Trying to Hold on to the Tail End of the Garden

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it's a hot day in the mountains of Southern Appalachia earlier today Matt and I managed to get all the beans picked we picked some cucumbers harvested some Tomatoes some peppers then we had to stop and go take care of something go for an appointment now we're back and we're going to finish up working outside for today there's several things that we need to do one of the first things we're going to try to do is Harvest our onions we never grow enough onions to make it through the entire winter but we do grow enough to at least enjoy and if you've grown onions you know you kind of have to let them lay out and dry and cure if you just took them inside and put them up now they would they would rot on use what would happen so we're going to work on that we're also this is the time of the year when things begin this is August now when things begin to kind of die back so there's some things that we're thinking about pulling out in the hopes that those are places that we're going to plant some fall things I think turnips and some mustard greens some lettuce and cake scale maybe some more onions that we could just enjoy as green onions so we're gonna we're gonna work on that too before we start on the onions we were over here looking at some of the butter beans look at those don't those look great our only problem is we've not grown them enough to know when you're supposed to actually Harvest them so someone please please give us some information about that these are really still really firm so I'm thinking maybe it's not time yet but I can't wait to try them the most exciting thing in this bed is look at these peas these are the Holstein pea now I know they're not ready because I can't even feel a pea inside them yet but I can't wait to try them and this is one of the varieties that Debbie from Bryson Farm Supply shared with me and they really did the little pea looked like a little Holstein cow if you will had the it was like a white with black with a little spot really pretty pea so Matt noticed one of them was about broke open oh look how beautiful look how many more is in there Matt this is the bill Mathis theme the Atlantis butter bean oh my goodness they're beautiful oh they're so pretty now we just need enough to eat I guess that means that we could probably harvest the rest of the these the biggest ones don't you think I don't think so let's try another one oh yeah beautiful so I guess we we answered our own question of course you could leave them and let them dry and then you'd have dried you know dried beans if you wanted to save them for that but we were we were more interested in eating them fresh um those look great so pretty I'm too pretty to eat I know almost I think we need some some peas and some cornbread don't that sound good yeah sure Matt can hold on to them they sleep well that little membrane on them yeah so pretty here's a couple of our volunteer winter squash here's a pumpkin looks like a Chambers Creek I'm pretty positive that's what it is and then right behind it a butternut squash this whole bed is really just turned into a giant jungle but even in the midst of all the chaos I think it's just beautiful this is the fronds of asparagus this is an asparagus bed and I guess we put compost in here is where the squash come from but there's another Butternut that's kind of hanging up in the air but it's a really big one so that one's going to be good four butternuts down on this side there's one and here's one that's not as far along yet still a pretty good size one though and just above that one is another one so it looks like we're going to grow as many butternut squash out of our compost accident as we are in our the ones we planted on purpose I've always said volunteers are so magical that way they seem more vigorous heartier and you didn't even do anything to get them to grow bees and other pollinators are really working our herb bed here today I can't believe and Matt can't either how the hiss up a lot of you told me that the bees would just love it well they do they're just it's just like this every time I've come out all summer long bees and butterflies and all sorts of things have just been all over it and the plant has stayed really pretty all year too so even for just an ornamental I think it would be wonderful and that's basically what we're using it for because we've not harvested any of the hiss up and and used it but there's probably gosh 20 bees on it right now just working away so it's been a beautiful plant I'm really really happy oh I see over here there's some ants on it too over in here little ants there's a little tiny fly not sure what that one is but this is one of my favorite places in the garden this year there's a butterfly I've really enjoyed it and obviously the the insects have to so we pulled the rest of the Cucumbers out of this bed and I'll show you why they were doing no good you can see there's the little varmints that we're eating them right there but they're gone now and Matt's going to go ahead and pull up we did have some onions in here they've not bothered the onions they were just bothering the cucumbers we did still get a lot of cucumbers but [Music] they were certainly trying their best to destroy them it's a big old onion oh that's an onion we've probably never grown one that big too big so in this bed we've mostly had onions