maybe grimsby's East Marsh is one of the poorest spots in the country around here there's plenty of places to sell or Pawn your worldly Goods yes [ __ ] fiber pulls in what do you gotta do today what's the plan make some money Ryan and his girlfriend Shaz are also strapped for cash today Ryan's on electronic tag awaiting trial so he's got to find legal ways to get by at the minute I haven't put my phone on by a back uh lend some money or whatever you can get cash well no I could do it the fog way and go out and do some [ __ ] crime and that but with a tag around my ankle we'll kind of be able to pin me to the [ __ ] crime so it's kind of but that's a long shot so I'd rather put my phone in for a couple of days and just deal with it so what do you need the money for around what the [ __ ] common stuff gas electric [ __ ] food ganja [ __ ] shave in the shower then we'll go so the experience spirit so basically put my phone in get paid my gold money then go get my phone out quite complicated all right I better go put it in the gas is now on because it's just [ __ ] clicked now you've gone before how long will all this stuff last year well it'll last me until my payday four days but my dad's coming back with something oh what time is it oh [ __ ] I am signed off and then the sign on at one o'clock and I [ __ ] missed my sign on date because I've had to [ __ ] put my phone and that on by that [ __ ] sorting it all out what happens if you don't say no we're not trying on I don't get my pay then I don't get my phone back out the shop then I get sanctioned and none of this happens foreign jobs can be tough around here and when you train for work on the high seas it's not easy to adjust to work on dry land I know what I'm doing I'd say and I get by there because I know where I am but you put me in a factory or something like that I don't know where I am Jeff is one of grimsby's last fisherman although he's been off work with a broken hand recently he's staying with his fiancee Becky and he's getting restless I locked him off for my own advice yeah I want to go back to see that's all I want to do it's all I've ever wanted to do is go back to see we're going to get Jeffrey's passport and then he's off away why do you need a passport to go back to work because it won't be in this country because this country has turned its back on fishermen do you don't want me to go back to see she likes me here so that's [ __ ] torture me and things like that well even if I'm in dot for a couple of hours it was there with a bag of oranges bananas grab it grabbing me dominate grabbing me in front of all my mates giving me a [ __ ] kiss and all that [ __ ] out yeah honestly you're full of [ __ ] aren't you but actually actually yeah go and get me some jugged and some oranges from [ __ ] Asda hey sweetheart nobody else gets it she'll she'll give me a kiss and she'll say you [ __ ] stink hey second words well obviously you stink you're working with [ __ ] fish aren't you you've got to be tough to be a fisherman and that's still true of a lot of people on the East Marsh they go their own way the youngins too there's only one place to hang out if you're a kid around here the Shalom Youth Center it's run by the Canon John Ellis who lets the kids be kids under a watchful eye [Music] no disrespects any of the staff because they're not really staffed they're more like friends John's [ __ ] sick is a legendary the fishermen used to say they take a boy to Sea and bring him back a man nowadays there's just the Shalom oddly enough adulthood is something you have to learn you get 40 year old 50 year old 60 year old 70 year old children running around the community and they're a nightmare they're still operating the same level as this law so what we do is we try to model adulthood this is what a model does this is what an adult is I reckon if the council turn around and said shall Youth Center shuttle everybody just go mud and I reckon it will tell him to arrive because it's it's what everybody's growing up with what everybody needs to grow up with I reckon around here without growing up with shell growing up it's been sure [Music] if your growing up has been [ __ ] then you can move on or be dragged down and if you're going down then drugs will certainly hurry things along I'm jealous mine fell out because I'm much a few weeks ago Kaylee's life was a chaos of drugs and homelessness crazy mentally disturbed no it just fell out because of them silly stuff bro why did it no seriously because of the MCAT why is that what that stuff does to you yeah does it okay seen the doctor and what's he said stay off the drugs hi Eric fell out moving in with her maker in has been a lifesaver for Kaylee I'm gonna pierce the [ __ ] mouth shot I am why because she [ __ ] talks too much is it gonna hurt no it will just go straight through oh I'm not gonna bleed listen once I put it in you've got a baby with salt water in that yeah but I'm not gonna bleed no you won't bleed get ready for it [Laughter] come on are you having it done now right is it freezing yeah open your mouth [Music] yeah yeah hang on I'm gonna wear it they go there you go don't be playing with it no wow well she'll [ __ ] your mouth up it should be