Trying to FIX an OLD Antique POCKET WATCH

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[Music] hi there my name's vince from and in this video today is another trying to fix video and in this video we're going to be trying to fix this little antique ladies pocket watch now this thing is a bit of a beauty so check this out if you just press the top button here the back pops open which is a nice movement and look you need little keys to wind it and also change the time so i bought some cheapy keys off ebay i think i paid five pound for the whole pack of these and they appear to do what they're supposed to do so now when i change the time here the minute hand goes round but this hour hand is often getting caught on various different uh the indices on the way around so there's some kind of issue there also the hands are very very bent up i'll zoom in a bit and show you show you more about it and when i try to wind it it doesn't i mean i don't want to force it it doesn't seem to be doing anything i'm not sure which way to wind it i'm thinking it's clockwise but when i do it it just seems to go a bit and then come back yeah and when i go the other way it doesn't seem to want to do anything so what i'm thinking is i'm thinking i'm not a watchmaker at all and i've never had success well i've had one success with a lady seiko in the past but i've tried various different watches on and off camera and unfortunately it's so hard i get close but then something will go wrong like a jewel will snap or a pivot will snap or the balance spring will slightly bends which will make it just completely useless so i've never had luck but i'm hoping this time maybe i might be able to get it ticking by the end so let me show you what i paid for it and then we'll zoom in and have a good look around it i paid a grand total of 25 pounds nobody bid on this so i just put in a bid at 25 pounds and i won and there was two pounds and 6p postage so 27 pound and 6p and it just says antique ladies pocket watch fine silver floral engraved dubois genevieve i hope that's how you pronounce it now genevieve is spelt wrong whether that affected the listener or not i do not know let me just show you what's written up here and it says here antique ladies pocket watch mark fine silver pretty floral and gray face dubois genevieve size four centimeters by one centimeter not working no key used antique condition it has been in the drawer for years photos are a good guide dispatch with raw mail first class sign four and it just says here age 1900 to 1940 and it says art nouveau now i'm really not sure about the age of this one here and i'd like advice on it even if i can't get it working it'd still be interesting to see there's makers marks you know when you get a service those little service marks on the back loads there's loads of markings on the back of this but only one is readable to me and i think it was it says 16 which i presume is 1916. but would people have been using this in the 40s and 50s and 60s to keep getting its service throughout the years not so sure would they have gone over to uh watches don't know but anyway let me zoom right in and i'm going to show you around this because it really is lovely i'll just show you around it so you can see there the hour hand looks like it's stuck on the 4 there and i think it was stuck on the 8 as well so it's definitely getting stuck on some of them and it looks bent down that way the minute hand also looks to be quite bent worryingly it doesn't look like they're the sort of ones that you can just pop off this top bit seems to be bigger than the actual hands themselves i'm not sure what's happening there i'm wondering if originally or maybe on some other model there was a kind of a brand up here on this little pack type thing but look at it i uh i don't know whether this is like gold plated or something around the edge i really don't know but it looks old to me it looks very old even older than 1900 but i don't know maybe the same design was just around for ages the this feels to me like glass like you know that mineral so again it looks perfect so i think obviously that's been replaced at some stage looks like the this here hinges up to be able to get to the dial if you want to clean it so there's a hinge here and there's a hinge at the bottom here this is up here you can see there's a little button to press and we've got a screw going through there and if you have a look at the back that's it there let's pop it open and let me just zoom in to the wall this is what it says here find silver but i've typed that number into google and nothing's coming up and you can see that makers mark there there there makers marks all over the place around so not makers servicing marks around here around here as well let me zoom in on this one because i think this is the one that says 1916 or 16. i think it might actually be under this lid here but look can you see it's markings here which i can't quite make out w26 1926 don't know again markings here and here so it's definitely had evidence of servicing throughout the years again things down here is that 04 just so hard to make out anyway let's uh let's open up this next one here let's have a look around there actually while i've got it on macro you can see it's got quite beaten up around here and it does say fine silver so that would that be just plated or would it be made out of silver not too sure i wonder was this ever expensive or was it always cheap is this uh brass here or is that again is that some sort of gold or gold plated there's no hallmarks i can't see any hallmarks anywhere but it's definitely got a lot of wear to it i reckon originally there would have been lines going all the way around here so it looks