Trying Out BALDUR'S GATE 3! Part 1: For Review!

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okay I can't dock there's no docking for some reason you okay tree comes too spicy gross okay I'm outputting to the right place am I on Twitch I'm still streaming to YouTube It's Time what's up all right that means I'm on Twitch what up dudes good morning let's go good morning Jack good morning I have breakfast tacos to go to bills unfortunately I didn't bring enough for the class apologies man I was waiting for my breakfast burrito I need to Taco not Merino Okay taco by what about a few hundred more caffeinated seven four it's gonna be four player co-op um Zero's gonna have sex with all the Bears huh it's [ __ ] broke you break it show nudity yes yeah yes yes in terms of service we got drops what do we got you want to see dongs and boobies yes get twitch Camp clothes yes please yeah when you're walking around more boobies and dongs but if you would be so kind well hello unicorn foreign Baldur's Gate three times Spartan coin time for some Baldur's gay three boys what classes you picking low class yeah OJ is The Bard P Wan Charles 18 months I tried The Bard man I'm gonna go wizard blizzard wizard lizard wizard blizzard wizard blizzard wizard you could be a wizard wizard lizard lizard wizard lizard way cooler if you're in the barn he sucks oh you out of your damn mind KW blader 455 thank you for the generous five dollar donation hey Alex what are you reading mango yeah right now uh what's your impression of the one piece anime or Manga uh I've watched half of both like some of it I'll have on Netflix and some of it on the app the app's just easier I read so much faster than I watch stuff so I don't like audiobooks most the time it's just like I want to get through it I want to get actually so they actually have it where you can have it at like 1.25 or 1.5 speed and I have them like speed read to me most the time so the app is free and you can read it all on your phone it's pretty great Alex is like that world's fastest what did it say s I wish do I create a character first or do I create the multiplayer Lobby first I'm gonna try my multiplayer Lobby for multiplayer yeah oh well then that means I can't create a character yet because Joe is too [ __ ] slow I'm mad it's going we [ __ ] told Joe to download this last night the power outage last night screwed everything over yeah and then we got everything back up and running and I was busy so what's your excuse but we were all busy with freaking out about the computer we were yeah 17 minutes yeah how is Alex loaded that's a good question well he turned on his computer actually because he was checking to see if his was okay I didn't get a haircut that's right all right let's look at Joe's haircut oh yeah Danny said what's up I said hi oh yeah yeah I'm I'm happy you went to Danny's they miss you over there yeah who'd you get your hair or Not by pops yeah remember Danny yeah Danny was there I was like yeah let's go my usual place doesn't open till like noon so I was like I gotta get my hair cutter okay were you hoping he wouldn't ask you I hate that [ __ ] yeah I was like oh please don't ask me please don't ask me yeah I was like uh it's been a while I was like yes it's just tell them man like there's a place closer to my house oh yeah yeah when you betray your Barber it ain't a good uh ain't a good exchange when you go back to him so I'm gonna [ __ ] your hair up you know slice a little bit off your earlobe the heat what up man never betray your Barber yeah like an OJ cam and OJ cam like full screen oh Joe cam you could go through and just like look at your class stuff if you wanted to and uh you mean like create a fake character yeah one that you're not gonna use and just be like oh this sounds cool this sounds cool because it'll tell you like classes and subclasses and abilities and spells and stuff you know what I should probably do I'm good up on YouTube and see like they got animations of all the attacks and [ __ ] I mean yeah that's what I did which one were you planning to go for like in terms of class well how am I supposed to know this is really great because you really only have to cast it with you yeah combat the wizard does get to choose between eight different subclasses representing some different schools such as more powerful foreign such as banishment into a bonus resistance fun chaotic subclass a little I don't think OJ wants to be uh lizard not any cool good and powerful access to the entire warlock spell list to swap out spells in and out whenever you want in between combat encounters instead you have to choose the spells that you want to add to your Arsenal as you level up so generally speaking warlocks are not slinging high-powered spells over and over again on every single turn instead they need to be a bit more don't have to stop the battle to lie on a rock every now and then to always be that's just gonna be probably on your way on the battle blue spells affect some spells that you want for that Samurai what's up as your choices they do not have swords Rapier short switch in this game if you use an instrument NPCs will start gathering around you and they may even donate if you're clever you could use this as a distraction in terms of spell casting bards are kind of like the Sorcerer And that they get to learn a certain amount of spells as they level up they do not have access to an entire spell list the swap spell that's the other Joe right there it does so your choice starts playing an instrument and distracting the enemies with some spells deserting cleric spell I should also note here that bards are really good at skills like 100 different fantasy women chasing us around for child which is actually the name and that's what the big that's what the big bad is at the end of The Campaign it's just a giant mob of women with babies trying to kill us because OJ's a deadbeat possible with his shield for the kids yeah all the treasure we've ever had actually has to go fighter gets to choose between three subclasses and let's start off with the Battle Master Battle Masters are Paragons of tactical superiority and they get these special combat Maneuvers which are powered by your Battle Masters limited superiority dice basically you choose to add these extra facts to your weapon attacks which will do things such as making weapons love you too Alex extra ready to do these the most expensive Ricky my boy thank you very much Ricky the big boy thank you big boy the Big Boy official Moxie gutierre FX welcome thank you for continuing to support the Angry Joe show my boy Fabian all right what do I pick Chad God damn it which is limited by everybody talking over it notifications over it can't hear this [ __ ] just tell me what to pick then chat and swear no your tradition when you hit it out of spouse that you want because you're basically dumbest answer I've ever heard when you're in between sorry sir us to a course include plenty of support and clerics can be one of if not the best but there are plenty of enemy debuff everybody likes but everybody likes a barge you can't help it like the bars so that's Joe Joe's a wizard kind of wizard with Joby don't be like the worst wizard in all of Wizarding anymore you are the worst it's amazing it's amazing party members when you cast them perhaps you love me you're gonna kill us probably with the dead probably last for you but he's gonna be necromancering us back to life he was just not in the same form as a sorcerer you may not have asthma and if there was a part of wizard terrible Terrors three years let's go thank you my boy no era two eight one thank you so much my man [Music] with five gifted subaroonies to add to the angry Army sir you make a strong you make us powerful thank you so much let's create a character he's a fighter I'm not gonna he's our Lord all the other classes oh yeah oh yeah until you come with you go team go team make it back yes yes we did George what do you think welcome George what's up I'll be a sorcerer because Sorcerers are cooler than Wizards it does mean you've got uh super sweet blood your dad owns a dealership in the magic world no it doesn't what do you see me I have Evil dark powers but it was granted to you because of by your dad if I buy your your magic Daddy you're like oh yeah well you don't have a mom or dad yeah the stream is kind of glitchy isn't it what what yeah I don't know why it's doing that maybe that's a game thing yeah Sorcerers are the Chads warlocks are the sugar babies oh wait a minute I can't play this game what I just tried game capture and it's still [ __ ] up and screen capture is [ __ ] up we're dropping frames like crazy I already upgraded my drivers my drivers are fully updated I'm wondering if that's what caused the problem this is this is bad okay on game capture I'm not sure what's that um yeah hate right now it looks fine yeah because I'm you know it's weird it's because I'm clicked out of the game watch now I'm going to click in the game now I've clicked in the game [Laughter] and now I'm gonna click my Mouse anywhere on my second screen and now I've clicked my mouse on my second screen and where and it runs perfectly fine what the [ __ ] okay maybe this has to do yeah maybe this has to do with something like that so let me go to borderless and all sorts of stuff here oh wait it was just the Character Creator screen look are you serious what the [ __ ] Azalea it's just the Character Creator screen but let's go in here and do it anyway so we got borderless Windows what you want uh I put it mine into full screen yeah I'll go full screen as well [Music] all right let's go full screen triple buffer what kind of wizard you're doing you're doing gnome wizard you know all the the cancers are choosing and stuff Star-Lord the heat Adrie do it tomorrow [Music] cosmico thank you all of you Gentlemen let's go Angry Army I can't wait for OJ to seduce some tentacles testicles Fisherman's uh fisherman's wife type stuff over there you you pervert uh Bard it's very common for bards to go with warlock so Barts get access to Eldritch blast and so you get up in their face you do some stuff but you also have the ability to to sling some spells yeah um because warlocks also use Charisma yeah I want to be Charming of course OJ's going necromancy wizard I'll play whatever man I love d d I haven't played D forever I have not Panda I have not you could go like six and six yeah but you wouldn't want to do wizard Bard you'd want to do something Charisma based I was thinking it's terrible yeah warlock would probably fit best I was gonna say sorcerer but sorcerer got like a mini nerve to it well in terms of metamagic oh my God you know all the metal what's the most powerful class then or what um I hate because like Wizards can cast some powerful spells some of them are like tier one I think Thunder Wave is a good one because it could knock and knock back yeah even if they resist it they took half damage too I mean there is no words in this thing Fighters end up getting really [ __ ] strong with flurry of actions and just being able to do a whole they call it action economy like the fighter action economy is really good where you just get to move real far hit someone a bunch of [ __ ] times do other stuff to get more actions and so it's for the fighter subclass I believe it's Battle Master they get superiority die which you're able to use that specifically for like uh reposts and stuff like that basically like counter-attacking whenever the enemy tries to attack you or you can do other effects using this Purity die yeah monks are monks are also good they have unarmored combat which means their AC is going to be pretty high gentlemen gentlemen you're just you're literally just saying everything is good so just just stop yeah but it's not everything that's everything is good in the world that's good this is a good game on a good foot yeah because they it is literally based exactly on 5e DND 5e which didn't come out super balanced but it's been out for so long that I mean it's out for eight years so like the rule set has been refined pretty well like this is this is like there's some subtle changes that they just didn't want to do uh like for Druids can wear metal armor which is kind of a flavor fail but they just didn't want to like code everything and also um I think just recently like Alex learned that for Moon magic for uh for Druids you can't cast while in yeah that's stupid and it's not just Moon magic it's all magic that would require like movement of spells um which is which is built up you're not wrong Panda you're not I'm so excited to see this game I never actually played a Ballers game but this looks interesting yeah I think I think you this is the time to jump in uh Gabriel Mac McCain McCain thank you very much for becoming a member oh seven Chad let's get some o sevens in chat because we had a little bit of a subfall right there thank y'all for for supporting the show let's go little oh big seven please and Chad little old big seven hey Azalea 100 Bitties Don't Rush the game that'd be Balderdash official Moxie's gifting Subs in chat thank official Moxie thanked uh sweet Tay thank Champion for gifting Subs out to people's that heat all righty we are good to go now the biggest choice of the game and I probably should have done a little of this beforehand because this is so goddamn many um is the choices I've narrowed it down two Barbarian fighter Paladin and sorcerer so I went I got narrowed it from 12 to four so let's let's go here so now knowing that let's plug into Boulder's Gate in YouTube let's go Eldritch Knight Barbarian oh if you want to start there Barbarian has some interesting dialogue choices uh depending on the situation yeah so if you will they show all of the attacks let's see class fantasy heavier armor or potentially martial weapons to them barbarians also throw people and so like a goblins in your face you can pick up a [ __ ] and throw him out another [ __ ] something or if you want you can pick up OJ yeah he is a gnome OJ you coward get into the battle they're going to get advantage on strength rolls which means it's going to be easy like [Music] So eventually at what level can I have my second class I think you can do it at any level at least that's uh my interpretation of what uh what they said but wait ask Alex you should be able to recla uh get a second class is it Steam okay there it goes okay it'll tell you that but it's lying and then what'd you say Alex Eldridge uh Elder tonight is a subclass of fighter that is going to give you like the the benefits of flurry of attack so like a bunch of melee stuff but you'll also be able to do some spell slinging yes your Constitution and fighter is probably like the easiest one to like multi-flash into practically yeah as a fighter oh cool um maybe Eldridge night Alex knows me one-time Buffs there's also how do you can even I could throw hadoukens I need to know what that is but it's our s see what spell this is extremely deadly and confusing for an opponent magic message that's the magic Missile magic Missile can't miss yeah it's insane yeah but I mean I don't know if they've got it in this game but there's all sorts of things that give like your damage your spells plus one damage and each missile counts as an individual thing and so if you're rolling like 74 plus one it's like ooh there's the Eldridge Knight sounds cool but how do I become an Elders Knight once you hit Level Two you get to uh Eldritch Knight is a subclass of the fighter and so once level three level that I thought y'all were talking about multi-class multi-class is something different completely different yeah but does it take the slot of the Eldritch now can I be an Eldridge Knight Barbarian you can be an elder tonight's Barbarian monk Druid cleric and just completely [ __ ] up your character if you wanted to I will [ __ ] up myself so so the differences between subclass uh so like say for instance in level three you get to uh choose your subclass for fighter you can either be Battle Master or or Eldritch Knight you can't be both but you can be like Eldritch Knight and let's say Shadow monk for instance it's probably not the best um combination but you can do that what are you what do you want to be zero uh what I'm going for is gloomstalker which is a ranger subclass into depending on whatever the we end up needing so y'all are all [ __ ] range people no rangers are mostly melee it doesn't matter I can my character is like a flex character and essentially the skill monkey all right who is everybody else I'm gonna be a Spore Druid uh circle of the sport so I'm pretty much like a nurgle knight um I'll be pretty tanky I'll be on the front line giving people poison when people die around me poison they get resurrected as cordyceps zombies uh with one hit point um poison not sure zero maybe a Bard uh Bard would be [ __ ] sweet Joe it'd be hilarious a subclass of The Bard you can make whatever it is awesome as Alex zero what are you again you said Rogue well essentially a rogue a ranger I'm sorry or no Ranger or Rogue well it's the subclass is essentially like a rogue Bloom stalker Ranger into soccer so I'll be proficient to install clock picking uh animal handling and such as the sword and I can talk to animals hey what I've been doing thank you very much 10 months thank you and nothing excellent sir don't ask me to do [ __ ] all right well so again uh Alex I need to choose the warrior class or the fighter class yeah okay fighter healing second win ended appearance yeah it doesn't matter for like competition like you could literally go for bards and it would be okay but you can choose whichever class I look I just want to find my sister I mean look it's uh you were like open for it where to next Ferguson what was that let's hope the locals are friends can y'all give me one second and choose my voice I can't hear the guy this magic keeping this chest sealed let's hope the locals are friendly health something just woke be wary this why is everybody British more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sick where to next let's hope the locals are friendly there's no like big Gruff guy what the [ __ ] what are you supposed to be a barbarian Health something just woke up down be wary this place is that everybody talks a lack of this oh wait that's Italian more of those wretched things I guess that all right young and talking again hello hello oh just launching the game you can change your uh your body type that's like either like oh that's right I shouldn't create my guy here we have to recreate our guys yeah I already have my character sword it's already know which I'm picking in terms of I don't know why I'm dropping so many frames and character creation I'm hoping that it's only limited to character creation if not we're screwed this is going to suck balls white skin super white dark dark yes oh wow the amount of customization is [ __ ] sweet black nine I want black nine let's see red blood for the blood God so cool and and they're customized they're not just they don't just simply paint it red they actually do a little bit of stuff this is this is amazing larion what what's wrong with you Joe are you trying to sing yeah oh no he's imitating the main menu getting ready all right fine main menu the red Prince I tried thank you oh now I see why you say ah [Laughter] um yes you do zero your [ __ ] Avatar they've got like 17 Gins and a huge eyeballs it's not as good as a sweet Chef though more more oh um zero I'm sorry but you've got the lamest Avatar you've got to bring up your avatar game uh that reminds me I think you have to disable karmic dice because karmic dice is on by default good scene oh yeah we saw this like 15 times so I forgot should we skip this chat yeah we've already seen this three years ago yeah oh no my [ __ ] God damn it who are you a [ __ ] frame rate all right hopefully it's just for character creation uh because if not suck both sack what [Music] [Music] this could take me a day y'all are ready to wait was this the head that I had last time Chad was it black salmon does not custom character oh there we go thank you thank you was a black nine oh yeah yeah yeah black Nine you got a good memory uh but that one ahead that was [ __ ] sweet [ __ ] Ninja Turtle I think it was this one right yeah down down down yeah girl go down go down down down a little further a little further okay chin Chan oh I'm gonna get a little little rooster sorry for the drop frames it should only be on the Character Creator screen hopefully apology so I'm going to take zero I'm going to take goodberry and uh healing words so I'll have a ranged heel option and then goodberry we can either use for uh camp supplies or it's just you know out of combat someone can heal 44. so uh wait a good Berry I don't think goodberry can be used for camp supplies it's good well you better be able to Good Very he's always been able to be used for camp supplies I don't remember seeing that in the details when I was using it someone confirmed chat you guys know all the stuff when you're not lying in DND you can use goodberry as camp supplies in in Baldur's Gate can you [Music] I live in a van down by the river downtown by the river she lives in a van down by the river guys all right block nine remember block nine let's see what else we got ah so you can put uh beards on the dwarf and women of course you can yeah they're saying [ __ ] rings of power [ __ ] that series [Music] gold dragon I'm a gold dragon wasn't that a Witcher hmm gold dragons go dragons I can remember something about that three dragon minimum what spells are you taking levels brass nine is pretty cool huh yeah okay what spells you taking level one level one I don't have spells level twos when I get the uh spells are you gonna take good Berry laughing that ain't a good sign it's a great Mustang yeah characters oh uh if you're going healing word in good Dairy then I might call it Hunter's Mark and long jump because I I think my options are a very powerful melee heel but that's just gonna greatly depend on if people are next to me um you know cure wounds is great but good Berry being a camp so I was also really good but I don't if that doesn't count um I mean for the melee heel you're probably going to be within rough proximity of AJ so um he would need a hill if he did not ex if he uh didn't expend his uh what is the second one second wind yeah second wind and so it's kind of like an extra healing uh for Close Quarters especially during uh boss fights or just like large mobs down down down by the river hey Sutra thank you very much for the seven months you've been hanging out with us who long thank you for the biddies um do you have the access frame drops on character creation hopefully it'll clear up later guys so I am taking healing word no matter what I have a seat all right so we did what is it yellow nine chat and black nine right but it's just I have to decide do I want good barrier cure wounds oh that's higher potential of healing and you can also it takes a long so good he'll cure wins his instinct goodberry is gonna require people to eat a bunch of berries um but doesn't it absorb a spell slot for both brass9 or black nine which do you like better Alex or that one Jose keeps showing me his weiner and I don't I don't know what the [ __ ] hey dude look at my character look away oh he's not ready yet brass brass brass black black black blue black brass black brass brass I think brass is winning as soon as OJ gets into the game it looks just it looks more unique well let's look at it from far away because we're going to be seeing him from far away you know what from far away to Black it loses all the detail if you if if you're close up the black I think is even cooler but you lose a lot of that detail it depends on if you're going in dialogue then yeah we're gonna go we're gonna go brass nine genitals oh uh you wanna rip my clothes off Jack I better get a bitty donation and I'll I'll rip my clothes on how do you rip the clothes off Joe yeah I closed yeah somebody want to put some Bitties on my face so I can take them clothes off for you show us that lizard foreign just a quick Flash no I ain't doing it for free man get out of here you got to pay the ball yeah randomized appearance body art oh no we have to get my voice wrong else something just woke up down here be wary this place is true oh yeah my voice oh terrible Terraces take it off okay here we go ready there you go nice nice booty cheek booty cheek oh I'm scared but this one I'm scared to you know pull this around three dragon minimum gift to the sub that's gonna make me turn it to right about here anymore requires another oh God damn it why is it gotta drop frames right here so goddamn much all right there it is Mike Hawk smells do it 245. oh what the [ __ ] lizard BPO you asked for it what what am I my [ __ ] chest looks [ __ ] sweet but my baby my PP has armor oh my God I got an armor peepee damn genitals default I could change my genitals vulva oh my God a Volvo those are tough cars wait a minute my anus vulva default armor no I'm on a penis wow why would you but is there sex scenes in this like why would you need a penis it's bare six yeah there are sex scenes in this yeah oh okay romantic scenes oh my Lord my baby armored as [ __ ] okay so that's General body art eyes makeup tail yeah they're sure I have a tail doesn't look like it still got to take my clothes