all right mine was where'd you learn to do that I got mine done in jail [Music] no matter what your start in life if you've no work and no money then for some people crime starts to look like an option foreign is doing something to make a bit of extra cash everyone I know I'd say one two nine there's nine dealers just found here and that's in the space of a two-minute walk you've got to have the money to be able to live a decent life because on the Dole it just don't pay for enough in the past Ryan's turned to Crime when he's needed extra money he's currently charged in connection with a violent Street robbery and a burglary with abh committed over a year ago since then he and Shaz have started to make a life together but he's still facing a possible eight-year prison stretch what happens as if Brian does go to prison same happens now and now just going with him with his brother and that hey drop a pin in any big town in Britain and you'll find a patch where people are really struggling in Grimsby it's the East Marsh [Music] and when you're skinned it's best to keep yourself busy would be late crime rate probably go because it's where all the kids are if you want the salon what we want you to be up to Carl's in trouble really would you why is that why would you cause trouble if there's nothing else to do just to have it it's not a tree yeah I swear I will [ __ ] you push straight something up in an attempt to impress the courts Ryan's been sticking to his tag and his girlfriend Shaz is sticking by him even though it means staying in seven nights a week with everything have you seen it they've got about different shoes to walk into different rooms in some Posh places yeah and that's [ __ ] pathetic you've got to have about three four different Forks to eat different things with and just use [ __ ] hands didn't you you [ __ ] [ __ ] Fox the fork in it God made us who we are deal with it could you imagine me with someone Posh none the Posh know what a real proper life is do they why don't you go scratch yourself what would you oh my middle class we're not middle class middle class was like at least I'm a plasma and not just normal same people anyway normal couple just trying to get on with life if I just wanted decent house enough money um decent job basically just decent life that's all I've ever wanted I'm trying to like keep out of [ __ ] in that [Music] all right gorgeous running from the ace Marsh down to the docks is Freeman street where the fishermen used to drink it's not what it once was mind 11 all the pubs full there was loads of pubs are there any now not a lot of money about now Jeff's been a Freeman Street regular since he started fishing 40 years ago the votes can't get in the dots could they no it was that fast yeah busting out the doors I couldn't get in the pubs they were still on the streets on there you get pissed as a far dinner time you're usually in bed I mean I bet the old man [ __ ] it up after [ __ ] time because you don't know yet you never see him exactly exactly that's good though no it was like that yeah luckily Jeff's girlfriend Becky is an old handed dealing with drunken Sailors it's what my granddad did it's what my uncles did I said to me you're like why'd you have to get in this state like you come home for about 24 hours why do you have to get pissed out your brain for they go out there they lose the limbs they go overboard they don't come back the ship sinks the ship sets value of the dead so in my eyes then people are coming back getting pissed out the face because I think it might be the last time that they do it then they go back out and do it all again I've come in dark looked at the portal still seeing the stones and thought [ __ ] hell nice one we're going in oh we thought we're going out I've already been in for me 36 hours tonight man I can't remember the [ __ ] all about it if Freeman streets where the pubs are and the Shalom Youth Center is where you'll find the kids down another East Marsh Street there's an altogether older kind of business going on foreign and it's been in my life from a young age a very young age [Music] it's the quickest and easiest way to get money other than committing crime and I'm not doing that why don't you do crime why do I do crime because I like Freedom too much that's why and I'd be pretty [ __ ] at it why would you be because I'd get caught I don't have to be sly [Music] Ryan's been on tag for more than 12 months now so far it's been doing its job keeping him out of trouble tag is say so many hours a day you're not allowed out and how do you know if you're not sticking to it because that tag box and that is horrible can't stay out late can't go out on the weekends with mates and that can't do much but I'd rather be with all my friends and family than Behind Bars put it away and make your own life and then choose how to run it booze has landed Jeff in trouble in the past and while he's not at Sea he's most likely in the pub or around at Becky's with a cam come on Becky's a single mom with four teenagers and two of her boys are on the autistic Spectrum wake up on Friday it's your more money when they're off because you've got to like feed him and like they want to do stuff don't they