like it has been looks like it's been used it'd be lovely to see this tick again let's open up the next one next one here right okay we'll have a look at the movement in a second let's just show you the inside here we're under the next one now and i think this is where i've seen the date before so look under this one there's a load of dates as well so this is i don't know 20th of the 5th 16. so would that be 1916 again we have a mark there come round to here looks like we've got the same arc as on this side here find silver 4570 find silver 4570 and moving around to here scratched in 98 more makers marks sorry i keep calling makers marks you know what i mean servicing marks i presume or would this be when people sold it or something but there'd be no reason to scratch anything in unless you were servicing it so yeah i mean i don't know there's so many markings on it would it be just for example 100 years old unless of course somebody really did get this serviced every five years or something like that don't know or is it older than that not too sure anyway have a look now there's something that doesn't look right i don't think on this balance spring down here so if you have a look can you see that this coil at the end i'm not going to touch it but this coil at the end is not going through this one here can you see and i think it should go through that one there because otherwise it's uh it's not going to do its job of going fast or slow so that doesn't quite look right but this is the this is the rest of it here fast or slow and it just says here dubois genevieve but it definitely looks like it's got drills in it and this is where it gets wound up so that looks a little bit of a mess doesn't it it's very dirty see your jewel there here and also here so what do i intend to do with this now just in case you haven't seen my videos before this is a trying to fix video so there's a very good chance i'm not going to be able to fix it i'm not a watchmaker i've only spent 25 or whatever 27 pound on this so if it all goes wrong i still get enjoyment from the fix i'll also make a little bit of money from the adverts in the videos these particular videos never do too well but i really want to be able to get a watch working so there's no need to leave hateful comments if you feel the need to say leave it to the professionals you're an idiot blah blah blah just move along move along to another video you don't have to watch this one you're not going to see you're not going to learn anything from this video about fixing watches it's just seeing somebody who's not a watchmaker a watch repair person trying to fix a watch and these things are incredibly small and incredibly delicate if i bend the springs on that little balance wheel down there this isn't ever going to work but remember is 27 pounds if it was that rare and that's special it would have been snapped up on ebay the the the bidding would have gone sky high you can get pocket watches all day long on ebay for next to nothing so if i ruin it i don't want to ruin it but there is a chance but it's probably better that i ruin this rather than try to ruin a watch which is more expensive so now let's uh let's take it apart and let's see what it uncovers so this is what i'm going to try to do i want to take it apart completely and i'm just going to clean it and then try to put it back together while i'm taking it apart i might find out the reason why it's not working the balance spring already doesn't look right but there might be other issues maybe this will never work i don't think i'm going to be able to get parts for it because i don't even know what movement it is but maybe through people watching the video who are more knowledgeable about these things they might be able to tell me what it is and this movement might be really common it might be really cheap and it might be in loads of watches in which case i can get the spares from that and i might be able to get it on working on a revisit video so most of this now will just be fast forwarded through but let's strip it down and let's see what the uh let's see if i might be successful on this one i suppose i should try to see if there's any tension in here so let's try to lift this up here and see if all right okay well i presume that released attention there now to help me because my tweezer skills won't be the best i'm going to use some erotico so this is kind of like green blue tack and it's used to clean the dials and stuff but i like it just to help me take the screws out because then when i loosen the screw or put a screw back in i can use this and it sticks nicely to the screws so i can already see there's a screw missing here now what i'll do is i'll put gloves on when i come to put it back together after it's been cleaned hmm these screws don't want to come out they're fully loose got it all right okay all right right uh a lot of teeth are missing there aren't they all right let's zoom right in on that okay well that's not a good start is it so you can see this should be teeth all the way around here maybe this is why i don't is that there's a tooth there no this is probably why maybe it wasn't winding because it's being sort of gummed up look there come on come out oh i've got shaky hands today let's try to use a bit of radical to get that out when you're watching this on your massive screens you think that this is so easy it's so so hard the size of my finger got it well where is it yeah it's filthy as well look how greasy it all is there it is well okay so that's not a good start whatsoever but saying that it should still be windable shouldn't it all i'd have to do is twist the key fully 180 degrees around so on these bits i'll be able to do little twists but when it comes