off first I ain't got no tail oh okay I gotta put one yeah I gotta get a tail it won't be a dragon might as well you got a front tail that's okay yeah I was just being very quiet because he's customizing his genitals very carefully look we've talked about it for years manscaping and making sure your genitals look good is very important no one wants to eat off a dirty plate that's true Dragonborn sub race I can go a lot of different green white despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures these Dragon Boy sure the snowy aspect and frost brass frost breath silver I think they give uh different resistances a lot of you're resistant to cold and I have a frost breath for silver oh you're changing my [ __ ] appearance God damn it [ __ ] do that I'll put time and effort into the last one God damn it bronze brass blue fire breath what's cooler fire breath or ice breath I'll be Superman let me go ice breath because I think freezing enemies is more helpful Leo crew I'm excited me too did you get excited when I took my clothes off that's what they mean okay chromatic orb magic Missile apparently your pecker is the same size as OJ's character what that's so bad yeah so this is possible they can't see it so yeah you need to customize these to make sure that you know which foreign it's like spells that don't use up spell slots because spells will have like limited abilities or limited uses and canned trips are just like man you can use them whatever however if you want 10 trips so either like both so 10 trips can be like uh I don't know like uh one of them is a Divine guidance we can do a 1d4 on any type of uh conversation role or you can do like charm person there's a bunch of cool ones yeah I'm not a charm person is it based upon who I am based on your uh book your class yes all right well let me get rid of all of them and then pick from here take only half damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks I don't like that one why I I just have to turn it on yeah these are things you have to cast elastic only a couple turns yeah it only lasts two yeah acid Splash throw a bubble of acid that damages each creature Matt magehand created a spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with objects yeah so you can open chests open doors freak people out tickle OJ's butthole from far away push people good boys protect the puff of noxious project the puff of noxious gas so farting uh true strike any advantage on your next attack well which one do you like uh um what are the options yeah so true strike acid Splash that's special firebolt's cool um [Music] well you like Fireball why wouldn't you like poison spray it's one D12 what so one of them is a constitution saying yeah it says con save and it's REM um Constitution saves indexes saves uh creatures will be able to just like Dodge they go acid I don't give a [ __ ] I resist your poison I don't actually care fire is is like an attack made so you want to be mindful of what the save is because some people just like ignore what you're doing shocking grasp one day damage d8 lightning the target cannot use reactions this spell has advantage on creatures with metal that one's pretty good but it's melee so that's if someone gets up to you you know shock to a dumbass doesn't it take an action slot too or is it just a because if you're taking an action flood for that and no yeah that's an action yo these are just actions oh don't know about shocking grass rare Frost is good for like slowing down targets that are farther away Rave fry I got Firebolt Ray of Frost and um get the other two let's see true strike gain advantage on your next attack roll for two turns concentration inspect Mages inspect does nothing Okay so oh that's cool that you can makes you more likely to succeed do you have mind sliver I wish I do not okay uh then they said the second best friend is on Charisma checks against non-hostile creature in higher difficulty modes the target Mike accuse you of enchanting it this is good I want to be charismatic okay so whenever we do that in like camps say for instance you uh charm a person like a trade or whatever after when the spell uh goes off they're gonna end up looking for you so if you end up using that charm we'd have to like leave immediately or if we get like charged or something but it's gain advantage on Charisma checks in higher difficulty the target might accuse you of enchanting them is that what you're talking about yes so like say for instance we're in like a camp or whatever and then you use it to go through a position persuasion check uh for a dialogue piece afterwards when that thing wears off they're gonna end up trying uh looking for you because you did that and they might get you in trouble all right uh smaijan is great for trapped things what is trapped things so Beijing makes like a disbodied hand so if there's like a a bear trap with a piece of loot in it the main chain just goes and picks it up or it can open a door it can't pick locks or things like that it can't do anything that requires like extreme dexterity but with that it's a really good useful thing enemies with it so now I have spells choose the Spells you know from the list below spells require spell slots to cast unless so a warrior can cast spells you have your you have sorcerer selected right now oh son of a [ __ ] so that's why you're doing it all wrong yeah so all you have to do yeah so if you want to click fighter you're going to ignore most of this stuff and later you'll get these spells [ __ ] so yeah well at least I know what I'm gonna get later on because I am going to be as well I thought you were just switching no okay so now you just you choose uh what kind of you know whether you want doggy style or donkey style what uh you know doggy style your positions did anyone use big weapons or you want to go sword and board you want to do I don't know I really don't know you wanna build a big ass getting two-handed weapons I think you also get more fighting styles as you level up um and then don't when you can also like change your things I guess I'll go uh shield and sword J.F Smith said thank you 40. 4 oh wow the fighters the fighters selections are boring you only get one you get fighting style move on you son of a [ __ ] oh yeah once you unlock your subclasses when it opens up into into more stuff I mean I mean the sorcerer can pick cool [ __ ] now yeah if you spend your life in service to a temple [ __ ] that you're a champion of the Common People challenging tyrants and monsters and protecting the help to save innocence in imminent danger will make your Legend grow okay charlatan you're an expert of manipulation prone to exaggeration and more happy to profit front hey it's Trump criminal you have a history oh this is also true choices so uh let's say if you pick Guild Artisan uh well actually no let's go with a simpler one um Outlander if you destroy a specific Powerful Beast you get a uh basically a re-roll die that the party uh can use during conversation say for instance if OJ does a persuasion check but then he uh he feels catastrophically he can use that die to do a re-roll for it for another chance so whichever one that you pick either criminal acolyte depending on how you want your story to be is going to influence when you're going to get it like Nobles if you bribe regard you get one if you what was the other one if you take a certain item that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say for yourself then you get another one so it's highly influenced by that yeah these are neat things unless like you're really gonna [ __ ] something up if it's just more like role playing so I went Guild Artisan because I'm the mushroom man I'm gonna make potions and stuff and try to poison OJ you eat this OJ yeah but it doesn't say exactly what you have to do right no this is just stuff that I figured out yeah that will come up in the game but they're always going to come and stuff like if you pick folk hero there's gonna be like 10 different conversations where folk hero will give you a different option or a different outcome or a different something yeah folk hero is kind of like the good route whenever like you want to uh save uh X people and scenarios then you would get stuff from it sorry psycho girl I started it he is running for president so as we get closer to the election I'll probably be talking about it more I am the Mushroom Man urchin uh after surviving a poor and Bleak childhood you know how to make the most out of very little so if you want stuff for sleight of hand and stealth I don't yeah if you do anything revolving like stealing no uh either Soldier or folk hero four carriers wait for going to Goodra which is very easy to do Soldier what'd you picture do we want to go the good route I mean wait oh Jeff what did you pick what what background did you pick I went with Outlander so I'm basically my stuff is all animals [Applause] Poor's known I went with entertainment I like turtles chat Entertainer okay so if you want to go dragons you can go folk hero no because folk Carol seems harder to do because if if y'all are gonna be evil and they're gonna have to fight you uh I'm trying to go for like maybe like good option stuff like that but unless if we're trying to go inherently my guy's hard neutral so like and Joe is Joe a good Bard or an evil Bard he's an Entertainer so you can be evil entertainers yeah well well Dylan Entertainer you live this way and subvert your audience engage in common crowds and high society preserving art and bringing Joy to the hapless and downtrodden heightens your charismatic aura hmm I think soldiers I thought I told you this is so smart tactics and bravery on the battlefield that seems like we'd be having way more opportunities to do that like but I don't know how does that actually translate into the game which will give you some Soldier oh so like let's say intimidation so skills intimidation they're like in one of the first camps that we've actually played before there's a bunch of goblins and you can be like listen [ __ ] I'm like eight feet taller than you and I will rip your spine like one of the dialogue you will get a new dialogue option that you wouldn't have if you didn't have the intimidation one and you can just tell them like I'm gonna stomp you and then they go oh [ __ ] yeah we're gonna leave you alone and you just get to pass through their City without fighting all of them so you're mainly looking at what skills this is gonna like impact oh Athletics plus five stay fit uh perform physical stunts helps you shove and resist being shoved and intimidation be a bully threaten and induce fear yeah it seems like what my guy would do because he's he is intimidating looking all right moving on inspiration dice goes to like up to four cap abilities uh what can I what can I remove that I don't need to heighten the other ones as a fighter uh for a fighter you would have to do whichever ones that are basically like the squared ones yeah strength uh strength should be your most important that's what your physical damage is gonna go to uh that's my highest if you've strengthen my Constitution right now at the highest yeah uh dexterity is going to contribute to like your armor score deck saves uh wisdom you need none of Charisma you'll need none of yeah I'm at really high Charisma for some reason um you can definitely lower that that wisdom we'll love that too Joe who who's gonna be with I'm the wisdom character okay Charming uh I'm gonna go all the way down to eight which is the lowest if you are going Eldritch night you may want to consider putting some points into intelligence because I believe Eldritch Knights use intelligence for their spell casting I need somebody to look that up because that would be helpful it should I if I I mean if I remember yeah it should be I got four points that I can distribute uh foreign strength and Constitution what does this say about the spells it seems like it's shared with like the all right uh Chad is agreeing you got Chad why are you so intelligent but you're also really dumb sometimes I need to Guardian you like everything my guardian oh I can't go anywhere oh uh just so I did some random whatever like giant lady because I mean for for priapists he needs a giant lady oh I'm gonna go with the giant lady too big woman Constitution kaichi I don't know how to say it hey Dex helps with like saving throws against uh particular spells and also against melee attacks yeah I mean against melee attack so I'm gonna pull Constitution Constitution's great I mean it's total hit points that you're gonna generate over the course of the game I think you're good strength Constitution you're most you most important and then it's like Dex and int and you have to decide strength Constitution I also think it's dependent on the class because uh it's very depend on saving throws for the class because mine I know is Dex OJ's got like Max Charisma okay Eldridge Knight is what intelligence and decks is intelligence and and strength they're gonna be the two most important ones for I can't do any more strength I'm trying to decide between one more point in dexterity or one more point in Constitution what is your Constitution so it's your 16 Constitution seems good 16 is a break point for plus one Constitution as far as I can save goes what do you mean break point I already have the plus one over there I can change my plus if you hover over let me see if it it does it here if yeah I've already got the plus one in Constitution so 16. yeah I'm good all right uh am I the last one to create here uh uh do you want to change your skill proficiency do you have anything that you might want us actually no it's probably acrobatics oh you can change this yeah that seems okay going on I have Athletics I don't want to what is this shove I don't give a [ __ ] about shoving go shoving is a action that you can do to push enemies like different since if there's like a cavern into the abyss that you want to push a very strong enemy that you can't deal with one-on-one you can just shove them in there and you can just kill them oh it's also full damage you can just shove a little Goblin Archer that you and you just be like man the attack's not gonna kill you but the fall damage will and you push them off the little edges on and that seems very situational [Music] um High ground and abysses yeah there's a so I can't actually choose very very much here I guess only the only thing I can choose are the ones with the boxes yes that sucks because it's entertaining remember the past I don't care I mean that's very actually very important to not repeat the mistakes of the past but I don't know what the [ __ ] this acrobatics you definitely want you so you're good in athletics which is great perception spot hidden is anybody else got that my guy's pretty perceptive uh detective lies Insight perception Insight what about the bar Joe you have any of that my perceptions plus flies plus five yeah on perception yeah I I have a what about inside plus five okay what about an animal handling plus five for me God damn cause I'm a druid Joe what do you have plus five yeah what on skills skills you'd have to go down all the way back you just yeah and then you click on left abilities and then change that one um which one you looking for I don't know your highest my [Music] hot all the ones at the bottom all the ones the bottom deception intimidation intimidation performance yeah he's got all the max Charisma ones yeah so he's all the the tricky and all of mine are at negative one so you're at plus five and I'm at negative one for all of those all right well then this sounds good I think we complement each other quite well and plus even though I am plus five I can miss a roll on the open world thing so let's say for instance we rent we go past like something that's hidden I can fill my role but you can succeed yours and then you end up uh fine I don't have perception you talking to me no I'm just saying in terms of like any type of uh Rose whether it be like medicine inside any wisdom history all right done let's go proceed enter character name Tav no Lord Angry Joe see nasty it's not true you need a guardian choose one oh um big woman there's lots of woman uh then you picked half ogre or Joe no well what's a big woman in your eyes uh I just went human and went with the Third human third tab body type he's a gnome so everything is big woman zero fat head what zero fat head thank you for subscribing just like in real life unicorn common phase what is this what am I picking I don't understand yeah what does the guardian do it's it was kind of like the law it's a lover in the Early Access so I'm guessing it's basically gonna be the same thing this is my lover yeah why would they call him a guardian uh I don't know this is my true love legit why would they change that [ __ ] yeah pal I wanna it's like you'll walk into a random Tavern in the game and she'll be there and it's like oh it's on yep is that how it works I I don't know so I will work for for the uh the second character is that she appeared in your dreams an elf an elf and a dragon we could never be together accept me oh for my character yeah yeah okay and it's historically fitting too Mine mine's pretty good it's fits it fits yeah I'm not that too creative with my character names so I just want to put my name I picked one that is absolutely appropriate for a dwarvish Mushroom Man fans of Mythology will will approve did you went with the new Dwarven subclass I'm uh no I went with gold dwarf the one that gives one additional hit point per level it's it's incredible I mean if I'm gonna be in front lines it's super important what did the other one do uh one of them's like allergic to sunlight and uh that one just doesn't [ __ ] work um and then the second one is more like not Druid Focus so oh okay same exact face it just has a different haircut epic beard up top but not down below oh I customize mine put lightning bolts on the side flame on one the other one you can customize your love yeah I don't see that it's on the sorry right side General body art eyes makeup um foreign [Music] [Laughter] wait you get to choose her name uh I don't think you do no no no I need to go with the green eyes wait let me proceed proceed no it doesn't have a name that's such a good show bit man oh that's a clever one Moxie no makeup natural beauty men natural beauty I feel like after we see your character we might need to invest in some makeup for you ah my guys Charming my trick is to make the ladies laugh so they don't see my face I love you which doesn't know what it looked like and then when you get along time you just shut off the light yeah it's gonna be gone by morning make him laugh party in your hands pretty I do that's your problem is you're usually putty in their hands yeah you gotta work on that as you get older it doesn't fall off oh it's right I got a mushroom for that yeah no more cold how you say pushing rope oh what uh it's amazing Corona's uh it's gonna be a surprise I Mega my girlfriend I didn't know why it's my girlfriend see tall okay Avengers randomize hopefully the names pop up right okay Venture fourth your crew Joe cash thank you very much who's this look like Jan in real life is there any obviously without their health years looks like you give me a call you're really looking at you here we go I don't know I don't know anybody with white hair [Music] grow beautiful white hair um I got a lot of pierces right here are you playing at gnome I am OJ is yeah we got one two three thank you very much 25 month of Rooney's been with us for more than two years thank you for adding your strength to the angry arm data sync glitch I don't know we just now got past character creation hopefully I don't drop frames Chad you keep an eye on it God's hand s my head dead good luck Joe what is that let me see nice Casey's name that's a yeah I like your other name better post yeah oh man what was your other name take me no I couldn't take me gnome tonight I couldn't fit it oh that's way better I couldn't fit it I don't really give a [ __ ] about post Malone now I have these musicians constantly he's a Bard I'm a bird pry puss I'm a Barbie breakfast yeah I'm a mushroom man you have to be Primus okay now careful guys this is our Motley Crew oh brother where's it I'm dropping so many frames why visions we're on full screen do you think it's because I'm on Ultra let's go low and see if I drop frames I did I don't know if I will if I drop frames at any point on low because if it's at any point then I'm going to bring it back up oh gee this is probably the one instance where we can 1v1 each other and we have no repercussions because there's a restoration thing there would you say we'll play okay all right let's watch it dance let's watch Joe Versus zero oh we have to enter in turn base mode for it so then it's a extra proper or else I would just keep shooting with arrows this is my favorite oh Jake this morning that's actually that's a good that's a good good thing yeah I'll go turn base okay entering turn based the game is paused around you okay OJ you wanna you wanna uh fight each other see who wins [ __ ] oh you just picked a fight you can't [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] you're supposed to fight that guy idiot no I'm checking out this I don't know what's happening here how do I fight well so you've already used your fight action this turn so you'd have to end turn and turn yeah move and turn and then zero you son of a [ __ ] and so now it's a new turn main hand attack Rush attack are you charming me Target can't be an ally why can't I do all my cool [ __ ] again allies oh no okay sit down clown oh all right I brought you back okay don't do that again one swipe follow me through the anus I think we're going to have a bit of a problem in the game if the Joe goes down to one strike well that's why you're the fighter but my weapon is a Rapier you what yep that's my weapon that's disgusting that's really bad yo don't do that oh yeah oh we can go up here at this uh little ramp s you almost killed me yeah you can rescue this little thing and get a little pet Joe you almost killed I didn't know you're gonna be honest well I'm going back down oh three XP you don't have to worry about me I'm gonna spread my my spores everywhere me and Alex are gonna be up in the front fighting all the enemies the bad guys will be the yeast of our problems are you going to make a fungus jokes our whole Adventure I am a fun guy and when I turn into the Spore guy I'm gonna become the yeast Beast son of a [ __ ] you smell funny Alex yeah my girlfriend's name is uh Portobello what are y'all doing up there he's fingering a brain and he's trying to fingering well not yet is he do it did you do it I know he's crying bloody what are y'all doing up here uh this this guy had uh zero what did you do this guy's crotch at nothing sure just cut a little bit from the top oh get your ass down here let's go as long as you don't touch the mushroom head tentacle Aquarium right now I'm trying to extract a brain and I succeeded it congratulations you rejected a brain now you have one let's go yeah Merle apparatus yeah yeah I want to extract the brain kick it the [ __ ] is that that's my that's the brain God damn it you're releasing my [ __ ] face huggers I killed it don't worry he was a friend yeah through attack at first he doesn't attack you he just becomes a pet I try to mutilate it but it didn't end up working how do I extract the brain there's only there's one guy up there where the brain is talking to you but the corpse is dead and the brains like Release Me From This husk and I'll be your friend and then it becomes your friend it helps you fight these demons but zero except no but since we're at a four party cap he wouldn't be able to join us because it doesn't go as like a companion was like it would for like let's say Beastmaster Ranger oh I killed that thing I don't know whether I was supposed to kill it or not I saw a brain coming at me and I just [ __ ] just come right for us oh but that would have been a weak Ally though why are you on Friday no he had 20 health right he's very weak oh wait I only have 13 houses yeah uh wait wait don't easy uh hear Alex I could just run back and quickly touch the thing touch the thing whoa so cool we're flying okay don't you think oh they changed it so yeah everyone it hasn't yet be within the radius I think we're gonna hit that mountain up ahead all right hurry up zero oh he's going around what the hell is that I noticed you [ __ ] and your skin tingles visions a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes my head what is this definitely audio or the dialogue is a little quiet is it quiet for y'all a bit but I had my volume lowered so huh we can vote on which one's going to pick if we're not the main everything is at maximum volume Chad I don't know what's going on where are you who are you I need to figure out where we are don't read that let me pick something so I'm I'm leading the dialogue yes yes Chad do you have is drops enabled or whatever chat can y'all influence can y'all choose what we want there was supposed to be some kind of chat interaction I think I saw it earlier with which is it only for certain do I have to turn it on or something interface accessibility yeah you have to enable it for the twitch integration yeah I'm looking I don't know where in should be General here let