some kids do play out in the street but it's not safe for him especially Kai and Aaron they've never been able to go to the park on their own just in case Becky hasn't enough on a plate Jeff decided to quit drinking for a bit and has been staying in bed round of hers your old man face it you passed it has been it was the best fisherman that walked Freeman Street and now with a has been a lot of good fishes been and gone when he's had a drink and he's laid in bed every I'm one of the best fishermen that's gone out of this [ __ ] pot there is sensible fishermen as well that don't drink have you ever been a sensible fisherman no you haven't you've never ever gone to see sober I have I begged you have not how long have you not um been drinking two days two hours yeah but he's doing two days but you're doing a two week drinking baling and see how we go back to that you won't last to it yes oh yeah unless if we just take away his money then it will last time I got no money anyway guys [Music] do people deserve a second chance and like if something goes wrong depends what they've done I really do he's all down to what's done really yeah what are the things that you don't get a second chance for being a pedophile no if you have made a wrong time in your past about doing drugs and that and you are trying to make a change and you do deserve a second chance [Music] what are you doing tonight then watching me so I'm going to put my gym jams on vodka lemonade and watch me sounds probably fall asleep before the start actually I need some sleep I'm clunky why haven't you slept because of the stress on my son's birthday coming up yeah when he was living with me we used to read a bedtime story and then we used to make a bedtime story up about chapter Trump and it had to have a good little girl and a naughty little boy and a trap called Trump and I think that would make up a different story but he'd only get that story if he was gone [Music] at least I know that with someone that's going to give him that love that they need they're getting a lot of attention and support that they need at that age and I wasn't giving them that I was just scatterbrained for the drugs [Music] so I did the right thing I know I did the right thing anyway foreign [Music] [Music] it's Valentine's Day tomorrow and Ryan's planning a really special treat for Shaz it's a big effortless for you isn't it yeah it's it's making a statement [Music] follow your heart or your head my stimulation ships yeah okay everyone wants it and me honestly I want us to last no matter what I'll keep fighting for our love as you should know [Music] it's got time to call this that's us never it's more than two hours oh sorry where have you been dead the Ice Bar it's only been a few days but the wheels have fallen off Jeff's wagon Russell upside down on their [ __ ] time that's a fight oh my God he thinks he's 20 year old but it's 55 year old man who thinks his [ __ ] Rocky Balboa and he's not [ __ ] Rocky Balboa what are you doing in my oven now because you know I can't wait for him to [ __ ] off back to work once it ready then about half an hour oh lovely laying back to the gravy oh there we go do you want to make the grave because you met wonderful Danish gravy don't you then about 50 freaking hours it's the gravy nice it's the gravy nice oh everybody what do you think of the gravy put on Facebook Jeffrey Brown has made the gravy quick right how do I make gravy like everybody else where's mcgrave the granny walls I don't need grape I know how to do other things it was all the washing it'll keep the house in order that's true Sean you do partly and all he does is make a bit of [ __ ] Danish gravy Canal Queen your majesty you should try as my Jeffrey's Jane is gravy hey I will give you your majesty um get out don't disrespect the [ __ ] Queen don't blaspheme the [ __ ] Queen not being funny now I know I know don't disrespect the queen all right do you like the queen then I do like the queen yeah she's Our Queen everybody should like the queen why we brought in English aren't we God Save the Queen what are girls like around to me it's like not really oh no they're all beautiful [Music] there's no all about managing without them [Music] but everyone's a sucker for a bit of romance jazz no all your top players whatever you can leave in the bathroom leave in the bathroom [Music] cause I need you to because you're back to nearly ready that's why all right am I walking on the ass naked cheers mate not loud in the bedroom yet anyway good for you yeah you're bothering me grateful yeah let me in fact nope that's dead sweet come here no you can't not yet come give me a cuddle check that what's that right that is the best made cappuccino in club I put all this love and affection into you and you just [ __ ] you just act like it's a normal thing women do my [ __ ] brain boxing bad he's so cute thank you thank you [Music] for every person who's taken the wrong path there are many hundreds of others who are struggling but doing it by the book when it comes to Christmas time um you get a loan and you make sure your kids have got what everybody else has got or whatever they want to give them a good Christmas and it takes you all year