Trying to Color Correct SLOG3 Footage? Here's How I Do it Quickly in Premiere Pro

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[Music] in this video I'm going to show you how I easily color correct s-life 3 footage in Premiere Pro here inside Premiere Pro the first thing I'm going to do is go up here to window and go ahead and open up lumetri Scopes and I'm going to go back up here to window and open up lumature color and this is my pretty much my setup as far as what my workspace looks like over here I have the vectorscope yuv scope that I'm using to check on my skin tones as well as to be able to see if my colors are over or under saturated and then I'll use the waveform RGB right here just to kind of see how far I can push my colors and kind of use it as a guide to check to make sure that my exposure is good these Scopes give me a scientific way of being able to measure what my colors are actually doing instead of just relying on my eyes now that that's all set up I'm going to go over here under lumature color and open up the basic correction Tab and I'm going to bring in some saturation and I think like 146 looks pretty good to me I'm going to bring this temperature down and ideally I like to make sure that I get my white balance correct in camera but every now and then it doesn't always work out that way so I'm just going to go ahead and clean it up here in post and then I'm going to go ahead and bring some contrast in and I'm going to crank that all the way up to about 100 and I also like to keep a close eye over here on the waveform because I want to make sure that my colors aren't clipping up here at the 100 line because this is going to represent pure white or they're not being crushed down here to zero which represents pure black a lot of times if I have parts of my video touching the 100 line or the zero line I'm more than likely losing some detail in my shot so I try to mitigate it but I still want to get as close to that line as possible next I'm going to go ahead and since I'm wearing a black shirt I'm going to go ahead and bring the blacks down just a little bit again I don't want it to really touch that zero line I just want it to be right above it so I'm going to go ahead and bring that up just a little bit and that looks pretty good to me now I'm just going to go ahead and close the basic correction Tab and open up the curves Tab and I like to use the RGB curves here just to bring in a little bit more contrast so this RGB curve is similar to your waveform so this up here is your whites this is going to be your highlights mid-tones shadows and then down here the bottom are your blacks so I'm just going to create these two points at the shadows and at the highlights and I'm just going to kind of bring this down a little bit more just to kind of spread those colors more on the waveform and but not too much because I want to make sure that I'm also keeping an eye on the actual video itself and I might just bring those highlights up just a little bit ever so slightly not much at all now I'm looking a little bit green and it seems like it might be just slightly underexposed so in order to check this what I'll do is I'm gonna go up here to these double arrows and click on effect controls and then I'm going to go down here to opacity and create a circle mask and the reason I'm doing this is because I want to isolate my skin tones so I'm just going to hold down shift and click any point to make this circle a little smaller because I only want the vector scope to be able to read what my skin tone is doing so now I'm going to go back over here to the double arrows and go down to lumetry Scopes and the first thing I like to look at is the waveform here because I want my skin tones to typically fall between 40 and 70 and I really just like to have my skin tone like this red portion here just touching the 70 but it just depends on what the scene is like that doesn't always apply if I'm shooting a video at night so I'm just going to increase the highlights just a little bit not a whole whole bunch just to kind of bring those skin tones up the next thing I'm going to do is look at my Vector scope here to see what's going on with my skin tones now ideally I want my skin tones to fall in this line right here and they seem to be pushing a little bit over here towards the yellow so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down here open up the curves tab under limitry color and I'm going to scroll down to Hue versus Hue and grab this little Color Picker tool and I'm going to click on the yellowish portion of my skin so something about it right here I think and I'm going to just grab this Middle Point here and ever so slightly bring it up just to move those skin tones back online to where they're supposed to be and I think that looks much better here's a before and after it's subtle but it makes all the difference so I'm going to go back over here to the double arrows go to effect controls and now I'm going to remove this mask to see how it affected the rest of the shot now looking at my shot now it does still seem like it's a little bit too warm so I'm going to go back up here to basic correction and I'm going to bring the temperature down to about let's say 10.8 I think that's pretty good and I'm pretty happy with that here's the before and after the second clip that I have over here was shot here in my office and I'm just gonna go ahead and open up the lumetri Scopes one more time and I'm going to start by bringing some saturation in so something like 140 seems pretty good to me 141 that's fine and I'm going to bring the contrast up again like I did before and that's already starting to look pretty good I'll bring the temperature down just a little bit next thing I'm going to do is just go down here to Curves and again make the point at the highlights and the Shadows just bringing those Shadows down just a little bit and the highlights up just a little bit specifically for this shot here because I don't really have much room to play as far as pushing the colors around so I'm just going to bring those Shadows down just a little bit the next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and check my skin tone so go up to effect controls and then I'm going to create this circle mask hold down shift and I'm gonna make this circle a little smaller I just put that over my skin I'm going to open back up my lumetri Scopes and I'm happy with where my exposure lies on this waveform here but again I do have some of my skin tones venturing out over into the yellow so I'm just going to kind of clean that up a little bit it does seem like my skin is a little bit on the green side so I'm going to go back down over here under curves to Hue versus Hue I'm going to grab this Color Picker and I'm just going to select my skin and I feel like it's the lighter portion of my skin so I'm going to create a second point right here and I'm just going to grab this third point and bring it up just a little bit and I'm just going to make sure that that is the case by just double checking on my Scopes over here and that does seem like that is the case because now my skin tones are falling on that skin tone line so now I'm going to go up here to the double arrows and go down to effects controls and remove this mask now I want to double check my image just to make sure that I didn't do anything too dramatic to the rest because this affects my skin tones but it also affects the rest to my image as well so I actually think that that is a little bit too dark because the color of my desk doesn't seem natural now so let me go ahead and just bring this down just a little bit not ever so slightly though and that's like what it actually looks like here in my office so this can take you a lot of time and what I do to make this much easier and much faster is I'll go up here to this little hamburger menu and I'm going to click on export.cube and what this does is it creates a Lut then you can use every single time that you use this specific scene so this that I just made I can use every time I make a video here in this office so I'm going to find a spot where I want to save it at and I'm just going to type in s-log 3 Luts I already have one here we're just going to override it hit replace and now I can just click and drag my Clips onto the timeline and I'm going to go ahead and select that clip go up here under lumetri color drop down the basic correction Tab and then under input Lut here I'm going to select browse I'm going to locate that folder to where I save that Lut I'm going to click on and that s-log 3 Lut and now it automatically pastes and does the color correction for you but it's important to note that there's all kinds of whats and things that are out there mutts are really a good starting point A lot of times whenever you download Luts and things like that you might apply them to your footage but your exposure may not be correct or your white balance may not be correct so what I do is I'll if I use a Lut I'll just make sure that I just kind of tweak the temperature and there you may need to make some small tweaks but I'll use that lookup table to kind of just get it to a starting point and that saves me so much time in my color correcting process like I can throw that Lut on an adjustment layer and spread it across every single one of my clips and I have every one of my Clips color corrected like that it's so much faster than having to manually do every single one I hope you found some value in this video and if you did let me know in a comment down below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Tyler White
Views: 59,596
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Keywords: adobe premiere pro, color correction premiere pro, how i easily color correct slog3 footage in premiere, how i easily color correct slog3 footage in premiere pro, how i easily color correct slog3 footage in premiere pro 2022, how i easily color correct slog3 footage in premiere pro 2023, how i easily color correct slog3 footage in premiere pro cc, how i easily color correct slog3 footage premiere, how i easily color correct slog3 footage premiere pro, premiere pro, slog3, tyler white
Id: sCLJugh2peQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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