to this big one here i just have to make sure i twist the key 180 degrees around so that should still should still work now is that going to come out no but to be fair it does seem to be turning okay yeah there we go right let's uh try to take off this whole side here and then maybe uh maybe this will all come off together well so not the best of starts but at the same time i might get away with that the very fact that you can buy these for 25 pounds is amazing to me because look at the work that's gone into it ladies watches always seem to be so much cheaper than men's i know pocket watches are quite cheap for for their age because a lot of people don't they're not into them now but ladies watch this again and pocket watchers seem to be even cheaper again but i wonder whether this one here was was there ever any value to it or was it always a very cheap device because to me it looks nice but is it just because it's old that it looks nice now what's going to happen here is this going to lift up no so i need to take off this one here now i like the way that they're all sort of done individually you haven't got one big bridge that's got like four or five jewels in it they're all done individually so if i can get this apart without completely breaking it i'm thinking that this would be easier to put together than maybe a more modern wind-up or automatic watch okay let's see if this is going to come off no ah but this is going to go right away through to the hands isn't it maybe i'm going about this wrong let's see if i can get the dial off because the front bit off the crystal because there is a hinge here so now where do i open it from is there a little gap here it's going to be hinged from here isn't it just use my nail to begin with so i don't cause any damage yeah that's opening oh just damaged my nail well i think i need to uh get something in here is that going to be too big no yes yes yes nice all right let's have a real close look at these hands and see if it's possible that they can come off so what we got here right that's not possible to come off is it because this is bigger on top oh it is possible to come off yes excellent i wasn't expecting that okay so how does that go back on there a hole in there this just gives me an opportunity to straighten up the hands excellent there's a hole in there brilliant okay i was thinking that it would look like it was kind of bolted it looked like there was a big bit on top so let's take off the hands now we've got to take off this one here and what's this here is this dirt yes it is isn't it would that be a broken bit of glass or something so i'm going to try and take this hand off now excellent it came off that needs to be straightened up as well i wonder was that black originally or was it gold-plated which has become black or is it just some sort of brass that's been painted black i'm looking forward to reading all the comments on here because then i might actually get to learn a little bit about it right so now that'll give me a good opportunity you see to use this to clean up the dial when we have it all apart look at the finish on there can you see it's all like raised and would that have been done by hand or would this have been done by a machine or is it just a case of rolling rolling something rolling something over it repeatedly also when i was looking around the edge here there doesn't seem to be any sort of pattern to it so for example look we've got one so there's a gap here then we've got and also that there doesn't line up with the 12 which is a bit sloppy isn't it if it's supposed to line up with the 12. it looks kind of odd to me that it's not lining up at the 12. yeah i would have made that there but look can you see here we have one two three four five six and then a break then we've got one two three four five six seven eight then a break one two three one two three and a break one two and a break one see what i mean it's all a bit it's all a bit weird isn't it so uh i don't know whether that's just bad workmanship or uh or is that a sign that it is handmade i don't know also the finish on these numbers here doesn't seem to be very nice seems to be very bad so maybe this was just a cheap one all those years ago anyway let's turn it back over now right so that still doesn't want to move maybe i should do the balance now the balance is the thing i hate the most because it's just so easy to damage then i've got a problem with the screw where it doesn't want to come out just having to put pressure underneath it here we go all right we'll worry about the balance later now what we got hold on what's this for here oh that's just where it screws into isn't it okay where is the uh where is the fork you know the pallet fork or whatever it's called that stops the whole thing from undoing all in one go let's have a look at the bottom of this balance yeah because the balance goes here in between that wheel there but normally i thought there was a fork that goes there and then the balance wheel knocks the fork so the fork is the thing that stops it so like stop go stop go stop go because there's a huge amount of tension in here and if i was to wind this up now it would just release all its energy in one go and you have this like pallet fork at the bottom here which stops it from turning and then starts it stops it and starts it and the thing that stops and starts to fall is the balance wheel going back because every time it goes around it moves it and then it oscillates the other way and knocks it the other way so it's like stop start stop start stop start uh but there is no fork oh that's interesting let's turn this over here let's see if i can see the bottom of this and let's zoom in and see if it makes any sense all