to pay the loan and then you get another one I think that's in a lot of places that's the way we have to live there just isn't enough money to save up that's what's wrong with the kids today I think you can't smack the [ __ ] ass like any good Fisherman's misses at home Becky holds everything together I could not have asked for a more loving better father than I've got with my dad now it has been told there's something wrong with his heart so Becky's moving him into the spare room anybody can be a father it takes a real man to be a dad I worship my dad you respect yourself so what about Fred Wesson well don't be so ridiculous the talk is something why am I talking silly yeah the same because we're mothers some mothers bloody abandoned the kids far she's a good Bloody Mother no oh and if she uses the baby as an ashtray no she doesn't she has not used a baby as a bloody ashtray don't be so ridiculous stop being so stupid then you've moved in have you for a few days a few weeks how are we going back tomorrow I found out that he had an enlarged vein in his heart it could like burst any time so it's a time bomb you can't choose when you die it's just when his time's up your time's up if polish your friend when you go you'll either go up there or down there I hope I go up there I don't want to be able to devil don't touch people getting that far on that cake I know who it was yeah if you want to change the way you are just change the way you are yeah never mind what any never mind what anybody says about you never mind what anybody thinks about you [Music] are you doing something yeah you're quite a big deal well yeah I've got a [ __ ] eye to eye appointment booking try and get me to work at [ __ ] staff forcing that Ryan's troubles aren't behind him yet but he's still trying to change his future today he's signing up with a local job agency so just keep putting me back because I'm like because of my tagging [ __ ] and I don't see why they're doing it you know just because I've got a tag around my ankle it just dumped me on my Straight Up fog probably eight minutes come on let's get to it [Music] thank you whoa coffee's blowing out my hand and that well they're pushing me forward for everything basically I've got to go in uh Friday for basically a couple of inductions for a couple of different places my tagging kicks in at five in the morning right and then I'm allowed out till like nine at night yep all right cheers look all right bye bye good news Ryan good news fingers crossed I'm gonna start work by next week if you want something in life you've got to get off your ass and get it Ryan and Shaz have been living in his dad's spare room but with the chance of some work they're trying to scrape a bond together for a flat five years ago uh cash converters fights before get a house [Music] and having somewhere to call home can make all the difference [Music] I'm building it all back up again starting to look healthier just everything's starting to look positive and Corrine and Kaylee's little family is expecting some new additions today is four five weeks you don't really see a lot because they're asleep all the time well when they start opening their eyes and running around and like the brilliant she's a good one oh I love it darling all right darling Paul push paper [Music] oh good girl go kill me poor girl baby get around that sucks oh look it's me oh my God oh girl Nene I'm gonna cut my knee for her she's a canny I'm a candy nanny she's a Canon on the county for one you can't you can't you can't put it into words all that pain you go through but once that baby's in your arms that pain is forgotten oh it's an unbelievable feeling you can't explain it we've got all this again aren't we do you know like do you know on New Year when you are celebrating and then fireworks are coming off and you're all smiling your hearts are going and oh it's meaning okay it's just like one big firework that just doesn't seem to go out it's amazing what do you think most people think prostitutes are like I think they'll get bad reputation for the job no be able to take advantage it's not really a proper [ __ ] job is it selling your body people have had bad upbringers aren't there some people that's why they go to drugs for comfort and [ __ ] I start [ __ ] Comfort that's pain some girls get fast into prostitution [Music] cannabis when I was nine and the classes when I was 12. what classes is I'm fitting in heroin where did you get heroin when you were a child I'm not going to say that because it could get someone in a lot of trouble what do you think life without drugs would be like I've done it for four years with my with my two boys and it was fantastic I wanted their lives to be totally different from my life totally different I want to get clean so I can make all my wrongs right it's easy to get stuck in the past especially when the present in great Jeff are we off there the square with no work on the boats and time on his hands the closest Jeff can get to a trip out to sea he's back at his place with his old fishing maze the graveyard graveyard of good fishermen that's on the Phillip ball I thought it was I'll just see Thomas yeah when we're shooting the tuna fishing that's