Trying the new use-neo4j React Hooks Live Stream by Michael Hunger

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- So I think we're all ready to go, and welcome everyone. I hope you had a good time and you have already, you've adjusted for NODES. Don't forget to come to NODES. There's a ton of good content and sessions and lots of other things. I can definitely recommend this and there's a lot of app development content as well. So we also have a new agenda page which looks much nicer than before. So you can see if you spot the new agenda page is live here. So make sure to join us for a full day next Tuesday only six days to go. Okay, today we want to talk about something that my colleague Adam built. So if you built apps, usually you would connect to an API backend, graphic API or other API rest API that kind but if you really just truly want to build a proof of concept or quick prototype or demo app or a graphic for Neo4j desktop, then you don't have a backend and you connect directly to database to just show the feasibility of something, to convince your boss to run the project of Neo4j and for prototypes like this, it's kind of a lot of boiler plate to kind of do the driver connection, connection dialogue, and all this stuff. It's kind of a little bit too competitive. So Adam gave it a try and turn it into an usable component and then high order component and react hooks basically. So as you can see here on the tweet we have a react provider and then if you have hooks that you can use from here, so Adam created this use Neo4j project that has have these react hooks and you can just quickly use this and here are some usage examples that we'll look into later, but what I wanted to start up with is also put together an starter kit which is here and that you want to try to use. Okay, and this starter card, it's really just showing how to connect to Neo4j and how to do this, so I have cloned a starter kit here and just cloned it into new name and then at dollar dependencies and run yarn start. And if I run yarn start, it gives me a UI like this and UI like this to connect to Neo4j and I have my local desktop running the first single movie database as such. So, and if I connect to Neo4j then it tells me you have so many notes in the database, okay, that's good. So that's kind of the minimal startup as such. If you look at the code of the startup, Oh, sorry ,that's the wrong one. If you look at the code of to start, we basically just instantiate or get the Neo4j provider from use-neo4j which is the high order component. We can pass in some stuff, there's more details on what you can pass in on the only documentation but you can also, I think you can also leave this all off. Think you don't, you actually need to pass anything in and it should also work out of the hook. Out of the hooks like this, let's see, then it doesn't have one footer and then header. So if she just want to have minimal, no Chrome connection dialogue that's this, right. And otherwise, well, that's it. So you don't have to create a driver port or driver or stuff like that. That's all under the, under the hood. And then basically in our app, the only thing that's happening you're getting posts, we're not getting posted in anything we just kind of use this this hook, which is like cross coding consultants. So they are available to the, to the whole app. And do you hooks internally manager driver and sessions and stuff like that. So there's quite a lot of methods for reading, writing to Neo4j and also some convenience methods as well. And so I have to use useReadCypher hook where js can pass a query and I think it can also pass set of parameters. So perhaps you can do this to change this. So for instance, you want to pause parents, it's a record. So my type script was non-existence or I probably don't need to key or name and let's say Tom Hanks. So because I've a movie data dataset I want to see how many person name name, return, let's say I want to see how many movies he acted in or yeah. So I want to find Tom Hanks and I pass in the parameter here. So if I run this again it should show me if I connect here 12 movies. So there's my query and then 12 movies. Okay. And this hook has a bunch of returns. So it has a complex return type, it gives back the suffer statement, gives back errors if it's loading and then the first order or to other things. So does this kind of fussing all this thoughts by about what sort of course things that you can get the, so it's in Neo4j results state, which you can have a look at and this is kind of for similar results, right? So you basically, it, you can floating can do loading. If, if that's an error, then you show the error. And if it's not loading, we get our count back from our first record and output this and the loading things, interesting. Oh, Adam just assigns the result here, so okay. No premature returns, but kind of just wrapping this year. So does this basically what's shown in the in the dif here, this suffer statement, and then it is an error or loading, or the actual assault? Okay. So much for the starter. I think just not much more. I don't know if there are tests and so we should probably test also for who to start as well to make sure that the stuff works. Okay, but now we wanted to use this in our own apps. So first of all, I did an graph visualization, I Twitch streamed a while ago where I used a component to render a graph. And I think I just created an hard-coded form for, for login. So the code for this is in my three fourths graph, repository here here would I am doing well, having fun with react. So after doing a lot of meeting heavy days and yesterday