right so here we have the balance wheel here and normally it has a jewel sticking out here which moves the pallet full but look there's nothing there at all and now if we look in here where are we now there we go look this is where the middle goes into so it's like they've done away with their fork or was this watch around before the design of the fork came in so these are on the these are kind of on the slant here so they're going to go through one way but not the other way maybe because they're like little ramps actually this just keeps going the same way doesn't it obviously yeah this keeps going the same way because it's just uh the spring is going to keep turning around the same way right so let's have a close look here i don't want to mess with this too much right to begin with i can see loads of little holes so this was probably done it doesn't look very good this was probably done to balance it to make it sort of rock nicer and also there's a tiny little bit coming out there but i have seen on other watches timing screws so to add weight you must have to put screws in and maybe this is a way of taking away weight rather than adding a screw to this side maybe it's just easier to just drill out a tiny bit here to take away weight well what we got there okay is that just a lump of dirt yes it is yeah okay all right i really need to see the side of this you mate you've got to be so careful with these springs because this uh this is where it all goes wrong ah there we go it's got a cutout in it right okay so when this spins it must stop it from spinning one way because it must hit the back or something off this middle bit here and then it allows it to pass through well okay well yeah okay i was expecting that to be a solid thing but i suppose that kind of makes sense so it goes through and then as it rocks back this uh the cutout stops it from the next one going through then as it rocks forward again it allows a bit more through then rocks back and stops it yeah that that does sort of make sense so i suppose it's kind of like uh hold on what would it be now something along the lines this is always going to push this way so it would be like this block it allow it and then block the next one coming through and then allow it through and block the next one it must be like that right okay let's carry on with the strip down so i suppose what i should do is just take it apart in stages to look you can see that this wheel's on top of this one so let's take apart this one and then uh i don't know it's going to be difficult i'll just take apart what i can oh actually do you know what because that's hard to get to maybe i can take out this whole movement by undoing this screw a little bit yes i can there you go i can feel it i can feel it coming loose so let's take apart the glass now let's see is it going to drop out yes it is it's gonna go be real gentle with it excellent right look at that even that even that there that there is worth every penny of 25 pounds isn't it look at it that's just lovely i'm really looking forward to giving this a bit of a clean ha ha right let's uh try to get this in some sort of movement holder now interestingly i'm looking here and there's no little dial screws to get the dial off so is this just all one big piece was it glued on or something i can see these little things around here let me zoom in see they look like screws but they're not screws talking about these things but i wonder are you supposed to turn them or do something with them to take the dial off it's really confusing but look that's that's half the fun isn't it that's half the fun if i was to watch somebody else take this apart and if i knew how to exactly do it it wouldn't be as much fun it's to kind of discover enough how to do it problem that is there's more chance of me breaking it why isn't that coming out that looks like it's loose compared to the dial unless of course if there was a way of taking a dial off there might be some little clip or something holding this in but i might not be able to take that bit apart [Music] if i could take this out then i might not need to take that apart if i can clean all around it [Music] yes excellent oh there's more ah yes this thing's written here oh let's zoom in and see what it says let's zoom in right what does this say here now ah is this some kind of weird hallmark v v e i what's this say here p e a that looks like it's hand written doesn't it fulham is that fulham f-u-l-h-a no maybe not full hand p-a-r would that be pierce pairs for them would this have been maybe this is just another uh a service mark how amazing is this i'd love to know more about this watch also it looks like there's something up there as well up here like an m or something right how do we take it apart further that dial definitely looks like it comes off doesn't it can have a real close look through this with my eye loops if i can see anything right it's been a few seconds later and when i was looking for my eye loop and held at an angle i realized that it was loose and then i gave it a wiggle with my finger and it fell apart on me annoyingly so i don't know where these gears go this one fell on the floor i hope nothing else fell on the floor but look it's uh looks like there was nothing holding it on so i'm gonna have to work out hopefully that just goes on there maybe that goes on to there i'm gonna have to after i clean it just work out is there any other sort of orientation well i won't worry about it now but uh yeah hopefully that goes on kind of like that right let's uh take those out now what else have we got so we've got screws here holding this in here also we've got another mark here four five seven oh so that matches the back and this is the dial