right oh there's a bit of weather in it I'll tell you I'll get claustrophobic going down one of them things I shouldn't be on the depths of personally the people are going to be thinking of fishing oh just drunk an old bust the parties was better than this hence we get the [ __ ] reputation of being drunk ambassadors I do it all again my memories are gonna take them away from you can I shop yeah [ __ ] Barber any day loves it I will go back to say and I will say you'll see us again off the show must be life [Music] you're a predator you've got a cat's fish wise God will be right everything's got to be right there's that much going on that you ain't got time to think about anything else [Music] Ryan doesn't want to get stuck in his past he's taken Shaz on a day trip out of Grimsby to see how she likes the countryside [ __ ] [ __ ] well aren't you removed a little bit you've brought me to it it's not even like there's lots of ducks or there's a parkour but tiny bit jump in come down here I bet you go dipping come on then well yeah what's nice about here um the lake the the schools are nice schools are pretty good um it's just a quiet little town really good if you want to settle down basically oh stop being grumpy woman what is that what is that what what is there we can do here not much yes yes it's going to make him mates it is crap yes because you didn't live this any of these lives I want to live this life for [Music] obviously there's an evil side to me obviously onto my enemies and that yeah I've got a good side to me as well we study do you prefer Ryan I don't know I'm really made that decision yet have you got any regrets no no regrets [Music] but the future is hurtling towards Ryan and Shaz in a way neither of them could ever imagine [Laughter] sometimes life makes no sense to anyone with only a few weeks to go before Ryan's trial he and Shaz went for an early morning Joyride with some mates fleeing from place they crashed into a Lamppost Ryan and Shaz were in the back seat Ryan fractured his shoulder Shaz wasn't so lucky [Music] [Applause] five days after the crash Shaz is still in intensive care she's broken her neck and is almost completely paralyzed she's stable at the minute everything's going fine operation and everything has gone fine um she's awake she's waiting to talk but obviously she's got a tube and that in her throat so at the minute she she can't talk because obviously it's helping to breathe and everything it's hard to leave and now she's awake and because obviously every time I like leave and that she watches me leave and it looks like she she still wants me there but I can't do nothing because I'm on [ __ ] tagging it's horrible it is truly [ __ ] horrible [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign [ __ ] job interviews and [ __ ] doesn't it how'd you mean I would have been already at work and I know my baby girl wouldn't have gone [ __ ] nowhere without me so if I would have had to [ __ ] work then how I look at it [ __ ] this wouldn't have happened you regretting your lifestyle a bit right yeah I would get a lot of things in my life now could have done this could have done that there's no way there was no work for them young boys there's nothing from today so what the locker [Music] qy this is what it's all about we we wouldn't see on these boats and just here now doing nothing this is one of the ships I used to go on this girl it's a trawler don't troll no more no quota I feel for the young ones got no to do note to look at [Music] when the old jobs go it can open the floodgates for all sorts of other things some people get the new jobs others get caught in the riptide of drugs crime or prostitution both Kaylee's grandfathers were fishermen [Music] look stop and ask me the price tell them the price and if you say yeah I get in if you say no I'll come back to my spot and wait for the next customer are they always old buggers no get some dead nice looking ones it's worse though when they're young and good looking you feel so uncomfortable no they're just what a shark just want to shoot them up get the job done and that's it see you later now I don't get close to them I don't tell them anything about themselves I just do what they want me to do when I'm gone and that's the best and easiest way to do it Time and Tide wait for no man and sometimes no matter what's happened you just have to keep going [Music] foreign because Doug's being evicted because not paying his [ __ ] bedroom tax and [ __ ] like that he said to be leaving here around yeah um well yeah I don't know [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Origin
Views: 543,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: origin, full documentary, documentary, full documentaries, real life stories, real life, money saving experts, martin lewis, energy crisis, unemployed, unemployment, work, jobs, grimsby, fisherman, strike, youth, large families, uk biggest families, the radfords, skint, underage and pregnant, young parents, young mums, benefits, credits, universal credit, family life, struggle street, job search, relationships
Id: yvaUUtAHvy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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