me double check game play at the bottom gameplay yeah at the very bottom good generation aha okay start a community Poll for this Choice okay but then days mind players we're turning into mind players there must be something we could do that must be our priority first we exterminate the ends then we find the helm and take control of this oops we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material oops [Laughter] oh oh no I thought I thought that they came out of Early Access how many years have you had to fix that oh boy why is there a version number in the upper right am I am I using my press build you shouldn't be mine was up there too yours was up there too the final release of the game is having this big old ugly [ __ ] thing God damn it what the [ __ ] come here oh he died he died I've got a get over here but he just died instead oh my God keep killing oh yeah victory dance baby why am I controlling her I want to control me yeah she probably has better initiative so she just goes slightly before you and then you do her than you and you may be able to click on how this works so you can uh you can move her and then do if I hit and turn on her will it come to me yeah yeah all right well we killed everybody thanks a lot in front yeah and then she's got ranged attacks jump because she's [ __ ] doing wonder wall like an [ __ ] foreign y'all hear my music yes I can hear it good yeah it's good stuff oh yeah you only know four songs it's gonna get real repetitive soon anyways yeah they should do some high mist they should do something where okay what you want it who does what now oh we have Alchemy pouches I didn't that's new ax anybody want an ax yeah I'm gonna restore all of us I don't know how to give it to you 49 you just have to press Tab and then you uh you you can drag it into my inventory wait where is your character I don't oh no wait why is my character Lexus crouching how is it close enough to you I don't understand why I'm crouching you're hiding do you have height oh you hit c yeah there's a simple robe uh short sword and all there was the base ones that we have are short swords this is not too much of an option not me I got a clove I got my fist are you proficient in flashing me as a druid no clubs and I can only and for shillelagh you can only use um clubs and stabs let's go on the ball the sphincter I've opened the Sprinter I'm going to push this button oh uh dude what now oh yeah the ladies like don't touch anything unless you know what you're doing and then somebody at the front pushed the button and now ah push the button uh I'm gonna get rid of the spellcaster ain't dead all right we're gonna kill everybody you want me to push another button sure push a button no all those buttons affect the coaches so don't really do much now oh now that we yeah um oh wait do you have karmic Dyson or no what does karmic dice karmic dice is basically a weighted dice to make it either easier or difficult because it influences both sides where it makes the do I want it on or off basically if you want it more random then you take it off like true random yeah why would I want something true random still like uh whenever well so then there's like actually the games are like cheating or punishing you more comic dice makes armor invalid am I dead no I'm not dead I'm the best wait was there like a vote choice or something that I wasn't paying attention to I think you guys have to be near the door that I'm at or I don't know where you guys are the pod she doesn't notice you this lady is trapped in a pod we must free her all right there's a button right here but I'm not gonna push it push it I push it baby commanding the person inside to change yeah no George it's only nine oh oh [ __ ] I killed her I didn't put a lever you pulled it lever what did you do she come here something happened sorry you I commanded her to change somehow oh you turned her into the uh line flare the creatures well she did now is she done oh she's a line player yeah yeah she's a for it you want to kill the bring bugs for more XP or should we just leave it be where are the brain bugs it's right now behind you oh yeah I mean you get a small man XP why not you are beautiful it says so I'm not going to kill it okay all right well then follow me very handsome hey why'd you do that he said you are beautiful didn't say I was beautiful you do it get over here I can't believe you're murdering my friend I declare war on all three of you TGI tacos thank you very much thank you again Debs clearly tentacles probably something bad oh yeah I appreciate it no no where are you oh you're you're trying to free her okay this is a bad time to do that that's sad that thing was not trash it attacked me because OJ touched it wrong or zero touch okay let's see what you're doing OJ I don't think lady I thought you already had a girlfriend you can never have too many oh her yeah we just get her later anyway thank you what are you doing to adjust we're having sex Demolition Man demolition dangerous company you gotta talk Joe let me come with you we're all playing we're playing DND all right [Laughter] who you are tell her who you are all right then let's go I'll post with gnome God damn I'm gonna hear my shitty music Lyle the second thank you for joining us my friend going above and beyond the Call of Duty and subscribing good luck and thank you I'm not Oompa Loompa bastard [Music] go do the dance for us I don't dance I just play music yeah you do you know you all right come in this room you entertain one way or another on me way I got little legs does it Reveal Your Spell slots when you use that Alex the restoration I only have can trips right now okay or well I haven't used any actual spells so no idea uh oh Jake how did you I don't know what you said it said you're in conversation with something I'm not talking to no one right now oh were you talking to Lazelle are you ready to enter the home no oh it it just gives us a prompt so quickly I wasn't able to actually press yes to it I think Joe click no which is why yeah he's doing the extension thing for twitch click connect to extension I don't see connect to extension stop wasting my time it's not where it says twitch integration there's only one I want to get the twitch integration going it's missing on yours for some reason might be because you're already in game should we stop the game and exit and then come back uh connected to did you already connect the two accounts yeah I'll save here yeah I want twitch integration so I guess I'll go to the main menu Let's uh let's exit because I want y'all to be able to influence us and to be able to see like what uh what classes we are yeah how OJ has Max uh wisdom on his character that doesn't use wisdom yeah still does not show there so I need a full reboot I guess I'll do the full reboot what was the problem like it wasn't check marked or something no there's a button that's not showing up on his I mean it shows on mine it's just oh the bar graph no just there's a button that just says connect to it [ __ ] if it shows it shows on yours but it doesn't show on mine then there's something wrong because I've already linked my I've already linked my account and Link My to Twitch I already logged into the pre-game launcher too hopefully we can get it going [Music] you know [Music] we hate it he tricks us oh hate them did you activate on the torch side in terms of extensions yes into the main board and then it should go through theoretically I mean the button should be there regardless because I didn't do any of the [ __ ] he did and I have a button yeah look see because I have twitch connected right here connected account you play me again George I guess I'll just connects the steam as well even though I should already have steam connected I know for a fact I already connected steam I connected it with the different with the I already used the code copy and pasted the code when I first launched the game I just didn't connect steam to the website using the websites method I used it as if I don't think those matter where you connected no I don't I don't want you to apologize for interrupting because I wanted to start with twitch integration and so we're going to try to do what we can in order to get twitch integration and if it's for some reason bugged for me and I can't get to its integration then that's fine I just need to know Hawaii or I just need to know that I could have sworn I saw it earlier because that's when I was saying that we get twitch platform already linked to account it just said even though it's not connected I knew I should have connected it through this before I connected it to the launcher platform already connected yet it doesn't show that it's connected that's going to be a problem how many drops is something that is on your side grumpain as long as you're watching a Creator that's been for a certain amount of time as long as your layering account is connected to your Twitch you'll get the drops yeah all right so at least at least we'll have drops for y'all but as far as y'all being able to contribute to the game [ __ ] I don't understand I've got everything correct how do I download the launcher from the website somebody said you download the launcher from the website I don't see that right okay I thought that was separate it isn't it launches when the game launches see so here's the launcher and uh you know and I could go to my account from this area and then oh it just opens up the other thing see that it says I'm connected so that's all I need to do right and then yeah it shows that you're logged in here on that thing right yeah try a chat integration IG to see if it works oh you know what we we didn't we didn't even check to see if it works in game yet we just assume that it's not working it might have already been working you can load a default character because I did see a button real quick I saw a third button that said something but I didn't click it what is Vulcan it's just the engine it's either Vulcan engine or dx11 engine Vulcan is by far better explain because maybe that's why I'm getting some slow down every once in a while all right okay from multiplayer zero how do I how do I get my game going again do I creep uh I guess you could load game let me try loading game and then sending you invites perhaps because the game had to drop and drop out so we should be able to connect oh that's uh that's why I heard from from video whenever I was watching a co-op play through I'm gonna try loading Vulcan more players is Max I believe so right yes Vulcan takes a longer time to load initially but it's pre-rendering textures and colors for a smooth experience and colorature okay I'll wait I got one more breakfast tacos hmm uh berserk basically at the start you get to create your own characters uh for that at the beginning afterwards I'm not sure if if you can fully customize it you can't you have to take over physical aspect you have to take over a pre-existing NPC if you join late son of a witch blame zero on that one look what I do crashed it by doing what you're just in the main menu okay let's try again right it's uh whatever they say they say Nano Nano even short time your fate will be sealed Superman foreign detective Clouseau thank you very much for 36 months of support three dragon minimum two months thank you my boy OJ broke the game again he sure as hell did Champ I'm gonna get some guava juice Jam y'all ever drink guava juice no Greenwood stays here somebody kicked the paper wink no I just can't you don't like our paperweight we're selling it for one easy payment of 600. 99.99 that thing has touched OJ's face twice oh what just happened I think it poked me I think you have to throw those pieces away separately they don't fit together I know we're sorry our flavor's too amazing that it's sold out yeah I talked to them guava Tuesday they're working on it they can't afford me to be tested chat do you have you tried guava juice or do you have to be Hispanic to have already drank guava juice if you're a white guy or a girl in chat and you haven't had guava juice tell me you don't know what guava is see that's what I thought I don't know I guess it's a fruit a Caribbean fruit that that certain people haven't had it it's just a juice it's a fruit you ain't never had huh interesting why is the camera not focused it's been a long time since my camera has been out of is it just me all right or is this out of focus yeah it's out of focus is it in Focus now yes I'm always out of focus with my eyes so it's better now guava juice laps dude you had the juice yeah you can call yourself Latin after you drink guava juice we'll give that to you hmm oh yeah oh so so good but it's thick it's [ __ ] thick and you like taste the threads all right load saved games what's up buddy it's time to see my amazing character I feel like there's a female version of boy I think it was a human uh maybe not a gnome I'm in you broke it you can just join on him you don't have to I need to download twitch extensions the layer inside has a link what why did you not tell me I thought you said you already had the twitch extension what are you talking about I don't know I had to download the extension there's a thing in the thing in the video game who's not in is it Joe I'm at 80 100 percent I'm back baby well you're wrong he's not middle-aged fat bald guys I gotta download the extension look at that be way in Charles man you the man you the man now dog yeah and so that's what the extension of I was talking about not that many extension in the [ __ ] game no I said on twitch's end said his overlay one doesn't matter oh you the man now dog where'd my girlfriend go you the man now dog god damn it she left does that feel changes ago she said uh she'll manage by herself hard to believe with these sweet moves well that's because we have lasers foreign oh my God he's on fire [ __ ] Alexa all right now what oh wait oh you gotta contest something oh I can't oh I can't pick up OJ [ __ ] too heavy yeah you're too happy don't have enough strength go through the sphincter yeah this is the one that everyone has to say yes I think it's because Alex did it first he's like the primary character in the cut scene right yeah I clicked the door cool oh my God uh froze [ __ ] no no statistic lease [Music] wait what's happening are they good guys or bad guys that guy put tadpoles on our brain and we can't necessarily defy him the what the cake excuse me don't don't be a bigot get over here you get over you this never worked got him I drive him towards me and that's all I can do for The Power of Love if I could get additional attack to attack you OJ what that's what he does Man Zero Turn oh right 50 oh they put a turn limiter this time interesting huh please close the pop-up what pop up yeah there's a giant pop-up where you well you just click it on your chat chat you click it what are you talking about you can't they it's when you're a viewer on Twitch you saw this annoying Papa blocking the screen but you just have to click it yeah it's on you Alex God damn it yeah because that's the extension he's like you're making it bad it's like no you or me you I don't control your pop-ups extension is not received any game data yet okay you know what maybe I need to reboot the game one more time well because I started the extension it works as we were in mid game nobody's saying it works right now well there's nothing that they can influence yeah fine well no they can't even look at our characters yeah can you look at our characters you let me know open up extension oh no you can't see the party or anything yeah because I started it to me we were still in the tutorial yeah you know we're getting five different answers in chance let's just finish the tutorial part and then we'll see if she only have four Health left yeah she got attacked previously if you want to see the combat log it's at the bottom right the little speech bubble I can heal her healer uh our other ones I can get her again where's all the rest of the enemies further back yeah way back there how come my guy is not doing anything because it's not your turn it's uh based on initiative role yeah all right let's see if I can jump for a second OJ I thought you were sitting down and playing music upstairs [Laughter] you bastard that guy's really high level yes so be careful if we're able to kill him within less than 13 turns we can snag his uh flaming look at snag is what it's flaming sword s hurry before they strike I'm gonna get it Connor yep there's a new monsters uh I'll give her the amster incoming much it's around him jump dip shove improvised melee weapon help throw Dash main hand attack lacerate bleed main hand probably your basserate is a con save attack roll short rest Constitution is Constitution 16. yeah he's going to resist your your bleed probably so he probably said the main pan attack trying to attack his ass Commander zolk almost strike [ __ ] yeah he's level he's level eight and we're level one so we're gonna miss a lot of our stuff but that's he's fighting oh that's good that means that he won attack I think nice frightened cannot move but it has disadvantages on ability checks and attack rules I healed the lady my turn scared saw me coming he's like what the [ __ ] is that uh um damn it [ __ ] we got plenty of turns we're doing well yes how for those over there that's the ones I was keeping at Bay bulb reach the transponder before the thing crashes should we have the attackers plus if anything I can just Dash it transponder [ __ ] die you're saying shot die do flourish nice I killed the M for you since you couldn't do it look if I tried to make the shot up at that moment I have disadvantage oh she's just playing songs you guys wanted me to be the bard we're fighting a demon Lord Jesus likes how much damage I gotta keep my uh let's play some Melody music for you where's the uh summary of attack so I can see how much damage I just did [Music] slashing fine yeah he's level eight so only doing three a turn yeah uh let me examine uh currently threatening to his disadvantage on attack he's highly resistant to any Elementals it's almost done Brew Barbarian Brew barium get over here see that's how you do it zero yeah ooh nine damage Jonah Bryan hamstring shot I'm a hamstring oh no he saved on it but he took two damage yeah he took two damage but the save was for reducing his move speed by fifty percent oh he's almost down 18 Health yeah all right I'm just gonna strike him for normals God damn it he's good I'm the best he's not better than me yeah I think he is right now good hey he critical Miss oh no reinforcements we had to kill him quick you guys got it well the Mind player will almost kill him too mind player is there a decision being made here what's going on I think Zero's turn yeah and yeah you see it on top okay Red Wing Cody we got him wait did we kill him no no uh he's at 15 Health oh almost Alex is Stern almost oh look this lays out and uh OJ's I'm just rushing towards the thing so you guys can main hand attack oh that's 12 hp that's all she's got stuff to music you missed hey at least he didn't shoot you I told you I was gonna miss I think you might want to step a little bit further back so then you're not on disadvantage loot him get the sword I got it yeah I got a flaming sword boy yeah with your attack yeah so it also does a ton of [ __ ] damage right that's so [ __ ] sweet it does yeah it's like a very good time to 19. when my last one did two to two to twelve yeah that's a big [ __ ] upgrade also it's a [ __ ] flaming sword s where are the enemies bring them to behind or what do we need to press you go fight enemies I'm just gonna go get ready I'm gonna stand next to the button those ones are high HP but they don't really give okay I'm on my way to them [ __ ] them kill them kill them all can carry me uh what the [ __ ] what that guy's attacking me yes that's why I thought it was helping us I'm surrounded laughs well [ __ ] good thing you got a badass sword right yeah no he [ __ ] knock my ass into the ground and kill me okay let me help you I can't help you sorry uh let me just I didn't I thought he was on our side temporarily but uh attack him with him no I I hovered my mouse over him but I didn't hit the button you tend to tend to the Lash opportunity attack so no zero no he said you are no longer required yeah and after we killed it yeah so you just have to hit the button you're not dead though so you're just on the ground you're just in the dying save Alex we should be well that was a cheap ass [ __ ] [ __ ] move he [ __ ] he hit me while my back [ __ ] well I'm dead that's it for me guys I don't think you're dead right no no you're not dead you're just in the dying role dying role cool yours on the ground and look as long as we get you up you're good yeah yeah but there's a you did the Avatar thing Health 45 guy there it's all part of the movie foreign [Music] with like all sorts of demons and [ __ ] we weren't in like the Mortal realm and so by connecting those two tendril things it took us out of like magic land and now we're back on like the real world why were the demons attacking him oh no one likes mind players yeah okay they're like high-level [ __ ] that like do bad things like turning into servants and turn into uh mini cremini cremini yes well I especially don't like them because one uh [ __ ] sucker punched me in the back of the head so I got a bone to pick with the [ __ ] mind players big balls you know going down Peter you're too heavy yeah they want to kill the Mind player too I mean I think they just want to loot oh my balls what the hell's happening why is this cutscene all jacked did my God fall out of the ship yeah yours did but why is he falling like an action figure I I don't know that's not how it worked for us on our screen to look different you just have a real fun you like slammed into the beach yeah oh well I actually dropped uh like an action figure onto the beach yeah because for us you're like lying on the ground I am the one he is the one [Laughter] I just I just went on the floor just so that y'all feel better because y'all y'all slammed into the floor I didn't so I was like whoa that hurt right AJ just has his arms all right I'm gonna check Chad start a community poll so I started a community poll does it work I was able to claim mine or this is a community poll amongst just the four people that's playing yeah or does it work for you chat so the uh Community poll at the bottom left uh it does it first it works level up baby everyone level up all right jet says check yourself for injuries your girlfriends have passed out on the beach OJ oh no I'm gonna increase the desktop audio because for some reason this game's dialogue is very low you need a cure and I can't find a way to increase it all right time to go yeast mode on everybody circle of the spores and full mushrooms zero will be very loud but he's usually quiet do you want me to lower down my Discord on them I don't know we'll see what God said because I can put fairy fire which will give everybody I think thank you hey Lads loving the content keep it up thank you so much cheb my boy I can also always supporting us you're a good lad um if you guys want I can also take something I've got a bunch a couple Buffs I can take longstrider which increases your movement speed that's only okay if I can take enhanced leap it triples your jump distance yeah that one so because that lethal is like an Archer up on a bridge you just leap right up there and smash this oh yeah so okay so I'll take Advanced leap Joe hey you get your hands off that woman that's my girlfriend no you were lying it's my girlfriend what are you talking about oh weird baby oh God that's an OJ's response if there are interventions close to the channel chest so I suppose it's not impossible nothing's impossible did you level up I did can you customize everything or did you just accept everything it looks exactly like you man you did a great job except for a mustache now uh what now we need supplies shelter and yeah oh I found a violin Chad is there some kind of bug with the voices I mean are people giving them this feedback this is just so quiet we both know my voice audio seems fun online it almost feels like it's like a it's like headphones audio or something dynamic range allows for quiet Whispers let's put dynamic range below see you I found you a book of sea shanties OJ and a violin let's get into another conversation so I could see if this is did you look at the recipe OJ found some fish for you well we'll need the the fish for later and I guess the thieves tools will probably be okay too uh uh I have high decks so I can use the thieves tools for lock picking it looks like you guys got it a lot of dead people over here anything that um we we are not necessarily reselling or it can be Food Supplies you can right click on it in your inventory and then just send to camp I wasn't listening oh it's a battle I know yeah there's a big fight in here gotta stay back I got it stay back you kill it yep I got some XP all right uh let's try this thing oh there's another brain up the head you can jump real [ __ ] far now oh let's do it holy [ __ ] [Laughter] that was [ __ ] Epic oh but I already attacked this turn my bad oh [ __ ] what a battle yep uh let me try to move a little bit closer oh that one I'm surrounded I dropped too far your ass down quite a critical Miss damn you damn your zero damn you that's