here so we've got more markings all over this thing all over it do you know what i really don't think i think this is much older than 100 years let's zoom in right so we've seen those ones already oh it is fulham so that's london and i'm getting my hopes up now but fulham's an expensive area so i wonder whether this uh pocket watch might have been of value years ago i wish i could read the dates on it it's everywhere isn't it well this has certainly been an interesting video for me so far annoyingly because it's going to be long i know it's not really going to get many views which is a shame because uh i think things like this are fascinating so maybe again this is like just a service mark but it's just like a stamp just tapped into it rather than having to scrape it okay well but be careful with this so it doesn't bend all right so let's go back to this for a while so this is the main spring that gets wound up now there's no way that i'm going to be taking that part in there i know there's a chance that the spring is going to be stuck together and stuff but if i take that out that's never going to go back together again yeah i'll be able to clean all around there get rid of all this dirt you see see all that there right so yeah this is what's stopping this one from coming out you see so i'd have to i'd have to physically force this one up which you know what i'm not going to do i'm just going to clean all around it you can see it's full of dirt i don't think i need to take apart anymore i think what i'm going to do now is this is my plan of action i'm going to get some ipa which is isopropyl alcohol this stuff here and i am going to give it a really good clean with a little brush and uh yeah i'm then go i'm not gonna put this anywhere near the ultrasonic cleaner because i'd be worried that some of the jewels might get damaged or something like that so i'm just gonna give everything a really good clean with alcohol let it soak in the lid for a while and i'm not gonna put the balance well mind you there's no jewel on it so i can also clean the balance with as well i think i'm gonna clean everything apart from the dial and then uh we'll have the job of trying to piece it back together because taken apart is always easier than putting back together let's get going so i'm just going to be fast forwarding through this whole process now because it's probably going to take me a good hour or so to clean [Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah okay that's all cleaned up now apart from the case the balance wheel and the dial and the hands but i'm gonna do the balance wheel next but you can see the dirt in here so i'm just gonna get some fresh ipa to do the balance wheel all right with the dial i'm just going to uh use a little bit of code just to try to clean it up a little bit [Music] i don't want to put any products in it [Music] let's zoom in on this style now and get a nice fresh bit of radical and just see if we can do any more cleaning close up so uh yeah i this feels weird it feels like it's if i was to bend this over it would bend really easy i feel it feels like kind of very thin tin plate then i wonder whether this is gold around the edge here some gold plating or is it just brass it's quite shiny isn't it i think we'll probably leave the dial as it is now so what i have to do is i have to try and straighten up the hands and then try to get this a little bit back together so let's try to do the hands to begin with again what are these it looks like they're kind of painted look like a blue [Music] color [Music] the hour hand was the one that was getting stuck so looks like i need to take that kink out of it there [Music] [Music] when it goes on if it looks crooked i can always lift it up a little bit right now this one is well bent [Music] well that's better isn't it i don't think i'm going to tempt fate i think i'm going to leave that as it is now yeah i think that's better than it was right so we now what do we have to do now we just have to i think try to put it all back together so you can see that i've got all the bits all scattered around the edge here and uh yeah this is going to be this is going to be the hard bit now so again it's just going to be fast forwarding through you already see me dismantle it uh obviously if something breaks i will be doing that in real time but uh yeah it'd be nice to see if we could get that balance going again oh actually i've got to do the balance now let me uh let me have a look at the balance this is the bit i'm dreading the most i think that that one here you see this outer one has to go in this groove here is that groove yeah i think it has to go in there the only problem is with me doing that i've got a feeling i might end up damaging it i wonder if there's a way i could actually just lift this up so the whole spring comes over come on come on come on no that's not gonna work ah i do have to lift that spring here oh come on oh close yes yes it's in right are you going to stay there though let's not do anything else i don't think i've bent out too bad presumer has to go there where else can it go otherwise there's no point in having that regulator thing well let's let's leave it i haven't uh that doesn't look overly kinked at the moment so let's now try to get this back together now when it comes to oiling i've got this little oiler here i've got a little pack of different sizes in so i've just picked it like a middle size and i've got some mobius come on what's 8 000 or something not too sure what it's called if i'm honest with you i think it's eight thousand uh i do not know where to oil and i as far as i know i mean there might be a video on this on youtube somewhere but i think it's unlikely so i'm just going