we've got some flowers over there and some of these are going to be let's see that one man about that size but they'll still dry and eat just like the big ones and then you can see the biggest ones down there is the ones we planted early in Spring but we'll Harvest them all sometimes you just need a little beady onion so smell good man this sweet gum tree here is taller than I am and that's a good example of how our bank will grow back because it was totally cut down cut back earlier this spring and that's how much growth in one year it's taller than I am and as you look up the bank you can see how much it's grown back this year and kind of begin to understand why it's just an ongoing job that we have to do oh just a few onions in this one and the Squash I planted in here and this fed actually look way better boy the marigolds are pretty too aren't they when it comes to curing onions there's so many different ways a lot of people that grow lots of onions they go ahead and braid them and hang them up you know which is really wonderful I'd love to be able to do that someday but since we just usually end up with not even a bucket full this is really more than we usually have we just lay them out on the porch let them dry let them cure out and then once they are dry just trim the tops off of them and lots of times I leave them out here on the porch and just use them as needed sometimes that happens because I once they're done I kind of forget about them and always think I'm going to take them into the kitchen but most of the time they end up staying out here on the porch and I just come and get one when I need it when I'm cooking [Music] oh [Music] we're gonna have to try one of the big red ones though really quickly aren't we see what we think about them having trouble yeah I'm struggling a little you've done playing like made it yeah even though the gardens winding down we we got a lot it's amazing it never gets old going out and picking whether it's cucumbers or tomatoes or beans or whatever it's always amazing to me I like seeing full buckets no matter what it is I don't see them full so today we got almost full two buckets again from the rattlesnake beans so they've done really good had me and still no bug damage I did notice two like maybe two bugs on them today did you see any I'll just tell you you always ask me about those bugs I can't see them can't see them because I've not got glasses on in the bean patch and I can't see them well and if I put my glasses on then I can't see nothing else to see right there yeah so I don't wear them I just seen one or two and normally by this time they're just eating them alive so that's another Plus I don't think we always Tommy toes are always they're kind of known for being prolific and a Tommy Toe if you don't know what that is it just means a small tomato like a grape tomato or Salad tomato you want to taste it but um they're always they're kind of known for being vigorous and prolific but I don't think they've ever been we've ever had as many as this year do you you don't like that one that's the watermelon one it means all right but it didn't get us this one I don't think it's as good as the peach or the coconut either but anyway they've never done as good I don't think as this year to you Tommy toes we literally just can't keep them picked there's just so many and we've give them away and shared and we're still just hanging full and eat a lot I'll beat them until my mouth hurts but it won't be long to be gone and then we'll be wishing we had some because we ain't gonna buy none Matt was morning today earlier when we were picking the tomatoes and not much longer and tomato sandwiches will be gone until next year I had tomato biscuits for breakfast and tomato sandwich for lunch and they're just good but we'll be alone we'll have to change them in you you can really begin to see can't you this today in the garden that things are beginning to give out play out yep starting to die back on him yeah yeah did you see the winter squash though and that asparagus band yeah the pumpkins and stuff so amazing it's all volunteering sometimes when I look at the growth of a volunteer like that I'm dripping terribly um makes me contemplate the theory of planting my whole garden like this year in like November planting it all even tomatoes and everything just direct sowing them and just seeing what happens yeah you'd be going to Fruit Stand well I don't know but it's amazing how were in our compost and then we they laid out here all winter and then we shuffled them around then we put them over there and we didn't do anything for them we didn't even necessarily plan them and then look how vigorous and wonderful they've done it's just amazing it could be an experiment you could do if we had more land you can do one little area and just literally plant like a row of everything and just leave it and see what happened okay I was hopeful that some of my nasturtiums were so beautiful last year and they are this year too but I thought maybe some of them will reseed their self and come back out but I didn't see any evidence of that I wonder if it depends on the seed their seed is so large and kind of fleshy that I wonder the freezing and the whatever might have just liquefied it and it went away I don't know man just might not been able to survive that kind of cold in being kind of a tender seed because other flowers do like zenas and even marigolds will