long training, it's nice to do some coding. I don't get too much to do this these days. So the Twitch sessions are with good opportunity. So this is this app and I just have it locally on my machine as well. And if you look at this, I think this is this one. We have the App.js, so it's not a TypeScript, it's in an App.js here. And we get basically the driver from Index.js, I think. So all this stuff should be able to delete now. So let me be really brave. And I just delete all. Oh no, I should probably first add, use Neo4j my, here. npm, add, use-neo4j here. Come on. So we should see use Neo4j coming up here. This one should have used yarn I guess. Yarn add, you have to do safe in yarn. I forgot. Now we have used Neo4j here I know you should be able to use it. So if I'm going to be brave I should be able to delete just a bunch of codes right? So we don't need Neo4j driver anymore. And this stuff you don't need any more because you just want to have an, we should import in Neo4j provider. Import Neo4j provider from use Neo4j. And then we just have a Neo4j provider as in high order component and then we don't need to pass a driver to our app. We just use our app. So that's step number one, should probably be able to remove Neo4j driver from our explicit dependencies because it comes in with use Neo4j. So it should always be the up to date version. So that got quite a lot easier. And then here in my app, I don't get passed into driver anymore. So the app is just an app and we just call CypherViz here. And in CypherViz we don't get passed in a driver as well, but we would. So it is all query, this is all data and here's load data. And so what you would do here is actually it's a good question. You would import , what's it called use cipher read? I have to sneak into the, it's called useReadCypher from use-neo4j Okay, useReadCypher and then I should be able in my load function, we don't need a session. Actually, that's a good question for Adam. So, and then you should actually just be able to run useReadCypher from the cypher statement. I just need to check in Neo4j context sorry, Neo4j state, we have result here or records. So I don't, it should work, I think. So we don't need to do this. So, and to do anything else. So just go over all records and do the stuff. So it should be as simple as this. So I could delete a ton of code here and I just use useReadCypher for now. I would probably also want to get like the arrow back if I have an error and then do something about it. But let's see, what's interesting is the acing stuff. So useReadCypher. I don't know if I have to do a weight sink, useReadCypher. So, and then all the other code stays the same, I think. Okay. So let's see what happens if you run this, so this was pretty easy and simple, and I just wanted to see that stopped us and then we run, run start. So it will be the same simple locking form. Actually. I think I had used the ""Game of Thrones"" database in there so I need to create a ""Game of Thrones"" database. So let's see if we have mighty database support and use Neo4j database, default database you can pass our default database to our provider. Let's do this. So in our index JS, you can provide what's it called database studio base "Game of Thrones". Or we can actually use movies. Or let me "Game of Thrones" and easiest way to get an get a "Game of Thrones" database in here. It's actually use system, create database "Game of Thrones". And then I adjust, use the graph data science playground. I hope it's the right one. Oh, it doesn't have the GDS or APOC thing which I just wanted to install the dataset. Yeah. We could probably do a search, let's stop this playing. And then plugins, we just quickly install these two and then we can get going. As you can see if you are doing the three first graph one I just have to finish this. And then if this all works we can, I can push it to GitHub and then you can use it with Neo4j, which would be really nice. So let's restart this as well. And then with Neuler we can, many developers has started. You can do this connecting to database. It's still starting. Okay, cool. This was pretty cool because you could delete a lot of stuff and the other things aren't all there. So the only thing that I'm not sure about that I have to ask them is kind of the whole async promise stuff. If that's something that I, how I would do this. But otherwise I mean, the three fourths graph is fairly simple because it's just a very component that loads its state based on the query. And then it creates an nodes set or not nodes area, and then links area from the nodes. And then basically this is my data. which I start out with some fake data and then basically have the query here which whenever I change the query it changes the state. And then when I click it it does to reload and calls three load data method here. And then I just use force graph to the react component from the three force graph library and pass in my graph state, pass in some config. And that's it. Right. And then I have a minimal neo4j browser things. So let me just import into the "Game of Thrones" database. I want to import "Game of Thrones". Okay. Yes. Adam says we don't need async evade for the use-neo4j. We just should take care of loading. So if it's loading then we should probably let's see if loading set state, something like this and our state is loading false initially. And then in our vis we can say, either so what is this loading? Then we want to have, is it this? When it's loading we just say p loading. Our component here. So I hope I didn't break anything. I should have probably tested it first before the loading thing but it's