to be putting tiny bits of oil where i think is necessary for example on this little pivot here i'm going to be putting a little bit of oil here i might even put a dot of oil on here because remember these are all turning metal against metal and then for example on the jewels i'll just be putting a dot of oil the only thing i'm unsure about is you know the escape wheel i won't drag it over in case i well i will here we go this one here i don't know whether i should oil that or not because normally with the pallet pallet fork you don't oil the pivots but with that one it is going round and round rather than rather than rocking side to side so i think i might put a bit of oil on the escape ah yeah i think i'll probably oil pretty much all the jewels on this one here i can only be wrong so let's get let's get started [Music] so with this one here it was too loose when i put them in here and here basically the thread on these two have gone so i've put this one here over here and this one went in nicely but you can still see it's a little bit loose it should be uh it should be okay i'm hoping anyway right yet again i'm really struggling with the balance so the problem is i've got to get the pivot of this wheel in the top drill hole here and also down the bottom but i'm fighting against let's call it the escape wheel down there it's really really hard and the pivots are so they're like needles and they snap really easily so i don't want to put any downwards pressure on until i know it's home but i can't work out where home is because i can't see it because everything's in its way so now i really don't want to break this so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get my head right in the way using the eye loop here because working through the camera it's just it's just too difficult from a distance so i'm going to get right down i think that's in its location i'm not too sure remember i haven't got any tension in here yet but yeah basically this had to go under this wheel here so now although it's not rocking at all yeah i don't even know if that's in let's put a few wines into here and let's see if it's going to do anything now which which is the right one for it all right here we go here we go let's see now right so is that the right way or the wrong way right that's winding that up oh and then it slips because remember you have to go 180 all the way around yeah okay that's definitely got a little bit of wind in it so now it's not ticking is it wonder does it have to be mounted a certain way the balance spring as you put it in you have to put it at an angle and then bring it back round let's loosen it up yeah i've lost hope now it's going so well as well i always go wrong when it comes to the balance spring be careful now when i pull this out that bottom one's gonna go let's try to hold this right well i think that's working look there you go they were the wines that i put into it so it's the balance which is not working ah the problem is i don't actually really understand how this balance works all right so you can see it's there got a microscope here and look i've zoomed right in but i still can't see it's just too messy i can't see whether the pivot is in the middle so what i'm going to do is i think i'm going to put some wind into it again let's see if it does anything different i haven't got the screw done up but uh yeah let's see if it does anything different there he goes it's not doing anything see what i'm going to put the screw in it now this is interesting look i moved the coil back to where it was originally and now it started ticking so you know the coil let me just uh stop all that i can zoom in on it remember this coil i've now put it back to in front of that where it was originally so maybe it was never designed to go into that little groove because i put it in the groove but maybe autumn by moving this is that going to move that though let's have a look let's have a look if that's going to move that on that let's just use this so i don't scratch it is that slowing down and lengthening i suppose it is so maybe it never went into the groove do you wonder though why there is a groove at the bottom well i suppose if it's resting against that it's still going to is that lengthening or short in the spring let's have a let's have a look on this side because what happens is when you put this over this direction so when you put this to fast it's shortening the spring which is going to make it run quicker and then if you put it over here is this side towards slow so this kicks over here it lengthens the spring so it makes it run slower but is this lengthening and shorten shortening the spring well i suppose it is because this becomes the new pivot point doesn't it okay let's pop that in the middle and yeah let's leave that there well look at that so if i hadn't messed around with that that would have that would have just worked so i must be in the right pivot excellent okay i should be really happy but i've missed a kind of brilliant moment because again i had a whole heap of stress with the uh the balance wheel what what i want i'd love to just do a watch like you see the professionals do where they put a bit of tension in put the balance spring in and as soon as it goes in it's just like boom boom boom off its own power that's what i would like to do let's see what we'll do let's take out the power from it now we did that time all right so that's fully stopped do you know what i think i might be all right i think i might be okay with this now what we're going to do we're going to put the dial back on and we need to put a couple more gears back into this let's turn this round so it's actually pretty foolproof because if you have a look we've got three notches