recede but they're more of a finer flatter seed so I don't know today while we were working me and Matt both was already saying next year we're gonna next year we're gonna you know already planning thinking about next year [Applause] which is typical once the garden kind of starts playing out it's then you think well I shouldn't have done this like my giant marigolds I should not have planted of course I didn't realize they were giant marigolds I thought they were the little ones but they were not and try to get your Tomato Seed straightened out yeah I think you're gonna have to be in charge of that I mean there's very few jerky purples here no there's not you're right they just just a little handful of them we usually do that whole entire bed yeah because there's good ended up not being hardly any um yeah I apologize for that and it's okay dear cool do not bleed need to sober up before you plant your seeds we'll get you dried out between now next spring that way that won't happen again I think what happened I mean Corey just got mixed up or got mixed up when he's planting them I don't know which fits when we were planting them in the greenhouse or when we were planting them in the dirt out here I don't know what got us confused but something did for sure because my aunt's right he has very few Cherokee purple I wonder if it's reusing the same cups from last year and had the old writing on it and just went with the wrong thing maybe we did Mark it out I thought I don't know what we did I just really don't know what we did I think y'all to go with new cups every year as cheap as they are good Frugal well I know but I mean that might that might help keep this from happening next year if that is if that's what it was because that very well would be an easy way to make that mistake any thinking remember from one year's next and you came no or maybe get some tape and then right on the tape like masking tape or something a little bit more than the cup I mean you'd look at the masking tape right and then do the same thing again next year I mean we just cover it over top of the tape they usually only last what two years three years the most because they get brittle yeah anyway yeah we got to do something make sure Matt gets his Cherokee purples Cherokee Reds as green calls them yeah you got any of those Cherokee Reds are good everybody's got their own favorite tomato and that one's mine yeah I like them a lot I guess my favorite is a little orange Tommy Toe they're awful good yeah they got a own unique flavor that's just as rich as it can possibly be and it's really good yeah it's just hard to make a sandwich out of them come down it I know yeah it ends up in your lap yeah they fall out on you yeah speaking of Granny a lot of you have asked about granny and we're so appreciative of all the prayers and the cards and the things you've seen are so nice thank you so much that makes her feel very very special and makes us feel special too and I'm a Believer in prayer so I'm really grateful for those prayers and she's doing pretty good she had her test on Monday it was a difficult test on her and but she's felt better in the last two days and we don't have any news yet we don't have any results of the biopsy of what it what it was um if it's cancer if it's not cancer but it's an inoperable Mass so either way it's not good they can't take it out and it's affecting different parts of her body so we're kind of in a holding pattern until we go back and learn of the pathology and then learn what they what could they do is there anything they could do but she's in good spirits and like I said yesterday and today she's feeling better so that's good that's always good thing you still want the can still wanting a can yeah still want the can and uh always excited for anything you take or like that so and she's been crocheting still crochet and she's been making some little bookmarks that are really pretty I have to remember and try to show you one of them so she's she's really tickled about them she's so tough uh Matt says she's tough old bird tougher and a pine knot yeah so she was so like after the procedure it we're supposed to be there at 1 30 they didn't take her back till after five o'clock so she'd had nothing to eat she'd went through all the preparation for it she's sitting in a hospital waiting room she's freezing all that so it was you know I was feeling so bad for her and worrying about her too but then once it's over and we got her home we're going to of course fix her something good to eat and all that Paul was doing that but when I got her home and took her in the door she just bypassed everything to go because Katie met us there Katie was there bypass everything to go to that crochet and show Katie what she's been working on I was like I would have went straight to my bed and got in my bed and then said bring me my food I can't get up you know she's so tough I will let you know about her and we really do appreciate those prayers so much we're so thankful for him we can actually feel them I can I know that all of you are pulling for granny and praying for and and we can feel that and she's just been tickled to death with the cards and things that people have seen so thank you so much for being being kind to Granny really makes me me happy and I think Matt's right she'd be canning green beans every day of the world if she could she just she could just crochet and canned green beans That's