probably really ugly record. So this is loaded so we should now have Neo4j browser in our "Game of Thrones" graph. We should have the "Game of Thrones" database. Alright. Text, season one. So we need to change this one right? Two X, one X, season, one. So it complains that, yarn start. Let's see what happens now. use-neo4j doesn't contain any of the default export. So I probably in my index chairs, I need to do the curly braces thing. You know, because it exports. So loading is not defined that's probably the this dot state. Okay. And see what happens, you know? Oh, I guess (indistinct). that's my index CSS, so let's (indistinct). Index, CSS, body, app, CSS. Good question. I don't know if Adam is kind of putting this into a summary. Oh no, that's my, I don't know. Okay. Index CSS. So does all the login form. It'd be cool. If you could just import an a use-neo4j, CSS thing, so we don't need to copy and paste this so I let Adam know, did I graph this? And I'm not a hundred percent sure it would go into App CSS or index CSS actually. This is an index CSS. So it's available for the whole. Okay. This looks nice, all right. Database "Game of Thrones" different. So we need to, of course there should be a password field So we connect to Neo4j. And does anything happen here? No, nothing happens here. This doesn't complain. Did we get anything here in console, connect to Neo4j, Neo4j, test, "Game of Thrones", Neo. Oh, there we go. In military, I took quads. Hooks can only be quoted in the body of a function component. Okay. So that means you have to learn some new stuff. So just this all component and we can't call it from in an method. Okay. So we need to learn what this function component thing is that you're talking about. So here's our app TSX, and it's a function app. If you can only call it from within function component. So so, and then function component is something that returns stuff let's see. So this is a regular component and we should turn this into a function component and the function component but I don't know how the hotel stick. Let me see what, but Adam says default functions, alphabets. Okay. If you get all loading records loading then this then this then this. Okay. So I just type off what he tells me to type. Let's see. So we have an export function CypherViz export default function. CypherViz is our thing here, so we have const query I think. So you a break everything. So it's seems it doesn't seem to be that easy. And initially I thought it's really easy, but okay. And then we have basically loading comma records. This, all of it saw it from separate. So this one here, so we get to put off all the other things. And then if if loading, we just turn basically the loading bit, and let's you return the full component. And of course we return should be in round parentheses if I'm not mistaken. So, and for those who just say loading here it's probably not the right way to do it because Adam used to use this salt thing sort of loading we just set the result to our p and otherwise the result is our forced three graph. So that's the spit. And we would have to an old component lifted, she bang. And I'm trying to write this myself and not just fried it off item, but Edinburgh. Right. So, oops. This, and then this bit has to happen. Just so does this all function? Export default function service. This is our query, this is our records. And then I this bit is our data. So we don't have no data. So these are the things that I don't know how to do it. Now, do you do unclick thing and the actually doula component support issue? No comments. No. So I don't know how to do the load thing. Okay. I'm gonna just save it here. And I also don't know how to do the unchange here so that's something I need to figure out. Okay. But at least it should render the aesthetic thing. All right. So this is our function component and in our App.js should use this function call. So let's see if it complains something in a compile kind of dream properties, state of undefined. I've probably in the load thing cannot read property map of undefined records map but didn't have I get records from do you use suite, I thought actually the useReadCypher returns a eager results state which has query result which has records. That's interesting. so we should see our query and these should be our records. So let's see about Adam wrote as well, and then okay. As if records, okay. As if error, should probably do some error handling right. So that's usually for facade equals error, okay. Perhaps it's just decipher error or something like that. Error is not defined, oh we should get the error back here as well. Okay. And I'll be good to thing. And you provide a value prop to fulfilled without an unchanged load. That's a warning. Okay. If we get our query back but it seems you don't get any results back. So let me just quickly run this in the browser. So that the data model is correct Yeah. So this returns stuff in a browser, but I don't get records back. But we saw that the result should have records And then each records is a record at least what I think it is. So if you do a console.look, loading of the court records, proper JavaScript debugging by my colleagues. So we have it's loading, loading loading, and here it's records is actually empty. That's interesting. So why is records empty if you changed this query to something else? Match n return id of n, limit n, let's see, oh sorry. Not that query, but just query, so what does it complain about? Here are records? So it, could it be that it connects to the wrong database somehow, that it doesn't use this database somehow that I provided it "Game of Thrones". That's