Trying to start the Caferacer for the first time...

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guys I have to tell you I am pretty excited maybe even yeah kind of tensed because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna install the exhaust I'm gonna add fluids to this bike and I'm gonna start the engine and I am so yeah kind of tensed will it work because if it works I can bring it to the Dynojet and they can test it but will it even start and this is so exciting and it's now Wednesday morning I've got like two or three hours and everything has to be done in those hours yeah and I'm kind of working on my bike while I'm thinking like whoa is it really that moment then I'm gonna start the bike so hang in with me I'm gonna add the exhaust and some fluids okay so everybody is asking about the hoses of a amalfi rock oh it's not that hard basically the only hoses that go to your petcock are these two one of them is connected to your vacuum tube here so this gives a this is a vacuum hose and this one is the fuel hose so most of the petcocks have a vacuum line here affect you vacuum in it so what it basically does is when the vacuum hose is here and the engine is not running the petcock won't be able to run fuel in your carburetor whilst if the engine is running it will suck or give some air in the petcock so the few can run so one fuel house go there goes there and the vacuum house goes there and you have two of them if you have two petcocks then one goes straight to d1a petcock and this one goes to the other petcock if you only have one petcock tap this one off and only run one whew vacuum hose now there are another houses I'm gonna do those as well these big lines that you have there go just straight into your frame and what are those they just need a quiet air or still standing air so you don't want to have something blowing into there you rather have the you want to have the car berets to breathe themselves some clean air in so you just go for run from a big a big line from here and here from your carburetor to your frames here so these two go there and there is one left and that's what you have here this is your oil baffle and your oil baffle sometimes spits a little bit of oil and if it spits and you want to run it in this one so and eventually it will come just down on the street or it catches in your frame and from your frame it goes into the street so that's that corner there in that small yeah line here the tube here you run a big approximately 13 millimeter hose straight to there so that's what I'm gonna do now as well [Music] that was really horrible I just filled this how do you call that infusion I guess what you normally do when you are out of blood in a hospital but I filled it with the gasoline by putting this hose in my fuel tank of my daily driver my XT ténéré 660 and so I put that in and I've sucked that gas gasoline out of it and I fill it in there so I had to do that once of course I didn't do it like this but that was really horrible but I thought um I had to look for a syringe or something that I can use to suck it out I thought the fastest way is just doing it by this because I now have 45 minutes left and I really want to start that engine so I'm quickly going to continue with everything [Music] okay guys I'm so excited I'm just gonna do this I'm not gonna think just one last check I've got the fuel hoses connected I've got weight and let me put the cameras because this is kind of a really important okay so I've got the fuel hoses connected at the right angle I've got my gas leaf or which is working my joke is working my exhaust are on my power is connected I hope my start switch runs works um the only thing is I'm I'm I am hoping that the car Burris won't flood okay I don't know why because I'm I don't have to connect these vacuum hoses but they're just for opening up the petcocks common sense use my common sense I think I'm just gonna do this guys this is it this is the moment I'm completely how do you call that in Dutch is for bedight and I'm completely okay if it doesn't work because I'm just gonna think it's not working it's not working there's going to be a major major major disappointment that's what I'm just thinking so everything can be okay for instance the starter engine that what doesn't work or it just doesn't fire up maybe due to the air filters I hope that because that won't be a problem I'm just gonna do this here we go open up the fuel guideline I've never used a thing like this but here it goes it's flood whoa whoa there's a lot of fuel coming out here I don't have to write posts clams that's the problem that's why it's it's it's leaking here which is really annoying just kind of fill the carburetors maybe now I have to have this I need a better fuel clamp here maybe I can you know if I use this one I'm out a few clamps damn I need few clamps oh maybe I got okay so it's just spitting gasoline sometimes what I will do is just put this cloth here I'm gonna make sure that my fuel filters are filled that's the most important part because if they have gas then yeah but it's really spitting here a lot of gas I don't know how I can do this otherwise and it's the only way yeah I don't know how I can it's really feeling now but it's just flooding and flooding like that if my gas if my filters are full then I'm pretty happy but this is just kind of getting dangerous now with all the fuel coming out so I don't really want to do this like this I just need good fuel line clamps and I don't have them and my filters are not filled yet so there's not enough gas yet in there I really have to look for other clamps otherwise I have to get them before I continue so this is a really big bummer I'll search some more in my garage okay I think I got it I've got some oversized clamps which work as I can see now they are filled well to take this cloth out of the way oh now it's leaking here my goodness I think I'm going to turn it off now because there will be enough gas inside for sure and otherwise I will fill up a little bit you can see I am really really excited I'm gonna put this here just want to make sure that everything is not really safe it's not coming on my engine or electronics I'm gonna do it guys I'm just gonna do it I would just want to know okay you got the power engine run I'm not gonna use choke yet [Music] it's unbelievable [Music] Oh [Music] okay we've got some oil leakage here see that's what needs to happen in these kind of things okay but the most important thing is it runs but I've got a really big oil leakage here which is coming from my oil line here which is not a big deal I need some no new seals there maybe it's the wrong bolt I don't know oh it's not even tight so that's so stupid I have to tighten that up my god you see these kind of things oh but guys did you hear that it has a great sound it really has a great sound look I forgot this one to tighten up this one stupid of me let's tighten that up immediately and start it up again yes we're gonna start it up again why not my god you see guys just take things step by step step by step just use your common sense needs to be really tight check them all check that one really was speeding oil which is dangerous by the way because if your engine doesn't get oil thinks really good we messed up I'm just dining up the mole just to be sure and we gonna do it then let me see if the camera is rolling yes it's rolling that one is rolling - let's do it again or see if the oil is okay the level no that's needs to be filled because it's obviously new everything is new so then everything gets in there place between the how do you call it the gears and stuff you know what I mean okay fill that up guys is this a moment or what I have been working for a year to be exact forty three weeks because as I get I get stay on track with the video I make by just naming them the week in my internal storage device so I know I mean week 43 so I've built this bike in 43 weeks that is only the working weeks okay so not like that I'm nonstop 43 weeks but in total 43 weeks ok let's do it again oh it's this great there we go whoa it sounds magnificent Oh Marley [Music] [Music] [Music] unbeliev on lievable so this was it for this week and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Chiefpep
Views: 19,977
Rating: 4.8831463 out of 5
Keywords: connect virago fuelhoses, virago fuellines, XV 750 fuelhoses, XV 750 hoses, Yamaha Virago fuellines, Fuelhoses, Carburetor fuellines, Chiefpep, Scrambler, Caferacer, building a caferacer
Id: gFNiMe2vnjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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