okay I'm pretty sure OJ should be able to get his crossbow in right or that that works what was that boat chill Mushroom Man knows how to Bone if you know what I mean [ __ ] that guy that's what you get that's what your [ __ ] ass gets for hitting me patui coward oh AJ did you level up again you still have the uh plus thing yeah uh what's the button Pro picture just under it there's this little button you just click the level up okay and it'll it'll give you best recommendations but you completely customize all this thing so uh oh maybe you don't have maybe it's level three yeah hell yeah guys you're killing it also been loving the warmer stuff just started building my first Army tearing this hell yeah what kind of color scheme did you do oh man I love the standard to your new color scheme um I want to see somebody try to do like the clindathu what the [ __ ] I'm on fire I should have been a flyer who the [ __ ] okay what happened oh no where's OJ where the [ __ ] is OJ give me give me your [ __ ] Health packs here I can give you some berries [Laughter] yeah [ __ ] how do I hit him we're friends check your inventory did I just give you a bunch that's what you get this is Awesome by the way Now give me one of your potions or I will hit you a second time so look into your inventory for some berries do it hey it's a healing Rock get out of here zero nobody's talking [Laughter] fly back like nine feet what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I didn't do that I'm out of here no fair no fair oh uh Alex do you have high intellect or no no wisdom uh OJ can you come with me yes oh yeah at level two I am now in yeast mode um the others I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry wait what am I doing what is this highlighted thing [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] off me this can't be attitude hmm there's nothing here besides that rock s oh maybe we need a pickaxe you're fighting that guy yeah oh okay [ __ ] [ __ ] uh I'm the best [ __ ] we gotta go I saw you actually failed my role but I had a plus three strength because I'm a banner what did you and those tentacle freaks do to me oh yeah the vampire okay I'm not an idiot your mind twists why is the goddamn audio so muted it's the only thing ruining this game [Music] each connected to us the worm of course that explains things someone hands a thing I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards try not apologies thank you I'm out of wine and flowers so I hope an introduction will suffice my names are Starion I was in Boulders is this happening for Everybody Plays the game oh hate no yeah I mean then why is it just for me uh I don't know uh chat the voice is fine for you guys we clearly move in different circles no it's just quiet so these worms but it's still low for us turn us into of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although they're trying to do some kind yet well here's the normal one okay you think it's fine okay here's the normal audio there might still be time tempting but you're right zero I like to have my space what you're gonna boot me out for the vampire was ready to go this way it's because he would [ __ ] you well that's what the audio is like for us Chad I'm artificially boosting it for your benefit again the notifications when we get a sub will be a little extra loud but there's no way around that thank you mofo silver as always thanks for the Fantastic content and Ford Ford thank you for becoming an angry JoJo member is it low on the volume mixer Maybe uh check your inventory Joe and check for berries that I gave you they're called good berries they'll heal you good berries they are good berries yeah you'll use yeah so just eat as many as you want I get them back every fast button to eat other than right clicking and consume uh double click on your Hotbar double click on it because they're going to show in the third section so the first section is going to be like your moves second one is going to be spells and third ones are your consumables or things that you can use well why am I still hurt they only heal four and so just keep eating them and wonderful wonderful yeah that's a random amount we also have short rest which uh we can use twice in a day that restores half our hit points thank you Joe what the [ __ ] put your shirt back on no sir the nice warmth of the Sun gotta get my kid in that's perfect for you I do feel better already Joe thank you trying to push me zero maybe monster this is the this is the good ended life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion passion let's do it what do you guys want uh I shouldn't trust it try to step away come here any Paul give in to the emotion well what is it saying given to the compassion yeah it's it's saying given to your Fury I'm not gonna let it suck on my head to get stronger that's what it wants so it's basically trying to uh manipulate you everyone's saying treat trees have it girl and Alex you have to be punished for it yeah he should be whipped made to Bow before this creature in shame assessing your mind forcing you to love it yeah the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere the monster lies exhausted see what it was trying to do his eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice oh he's smarter than it me oh it's your eyes forever Stomp all right we're stomping yeah take that that's what you get death is too good for it I agree so I could barely hear you because for some reason uh the game decided and the two years that it had the three years that it had that the voices need to be extra low it goes I'm not well when you guys find a shield I found a bone sword so I should be able to wheel The Shield uh I do and if you it'll tell you if you're wielding it two-handed or not because you'd get a lot less damage if you're using this year what's wrong with this thing touch it touching it do not Venture into the anus touch it I did I mean uh dialogue thing catch it it fixed itself ow what was it about it's at me we didn't see oh there's a hand that's it that should be unlocked uh who are you saying things no I'm in a dialogue thing uh who are you slap the hand oh I have to do a strength check okay I've got an important uh group decision I'll wait to you guys are done with that and then you guys can join me I found them go to class seven let's see if I win this nine okay I pass and with my plus one it's ten broken to be near a while not much use anymore I'm talking talking real hard and when you get near me you should be able to join this conversation oh it's scale [Music] no need to apologize yeah she wants us to let her out and then get the Trap down we must kill everyone harm somebody don't worry I'll get them out of here one way why should I help you give me a reason to help you your words flow to her though you never speak them aloud I know what grows inside you sure oh we're gonna attack him yeah you and me we don't need you one time right here oh I thought y'all weren't around I'm like right next to them God damn it let's play my instruments [ __ ] get over here so do what to do anything I'm the slowest so I go last but I guess that's appropriate I am the cameraman uh OJ which one do you want me to attack I have advantage on both in stealth the one in front of me oh my God OJ died OJ's gaping right now apparently well I didn't know you could attack I'm gonna play music with them they're not our friends they could have been no yeah they actually could have been why what do you mean why why they've captured the ladies that we're trying to help too but yeah but these ones don't seem particularly awesome dragon egg mushroom recipe excellent foreign are you gonna run over to the maze I thought what I could do is I could jump but I can't jump out during action surge I just had to find that out the wrong way yeah you just rip him off the cliff whoa you you did a jumping in a guitar strum you're like yeah what what would you do I just healed myself yeah so that's the healing yourself animation uh no Jesus [Laughter] warm them up for me though you're mine I totally had him I got him for you little buddy you're a little yes you are every little buddy there's a short bow if anyone wants a random range best party man let me get OJ I'm gonna give you a violin I got it already did you steal from me I traded you I gave you a sword oh this lady wants to talk neither can I you just took it without it permission well he can't use it but you took it off his body without his permission yeah that's awesome uh uh which one do we want to go with here a simple thank you give your sword that I can't use it did you pickpocket it you will join me let me find a crush yeah the Cure I offer will suffice [ __ ] yeah exactly is the crash it is delicious I heard yes tadpole Joe you're infected with a gay tadpole it's not me I'm at zero we're all infected with tadpoles okay okay let's find this Craig dismiss your old Warrior AJ you have to leave apparently yeah my Camp was me very well I gave you shanties of the [ __ ] Queen so you can only have four people I guess she can't join us but if we had fewer she would join if you wanted to keep me well yeah because you need more power in your party you can't just I'm enough [Music] enough uh you guys want to take a short rest before this fight yes I do I'm tired my legs my legs are fine short rest won't give us um I need my spells though we'll give us spells back it won't no short wrists oh sure yeah dude well how do you do a short ride there's uh next to interns and it'll be a short rest that long rest is stuff like that we don't actually have to spend in-game time doing it we just press the button yeah it sends us to camp and it lets you like talk to your party members but you have to spend in-game resources like I got a bunch of fish uh from the dead fisherman we'll have to eat them no that's when you go to Camp I'm talking about the short rest oh yeah it's just like you just get to do it you can do it two times out of win out of the long rest so like if we use two short rest uh and we don't have LG why are you naked uh uh we actually use a long rest in order to get those two short ribs back there's some ruins here with uh guys take your clothes off and play the instrument every time we win a battle yes yes okay okay you know that when we're in combat it due to the action huh when we're in combat it uses an action yes but he's not doing it in combat that's after he's doing it until we trigger our combat when he's as a reward for everybody in chat for everybody how are you I mean uh but the people at the bottom who are you in control of the conversation John yeah I guess so yeah I don't want to talk to you that beautiful woman in the back don't matter either way it's ours all right I'm gonna do some intimidation you are pretty good you have amazing persuasion Joe what are you doing intimidation he has a plus five holy [ __ ] I told you about Charisma you guys don't listen to me intimidation profile one oh holy [ __ ] he could have won without his [ __ ] thing I'll beat you up and take your woman damn and he got scared uh in that case come on eulog no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all oh man I kind of wanted to kill you get the cheese I mean we can kill them damn damn movies all right let's go shoot him before they get away I thought we had a fight on our hands oh [ __ ] they're running oh I couldn't get them in time God damn it what there you go no thank you jeez how rude take it down oh that was awkward oh let me in now gimbal box did you take the vegetables yes this should be mine yeah oh Jason it's not time for a nap for a [ __ ] net oh yeah [ __ ] the [ __ ] Georgia somebody break this door down sweet taste itself 92 months I'm still waiting for OJ to fully break the game don't don't fully break the games I can't I can't get this I can't break this door well actually can I hit the door oh [ __ ] I can't zero zero damage zero well I guess I can't break the door I'm about to try oh [ __ ] successful he's got thieves tools I'm gonna beat this guy's ass insane NFI dexterity since you uh alerted him the whole place is going to be trapped in on oh I found a shovel yeah good oh you found a shovel yeah no everybody get ready okay Joe get your [ __ ] he's taking a nap where is what the [ __ ] he's sleeping all right Paul Lucas died [Music] this is the best game ever we're only playing for a few minutes and just so many funny stories guys talking [ __ ] through the door I'm like all right everybody get ready turn around my crew ran away and zero got trapped by Vines and Joe is sleeping with his clothes on don't want to get them wrinkles get up let's go what's his backpack nothing all right I'm ready to get from there Alex oh you got here we go I gave it to you I'm a trap disarm kit oh uh what about the Rapier can I give you the rape here dagger I have one no it's in your inventory you can have it but that's a factory okay cute refactor I have all these [ __ ] weapons Jesus Christ how are you looking at my inventory I'm okay let's see licked this one oh that's a lot of guys that's okay that's a shitty weapon uh yeah a lot of dudes are y'all ready let's get on the sides of the door all right do you want me to stealth attack first they're looking right at the door yeah God damn it you you didn't do no stuff with the tank you're you're in combat because you're standing up you're not exactly hiding they didn't see me that was somebody here I just took some of your [ __ ] looking cool now better not leave me weaponless I took yeah you you like enter the combat late and then you and your little poster went up here in between all the bad guys [Music] it's your head what arm are you referring to leather oh I already have leather so you're fine these guys are [ __ ] that are coming out the door hmm feel my blade it's not my turn yeah oh God Miss was that you that missed yes do Hunter's Mark on this guy oh I needed more movement uh there we go Hunter's Mark in turn don't kill my girlfriend oh [ __ ] you missed [ __ ] I'm a chameleon yeah I only tempt you have a sweeping strike or something yeah do you have a sweeping strike uh uh does lacerate hit in an area or something slash at your target no no all right I want I want one I think you eventually get stuff like that if you can hit anyone try to hit the one with a Hunter's Mark because any additional attack they get a 1d6 Hunter's Mark Corey how do I like of damage if it if if the spell Caster hits oh for spellcaster I thought that's why yeah I didn't get it oh you [ __ ] you can also look at this dexterity save me off he's bleeding bleed [Music] shove this guy down the stairs [ __ ] out of here [Laughter] wait that's your girlfriend yeah he wanted the Mage girlfriend I just gave him a yeast infection that guy dead that was that was a free attack it was a free nurgle attack too super dead I thought your girlfriend was the girl we met on the beach yes and like he says he has multiple girlfriends oh he's just saying every girl everybody [Laughter] standing in the middle of the open see how I'm blocking myself with the door and you yeah I will mock you take that I got a parchment pot what are you doing like some maneuvers up and around confusing them oh I can reapply Hunter's Mark uh we should put Hunter's Mark on probably the high HP one I gotta say this is so far really really fun this is the most fun I've had in a while I love the stories that we're creating ow what the [ __ ] I'm fired at somebody else standing in the open oh I saved Brad that would use this yet Target is blonde I think you have to move in the door what Superman yeah I'm not gonna use it because oh [ __ ] fast what is his oh it's a high Constitution save okay you missed me he's vulnerable to basically any Elementals [ __ ] she's right next to me you're mine now I think Alex might can get her oh okay OG oh oh never mind so yeah could have had some beautiful you ruined it oh [ __ ] I didn't oh thank goodness get your ass out of the front lines please you're about to die hmm there's a little ground yeah take that you're still alive health health potions ah sweet Joe what'd you what'd you say to me I didn't inspire me don't [ __ ] this up that's not inspirational oh that's what you get thank God that wasn't me oh that was me oh [ __ ] do you have pommel to stun him yeah uh no must take a short rest before I can use it I don't know oh you probably used a bonus action yeah go to sleep yeah I did I did the action surge um he's vulnerable to it so yeah you could hear yourself I think that just hit you oh go get Alex Alex did it hurt you I think you hit me as well because I think I used to have did I yeah I just got hurt a ton for for why who hit me AJ hit you with the phosphere attack I did a cool maneuver um who's lizard though how are we gonna get rid of the Archer uh I can go grab the Archer are you sure you're not gonna be an opportunity attack range from behind him yeah um let's see I get a free attack on this guy we'll see if I can still remember that scene when he's fighting Zod yeah he's gonna opportunity attack me if I go there the city many that truck uh fuel tank was about to explode and you shut the door on them ah yeah oh you slipped on the ice okay I think I got you my frost breath just turned this fight into a [ __ ] struggle to not die um [Music] did I already use my action to help us fight and I have not enough action Ice Ice Baby I'll put disadvantage on him oh no he's saved that didn't work oh Chad our adventure no uh Alex is just on the ground Oh I thought he was fine I just slipped down yeah okay yeah did you just zero you have if you have health potions they're free actions you just have to use them you can't just like just hoard them for later you're welcome oh come on give me more damage than that I'm gonna shove him down the [ __ ] eyes okay now fortune it's not me damn it God don't know like next turn I mean yeah or just use it yeah I'm gonna shut the door we can recruit like get to the point where we are okay yeah OJ have you have five health potions is that what you snag for me zero you have two yeah I used two he's got no Health lightly tap him well I've got a free thing imma hopefully it hits him damn hit him for two yeah that was the free one Barton is gonna go next which is the Ranger plus door take that I can't get him up yeah because it's actually pushing yeah it's downstairs okay he's slap fighting get that [ __ ] slap him harder Alex [ __ ] started a slap fight without y'all can't interfere them so what are we gonna do about the other one then I can yank him towards me and murder him I'm not worried about him oh well I guess I'll kill him fine I'll jump over to this other guy yeah you can do it all right whoa charge throw the character item melee oh you Wiley [ __ ] slap fight oh did you steal my hat [Laughter] but we sell it for stuff later so we can buy our own equipment but I'm upgrading I gave you a sword I can't yeah but you could sell that dexterity how am I going to oh yeah that probably worked okay AJ you're gonna have to duck nevermind shot over my head yeah just wait right past you Miss push the [ __ ] out of you you [ __ ] pushed me and ran that's why she caught me off guard because I was like what the [ __ ] right here sit down clown give me a [ __ ] the battle's not over yeah they got no yeah as soon as you're done should be able to all right sneeze on them a little bit of sneeze damage nice well at least now we can use the short rest man time now for a nice sit there's no sit animation cheese and sausage I found a supply pack age is [ __ ] awesome way to sleep I'm gathering a bunch of food and candles the candles for you can throw them on the ground while they're lit up and then uh basically uh dip use as a dip so that I can get flame inflaming attacks behind this door all of their wine oh this looks interesting um a plate you do not recognize the language on the planet wait did we take a short dress or something why didn't I gain any HP I don't think we took a short rest it says one out of two there's a lever here I wonder what I did it opens the door because I heard it open yeah it's open right now what door the the locked door that Alex was right next to there's a bunch of books interesting Joe it's no point in me looting I just wait because yeah no I'm talking girl what's up let's wait for yours what did I unlock the the same the same go away yeah because it was originally locked with no way to pick lock it yeah dank Crypt do we want to like take a long rest before we go down into uh yeah gonna come in this room first yeah grab these books this [ __ ] is pretty dank AJ I'm gonna give you one of these scripts to use not now but like whenever we Face any Undead I'm putting it in your inventory it is a scroll of protection from Good and Evil foreign did you guys leave downstairs no no the same doorway that we went through I'm not showing you guys uh here I'll go back and then uh see we're like twins now zero you don't know about that can I get you a different outfit you weren't wearing the helmet you want the helmet back you could have that like I'll trade you I'll give you a jug it's okay I can probably find another one that does dexterity save at the very least it'll make you harder to hit now apparently not I kept getting hit I have a revived scroll by the way yeah everyone gets that scroller Firefly so if we end up getting killed killed we can get um revived yeah not just knock the [ __ ] out all right long rest you want to end the day you have enough camp supplies to restore all hit points I don't need to restore hit points should we do this it spells too because OJ's have spells and I don't have heels right now for anybody [Music] these are our camp clothes okay I was of course stole my clothes oh sweet you can check out my [ __ ] uh scaly armor that's I don't know okay okay what the [ __ ] put your [ __ ] penis away [Laughter] like a blur get your hand off my penis [Laughter] well you attracted the half naked uh get the Yankee now people are surrounding you Joe cause I'm amazing this chick is really you guys want to see him a long song [Laughter] get him Joe your little booty oh my girlfriend's here hey the [ __ ] up I am very reliable microphone how am I creep you're the one looking Baker my eyes are up here yeah all right the thing inside what the hell I started the conversation you can't just take it over Joe I did OJ initiated the long strength or oh he did it must have did it a long time ago oh yeah yeah he got distracted as soon as he saw his girlfriend I saw an angry face did you make her mad she you actually can romance her well what just hope she was okay yeah our characters can but I think AJ can I like anything it's like it's like AJ tries to romance her and then all of a sudden OJ disappears into it she asked about me yes I am the type to pry are you the type to answer the point every time this isn't the tadpole I'm speaking to is it seems a little lacking ah get out of here [ __ ] I'll call you lying it's clearly just a front I am the mighty tadpole this body is my best you've got me I am the mighty Deadpool that's a good sense of humor and that's without a sense of humor shall we but she did say it was funny you're deflecting and I've revealed all I'm winning to at least for now no I suggest you let matters rest or else we'd better part ways oh hey hey turn that frown upside down takes more muscles in your face to frown than it does to smile so get the [ __ ] out of here what do you think of all that's happened to us so far what's the story with the odd little artist there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it you say anything about me we haven't gone all that no Joe she's not said anything about it exactly oh wait she might says You must have thoughts about our little stowaways you think oh we know what to do let's do it let's do it she wants it to kill you you know what to do [Music] am I holding up to your estimations besides I have my own people in Boulder's Gate okay she's a super [ __ ] but the arc here is that eventually she will drop her guard lower her bit Shields and then you get to know each other and then you figure out that you like each other and then you have sex actually OG or you can have sex with the bear OJ would have had a nicer dialogue since uh he technically saved Shadow heart so she would actually be more warming in this style he shaved he saved her yep yeah from the past yeah I don't know we should let Joe talk to her I don't [ __ ] know that it's my girlfriend all right she knows what she wants or maybe she doesn't like you because you're a scaly maybe that's it yeah get out of here don't be species [Music] [Laughter] you shush I'll get out of here Sarah I'm gonna mess you up come here that's what I thought would you like to go to bed who's asking [Laughter] well guys you want to go to bed I'm pressing yes I'm pressing I don't want to go to bed though oh is that how you do the whole thing it's how you do the long rest thing yeah well now we gotta talk to you yeah oh okay you look so unusual oh reptile and reptile and All Reptiles point I have a froggy nose this doesn't work in the game and question less in great details it starts with a fever and memory hey little I went to the library do I have to see the version number of the game in the top right corner of this whole [ __ ] experience your Choice what is this [ __ ] not sure what they have in the full release