What She Likes she likes the best yeah long time ago when um daddy was still alive he died in 2016 but people would ask her how much or this is like this coat that she makes she's made all of us it's kind of like a coat of many colors it's what it makes you think of it's kind of Patchwork looking granny squares kind of but different colors anyway people would say well they brag on it you know I really love that did you make it and she'd say yeah and they'd say well how long did it take you to make it that must have been really you know something must took you a long time she said well that all depends on how many times I can get Jerry to cook supper so and he'd tease her and say yeah I know you'd be happy if all you had to do was crochet and and canned green beans you'd get somebody else to do everything else she said yeah I would green beans to can yeah I wish we had enough we're obviously gonna have enough peas to eat and enjoy but I'd like to have enough Peas I hear people talking about canning Peas I liked canned peas too I'm just gonna have to have to figure out you know a better way to plant them we just had another space like down here and had two more big long rows then we could do peas in them also saying if wishes were horses everybody would ride or something I don't know I didn't exactly the one I know oh it's yours it's not nice you can't say it a little R-rated yeah I figured yeah but that's pretty good way to say it it's getting clean yeah I can't believe August is here I mean I don't even know what this whole year went just went by so fast yeah just my whole summer blurred through Mama being sick well with Miss Cindy being I think that's what what jumbled up the whole year as far as everything been kind of disorganized and kind of in a shambles and it's still kind of is but it's all right yeah talking about the tomatoes I remember the day that me and Corey were in the greenhouse actually planting them she was here so we brought her over to stay with us that day and I remember her and Katie coming out and watching us so yeah in a weird way I feel like I've not even been in the garden this year I mean I have obviously but it's strange yeah detached from it son which shows how amazing plants are how amazing it is to grow your own food because we do feel like we've kind of been detached from it this year and it's still producing wonderful I mean you know there's places like my squash or squash and cucumber or cucumber squash and zucchini I did see we have our first zucchini yeah it's about that big yeah no squash but he had squat we had the first not the first squash this year and the winter squash we've got bukus of it anyway but that's amazing that it's kind of just took care of itself there and yours is that way yeah seems like when we have had a minute like after all the stuff with Miss Andy then you just kind of want to see it and decompress and stare off into space or go to bed early and sleep or whatever it's such exhaustion emotional strain is always more exhausting to me than physical strain and we still hadn't we still got that two hanging over us that we've not made any decisions about what to do with Miss Cindy's house or her her stuff or not really our house is pretty much like it is like it was the day that we walked out and left it we've been going back oh yeah we've been going back taking care of it and doing all that and checking everything but it's we've not really done nothing we've made any decisions about what to do with anything or yeah and we got when we're making we got plenty time yeah about turning it into a pout house for me yeah you could go over there when you need to get away well not when you want to get scolded over here for not doing whatever I'm supposed to do I'll go over and pay out like man cave out of it you know you're good which to me would be uh a bow range and a fish cooker that sort of thing yeah or I could do man stuff yeah until you get through being mad at me and I could come back home it's about the right size for that yeah somebody'd find you though somebody'd follow you over there yeah that's what me and Matt's always said if you want to go off by yourself somebody will usually come find you mama daddy you gotta get way back to opinion you gotta leave your phone at the house too yeah Matt and I've been doing this series of Q and A's if you've seen them if you've not you can look on our Channel and find them but in one of them Matt said something funny about that having kids was like joining the mafia it is that you never get out but that's kind of the the same thing about if you if you want to take a nap if I want to take a nap I have to go I've learned early on you have to go to your bedroom and lock the door even then somebody May interrupt it take that snaps much anymore I used to try when the girls were younger and give up yeah that was it was not ever going to happen that way when they were young I mean I can I can now a little bit if I want to but I don't much usually doing something else Queen Katy always slept really good at night they were good even as babies they were we were very lucky they slept good but because they did that meant that they were wide open all day long and then they just pass out by seven o'clock and sleep all night but they were wide open there's not a moment of silence no no it's hard to believe though I keep going back to that this is August in a month's time we might be feeling some cool