weird. Okay. So what you're going to do then is so the default database is just a movie's graph. Right. But if you are sneaky, we can just steal this stuff and run it in a movie graph just to get the data in. What? Oh, copy pep, smart, copying, not copyable. Think that's an instrument to people to make stuff not copyable. Oh, we have Neo4j not being hurtful for constraints and not be getting to data in. Okay. So it could be in principle or in theory that it's, I'm not expecting to database correctly. Okay. So if I moved to and this is done, so we have to data and default database and waiting to reload and let's see, just now returns still no records. So I'm not a hundred percent sure why it does not turn any records. I do this query again, console and not name. This stuff should be done. Right. So, no, it's even in a movie database. Okay. Adam said I could also use two databases parameter here "Game of Thrones". Okay. Let's try this. So okay. All records are no. Yep. So just seems to have helped. So let me just go back and connect to this. Ah, there we go. So that seems to be a multi database issue in Neo4j. So the other thing that Adam wrote to me is kind of the state handling for the query we can do in a functional component. Use state. So useState, import useState from react, cool. And do you want to have let or const, query, setQuery, this equal to useState of what's the thing or default query. And that'd be quote, set query and down. I think I couldn't do this. Let's see. So we just pass this to use state, which is our default value said very so. So that took care of state handling, setQuery, so the question is do I have to use here query or is it, I think it's const and then I need to use unchange setQuery. A target value. Oops. So, and the reload thing is, I don't know then Metro would be probably automatic whenever. So this should be interesting because then when I type so that's something that you don't quite I don't want to go on, but anyway, so what happened here? Line 38? setQuery, each target value doesn't exist. So I try value, value doesn't exist either. Can we just pass in setQuery as a target? Query expected to us be a string, but was undefined. So the question is query now a function, if it comes from state or is it an, query's not a function, what else is it? Query, setQuery. I think this whole Jack talk since data is something that I need to read up on it. So anything that Adam says, let's see, useReadCypher square brackets on useState. Okay. That's thank you. I missed it. I thought it was just a regular thing. It's some JavaScript magic, I guess. So let's try this again. Cool. I never changed something. It should probably be render, not Heinlein using anymore. Object, object, object, object setQuery, target value, is not defined. So it sets the whole event on this. Hmm. Good question. So this works but then it sets the whole event which is of course not what I want. Right. For change anything here you enter sets the event and then it doesn't do anything. Okay. So I forgot that this is a function here and then we say new target. It would be nicely to get some out of the box stuff. In fact, for stuff like this. if I just post function, I just want to have to way video. So kind of nice. Okay. Target. Okay. Cool. So just seems to work. So we'd need to fix the reload button of course, and kind of don't move it here but this is all like no, a functional component. We don't have an, we don't have an class anymore. And it uses hooks both for state handling and for Neo4j actions. So I'm bleeding edge. I think of last year. I think last summer react hooks were introduced as well. So I need to figure out the reload button and then I can, I can push it to get up again because I actually don't want to tweet load on typing in the field. I just want to basically update the state. So I probably have to add an indirection here that then triggers something when the button is pressed or so. Alright, well, I don't know something. Okay. But you could delete a bunch of code and you don't need to about managing neo4j anymore. So we couldn't move out console locks as well. And this is basic now or our error handling, what actually wanted is if you put an error in here let's say this, shouldn't it return an error from the use-neo4j? If loading else if records, else if error. So if you move, move outs, else if error up here, because I would think there should be an error if I break the else if statement, right. That's bad. So that doesn't seem to be an error here. Okay. First one defines of a break. The else if statement does not return an error. So it's probably, it's something in use-neo4j if you need to see you what's happening here. So the other trick you wanted to show you, I don't even know if it still works is this one is called graphic charts and I've wanted to use this to demonstrate the use of Victoria formidable labs, Victoria chart components. And this is even worse because it's even older I think from the driver's perspective. So I wanted to see if I get this updated as well and all the things that I know now it should be super fast, as you can imagine. Right? So yarn at use-neo4j then you can probably remove the driver. As such, we import neo4jProvider from use-neo4j. And then you just provide our app with a neo4jProvider. And we don't need to driver here anymore. So all just driver management goes away which is really nice. Don't need a driver anymore. And I'm actually not sure about, you can just do service work. I hope it's something we don't need anymore in the future. So where's our appJS? Oh, it's just a default. So, and we want to use import readCypher from use-neo4j. I