they had it in here please put on pants OJ's going through your bags no he's at Camp he can relax and he can be however he wants to be yeah well if you're gonna steal my stuff I would love him be I'm not stealing Alex did you steal all my books I went through every bookshelf in the library foreign why do I have your clothing OJ here take it back because I feel like this is downgrade I want to be able to lock myself right but I don't think that does anything yeah that's a great audio Earth I know of yours no before it was so you did something yeah now it's great yeah good I know I can't steal from oh you son of a [ __ ] if you want anything you can ask like a grown-up and I will give you whatever upgradation with you gave me garbage I gave you baby you took my clothes and then you're wearing nothing well this for the inside all right everybody go to bed go to sleep would you sleep next to me children children sit next to you what'd you do we have to put put stuff we have to put uh go to bed again yeah all right okay yes they choose camp supplies sorry are you choosing cancer plus you have to put 40 camp supplies every time you long rest so fish head to fish but we got a bunch of camp supplies why is it not giving me an option uh whoever initiated it I don't know I hit the yes button so possibly Alex then waiting to play screen just shows the first thing I see is just dogs but you're lucky that his dong wasn't the like Center camera zoomed in his was right next to me okay so I was sleeping further away I like sleeping touch the [ __ ] roll at the center let's move let's ride let's save yeah let's save because this place can go bad really quick you don't know uh yes I do you beat this whole game already and it sucks no I didn't know we could only play like the first chapter out of like 13 chapters in The Early Access that's good yeah trap here what does this do disarm it zero design here do your disarming yeah disarm I gave you this arm kit well what does disarming do for us when OJ accidentally steps on it doesn't hurt us okay yeah that's a big one probably gives them experience oh not 20 okay a natural one oh you were so close to the Trap all right the sarcophagus has a main trap too yeah uh uh go to class oh I gotta eat whatever it's left three decks so it doesn't matter um I was still sleeping with Jessica uh touch the bed rolls oh I got a uh uncommon spear what is here watch how you go this Roman is just filled with traps yeah cause this whole place can basically blow up watch how you go uh I'm so Happy Joe's not here I'm actually leaving this room because the second joke comes in here I know all this stuff is gonna explode I'm here somebody open this [ __ ] door that's good at opening doors the door uh leads to the starting spot I believe hey failed here I got it oh Jake don't step on the panels okay block picking uh what is it oh difficulty 15. oh yeah because it's strong he stole my clothing traded without you know all right okay it's open all right ravaged Beach yeah that's the starting point yeah so now we can go to the town wait that's all that was in there no no there's still more dude that's just the quickest way towards the so you can just come back in and then we can clear out the crib ocean fell in the water yes don't hit the Trap Joe's gonna hit the Trap the Trap yeah we I would know if you hit the Trap because you would have been dead by now so now we have the key to open up this because it's a sarcophagus oh this is the fight room yeah we actually played this all together three years ago OJ wait you're not oh wait uh Alex is a well kind of a wizard there's a book of the Dead Gods here oh cool it's locked but I'm but I think you can probably open that I just picked it up can you read it not statue seems to do what's up inscription lock on it no it needs a big religion to save uh uh how's your Arcana terrible but I rolled it now got 20. nice critical success what'd y'all do I'm opening a book that was locked with a golden lock I'm pretty sure ammo tap's coming what the [ __ ] did you do Joe I know it's Joe [Laughter] uh God damn it I'm [ __ ] surrounded see what happened was Joe it's just like you die die oh wait you could the minus one um [Music] okay we need to go help them we can stealth around them and then try to get jump on them I remember that time I told you not to press any buttons no and then you press the button it was Alex and we had all these [ __ ] skeletons and Undead attackers Alex open right from the book it wasn't me Joe are you gonna do something uh I couldn't reach him no I'm not the ninja turn what'd you do over there you do you did okay all right let me whip this guy it's post Malone uh can I use a bonus action to drop candle which I had um drop you dip okay now I have firearms oh but why oh that that comes your mortgage charging right towards you OJ well OJ hit the button where's my Ray of frost didn't I pick one no the button opened up a secret room so damn everybody's shooting yeah get over here [Applause] oh my sneeze killed him I think you have a bludgeoning weapon too so that does double damage to them too give me your lunch money oh yeah but my sneeze is uh it's my turtle ability it doesn't it's just for free I didn't even use it son of a [ __ ] no damage yeah holy [ __ ] he pushed himself apart that was good he's just gonna run up and hit you again but I miss saying he's gonna have to come back oh oh wait someone took his weapon so he's actually doing less damage probably would have done it would have died what the [ __ ] did I miss Ed oh 16 that was huge okay I've got my Hunters marked dead bludgeoning we missed dead worshiped some kind of school I got a heavy key it's probably for this heavy chest damn it did you already come over here zero it's the room you son of [ __ ] I opened it oh I saved your life what the [ __ ] is that the movie I did read from the book is that a mummy [Applause] that's a mummy that's a oh that's not good oh I expected your eyes to Glow hello so he has spoken and so thou stand us before me right as always what a curious way to awaken no he doesn't seem hostile no I have a question for the okay what is the worth of a single mortal's life uh Chad I need your help Let's uh open it up to chat [Laughter] oh no God damn it jump it's full why aren't you attacking me a peaceful Undead interesting a little spooked by crawling out of the two bit what are you so so has spoken what he or you told me I only seduced ladies or chatted are we not connected to the thing anymore you're not giving me any percentages I guess I gotta restart the Stream everyone's saying considering oh the ones that would be senseless wilt thou answer my question yes ask away I ask again what is the worth of a single mortal life I like that guy's voice uh one no one life is worth more than any other we are all oh [ __ ] depends that depends on a person's Deeds life's only value is as currency each life is of infinite value and merits uh sacrificing everything for the only life that matters is mine um that depends on a person's Deeds that's what zero says Joe says depends on the mortal well actually those are kind of the same thing uh let's do let's do Joe I'm curious by what standards thou shalt's judge very well see I am satisfied yeah that's what the ladies tell me we have met and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell yeah I know you can't waste a voice actor like that we'll see him again what did that black say here lies the guardian of two okay so OJ if you want to see what was in there check my neck piece that I have equipped strange coin I wonder what it's worth I can now speak with the Dead [Music] yeah so you'll be able to uh prevent it so if this is no I can speak with so like say for instance if there's a corpse nearby I can resurrect it so then I can ask a question so I can now talk to dead people and uh living people oh [ __ ] and animals should we attack him no it's been peaceful as opposed to for you pushing a button and then all of them started attacking oh wait where's my candle I need to pick up my candle yeah what does this lever do you see okay a ladder it's probably the way up yeah I'm outside oh I think it leads you to the back of the uh the ruins OJ up here not there I want to see what's over there I think that's the end of the map so yeah we explored everything that there is to them yeah down you go the hell just happened uh oh wait are you still in the cave yeah there's a opening uh uh yeah yeah as soon as OJ got up the vines I just pushed him back down thank you malware to the city uh we can go uh anywhere to the city to The Grove wherever the Uncharted territories are yeah the city will get us the opportunity to like sell random [ __ ] there's a bunch of quests and I need to find my Longbow and a two-handed well I don't know which direction is the city uh well we just adventuring it's uh I got a map I can't ping but it's north it's it's pretty much a little yeah yeah like you'll get up here and it'll be like you hear voices and there's a you know a fight happening Oh you mean the Grove okay I was trying to figure out yeah if you follow like I I'm almost to the where the fight is so I'll wait before it yeah I am checking if there's any loot that we forgot there's a bow here um zero if you want to go up there open the bloody gate nobody gets in I remember that will be honest ly what's going on goblets are on our tail open the gates therefore now you let goblins here where is The Druids oh they're looking for you good observation [Laughter] it's past me man why would you open the gate what about those yeah they're [ __ ] [Applause] it provoke the blade and suffer it sting why commence the battle Zero's turn [Music] uh we have the potion of haste okay AJ uh your potion of speed can give you an extra action an extra movement speed so you can close the distance uh despite being that far ah sneeze power uh I guess I'll get in there I hit the one with advantage look at the guy next to you it's okay um it would be high priority see the bumper is level three I'll put it put a Hunter's Mark there and then ouch okay I like to climb oh okay because I need to put Hunters mark on that one this thank you [Music] University [Music] so if you want you can use the potion or you could just Dash and then forego an action and then yeah this is not a super intense fight it looks like so [Music] it's not me it's the character I'm playing it's role play okay sickle and sword strike them down oh Jay do something you better kill this tracker that's right now kill that tracker fist oh thank goodness well ah can you shove Sorry God damn it I'm not very good you could not shove her little lady Goblin next to a cliff you couldn't nope oh my God oh oh still too damaged it looks like that Ninja Turtle s [Laughter] shut the [ __ ] up with your music okay I'm in a Target bug bear I think OJ should be able to deal with the one HP tracker let's see if I can sneeze on him no sneeze uh what is his weaknesses he has a pretty high Constitution yeah I'm gonna try to grab this Archer I think and see if I can do any damage to bug Barrel seven okay actually you know what OJ let me kill her you son of a [ __ ] I knocked her out oh maybe I could push her push her after you knock her out what are you gonna I don't think I can my athletic negative one just slash her while level up [Music] OJ you know you have a disadvantage for pushing her while she's knocked out if you're strong if you could pick up her corpse and throw her body at a goblin for damage like what barbarians do they just let's see I am pretty what's your strength I see it examine your eight you're at the minimum negative one minimum strength yeah there you go for 10 okay God damn it how's this guy so [ __ ] he has a high dexterity High dexterity Constitution strength you right click on them and you hit examine [Music] and you cannot see what uh conditions that they have unless this is where we part way is my lady why are you prancing did you still have a corpse now she's dead dead no I know I knocked her out oh what a nice kill that you got out there you got him ah Joe we're proud of you hit her while she's down I guess and then we all kind of yeah eat alone at the lunch table when we go back to camp all right I should be able to kill him I'll Attack first to see if my Hunter's Mark actually does more damage yeah 11 okay let's see if I can um it's the highest HP or reply hundreds mark see if I can rip this archer off the wall oh nice and it's dead too full damage my lady I'll see you oh he's dead dead oh you get the oh kill it the feeling the ward I don't have enough movement can you jump there because it's gonna take a bonus action so you just need a little bit of movement bonus action it should be what it should be once per turn George the might there you go yeah oh there's Loot on the ground yeah hold up let's move all these [ __ ] have anything uh Alex I found a staff and a and a shield and yeah and a shield give it to me oh I flipped you fool there are children here you fool okay here ready to wear out of there we go straight to us and you ate too I'll drop it um drop item you get got all lubed up oh gee this is for you 16 Aces one through thirteen five through Seventeen I know who the hell are you again show some respect this man saved your pathetic life well I didn't ask for any goddamn help please you are begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward and there's a little Merchant in here somewhere emphasis on little oh all I see on my screen is uh Angry Joe has succeeded in intimidation check I was like uh isn't this a friendly Town what do you mean you're intimidating people enough I told both these [ __ ] to stop arguing and give me a headache or I'm gonna take them both down uh uh but I my Charisma is negative one which doesn't make any sense because I thought I got my Charisma up but all right how much wait let me see no your charisma's at the bare minimum oh that sucks is that because I pulled down my intelligence I think oh God no your intelligence but that's no cause for me today oh you oh we also have the level up by the way for your help out there I'm zevlo oh I can get my uh stalker I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve there have been several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave I've tried Koga their new first Druid won't even see me oh we don't need more human do we Alex I know it's not your business pretty good on healing right now I mean you could take care of yourself a little bit but for more time to prepare uh I will take a handful leap because because I can't take any of the other one because it's concentration if we are forced to leave now spells and can have more than one you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense before more lives are lost hmm [Music] just some bits and Bobs I no longer need and these gloves of missile snaring are sweet but they're expensive you just you oink arrows out of the sky and throw them back what is this guy doesn't talk okay all right is he not this the shop guy the Aeron is the shop guy he's not he doesn't talk is it because you're talking it may be because I'm talking to him I'm done talking to him I'll not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as being able to speak with any animals to come across once these people aren't Fighters we can help or yell louder that's fine too I made no such oath and I will not be held responsible for these people just be responsible for yourself then we have to stay it's the right thing to do it spells again if we survive it'll make for a good story I suppose thank you Roland I can't convince these people to stay quiet long until Ronan shows off his Thunder Wave refugees adventurers known in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed and heat metal is such a fun thing about those goblins oh you're using a sword it's really hot oh you're wearing armor it's really hot they have to take it off otherwise they they you know OJ come here oh that doesn't sound good just some bits and Bobs I no longer need s [Music] there are two ways to buy foreign [Music] oh let's remember what the goblin Leader's uh Nick was the one that we attacked because I can use my necklace to talk to him like I run something funny now just like long swinging arms hey look Alex I'm one of you now actually no I'm one of OJ oh no idea if you want I can change I can be this one cool or I can change it up I could be let's see what uh let's see what Dragonborn looks like okay gloves not actually give you any protection depending on what it is but if it doesn't explicitly say no it doesn't this one will give you missile protection dude you're mainly getting AC from your chest piece potentially Shields and other stuff how do I bring gold over shift hold shift and then click over and then there's a sliding thing oh I think you can double click and it works or shift left click I forget which one because I'm not in the buy menu all right I'm ready I got a torch I got a rope I got a shovel Sylvanas guy Joe path pretty much everything I need to um Adventure is there wine I got wine I saw you at the gates you fight well a few words for the kids spare a story or two AJ look just like you kind of oh that's interesting and go through my dialogue thanks oh I I just realized something I need to desecrate a corpse gross uh cool um have fun with that in a graveyard that's disgusting you're gonna have to do it though trap not a sanctuary you should clear off while you can forever no I want to fight the government we can take them oh there's a lot of if you want to fight them there's a ton of [ __ ] goblins to fight it's Old Town I need a tool for this oh hey oh wait yeah you have to shovel take that do you need a shovel yes go buy a shovel me there's also a free one right there caught stealing but where we're here come on take the ring and watch your fortune change don't get caught desecrating a grave that's a got it you definitely that's why I needed the longbow oh you got it yeah nice zero dug up a dude and then robbed yeah do you know the same one that died in a cutscene yeah you guys are doing that I'm doing another thing I'm doing magic tricks heads or tails Chad heads or tails [Music] bullet 23.87 [ __ ] I think I'm under arrest Jack Smith a Coppola Tails never fails uh guys in jail hey that's the kind of look you get from one of my lucky Rings I've got more where that came from real cheap too interested you got it one sec that's what I got foreign made you look post Malone is inspired we could have taken yeah you got it in uh inspiration trade from probably doing something on par with his background what happened um I've been looting a bunch from theirs their stuff so okay it should be okay right now red dye that looks I think I'm in trouble you desecrated the The Village leaders corpse to steal his bow well I I think I'm in more trouble than that what do you mean I broke out of prison and now they're going they're what they better not attack me for your [ __ ] oh they they attacked zero and I'm now in combat well I can't reach you I'm not gonna [ __ ] help you can I like not help foreign I'm fighting these people no I mean like after the fact Oh no you're gonna sneak out God damn it yeah you can knock them out or flee from a temporary Hospital entry and if there's an event to you oh Athletics how do I knock them out I grabbed that little kid from stealing [ __ ] you can [ __ ] steal from me kid uh fist maybe stop [ __ ] faking I know you're faking oh [ __ ] I ripped his arm off he died what I don't know what the hell just happened foreign hey are you here to trade or yeah I know I was standing right here telling her to rob you you throw off a cliff yeah that's what's funny I'm gonna do well I'm gonna throw this corpse off the cliff fine I'm saying but I think percentage of Zoo oh she's on the ledge look oh let me show you a real fun spell zero you want a chump like everyone else around here do me a favor make room for the Chumps I guess I don't this is borders oh [ __ ] let's see what this is for God now too uh unless you want to be in trouble with the whole town I recommend not going yeah Zero's an idiot and he desecrated the corpse I didn't know they would see me oh you teeth are all boring even your cages are boring she's had a massive disadvantage down there hmm let me show my items violated the law pay the court to find or Serve Yourself we've known enough grief this 10-day Traveler don't do the cause of more wait my evidence chest with the shovel didn't even see me get the bow it's just a shovel oh that's funny I could have dug up the grape for you I'm only gonna wash your one more time oh my lucky I don't have your ugly locket I've never seen it before uh okay I'm gonna have to wait out 10 turns then is that how long I guess I have four marks of fugitive I have none so that's awesome be they caught me for a shovel that their backwards it's not for me desecrating I did not want to get in the way What's Happening Here boy's a thief no idea man just started attacking the boy you got snake go child and you you had this coming oh stay down I just let everybody else do the Dirty Work now I'm gonna loot him so if I leave him now hopefully they won't shoot me should I take the alternate route out Alex or actually no the alternate route I could get killed if you don't want another beating give me the locket now you best be joking tell me you are and this doesn't have to end in blood what'd you say to me lean in a Little Closer who the [ __ ] is romeria then his friend hello everyone's fighting and talking to people you have something to say Christ guys uh zero and I definitely just killed a whole bunch of prison guards damn girl oh she running like a [ __ ] where you going I'm over here in a ritual they're definitely not gonna like me oh you're doing the main Pirates yeah what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is the whole town gonna attack me that's not good I'm playing nice man I do fans where is AJ oh now I got a cleave I'm in the city yeah he's under the practice area it looks like you killing the kids no I'm not going the kid protecting the kids Alchemy uh why are we killing the people in The Grove oh just killing people in the Grove AJ's killing the people in The Grove it's just it's a refugees oh well that's no these are the these are like Bandits that try to Rob him or something right oh wait a minute this is that guy that we saved yeah yeah but no there's one guy tried to threaten me so I said shut the [ __ ] up are you sure he wasn't a guard no I don't know what he was hey I mean if someone threatens you you kick their [ __ ] ass as long as they're not higher level than you no I killed him immediately but now I think his friends have showed up and that's a problem well I'm glad that my thing was a petty crime as opposed to you actually citizens I must heal [Music] do I have a healing oh you tried to steal his stuff oh no I didn't try to steal he just talked I just attacked him because he was talking [ __ ] ah it's just it's just like three people but they're pretty strong I'm down and I can't hear you to get you up right I'd have to do I have to physically go down there and raise them up can I yeah you really have to yeah you have to go into combat I'm in combat with him no uh which one do you have do you have cure wounds or healing wound s oh yeah healing word yeah yeah you can have you have to be in right the guy was a guard yeah but he was uh he was being mean to a kid that stole his locket yeah because he actually did steal the locket yeah but who cares all right well I healed you a little bit oh nice so you're awake oh well it's just gonna give me not enough resources why can't I attack wait are we oh my God uh we gotta kill everyone in here we kill everyone in here that's how the Mushroom Man do there's your what background did you end up picking Soldier hmm are these I'm down oh no you can get an inspiration from these guys [ __ ] [ __ ] no don't heal me just if it hits you go down if he hits you while you're on the ground you'll die die yes your daughter died so like even if he just knocks your ass down again you're not dead oh but if I'd have to use a scroll over vivify too how the [ __ ] do I get uh let's see potion of speed will give me a bonus action maybe yeah no well regular action come to me now you're gonna need to take the hat for me I want to do everything you have do you have any health I'm full health and I've got a bunch of health potions full health okay I'm gonna fall back oh wait I forgot about you attacks it's all right oh uh Alex Jesse's basic help instead of like thank you for this gonna kick this guy's ass first oh he's got high defense but if he hits me I die if I hit him well I don't have an action point where did my action point go you use it to run um oh because because he swapped High to um an action plan and I forgot about that come on all right what happens if one of the party members dies they're dead you can talk to uh you can use this color Wi-Fi to revive them from the dead okay so now that you did that I can't attack him but I can move up in his face and so now you should be hopefully fine I'm gonna come over here oh yeah being an [ __ ] to the lady that didn't help me and then she sucks right she was mean to you no she just took off room I'm the grumpy Roland download yeah the whole population's passed out those currently not me I know [ __ ] it says the tempers are rising so we're actively pissing off the people we're trying to help well because we killed all their guards it's like oh you you killed half the people that lived here huh look they did bring goblins so I don't care that much well they don't they're not attacking us they just don't like us anymore all right we gotta go to OJ I only have one Health uh and I've got no potions you have short breaths maybe that one guy can I put potions from this guy oh whichever are you of course did you talk today remember did you what did you do to Bear not the only one in need what do you mean I talked to the bear you can talk to the bear you give him a fish and he moves do you buy potions all right uh uh 130 bucks because I could send you a couple potions if not about 130 bucks I don't know if that's a lot but oh you saved the lady okay nice I'm doing nice I'm not killing anyone uh you know what I should save those because those are the only people that actually I'm gonna give you some good berries Joe so I'm running to you and then you can eat a bunch of berries where did you get your berries I could spell and so eat four berries and then I always casketberry again you still you still also need to level up too so that might be full health four more berries hey I'm fully healed that's level and let's say thank you to Jersey for half a year hey gang I hope you're all having a wonderful evening we're having a great time Shadow grip and previously asked he's gonna make love to the bear we answered we're gonna see what he uh OJ yes what what if she has nothing to say I thought he was gonna talk or something you guys not heal yourselves it makes me nervous that you're running around mostly dead well we can't short dress on unless everyone agrees on the short rest we have two short breaths oh okay because I didn't want to use potions or anything because it would just be a waste yeah I've got well berries right you got you got no berries I got a soul coin that's actually pretty useful I actually uh yes it's uh very valuable well if you lock up your inventory we can't yeah top right stealing everyone's [ __ ] I was trading with you you trying to steal from me Maybe I got it get my coin back yes helps being a thief there you go OJ's on the ground what it's on the ground he's so coin okay level three specialization available choose subclass Eldridge Knight Champion Elders Knight oh study magic allowing them to overcome resistance gained two cat nibs sweet I love catnip are you downstairs uh Alex yeah I'm at the place where we will eventually need to be to talk to the lady about getting the the worms out of our skulls uh do you want to see me talk to a squirrel no I'm a drude of course I talk to squirrels okay OJ do you do you want to do you want to watch me talk to my squirrels like no I don't want to watch OJ's dinner and naked either are you are you blowing the horn oh that's why I got the buff yeah because I was like why did I get eight temporary hit points uh all right Ray of Frost and uh what's the other good one Fireball fireball's really really good because it does they don't get a save um they can't like roll Constitution or whatever and then the other ones int on yeah it's better for me to try stuff so Ray of frost and fire are both really good yeah you always have to decide which one that you which one you like but do you think I should have a mage Hammer should I have two uh two laser beams totally up to you if what you wanna if you wanna have like a support type thing well do the laser beams take up the same resource so there's no point in having two yeah you only you get limited spells uh well no can't trip they're can trips can't trips you can cast as many times as you want so I definitely want more attack power I'm not sure if Cam trips you can cast whatever because it's a slot usually for kantra there's two can trips Lots I have no no no I mean like in terms of using it no no can chips are unlimited use that's why that's oh they use your intelligence to hit though oh [ __ ] that's why we had you we had you put some points on I didn't I didn't have good intelligence okay you're not bad Charisma that's what it was yeah yeah so if you want one pew pew spell and one like support spell that's a good idea for canned trips but like you can change these you should be able to change these like during long rests and stuff too oh I can change them yeah so uh of the availables perfect yeah and then these are spell spells these you'll have limited uses of so pick because they're more powerful because they're more powerful you'll have this yeah so you'll have to pick one magic Missile that that's the command man never misses it's it's super important to have something that never misses which bowl how do you know it never misses that it's just like it's been a d d thing since you know 1978 or whatever but is this int it uses int yeah why does it use int if it's not gonna miss it says they always hit their targets the second sentence in there oh hey did you threaten the one of the low kids who yeah we uh I was trying I was trying to get the thieves done but uh he uh he seems pissed he's pissed because we killed everybody no so no he's not pissed because of me one of his little thieves tried to steal from me I caught the little kid and I threw the kid to the ground pick that little kid with my Athletics well now I can't uh get the theme stuff gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] the kids they have a valuable artifact that we could have gotten yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about their artifact you hear me that's worth it yeah well you hear me we're fine drop kicked a child you made me kill a bunch of guards for you zero it's funny because he tried to steal from me I drop kicked him and then when the kid was stealing from somebody else then I let him go I'm pretty sure that was a different kid yeah Michael Jordan says [ __ ] them teams so this is Alex I can't see him a map so this shield around the green ring is a reaction and a reaction is like I don't have to cast it so I'll always get a shield right you do have to click on it but it doesn't count like as an action at the [ __ ] it says when you're about to be hit by an enemy increase your armor class by five yeah so you so you mean like I have to click it before he hits me I don't know how that one works in this game but like I have a reaction spell and I have to actually click it to click on them when it happens I don't know if it's going to prompt you or or however so basically toes like if I know I'm about to get hit I hit that before the [ __ ] hits me oh and also yeah it consumes the spell slot too okay uh what would you what after it's a reaction if you're gonna get hit what no I mean when do I click it before the person is it or what other spell do you recommend I got burning hands grammatical or Mage Armor protection from good and evil shield Thunder Wave pretty good what's with HR how does it reach it gives you like plus two Armor class it's an action protect a target from attacks increase its armor class to 13 plus its dexterity oh that's not that great that's only if like you're here that's as good for it if you want to protect OJ but yeah that's pretty good what's your AC right now I don't know um I want mine to be much higher than it is but 18 for a year it's actually pretty decent negative one to Casting all this [ __ ] what is this negative one spell attack Alex can you talk to this guy sitting's not looking my direction yeah protection from good and Angel protect an ally against the attacks and powers of aberration celestials and middlemen no no can we talk to this guy yeah I uh discograph's chest that's right here that I want to try to lock pick from but it keeps turning towards here I tried talking to a good work [ __ ] any quickly do it okay got 25 unlocked okay I got whatever was in it I found a half torn note what she'll give me one yeah but how much protection does the protection spell do and what I'm oh I think I don't really care about the target can't be Charmed frightened or possessed by them see that's not that that doesn't actually give them any armor [ __ ] them HK disadvantage what do you need oh give them disadvantage yeah disadvantage is actually pretty big yeah an advantage is very good anytime you can give yourself Advantage it's awesome you turn into it how do you know that Alex playing d d for God 25 years at least it's yeah it's based on 5e um I when you're casting uh as like a hybrid Caster there are spells that do half damage even if they resist and they're powerful your thunder one um it's like purple squigglies like even if they like Thunder Wave yeah like it should say even if they say the Target still takes half damage stuff like that's really cool targets still take half damage why uh because sometimes spells are all or nothing and then like the my least favorite spell in all every d game is ice bolt because I never [ __ ] hit with that [ __ ] and so you cast it and they just like step out of the way and that one goes even if they step out of the way they still take half damage okay so I'll either go Thunder Wave I have Thunder Wave or and it also knocks people back from summon a familiar but I don't know how hard the familiar hits I mean it's basically like another person that can attack an animal form of your choosing Chad should I get a pet should I get a familiar or should I get a Thunder Wave Joe says he has this person who knows but I could I could change these at Camp right yeah Eldridge are you saying that I can change my spells and can trips at camp yeah wait ah did they change it in the full release chat do you know because I because I know that uh you could uh only the Learned ones so like oh so you these are ones that you'll have to choose to learn well then it sounds like Thunder Wave is gonna be the better one because not only do I get a push back I also get multiple enemies and I also get half damage if I miss the familiar is just plain weak so yeah that yeah spell scorching Rays although I have killed an entire song please get grease cover the ground in grease slowing creatures within and possibly making them fall prone does it also make Joe and all Alex and all them fall down if we are moving in the grease yeah but it can also be lit uh on fire yeah yeah your sword is literally on fire as well this is gonna be awesome [ __ ] like this place on fire baby gonna grease up a bear Lighting on fire and then we have to fight a flaming bear so good you're gonna have to uh talk it down Alex or one of us has to all right what are we doing um right now I'm trying to uh find dead bodies to speak to uh I can talk to Neddy and Eddie will like me and my little buddy performing old time battles everybody's running to listen to you and then oh my God Joe here OJ does this work for you oh OJ you're doing so good what the hell did you just turn into a woman okay into having sex with you there's a dissected um put your [ __ ] clothes back on Joe you're embarrassing me I'm more OJ's height now I like my women he's not interested seven feet tall uh let's see please no that's masculine oh Journal update rescue the Druid Alison where's the joke get away okay there we go OJ is this who you liking it's better baby all right is it like a question I can pretend that I'm AJ all right yeah so I just got the quest that if we go to the goblin City where David Bowie is uh there's this Druid there who may be able to help us get the squid Billy out of our heads she knows she wants to go to her people what the goblin camp oh face uh Alex we threw out the prisoner inside oh yeah you can execute the prisoner if you want or we can use her as a way to like sneak into the goblin camps then we can I'm gonna dye my scale red you want to we also just I think there's a red AJ wanted to kill all the Goblins I think he said no no but I'm saying like we sneak in using passage and then we you know kill them from the inside trick me I mean oh that reminds me OJ I have a neck piece for you the one you stole no don't talk to people about stealing stuff yo you still traveling there you go it's the locket from the girl that you saved you killed her no the girl that you saved gave it as a to her find zoru lazel told us that the gift Yankee young you should be able to gear us if we can find one of their crochets someone named Guru should know more yeah um we also found a note address that mentioned a meeting in the swamp what is she up to companions these are companion quests so we can either go I guess to the swamp or we can go to find a crochet but I don't even know where we would find these there isn't a show on the map Quest that's fine zoru this is save the refugees and this is I wish they're too fast for me blade of the hunt down car lock Monster Hunter he's on a mission to kill Carlock a powerful all right look y'all want to get in some battles yeah the goblin City all right Let's do let's go no because I don't want to find a whole city let's just you're going the wrong way to say the ref yeah do you want do you want to kill the one in the tunnel yeah the refugees this way no not the refugees he's talking about executing a prisoner what so the uh while I was in jail there is a prisoner inside that cigar if we can free her and get her up we can get a passage into the goblin camp and basically assassinate them from the inside okay you can also go on guns of Blazing and murder everybody yeah either way whichever one did you want to go zero you're hurt a lot um yes but why don't we save her anyway or no because then we can't go guns are blazing uh we we can we can we just want to have access to them and then we to trade with the goblin traders that are in there I also you can also just intimidate them like I'm great at that you just tell them it's like you're gonna let me in the city and they're like oh [ __ ] all right I'm gonna let you in the city all right but what is in in behind the stone door uh I believe it's the the guy that was fighting with the human that you killed oh yeah he's a tiefling leader foreign thank you I was having that trouble with trouble you anymore I heard what happened he's been down here he doesn't thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite the choice isn't it he's stealing everything no The Druids are too powerful we can't stand against them all it's corker's influence without her twisting things I believe The Druids might okay we'll kill him get rid of her hello thought but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it but The Druids would Slaughter us we'd have to get close to Kroger within Striking Distance the Druid leader lady or what those humans no The Druids uh are down by the green glowing I don't know if you've seen it it's just beyond the gambling kid she's in her own little Stone room with a to get these people sort of Fighters everything I'm still hoping Koga can be swayed from this madness but if not leaders need to make tough decisions we do what we must okay maybe we kill Koga but if there's a clear part I want to help the demon people they'll find it yes yes of course if we're helping the demon people we have to find we have to rescue the Druid because that's what they've been through uh want okay lead the way you're the original leader that ah that got captured from oh from the goblin Camp so the three people that you killed uh he they were with the jurid and while they're escaping the Druid got captured so if we go into the goblin Camp then um we'll be able to find him if he's a lot [Music] so do you want to go to the goblin camp or do you just want to talk to kaga First I don't know Alex is on his way somewhere okay do you have the purified food yet damn it I need you purify all those rotten food all right let's me let's meet the Twisted tree lady where are you going don't go to the goblin Camp here go go investigate kaga at the bottom yeah yeah I think I got something else you know it would be nice if we would be able to click on the map you know what I mean for like painting wise you can make a marker by double clicking a marker but I don't know how to get to kaga oh I get yeah kaga is from inside the city I can show you where she is have you played this before uh I just talked to her what yeah he was talking to uh to her she had a tiefling child that she was gonna murder by a snake yeah choose a lot of snake let me go talk to that [ __ ] will I get the same conversation with the snake or because you already got the conversation you know yeah it was a it was a short thing it was like because I had like I'm a druid and she's a druid I'm like hey let's not murder a kid it's like against the Druid way and she's like oh you're right what's up all right my bad yeah he's like oh maybe I'll murder him later when you leave so the only people that can speak with animal basically Alex hi or do you have these spell too oh yeah you're a barred I forgot bars can talk to animals yep yep are you a snow white too [ __ ] reason s that's our bear that's a giant wolf yeah direwolf I didn't come over here yet as well and then so if you click through here it's where she is oh I mean we didn't come in here and just kill her right away right I would Scout the room there's some stuff in here I'm not gonna do it because we don't have Joe or all right zero we can investigate cargo because I found a note yeah yeah we will investigate cargo but let me talk to her first I want to see what she looks like say it do you think it's impossible to kill her there's just a lot of people in this room yes you would say so I know you're kind you see only villains a Viper Bears her fangs defending her which one I call her mother you call her monster well I don't know oh you talk to him I took back yeah title of Sylvanas and the writers resumed we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders offer to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they'll reward you well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not me thank you very much these butts says I love you O.J the note that I found in her chest said that she has a meeting uh you're going to Sting the Venom you're gonna Sting the refugees with your Venom Jesus woman probably poisoning I don't think we could take her right now there's a lot of things right next to us why did my screen go black all right let's go and investigate her in the swamp she's a child a devil child uh laughs I don't know where it's at but okay there we go that's a long way away went dark so what does it say in the journal I wish I could just confess a meeting in the swamp uh no because I have the actual note I want to see if it's precise it's on the map right yeah swamp docks tree meet me alone [Music] laughs did you already talked to the piggy Alex shiny key there too wait oh Jack what are you doing okay you're speaking with the animals I thought you're gonna kill the bird oh don't you have to go to the goblin City first to talk to her or to go to this meeting I can't see how to get there it looks like it's in the middle of the water investigate it no oh Jay can I use your Bardock inspiration please yep I'll try to go this way thank you oh you're heading East to go south oh I'm not going west to go south if possible and keep the [ __ ] out of them [ __ ] is that ping dead goblins dead Travelers Auto Sale I'm looting these potatoes because we make them later okay OJ I got the key I I don't know uh it just is a gold key it must be a chest okay let's go to where aj and Alex are where are they okay good tonight let's go I wish it was a Sprint auction right please we just want Marina back Auntie Ethel where are you guys at what the hell did that very super far away they keep going this way venison I actually just found a dead bore so let's go [Music] For the Love of All This is you see this cutscene or no drop the ACT we would have to press the ear thing to join dialogue I just found a backpack peace join my dialogue with the hair ask again well clearly if I say lower your weapon she's just no woman she's not an old woman careful don't trust the word out of it um our sister went to the hag and we ain't seen her since hand over harsh I don't know their sister Hadley help you if you would though enough where is she I won't let you heard this woman tell the truth what did you do to their sister maybe you were supposed to ready bye bye now bloody Hells she just disappeared before fireworks out of her backside it is an old lady wedge too that's a double bonus oh David let you guys teleport here from that no we were running oh okay have had their blood removed well she was in a bad way after husband died started saying weird things like how she was gonna bring him back next thing she's gone looking for the hag of all the stupid things to do and we haven't seen her since and no good ever came from dealing with a hag none of this matters oh I can't talk to him and fast I'll bring her home you're on your own I'm sorry would you look I'll bring her home are you joking all right then [ __ ] you [ __ ] off not a chance we're getting it back on our own now come on bye I thought you they were gonna fight you they didn't want me to help them they're going to do it on their own that's fine gotta go into the swamp and keep going south watch how you go oh this trap since I have to swamp too she they're going the wrong one apples what are you doing oh okay that was close oh you saw it yeah okay I'm trying to talk to it too then that's all this giant no the hell is going on what I'm talking to this uh it's not a sheep what is it it's a gnome wizard what are you talking about oh just talking to a gnome wizard [Music] yeah he looks disgusting why don't what you're not a sheep oh God thank you president Red Cap blood Sage he's got where the [ __ ] are y'all oh he's threatening me what's he saying Joe he says he's gonna eat my tongue I don't need to get nasty what what's his deal what does he want can you listen to him hit the dial ogue how do I hit the dialogue my UI is kind of bugged right now it's next to OJ's picture on the left you just click the ear oh yeah all right he called you a baby and that's it I got an inspiration from him eyes of the Wild why they called you a baby we're the same height what was the story Joe tell us Enlighten us uh he turned into this Goblin and he said don't come any closer I'll eat your tongue I was like no need to get nasty man okay and then you call me a [ __ ] [ __ ] and then he left what happened so the illusion around the swamp was all bright and everything he was creating the elude since OJ uh caught him while he's disguised as a he uh put it into its actual state which is his dreaded bog that is current okay that's why there was traps and stuff all around even though it looked all nice and pretty initially well we need to get to this tree over here that's where the meeting is but this area is broken uh looks like there's a path if we probably go towards uh it looks like the pathway near Riverside tea house if we can get which I was because it might extend all the way around just I mean it looks I like the idea heading east and trying to go this Camp was ambushed ooh apples there's a lot of apples here the hell did I just take damage what happened an insane amount of sauce there's a loot I got so much sausage right now that reminds me I need to bring the food in uh to send to Camp so I'm not just holding a bunch of food inventory so we don't know how to get across that's a clever idea all right oops jump that far hey can you do that spell that makes me jump super far yeah I can too but won't that mean I'm trapped in young yeah no well I can jump too so yeah I don't think if I if I can apply to anyone yeah I can apply to anyone so here I'm gonna give it to AJ I don't think I wanna know you should be able to jump Rock I mean I could jump all the way up all the way across go OJ oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] knew it jump across I [ __ ] knew it it's too far no not with the bonus with the bonus you got it and you're in a fight yeah yeah we're in a fight wood strong let me out let them come to us a run at a time uh we can't get back because I have no more jumps but we can long rest I guess but no no we still have to jump spell available to us it turns zero and your turn six seconds though we got two two big wood woads on income oh whoa uh protection from Good and Evil God I don't think that would help against them they have regeneration they're not magic magic Missile [Music] cars [Music] if you have any fire spells they're uh they take increased damage from it yeah daggers yeah his sword's gonna do really well against him you went through it don't do that they're all made out of mud don't do that do they they're going to the class I'm gonna see if I can entangle the ground that they're on yeah half Health when they're going through the cloud of daggers yeah oh [ __ ] Joe what happened God damn that spell is powerful bro they exploded and since the explosion damage [ __ ] yeah Jesus that's not supposed to happen by the way that was just awesome I think that's supposed to happen one of them blew up and I guess he had an explosion effect that blew all the others up nice job uh OJ's our most powerful party member after that he gets a little respect free beer at Camp Joe yeah yeah one tub of penis wine I have some Michelob Ultras in the other room would you like me to get you a beer sir we're intact we're entangled