weather yeah in a month's time it's going to be time for me to get in the woods yeah Matt's already getting anxious about the hunting season I'm sure am him and Austin been making plans and talking about all their gear and all that kind of stuff yeah both of them getting excited wait on it all year um hmm turkey hunting you can fish a little bit just get the edge off but it's all about the Fall deer hunting for me anyway a lot of people is not like that but I am yeah and I like the other stuff really good but it ain't it ain't the same as it ain't the same as the fall usually by this time we're totally out of deer meat gone none we ain't had none in a long time and that shows how busy we've been that I've not cooked like I normally would we still have deer meat which is just what really what really I didn't really kill anymore than normal we've just been we've just been so busy there's been so many days that I just didn't cook so that's crazy but that's why I look forward to it because I know man it's going to fill our freezers and fill our jars we wanted to get started yeah yeah even that wind right there it's got a little fall feel to it and it's not cold but it's which is different it's just a little just a little bit cooler than what we've been feeling it's supposed to be like 96 heat index tomorrow today's not been it's not been really bad hot today no it's been there that was last week was miserable you know it was horrible last time horrible to us anyway yeah some people have it way harder than we do oh yeah right one of the recent videos we were talking about heat and somebody said but how hot what are you talking about and then I thought oh well of course because to somebody that lives where it's 100 degrees they'd like they'd laugh at us be like you're silly so that's not hot you don't know what hot it is but it is hot to us when we think it's really really hot what when it gets out of the 50s oh yeah for my hat but like last week what was it was in the low 90s yeah yeah and that's hot hot for us so it was a day or two that it was mid 90 94 95 yeah but not any like 100 degree temperatures yeah I mean my goodness what's the difference in 95 and 100. well I don't know I don't know but I I don't want the hundredth no I don't either but I don't think that there's markedly that once you're miserable you're miserable that's true you know that's my way I look at it anyway which for you is about like you said 60. I like I like 55 and under at all times yeah and then sometimes I like uh 20 with a nice eight or ten mile an hour wind can't grow tomatoes like that can't have no Cherokee Reds grow enough when it's when it's warm to you can count them and eat them all winter yeah I meant if it was never like if you had that all the time I thought that's what you were saying yeah well you would import your Cherokee Reds I think some people I know I'm that way I just I just can't tolerate the Heat just can't and ain't never going to be able to you know yeah some people it makes me sick and then and then other people can't tolerate the cold they'd rather it be whether it be hot Paul don't like the cold he can't stand it brutal at all times but between the two the the 90s or the the 20s I think the 20s you can take the 90s that's what I'm saying I like it all I love to have to bundle up and sit by the wood stove but then I like for it to be hot enough to have a popsicle and stick your feet in a creek and all that too you think you could feed the creek when it's cold if you're tough I'm not that tough though yeah you could start doing your Polar Plunge like people do or what it's not bad it's uh what it's called like it's a therapy cold therapy or something get you a big wash tub out here and fill it with water and get in it in the winter yeah sit for three minutes and then get out well I'll do it if you will no I won't do it well call us I'm too cold-natured don't get out here in my door tell them just jump right in there if you will no I want you comfort zone step out of the box a little bit just couldn't do it well you could do it you just won't do it yeah I'm like the person when you go swimming that's like I got to get into my knees then I'll go a little bit further then a little bit further and then usually somebody like somebody like Matt comes up and just pushes you and then you're then it's all over just prolonging now I know yeah but that's me because it's too cold foreign get in there and get it over with I know it's what you do I've seen you just dive in and I'm like tiptoeing in trying to get acclimated to the water and you just dive in and take off the Red Burn on top of that tree I see it that's it that's it calling ain't hard to practice Blue Jays today oh they've ate up all our blue yeah they went all moved on to somebody else's house it's another thing we've never managed to do this year was to put up the things last year worked really well but didn't get it done yeah it worked well in your head maybe I think it works well I think I think you did that good of John I do well I guess we're gonna have to resort to netting or something underground gardening yeah out of the out of the Flyway the trees kind of pitiful looking it always has been it does offer a little shade though I could have let Thomas and them cut it down but I didn't want to I started to cut it two or three times and just never have one day when it gets up big and falls through the bedroom I wish you would get