think that what's (indistinct). Why can't I remember this function name? Use-readCypher, okay. I guess it's the naming convention for the hooks. From use-neo4j and search term, query, driver, state and so on. So our app has to become an function component. And what do we have a state name and people. Okay. And the search term is name. Okay. If you also need a use state. So export default function app you have a function component. Now we don't have a construct anymore but you want to use const name comma, set, name is state, use state of all and const people, setpeople. Is useState and an empty array. So this is all state. So, and then it's a set search term function. Do we actually need this anymore? So we just need to have const loading records is use, oops this touchpad is really annoying, useReadCypher of query and then basically I'm not a hundred percent sure how this set name would now work. So we set up people, our result records and so on map. So, and then I had return and we have our two components, a search term function, which I don't know if I have to make to, I guess, state or something like that. Oops. And our name property passed to this and then sure people was missing to here. So basically what you do is basically we have a filter name named people set people, if you update a state here and it said search to in function is passed into this person's edge component which is then come on just taking that and displaying it. And if it's changed and it's just quotes said search terms. So hopefully we don't need to change this one. So if I run this, yeah I probably push it to get up in the second branch first. So until I fixed the load button so let me do this while does this loading push the other one to a separate branch so you can do it. Git status. Git, git commit. Changing Neo4 interactions to git branch react-hooks to use Neo4j. Okay, cool. So it should be now on GitHub if you go to the hooks branch. So cool. If you have pull requests feel free to send a pull request. I'd be perfectly happy to take them. So graphed demo charts is empty right now. So something is not working yet. Okay. Graphic demo charts. It doesn't like start scripts. Compiling, does it complain about. Search term is not defined result is not defined and set search term is not defined. Okay. What do I do? I did. I think I just close this one so I don't get confused. Okay. Our App.js, we have a function of component. It has name and set name, people and set people. So, so the question is set search term. It doesn't use this as function. Why doesn't it use this as a function? End result is not defined, where's result? Ah here, result, records, okay. Actually, I don't know if this works, if the non well, this is not really helpful. Yarn just dying on me. Come on. Can do it. So Adam says he will do is Lazy ReadCypher, allows you to define running after you crack to back pattern, for example. Okay. That's something that I can use for outside of the set search term, button. So I have my person search, which is this component and it has a button and unclear good court set title and said title calls this prop sets approach to a move to state where you that's probably something that you can always get in line, I guess. And right. So it just should be, you know, you can also leave it. So I'm going to do this and it gets the title passed in. And you said search term. So I want to leave this actually like it is I didn't name his name. So name is wife's name and not title, title. So I pass name as a property here, but I don't use name anywhere here. And I think it's an old pack. I think I stole it from some in a champion. So props or title as to value or just it valuable. And if I call this then it calls this, okay. But yarn still dies on me. Why does it, no such file or directory. I'm not sure what it wants from me. Okay. What else do we have? Yeah. So TB base. Yeah. I said at the beginning you might have become a little bit late. So this is really meant to be, as Adam pointed out in the repository, this is meant to build meant to be used for no, as you point out, sorry should probably you pointed out on the repository as well. It's meant for prototypes, graph apps, demos, proof of concept apps so we don't have a server API or sort of let you talk to them. I'm not sure why yarn is dying on me here. It says in the script start it has no steampath. Why does it need steam path? I don't know what is this? I can create a steam path. There's a steampath. It goes to steam, no such file or directory. But I don't know why it's looking for that. Anyway. I think we're out of time. I just want to show you where you find the other app. Is in Neo4j dev tools, graph-app-charts, oh, I should have showed this before. So the idea was to use a movie graph and then show a bunch of chart components and a bunch of card components and stuff like that. So I kind of just wanted to play around for react back then and yeah. So I'll try to make this work with Adam and push the update here as well. So it's been already quite some time ago so I thought it was due for an update as well. So I still hoped it was useful seeing me struggle a little bit with these things and I think if you found one or two issues with use-neo4j that we can fix.
Channel: Neo4j
Views: 1,201
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: neo4j, cypher, javascript, react, react hooks, webapp, graph visualization, typescript, app development, demo, graph database, graph apps
Id: GumfNoVqWlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 28sec (3928 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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