here i was unsure what they're for if you line the middle one up with this one here and just put them under that lip can you see it will now just uh drop into place like so and now that will line up the back as well so now all i have to do is lock this in and then put the dial in sprinkling 997. is [Music] is so you've got some redness on the skin i supervise with daniel uh tremendously because when it's on your face right so i've got the hands on i don't know if they're perfectly lined up yet but look you can actually see if you look really closely you can see it moving around yeah can you see it's just about to pass that one now which is brilliant so it's doing something which is great so now uh what do i have to do i want to see if they're going to line up perfectly or not so let's take off the back again do you know i want to close i think can i close the glass now uh no better not in case i need to in case i need to adjust them [Music] no right so i don't know whether it's going to keep any bit of good timing on but it's certainly ticking so what i'm going to do now is i am just going to rub this little silver cloth over the back of it and the sides and just up here and i'm just going to open it up and just do the inside of the case i'm not going to buff it or anything to get rid of the scratches i just want to give it a little bit of shine [Music] well it appears to be keeping time but it's only been about 15 minutes or so but if you look there compared to my watch it's looking okay and it hasn't stopped ticking yet look at that now i know if you're used to dealing with watches that's not a big deal to you but there's something so nice about the sound of a ticking watch so let me just take my watch off because this one has a loud tick and then i'll put it right up to the microphone and you'll hear it it's i actually find it soothing i could just sometimes i'll just take 15 30 seconds out of my day i just put it to my ear and i just listen to the ticking so listen to that not sure if you can hear it it's actually got quite a quiet tick but it's lovely and i've used just that silver little cloth and it's just it's just come up really good so i haven't touched the dial itself i'm sure the dial would come up really good if i was to go on it but i don't want to i want to keep it i want to keep it like that so now let's uh close it up close that up close the back up make sure that's still working yes it is and look at it look how well it's come out it is lovely so i'm just going to zoom in just to show you the minute hand working and then i'm going to take it outside in some daylight and show you how how nice it all looks so let's see it moving around there you go you can just see it going ever so slowly if you look at the dots just at the top there you see it's in the middle of the dot lovely seems to be moving really quick but yeah it's it's keeping the same time with my watch but remember i can regulate it a bit at the back anyway i i haven't got a timer graph thing for a watch so i'm just going to have to look at it after 24 hours see where it is and just make tiny adjustments you never know this might actually be one that i've been successful on well let's take it outside so here we are in natural daylight and look at it just looks look at that it's lovely so obviously i can't wear this it's a ladies one but that doesn't mean that i don't appreciate just how nice it is so i'll tell you what this i think now i'm gonna be looking for more pocket watches i loved doing this one and the end result is just it's just great i hope it keeps okay time but even the very fact that it's just ticking has uh has made me happy so that is it if you know anything about this at all anything whatsoever if you think you know the age if you think you know whether it's silver well it says fine silver but what exactly is it plated is it all silver is it gold-plated or is that gold up there or is it brass if you know anything about it please let me know is it a cheap one would it have been expensive back in the day this is my thinking but remember i know nothing about pocket watches and i really do know nothing about pocket watches i'm thinking because it's got so many service marks all over it i'm thinking that it must have been a loved piece at some stage which makes me think maybe it was expensive because why on a cheap item would you constantly get it serviced unless it was just a done thing back then maybe every few years or every couple of years you've got your watch service that maybe it only costs equivalent of like one or two hours you know standard wage kind of thing i don't know i've just got a feeling that maybe this is just a little bit more special but i could be completely wrong and maybe this is just complete junk but to me i think it looks lovely i think it was lots of interest there taking it apart and seeing all the different markings and stuff on it it's uh it's great and although the hands seem loose we're not moving it around like this look they're not moving so i think it's going to be okay so that is it for this video if you enjoyed it please give a big thumbs up and please subscribe for more trying to fix videos take care bye now
Channel: My Mate VINCE
Views: 30,170
Rating: 4.9031057 out of 5
Keywords: trying to fix a pocket watch, repairing antique pocket watch, watch repair, watch servicing, watchmaker tutorials, learn watch repair, the watch repair channel, my retro watches, ladies pocket watch repair, servicing pocket watch, trying to fix my mate vince, restoration and repair
Id: xCQOYlw1thA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 22sec (3682 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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