it probably what we should do is I just hate to but if you cut it or if I should have never let it get that big I should have let you cut it and then plant a fruit tree there but there it goes it's about time to feed me you've come unfed huh I ain't eating a week you just said you ate too too much you know biscuit some tomato sandwich I need enough in a week awesome growing boy I gotta eat Matt cooked supper last night it was a really good supper it's like what's for supper Grandpa yeah was mashed potatoes and biscuits fresh green beans out of the garden let's see what kind of green beans did we eat oh the ones back here that um a subscriber shared with us last year called he just called them Grammy beans because they were his grandmothers and pork fried what did you do it was a tenderloin but you cut it and beat it and then fried it beat it and rolled it and flour and fried it yeah and it was good it was really good and then of course all the you can have fresh cucumbers and tomatoes and stuff like that was pretty good we've had fried squash one time this year and we bought it or somebody give it to us somebody give it to us somebody give it to me yeah yeah a lot of years when we got a lot of squash we just ate it overnight yeah it's good and we did our oakery is just now started coming in so yesterday we harvested the first of the okra but I give it to Granny because I wanted her to have it so sorry I was thinking all day about that though I was out in the rain and it was I didn't it started raining when I was out there and then he'd come out there was like what are you doing I was like I'm almost done I just wanted to cut this okra um it's before I took granny for her appointment so I took it with me and showed it to her give it to her because I knew she'd be excited sorry there's probably more already as fast as Oak Tree Grows if not by tomorrow the next day there will be I'm looking forward to paying that we had none no it's strange that it's so this has just been like weird year for like the oak tree it's all beautiful it's nice healthy looking plants I think it all come up but it's just been slow it goes Tomatoes hanging on there still green a bunch of them yeah it's weird this is slow I don't know if it's the early coolness that we had stunted it or what but I think they figure that as long as they stay green they don't get picked but I'm fixing to hurt her feelings have some green fried green pull them off there and go in there and fry them yeah because I like him Mighty well too sorry I didn't tell you I took it to Granny granny okay well I know she'd be excited about it there's a red bird back I'll try to try to move on I try to get over it I'll try to get over the heart I will uh I'll try to come up with another dream maybe you won't give that away too maybe not oh you had to give it to her too she said oh my goodness you already ate it it's probably as soon as you give it to her yeah as we got back she probably could stuff his mind again or she might be saving it for Sunday dinner um there's enough of it for a painful yeah I think so for her I don't know if Paul likes it or not but I think so I think there must be out there well I guess it's time we go in and I feed my aunt since he's come unfed but we appreciate you coming along with us today as we work in the garden even though it's on the I guess the tail end of things it's on its way out those places that we cleaned out a lot of those onions that we pulled up we're gonna plant some things in there so there's still still some things to look forward to thinking of fall Matt's always got to have his mustard greens I like to have kale through the winter usually it'll last through the winter and then I've got some onions I got some onions set so we're going to plant some more onions which we will probably just eat is green onions so there's still things to look forward to and of course it'll be a while before we Harvest those beautiful winter squash we might even get a yellow squash by then I don't know but we're always grateful when you come along with us to help us celebrate Appalachia because your grandma's used to tell you don't be ugly oh yeah yes if I was ugly I got the other end of the uh whatever they could get their names yeah you know what it's about time for us to go up the creek and you cook me something to eat well I wouldn't do that I guess what do you want I don't know breakfast will be easy Scout deer sign while we go keep your buyers off of me while I cook yeah look at that all by the time they hear you coming that little wind is nice it is sounds like a little fall there blowing through the leaves I like it but that's about eight more weeks of hot weather oh yeah it ain't gone for sure it's beautiful though trees are still really green they've not took on their Brown look yet what another three weeks it might be a little before that yeah maybe about three weeks and pulled the tail into August it'll start that little dingy looked at everything I don't like that well it's not it's my least favorite time of the year by that time I'm usually ready like if I had a magic wand to just go make it all go away all the overgrowth because things just get so out of out of hand to Rowdy and growth everywhere on the sides of the road leaning in on the roads and then in the garden and you know over behind us all that that stuff I think the birds have been eating my elderberries too so I don't think I'm getting away