I stole a bunch of uh okay uh do you want a short rest here to cover her ah no actually we'll just see what these things have oh okay do that God damn it zero that's okay you can just use a help action I didn't have that much you're saving did he die he died yes I died you I try to pick you up but you're too close you have to reload no just use the scroll I'll give you my I'll give you my scroll don't worry you absolute Muppet how the [ __ ] did you kill yourself on Joe's spell because I was looting the wood world what an epic fail we will now never let you live that down since you're being blocked I'm being blocked Target is blocked I can't get you come to me now have some berries eat some berries Flex chromatic thank you very much for joining the angry Army going above and beyond the Call of Duty and supporting what you love here OJ uh we're in two powerful zero this is flux is doing his part spells okay take that you got red boots I dropped on the ground that's it oh I got red bullets too I have red boots too oh difficult terrain that's why text box what text what wasn't there supposed to be the lady here the wood there's a wooden crevice here that's teeth something from it get it yes what did it say I don't know read the letter or something I got a new Shield it was pretty sweet I said word dreams we found a note address what is she up to what oh there it disappeared that's it uh second no approved that cargo was in League with the shadow true this could explain why she wants the t-frames gone so now uh bring it bring it to that guy and then we can all attack her with his help or something it's a trap I think since most well isn't Shadow Druid supposed to be like an evil type of thing yeah so if we can expose her in front of every then we can probably get some people on our side that's what I just want to say no I mean like we we directly confront her not going to the guy you got a lot of trouble that way oh [ __ ] directly confirm I'm gonna take it to the guy first do I just send all these bed rolls and backpacks to Camp like uh they're not worth of anything about it's just like miscellaneous stuff that you can pick up oh that reminds me uh you're OJ yeah can we just teleport back you could do we need to we need to get the teleport uh the tele thing itself so we have to go to Riverside tea you want to go where we go to I think what the [ __ ] did I just teleport to The Tea House oh because I clicked on it on the map it teleported me oh yeah okay so you can't just click to it where is click on the [ __ ] Emerald Grove then no yeah I got it oh it's a different Emerald Grove and biome all right y'all use the Fast Travel okay Joe you know how to use it yep okay [ __ ] it I'm gonna jump over the gate yeah with the with the triple jump now being a ritual we could just hop all over the place yeah it's a ritual that doesn't take up a slot right or it doesn't use spell spawns yeah because I've been casting it non-stop on OJ and my gonna wear out well yeah after a few turns but you can recast it essentially for free out of combat none of you use unarmed attacks right these gloves uh any word on what we discussed about Corgan well going to the guy was not there I have a basic Quarter Staff so I guess we gotta confront her directly about it could have some berries Alex see mongering where did y'all go uh right now I am at the shop guy at the center go to the shop yeah I think I have a spear that you could use Alex it has to be a club or a staff it's a spear of course but please remember because I have to use that although because sheleighly allows me to use wisdom instead of strength because I have zero strength so it's got to be one of those two I'm guessing not a morning star right yeah unless it counts I don't think it it has his own subclass so it just has more dark so uh I have thieves tools and trap disarm tool kit who wants those because I'm not good at it I'm probably gonna need those okay don't worry you have two lock picks and one disarmed so Wellness be with you now how do I give it to you oh you could just drop on the ground you can also right click Send to right click oh yeah send two yeah all right click I got pickpocket and attack no on the item on the item itself that you want to give them wait who's Aaron are they tossing coins to you oh Jake what I always use the combat log is error and use tossed a coin and they toss the coin to you I love the interface the interface is so easy to like give each other [ __ ] and it's like you know no fuss no muss oh you actually get paid for yeah you're gonna lock it so that Joe doesn't steal your [ __ ] yeah I had mine locked and that's why Joe wasn't able to steal my stuff but I have to unlock it to receive items or what no yours is unlocked right now by the way yeah I know okay I unlocked it earlier because I thought in order to receive items so I know I could just give you like I can give a morning star with that with it being locked but I can't just like take something from the inventory actually you know what I should just sell this since nobody can use did I get berries I gave you some berries I think okay okay why can't I talk to him someone else is talking to him okay I was gonna say I didn't see any uh thing that said they were talking to him where's okay so I have a bunch of weapons this doesn't sell is there anything that you guys particularly need from him I already have upgraded armor yeah give me that uh that gloves you're not the only one you need it's 400 though I don't see your gloves yeah yes imagine yes Magic gloves missile catching missile catching magic gloves and so me and Alex will get oh the blue one okay uh missile snaring okay let's see how much I have out of all these weapons oh wait I have to go too we've got plenty of beers there and in another fridge I need to get my beard that I got from big Duval gamer drink drink drink shot shots uh Onyx oh yeah I have a bunch of gems super cool that we can see all your stuff too the integration is amazing that's cool man I actually want to like watch one of y'all streams see like all your stuff do you have enough zero no zeros hurt I can give you money if you need zero uh I'm just sending all the crap that I have [ __ ] I stole something Zack I'm just trying to see how much I have in total um oh do you want metallic gloves AJ I have metallic gloves in my inventory shrink saving throws plus one plus one strength on the Roses I know I want the magic Missile ones the ones that catch missiles from the air you buy it off this guy how much money you want it costs more than a coin give me a second I have 293 in terms of stolen goods yeah I just looted these zero uh sell these gloves sell those magic gloves it'll add plus 50 gold because none of us have unarmed attacks those would be sick on a monk yeah holy [ __ ] that's actually pretty nice I don't know how close am I okay just need a little bit more do that get rid of the ball I have a 40 light armor let me send this to you light armor to you oh yeah leather armor results for a ton oh I have a lot I have a spare leather on there I have a leather mask that with the zipper because I just sent it to you no no I had an I had another one it was just in a different slot take these sandals while you're at it uh I did unicorn uh who's giving you trash now okay yeah 25 gold that's fine uh uh balance trade okay got the gloves oh I've got the so spear son of a [ __ ] oh oh well uh what you forgot to sell spear just sell it now Minecraft got it okay I send you the gloves Alex give everybody berries they're hurt no I know I'm I'm I'm fully healed the berries are delicious but I'm looking over at zero and Joe yeah I can cast it like three three times went into my [ __ ] Cloud don't know why in your Cloud yeah what are you talking about you walked through my cloud and then you died all right glove's a missile snaring you can intercept missiles from range weapon attacks reducing their damage by d10 plus my dexterity so I wonder if I can intercept missiles fired at y'all or just me all right let's go [ __ ] somebody up do you want a long rest first so we all have our spells long rest yes because I don't have any more berries I can't eat metal how much does it cost a long rest but it says camp supplies 404 out of 40. doesn't it cost 40. it does yeah I got stuff too and then now OJ can run around naked and do weird [ __ ] that's uh I sold my clothes the first time I saw you I figured yeah one copper piece oh God why is this guy scolding me the blade of Frontiers at your court see my girlfriend missed me [ __ ] is this Gale guy when did he join a few warlocks in my time talented of course though sometimes too eager to listen to The Devils who had this who added this [ __ ] group that would be OJ yeah it doesn't George Michaels George Michaels are we met in the bathroom let's see you like this man in the bathroom yes tell me that's not George Michael right there should I flirt no that's my woman there no no no no he gets annoying he keeps telling me wake me up before I go you go go no George leave me alone you guys have cool stuff in your truck I have to take your woman to show to record romance options that green freak what no that's the one you need to go with right now I'm the one who saved her who just clicked on her quicker than anybody else no I saved her from the pod yeah that's what I just yeah because he stole my key OJ after when I got great for bastards [Laughter] uh lee all right let's let's go to bed uh who's sleeping next did you guys check out your chest there's a bunch of [ __ ] what is where where what do you do here isn't that the stuff we send to Camp yeah there's also there's also bonus stuff in there I think it's because we got it so long ago so one of these is yours and there's like a bunch of [ __ ] in here how do you none of these the blue ones well yeah so one of them's got to be yours I think that's not mine I think mine's the red one yeah mine's the red one well then which one's mine because the blue one doesn't open it's green green or brown am I supposed to be able to click on it yeah it's mine no I can't so yours is brown yeah it doesn't I guess because I've not sent anything there I got some cool [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I got some cool [ __ ] too I got some clothing I got wow where's the drown cool [ __ ] I want cool [ __ ] I got a mask of the shape-shift yeah I think it's all the same because I also got the Mask The Shape Shifter does anybody know why I don't get my not too sure let me see no it belongs to another player all right opening the red chest yeah what do you mean opening it just click it none of them is clickable none of the chests are clickable is there like an alt Travelers chess traveler's chest yeah that's weird you're supposed to be interactable okay there's a show like a chapter if I if I hold alt and then interact with it yeah then it'll do you got the same stuff I did in that backpack there's stuff and that chest to their stuff and there's a bunch of like potions there's like a elixir of giant strength and stuff yeah so we got like a bunch of food and stuff a ton of food yeah I'm gonna send it to cam yeah she's got to open it oh yeah these are all the wine bottles that I was looking I was trying to fill the lines you're not the kind of company winning me but all things considered and I haven't forgotten that you saved my life aboard the nautiloid perhaps I'll be able to become my favorite at some point yeah just because the infinitely no I think where I think where is it just basically like things that you want to sell but it's just what does this mask do it gives you a spell that allows you to cast shape-shifting I believe yeah how are we shape-shifting you can basically shape shift uh by using that hey guys is OJ playing The Bard he should ignore welcome to the stream man you've been missing some hilarious I'm not missing anything I'm over here I'm trying to spin the game I think it's q a to rotate yeah doing my best behold about my clue perverts did you get the loot of the Merriweather band performing successful this guy came up to listen to you but all the girls stayed away oh there she comes she likes my [ __ ] and she left God damn it I was switching my instruments all right well let's let's rest and go fight oh I can steal your gold go to bed just be steal my [ __ ] long red so let me let somebody else do this what do you what do you have to do just click until you get up to 40. oh yeah or you can just Auto Stop do it you just don't want to like overdo it yeah Cadillac War Tails Flippy sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares another beer some of your companions remain deep in dreams sleep I can't be awakened oh you didn't share your private moments we can't see what you're seeing [ __ ] who got bit oh he's a vampire yeah it's not what it looks like gross I swear the vampire was gonna bite you in your sleep good thing I put onions blood all over my body the [ __ ] are y'all doing over here historian was trying to bite you he just needs blood sanguine hunger I can't believe I didn't see it we even found the board you snacked on how long since you've killed somebody these I always pick up a snake and lunge it pick up a steak and lunge at the monster we can kill him right here yeah then we won't get his personal Quest all right that'll feel safe I can't believe that we found the boy yeah I've never killed anyone kill him not the food I don't know you might have big stuff what do you see Mia no if I just had a little blood I could think clearer fight better please ah I can't join your dialogue sensation because you said because you said it to private it's by default I unchecked it Joe you can listen to this Secrets James smart James Martin thank you very much she said it's a private when you're trying to sex up the ladies yeah push into his mind searching for the truth I don't have good wisdom one D20 minus one let's see what happens [Music] yeah I think you're with him is that egg oh it's only difficulty too I just rolled a map 20. I what's this what's happening what's happening Shiva runs across your mind you feel excited his mind opens up revealing cracked and quivering memories at the heart you see dark eyes commanding you to feed you open your mouth and bite down not into a tender neck but into the twisting body of a rat the only thing your master lets you eat I don't like my sleeping position OJ too bad I think everyone else is normal it machine looks like a corpse yes I ate whatever disgusting them in my master picked so you can see why I'm slow to trust you but I do trust you and you can trust me because we don't have a choice not we're going to save ourselves from these worms I need you alive you need me strong please let me be a taste I swear I'll be well you'll be fine and everything can go back to normal no thank you no no of course silly of me to even ask I'll go and find something on four legs tease I suppose who would let them bite you and chat would you let them buy you you watch it he promised you didn't kill me maybe and ready those are hard times I feel for this guy man it just Auto focuses right on right OJ's [ __ ] Wang oh it wasn't on it wasn't for you're welcome oh did we even confront kago we haven't yet but we okay yeah we can do that after when we go we're gonna have to save the Druid I have to go back there is there a way to hide the mass uh yes do you go Tab and then there should be a little icon like an eye icon you can switch it to hide helmet completely I want I like my help my guy looks amazing yeah did you not it was in your uh chest one of the chest things was like an eye a chest of curious clothing or whatever fuel your clothing chest how do I just right click to open quick cap of the red Prince of the Merryweather bard and a cape yep there he is okay [Laughter] there goes his menu what the [ __ ] put your BP away I don't even want to catch you go away all right I gotta put a cape every good man needs a cape oh yeah come back here dude you [ __ ] up all right let's go back he's gonna hit the bundle all right our pirate crew is ready let's go fight the lady I gotta Sue yeah I'm good you know that Locker that you're trying to get back AJ it wasn't worth that much oh it's only worth like 20 gold I just uh took it stole it oh you can't steal from a person that's dead looted it oh OJ what crossbow do you have Here regular crossbow uh it's a little upgraded I think it does three to ten do you have a better one I I stole a heavy crop that's 13. oh I'll treat you sell this one you don't use it okay well I could but here uh uh I gave it it's in your inventory yeah yeah yeah I give you my score my Revival fight you better be close to us I know the truth you mean to take the Grove what oh [ __ ] what the hell is that what's happening get the big bojangas dwarf bajangas she old that seems like Joe's type right there oh those are the rats we're trying to talk to foreign I can explain no need it couldn't be out Conga what is the meaning of this you think yourself quite the Spy don't you go on take this leather it's not leather oh Chicago's a shadow Druid she means to convert the circle forget it red you can explain it yourself the owner yeah defiled The Grove for the sake of Harmony we've come from cloakwood to correct his mistakes Shadow drew it cougar have you lost your mind oligen speaks truth would you see this Grove in ruin make currently choices burn the tainted away start with a snitch as you say uh uh what prescription the Shadows won't save you they'll corrupt you stop this while you can take that well we should add Joe do this I didn't [ __ ] know Joe Joe could convince him oh yeah try to go for the persuasion role because we have inspiration I have a very bad uh Charisma help you bardic inspiration 1d6 you're welcome yeah thank you it's really that spell is really helpful [ __ ] ain't gonna work damn it almost by one I don't think you're oh no wait roll again for inspiration you can use inspiration yeah use my inspiration okay cool okay best two out of three best okay you can't use my [ __ ] anymore is this for the whole game once again I come through okay yeah in Shadow we are purified cougars voice breaks and her lips tremble she heard reason in your words what I didn't even speak oh you have a good religion oh more more persuasion [ __ ] I know that these Druids ways oh we don't touch the face you have intelligence yeah I actually have a little a little bit only ten can you give me something add bonus yeah he can still keep giving you bonuses because it's technically the same turn what the [ __ ] oh God damn it okay maybe you shouldn't roll during dialogues no I got one roll I got one roll again oh thank goodness me son when because our fell it was us let's go on a date that's pretty smooth I think that might work okay you got your girlfriend back Mother Earth hear me grant me your Wrath oh it's time to fight I've matched she's on our side though your head's empty commence battle uh badger on the first turn Amber should Target with the additional system a shot ninety percent uh okay I'll go after the badger for 12. oh I can finish it off well so much yeah well it only kills the badger you still have to kill her oh okay that's how Wild shape works it grants you a bunch of temporary influence you gotta get through interesting amazing power off I can't do an additional attack I'm just gonna do Hunters brand because I'm pretty sure you guys are going to Target her yeah but you it's only Triggers on you no but I'm gonna Target Ren for my next turn okay oh [ __ ] girls not [ __ ] around yeah that's a Thunderclap one oh I like that you can do the Thunderclap knock them off the [ __ ] Cliff here yeah uh that's why the push action is also so uh well then I'm gonna push this little you're gonna Pusher all right you would also you would also risk loose being the loot that they possibly have whatever but that's a good point sneeze I was like I don't need loose wait a minute what if it's her uh I killed her so so halflings get a additional roll on a one-on saving throw saving throw [ __ ] language oh half friends can re-roll even if they fail a check hey silver is attacking the band uh uh apparently well we have to kill them out of their uh shape yeah anyways not if I shove them don't miss you you push you push her right into the edge protection use your spell did you take that spell yeah oh no oh okay I wait what you should have the Thunderclap why do I have weapon bond that may have been like automatically included I thought I had Thunderclap you may have learned Thunderclap I don't know if you had prepared Thundercloud you don't have the cheeks for it son no I want Thunderclap I I got it did you put it as learned prepared no I don't know what that means that you have the capacity to cast it prepared means it's ready right this all I was doing is I clicked on two I clicked on the ones that I wanted so I have all the ones that I picked except for ThunderClan so for the first bar you picked for the second bar did you pick anything or did you leave it what are you talking about whenever you level up there's uh the first part which are ones that you learn so you probably did that but did you change anything to the second book where it shows you your prepared spell you can go to your inventory and check out like what spells you've got as well all right it's uh if you hit inventory top middle spell book and then you can see they didn't get it oh yeah I got grease instead of ThunderClan I don't remember you got good memories chat all right well that's fine um let's see 11 I could do 11. oh you [ __ ] yeah unless that happens my portrait looks like a [ __ ] Captain Hook yeah Captain Hook it is your turn oh did you equip the heavy crossbow I did it's [ __ ] hard to use it is it too heavy no I think I could use it I don't know probably miss it should be a dexterity [Music] oh [ __ ] killed the the bear that's good oh you're not proficient in Marshall weapons or heavy foreign so what does that do when Joe pulls out his weapon nothing it's just like background music yeah he's just playing background music yeah free action um when he gets attacked ow maybe they want background music so they won't attack Me Maybe okay let's try breathe it is a weapon of mass destruction and uh and I still missed even with a vantage apparently I think I did it correct Miss did you roll I get yeah second guy wild shape back into the bear that's some [ __ ] oh some guy died warning time to save that [ __ ] Louie [Music] sneeze nice man that's a that free sneeze and ain't bad are you gonna try to shove yeah all right well I'm not gonna try to where is oh did she Dot one of them died yeah where's the main lady I don't see her ball oh no I see her yeah yeah I see her right behind Alex how come Alex has 27 Health Plus 12. um I am engorged with mushrooms so instead of turning into a bear I have all these spores around me I like suck them into my body and become like a super Mushroom Man uh so I have a bunch of extra super fun guy oh [ __ ] he wins super fungi yeah he has a bunch of temperatures super fun guy get moon beam [ __ ] well that is the moon ow that hurt OJ it's your time to shine oh no AJ so has it yeah can you push off Pinto I don't no they have a free re-roll so hopefully you get the good RNG wait did it say success yeah I said successful but since she has halfling like this one actually the magnetic correcting an error all right let me see how much else he is oh she's got a lot actually uh how much I can do I can get the action surge discover oh it's no I can't do a bonus action my action sir because I never did you can access yours what once per fight or actually no now I have to search all right Peter is yeah and I think you spend all the time just not trying to push off oh yeah oh that was close but you can still lose yeah yeah but if I lose her it's red so I don't want to piss anybody off how's it red they're evil OJ kill the bear before it Bears again Uber camper gifted himself thank you Uber camper he's doing his part are you would you like to know more joining the Army look at how well the Army is doing here we only have one more [ __ ] Ren [ __ ] you [ __ ] anybody want to kill Ren nope don't have enough God damn it well down this airplane zero don't miss you don't have this Edge [Music] nah it's still red if I looter so don't loot them talk to the right everyone's called me uh I'll try to loot them just keep them keep them busy so they're not looking you're damned right joining the shadow Druids what were you thinking I was thinking I could make a safe I endangered a child okay the one that you almost knocked over didn't have anything yeah stopped the right and I was stand trial what if zevolores people there's an end wouldn't y'all do something just got caught stealing really zero zero yeah you son of a [ __ ] not gonna [ __ ] talk began with a letter I had to murder half the guards upon Legions The Druids of Cleveland knew the dangers they ordered the door circles cast the right Shelter From The Storm Oller didn't talk to me to harness the treatment I'm sorry I won't forget the wounds I've inflicted pray how sin returns to heal them in full you will grant themselves just do it help us contend with the goblins what about us we can dissuade them from attacking them for us oh I also got a sweet um dagger thank you so much Don Quixote we have you hola amigo donkey um 49 months we have had