all the Bears yeah yeah they're gone they didn't even wait for him to get ripe they're eating them green so birdies are hungry hungry I've got a whole Forest of food here to eat you come out here and have talk with me yeah yeah just peaceful out here it's because I'm here yeah Granny says it's right Peaceable out here she says we're right Peaceable just stick around yeah stay around somebody sent me a video shows we're gonna get a big snow yeah yeah wow I think it was January you believe it well I feel like that's just a month Tad far out to know that it was a weather person telling it you know showing that how well I know but showing how this area would have more than any um snow than usual it snows we got to go sledding and build a snowman and go walk in the woods I mean I like it to be one of those snows that lasts for like three days put your order in yeah yeah well I have for the last like four years and it ain't happened yet you know how you tell when it's going to be really cold cold winter yeah you see a willy worm and a sleeping bag oh yeah it's all those really worm they're all poor tailing things yeah there's like everybody's is different so you wanted a sleeping bag it's going to be rough uh Granny's is the winner of Summer before the blizzard she's seen a solid black one but now I've seen solid black ones since then and they we had no blizzard but that's hers and there's the persimmon seed if you cut it open if it has a shovel or a knife a spoon or a knife be like your shoveling snow or not I can't remember what the knife part is and of course the number of Frost in August right or something what was it not Frost fogs what was that one number of fogs in August no no I don't pay much attention on that stuff yeah and then what's the one about the first day you hear the Katydids 90 days from that day's the first Frost yeah yeah I don't believe that one either what's on me a piece of leaf no I don't believe that one though people Granny says that one yeah we heard Katie did one year and uh it's like the end of May or first of June or something like that and then 90 days from then was going to be uh when was at the end of August yeah it was way early I remember how it went yeah it was going Frost and I said it might somewhere but I don't believe it will here well I don't know about all the signs I just hope I get a big snow well I hope you do too I like to start I'll have to get out and through the woods and see what kind of tracks you can find and following that year that I was pregnant with Corey and Katie or right before that I mean it was already snowing like before Christmas we had so much snow that year it just seemed like it went on and on and it lasted like it was a big snow that stayed on the ground for three or four days yeah and then when it finally went away and coming up yeah it was great wasn't it and we need another year like that I mean when it's unusual for us to be able to sled till you're just wore out day after day a big real unusual for me to do it I ain't getting on slaying wow I'm too old for that they're fine I like to watch everybody else but I'm a little I'm not you're more walking through the woods looking at the tracks yeah I don't care about sledding I like the sled and I like walking in the woods I like the hot chocolate just the Cozy feeling it gives everything of course if I lived in a place that had snow all the time like Mark and Maddie I probably get tired of it pretty quick old people on sleds leads to doctor trips and uh long-term disability and that sort of thing and I just seen not get those all stove up anyway whether you end up in the hospital but I got stove up when I was a kid sledding You Take a Tumble off and run into somebody else lift over up now I know I am this week hopefully that'll go away yeah it's bad when you get older you get stove up because you sleep the wrong way oh yeah instead of no sledding or falling off your bicycle or something it's just no I slept wrong I've got up on a bunch of mornings and slept around got a curriculum my neck and couldn't even put my socks on I may have to have to one hand it and then when you're a young and you can just sleep in the floor with no pillow and yeah it's on bare floor and spend the night with somebody and just curl up and sleep all night get up and run and play and just curl up like a little hound dog puppy and jump up and run I mean that's over with yeah that's over with I think he shot a novocaine just to get up I do this week once I'm going to get up and move around a little bit and 15-20 minutes I'm ready I can do it but I'm ready to go yeah strike out and go right up the top of the mountain then it's just getting up and the first few minutes of moving around kind of rough sometimes all right let's go we've got ants crawling on you now oh that's nice where's the bees I don't know there's none here today I must not it's another sign of they must not know what happened in fall or either they don't know you're here they're all over there on the hyssop oh good it's a good place for them yeah just stay off the side of my Dome
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 33,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachia, Appalachian Mountains, Growing a garden, grow your own food, how to dry onions, mountain garden, people of Appalachia
Id: yLnUToEId8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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