you for many years supporting us and I will always always thank you for I guess very appreciative I I stole a dagger from someone before I did I need to know if one of you wants to use it uh no needle of the outlaw Rogue what's the no it'll be different you'll have to look at it okay because it changes for each of us all right I gotta report our success to the dude I will be back so but if you're gonna just do ranged attacks I'm gonna sell it well I have my Rapier thing I put at the bottom of course come to me we're good the sashmo hello how are you doing this wonderful evening all right it's not evening it is four Uber camper we're doing this wonderful wonderful I am a low class baby fine St so are you in jail we're having a lot of fun with this game four player co-op is very very fun especially when the game itself is uh an RPG that uh it's true it's a lot it's fun I love the fact that I could zoom in real nice and close and see all the little animations and effects story going I want a little bit better stories but The Druids have stopped their damn chanting what happened truly it'll make his ashes I never thought she would actually see reason thank you we still have the Goblins to contend with but you've given us time to prepare that's fine I'm sure my people make the most of it but here left over from my soul during days it's sparse thanks for what you've done for us and I'm afraid I have more yet to ask but you've bought us some time here but the Goblins are still messing out there we'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Baldur's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities you're no Army there may be a way though goblins are ill disciplined it's unlike them to organize so cleverly somebody must be leading them bringing discipline to theirs take out that leadership it's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight you're equal to the task that depends can you pay me I suppose so we don't have much but we'll scrape together whatever we can only do certain things for free certain things I like that you pay me to kill someone of course we'll be ready to leave as soon as you give word all right investigate when you heal another creature it gains resistance against bludgeoning piercing and slashing are any of y'all healers see kind of I'm gonna send this to Alex what is it I just sent it to you it's a pair of gloves that increase healing or something [Music] what do you mean boo I'm here too you heal yes when have you ever healed you haven't healed me once everyone arrowbrand thank you very much 76 months my favorite notification there with the Starship Troopers my boy Uber camper this one you know actually Uber Campbell with another one and another one another one okay uh hunt down car lack let's just go in guns of Blazing shall we let's uh I don't know what the [ __ ] you guys are at oh wow they're going quick do it just already almost there how do I get to them can I tell it would be nice to click on Alex and then be able to teleport I'm just investigating before this report to him before because I don't want to go in it Bart has one of the best heels okay this one is you know actually magnetic I don't even think he's unlocked I heal for you right now four to eleven okay everybody to somebody I choose [Laughter] [Music] okay I'm a Healer I'm a toker the midnight Joker my man hey Ken just back guys holy [ __ ] 1 000 and how many Subs one thousand and four Subs now can just thank you so you've like literally boosted me by a year so I want to say something to you kill the man old internet [ __ ] kenja this very old internet stuff very cringy valkatin thank you for gifting us up to our community zurkraft for being with us for 50 months damn I ain't seen you're the man now dog in years so it was a whole website and there were like other memes on the website but I guess now it's just you're the man only so when you walk we're dancing what are you dancing for Joe I don't know how'd you do that perception failed what's happening but this one is you know actually magnetic another sub ject enter my uh conversation [ __ ] is this dwarf come here and face me packing shivering's not wrong yes to miss out bet we'd get some nice cuts of you oh yeah I thought uh big champ very generous of it we got you surrounded here's how this goes you take one step further I will feel your frog with arrows yeah we'll take two steps further and you're back so I guess it's the same treatment strange [Music] I hope you make it roll more nonsense that we can't hear oh my God there's a big old sub fall happening there's a big what do we got we got we got brain Eclipse gifting we got donkey Hotel gifting we got a popular gifting and Samurai Queen goes you take us up you take us up you take a sub there's Subs under your chair look under your chair right now Chad take us up what did you do Alex uh I told her that you forced them to back off yeah we can just loot their whole [ __ ] City we also have a fast travel point now what the [ __ ] just happened I wanted to fight oh you got them all to run away this is not their City this is the town before their City so these ones will leave us alone all the other and we can just kill wherever we want to but wow would you tell her that you scared her so much uh her face started glowing which and then like our little worm in our brain started wiggling so I was like you're gonna stand down now and she's like holy [ __ ] you've got the power within you oh you've got the power holy [ __ ] Jesus medicine failed gaming wolf here we go another month of fun playing Boulder Skate 3 will be checking it out later on tonight yes Boulder's good three is a lot of fun so far especially if you could play with some buds we got the naked [ __ ] but like I mean it would be nice to see some boobies at some point too or there's all we got to see Joe's [ __ ] it's terrible what's up I didn't hear anyone complain last night brawler brick the gear is Alice bugger off okay he tricks us hate that's a small knife uh Splinter if you want it bro on the inside don't cause any trouble Barky all right guys thank y'all so much Sparky ninja and uh what do we got Mr Sergeant sparkles Sergeant Sparkles you to the front line we need to Blind the enemy I'm gonna steal all their [ __ ] locked son of a [ __ ] uh OJ I need your help uh are you in jail again no I'm probably in a worse State uh can you come over here so I can do a deception rule yeah the only way I'm in front of three trolls I didn't know I was muted but I was uh oh I walked into three giant trolls I didn't know they were in there I mean if AJ wants to uh fight though it'll be worthy episodes hold on we've got a we got another cutscene going on some more and I'll feed you a word for rights what the hell are you doing I'm not looking for trouble attack the Goblins are y'all near me no we're right around the corner I'm in a dialogue where I could possibly uh get a tax though and you're also possibly get attacked oh [ __ ] he's talking Goblin Skrillex oh there's a lot why are you doing this [Music] does look funny mind if I stay and watch a while Fun's over releasing Dome at once you know what I can't start a community Bowl you know we need to save and allow chat to to interact here so this will be after we finish this let's save and get in on this chat what do you think attack the goblins think it's funny and watch or ask him to release three really really three three three well looks like three then [Music] find your own Hazel's a strange single glows marked on their flesh and within new stairs in response I Won't Let You harm a difference the auto success yeah with the Lilith is illicit is the tadpole in your brain so Don Quixote thank you for the five dollar donation I love how the studios are [ __ ] bricks from this I hope it becomes an industry standard on what they do [ __ ] do I care if Studios get clothes do it we have too much [ __ ] coming out already as it is there's a lot of games to choose from um but we want good games not bad games is it what you're saying the wisdom wasn't an auto success I think because I have a negative one well it reduced the difficulty to it too so I almost quit so oh unless you roll an apple yeah the only way you can feel it is if you roll on that one yes whatever you want something stirs deep within you it's taking something you'll never get back the Goblins nostrils flare nervously all of his Bluster seems to vanish we're leaving I don't know are we supposed to bring into well I said we're leaving immense battle damn what did you do Alex I didn't do [ __ ] they just attacked me we're leaving and now we've gotta we're dead zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right I need your assistance what we're [ __ ] dead Alex just killed us Push It Roll It I'm sorry what you're fighting trolls yes that's what I'm saying well ogres did Alexa well that's it we our adventure ends here guys me and Alex are surrounded by 10 we can run away you are fighting trolls somewhere else because you you told them to [ __ ] off and then they're like hey you don't count as him so we're attacking you which is why they they [ __ ] attack me I leave yes we got friends now this is something they're gonna have to figure out okay okay let's run let's go I'm out of bonus actions a lot of these goblins are shitty level twos worst possible time for a fight though oh their boss is dead that's fun uh oh were you on top down yeah we're here good in there well heal me first the first thing you need to do is heal me got it oh yeah you don't have the Thunder way God damn uh uh I would say try to focus on oh yeah come to me shove them down no because I was going to say that they're gonna attack Alex's dead body your nearby alley is gain immunity OJ uh you said you had a range spell you can revive them but you might get knocked down again actually no let's see does he use an action to heal yes yeah oh what's the range is it melee you need to be healed they're gonna help if I jump I can't do I can't really well I can't do anything either because my action point um we do this [ __ ] movement's way too far got enough points come after us first I think they uh they start going this way because I I appeared on their flank because I high jumped I could grab them yeah they're focusing me yeah but I can I can at least avoid some of the damage oh [ __ ] all right so if I wait one turn he dies no he has three saving toes so if he fails his second saving throw then he has at least one more can kill one Ward right now Alex should I kill the war yeah because if if you raise him then he's might gonna get attacked you can also action search kill both of them oh wait okay now do you want me to come to you now attack of opportunity on you oh yeah no you have action search AJ or no no I used it last battle so I needed short rest to get it OJ if you're not able to reach him you can throw a healing potion at him okay oh yeah just make sure you don't attack OJ uh you failed a saving throw so now we have to go revive him before it's his turn and he has one saving throw left are you able to throw the potion OJ you had to go to the throw uh class action four percent four four yeah don't do it it's not worth it [ __ ] war or one or anything you can kill take it but otherwise shoot the ward so that uh I can finish the war and run to him that's it yep what happened all this amazing healing and stuff I'm not in range I gotta get closer oh thank God now I could heal him up all right do so it's not my turn okay Alex got to at least survivable at all yeah I can't believe we're gonna sneak our way out of this you can't do anything against me we would have died if Joe and uh zero got into those fights with the troll how did y'all get out of that here nice candy you gave the trolls a hand job God yeah they're our friends not food because I told them I am the absolute Joe's I'll use your elephant thing no I didn't I had to use intimidation I want to use this grease thing just to see yeah but then you had to set it on fire so yeah unless you have anything yeah all right and you throw a potion to him I think you have enough shrink won't you oh you used a potion uh tell me how to throw it I was about to tell you until you used it I could just raise them up oh God damn it but it uses an action too what no I'm gonna get him up okay these guys have blasts on Joe will use his amazing healing let's go what just happened why'd you move to get away from The Archers what did you throw did you hear him oh did you hear yourself by accident I think he healed himself no I didn't heal myself I still have my action out of range oh out of range yep oh I think literally right next to him it may be melee yeah it might be cure wounds is it cure wounds or is it killing word is melee so he can build so that's melee wrench yeah shoe Jam where is he at all right let's just do that bad boy if I go over there am I gonna die yeah is he gonna bring it to us I wisdom for the wind s uh which one are you targeting I'm gonna do Hunter's Mark on the other one five health what is the amazing Bard healing spell because five health berries oh there's a sharp eye up there you're all disadvantaged by Yeah by hitting him on The High Ground yeah but at least I got him to at least a little uh thank you that was me or Alex yeah all right sorry wrong sharp person On My Feet thank you oh do you have an AOE why does he keep trying to cast me I do I've used it already God damn it if you have a cleave you could probably get the two melee I have a move and then I do have a clean so move oh good damage though oh you ain't the guy at the top zero okay uh yeah do your dude you're going first so that I can reapply to one okay now I can reapply 100 Mark to the high one and hope I don't miss 13. sneezed on the other guy we did it I am we got out of it again easy now zero it's your you have to go run into the cloud of uh daggers as a tradition give me some berries oh let's switch ones it sounds like the break lover the brake lever or the release I would break first break first okay there's some berries okay that seems to work okay well we stopped the windmill if I hit the wrong one I'm pretty sure we would have eated him all right unite untie the gnome I got a great ax if anyone wants a great very heavy great ax what's yeah give it to me I was gonna say you think your fire sword is probably better [ __ ] whatever you are if you tap it'll show you exactly what the damage spread is on all of them that's how this works yes mine's acts as 18. yes my reward now as expected coercion by the book take my pack if you can find it the only reason those goblins caught me was its weight I'll travel lightly from now on ignorance is alive and well it seems deep gnomes aren't restricted to the underdark you know I've lived in Boulder's Gate for years I'm in search of a friend I fear he's in trouble see this I gave it to him years ago before I left home found it around the neck of a thug in the lower City it was speckled with blood my friend nowhere to be found he's dead I still have hope I have reason to believe he's in the underdark no I don't hopefully I'll pick up his trail from there no you won't I always help my friends on that note farewell if we should meet again well we will have met again find his pack rescue The Gnome we're really close to leveling up where is his pack yeah hatch Maybe you guys have one stash is it his part he said a backpack so smoke powder oh did you find his pack I think it is well no he said it was Heavy this seems a lot better smoke powder Satchel deals 12 to 21 damage igniting anything doesn't seem like it maybe it's a different set uh knapsack I found some rare boots probably not good for me uh whenever the wearer dashes or takes a similar action during combat they gain three lightning charges it gives you plus one Athletics me hey can Dash cover more distance W movement but plus one Athletics yeah they're in your inventory and their boots the Speedy light feed uh can I get the grid X Alex no you don't use axes yeah I do I have a plus two I have a plus two to Great access I have Marshall weapon uh I can give your brass lock it uh I can get you I can give you something very rare it is it's a mind flare parasite delicious look at the uh last one in my inventory so the thing with these dies is they don't well I guess that's the color of a drake yellow and black black and yellow black and yellow you can take the Mind flare parasite for them new skill tree I like it a lot okay I look cool don't I chat purpose okay my guy likes you all he will fight for you I stole it from The Druids all right loot Goblin murder hobo look I'm already a Luke Goblin because I'm already I'm technically a rope you're a ranger you're not a road yes but I have rope capabilities uh all right so we got scrawny bug bear who's sleeping over here if you want to kill him or we can go to the city there's a free shovel shovels are always wait AJ come back come back get back okay I was gonna say why did you have to for me to climb up there to do that he's over here sleeping nah oh bro you don't want to kill this why are you watching them doing it oh [ __ ] I don't know about this ghost what's gross he's watching him doing it who's watching who do what they're watching the giant troll having sex they're not doing it yeah they were excuse me what how did did you just call him how do you watch them do it I walked in on him accidentally oh I just can't see it you can't listen to me or I am yeah I'm gonna listen in on you but they're done having sex huh my virility oh Jake made fun of his dick because he was doing it wrong it's true well it smells like sex in here oh that's pretty gross uh can you tell us summarize what the hell happened y'all just summarize what happened Joe Force please I walked in the guy was bent over or she was bent over yeah and he was and he was uh behind her he's doing her doggy and then what happened talk to us and they were like oh [ __ ] you're not supposed to be here I was like no please do carry on you told them carry on yeah yeah and what did they say they're like gross We're not gonna let you watch yep that's what they said yeah and the no joke the guy no that's not what they said yo because then I walked in and then she she said you're not I don't know she accused of not being violent I don't know what she said so basically OJ made fun of uh the guy paying attention to naming the dialogues OJ heard thumping inside the barn when he went to go open the barn they saw them doing it then he clicked through all the options again and then and then he was like haha you have a small pee pee you're not doing it right and then uh what's the woman's like yeah you're not doing it right ah Joe said you're not doing it right fine already then looks like I got mad yeah he's in snared he's just gonna die it's funny you notice A peculiar dagger yeah he's Captain sex blocker at the bar OJ described to me his genitals let's see that before you noticed the blade is grain if you align the dagger with the grain it should slip out he's the [ __ ] dagger just pull it out of the [ __ ] meat what are you talking about he's there dagger where it's son of a [ __ ] did you get the dagger nope it's a cool dagger you tug at the dagger until the blade snaps in two sharp end is still stuck inside the meat awesome sharp metal fragment pokes out of the meat what exactly happened I thought all I saw the dagger disappear in the game yeah uh I use my intelligence to figure out that the dagger was going against the grain of the meat and you just pull it out easily and so then I did my strength check and I rolled a four oh was yours flight a hand that I could have done yeah dang it I broke your what you use daggers yeah you're using a great ax I I broke I broke the coolest dagger that I've seen in the game so far damn it with it by the way a road to damnation Raphael Samurai for your journey is just beginning [Music] the words Mouse smiled rightly it out foxed the cat yep definitely Barton down came the claw this guy sucks love what's that it means poetry go show them how it's done they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they hmm well met I am Raphael very much at yourself oh please no we don't want you a part of our crew and we want you to leave goodbye also the cats can we eat them yeah let's see am I talking to the Mouse as a cat pretty words if you want to threaten me don't disguise it walk away while you still have legs to walk with it looks like a Dragonborn but speaks like a beast must be the surroundings rather Bleak and learn some one feels so a exposed this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my exists hey Nicky D Nikki d11 months only one month away from a one year anniversary thank you for supporting us for that long he's a wizard what the [ __ ] oh delicious I'm very hungry oh no you're now you're gone thank you yes the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach don't you know this uh through the sternum oh right sternum take me back now can you be more specific that's the code nice Decor the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed go on partake enjoy your supper yeah scuttlebug live also 11 months look at the coincidence there one month away we'll be celebrating one year anniversary he's got a book ignore him and fill your brain yes earliest theatrics leading somewhere he's like not easily rattled I see good good mix the next part that much more straightforward your death Empire what's better than a devil you don't know a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably savior that's for certain okay draw your weapon wait um because he said potential drawing so those might have something not Tom consider your predicament one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that oh the tadpole ah anything you might have if you think I'll make a deal with the devil I like the devil disappointing I prefer it when my clients put up a fight realize Victor an option hmm try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until but you came to me left and when hope has been whittled he needs us more than we need [Music] [Laughter] such it I said I'd do it uh [Music] the last lap SE keep laughing what a laughing mind flayer sounds like all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out you will okay I'm guessing we're going to see him later gosh should we not get the temple out you can't jump there can you OJ yeah I can't look almost missed we got him away hyenas something cool oh wait let me talk to him today because I I initiated it before but you could have talked to him and oh he looks hearted maybe oh he ran wait they're bloated restrained to thickness and bloat they probably ate rotten you don't talk to him but we can't do that now unless we run away but even then we just gotta kill him they were gonna kill us they're able to not if we're talking to them then we will put them out of their misery nothing can be done to save them [Music] a newborn null so the nulls were bursting out of a meal or bursting out of hyenas that's why they're bloated like I said nothing couldn't be done could have cured though this is the greatest this isn't the movies this is real life we have a druid and a ranger that's good with medicine no you you just you just uh swing your sword around and yell at people yes well I can't wait to level up he's running is that a [ __ ] yeah yeah there's more Knolls up the hill okay we gotta be careful oh I think he's fighting he's gonna fight the nose man hmm I'll get rid of the blow to hyena I will get rid of them yeah let me shot okay it didn't work I can't show that Fireball I don't know got a lot of blood on him blood is basically water so wouldn't it just be a production Target is too close good and more my turn again well secondly all of our turns 49 disadvantage let me see if I can just get just nope missed but his arm was rolling with disadvantage anyways are you trying to bring dudes down here no I was trying to kill the hyenas and then yeah in battle with us I don't really know what it's doing let's see if it comes this way oh no just staying there you shoot it from afar yeah okay yeah now we should be able to talk to them if they're good you want to talk to them it's a lot they seem red they're already red God damn it why I didn't talk to him [Laughter] all righty well well [Music] you don't have any powers are you going and should have rested short rest can I jump that doesn't uh refer myself what the [ __ ] are you talking about bastosaurus what maybe you shouldn't judge the game before you finish it what the [ __ ] are you talking about what are you talking about High Ground look at the knob maybe it's a callback to a previous stream where we were making fun of someone who said that or maybe serious like I don't even remember judging me again what did I say about the game [Music] oh behind you zero oh I know it but he used Dash so he can't do anything oh these are real range that sucks yeah they are man if they wave their Dash on me so that means one is all one two three got them down to half hell so get in there then you could like launch yourself there what are you doing oh it isn't it no Richard they only work infinitely out of combat offering Souls so numbed you can't take bonus actions or reaction I played it best I can paper [ __ ] you can talk more multiple targets but become the cost he dies doesn't matter just don't miss hey for people coming into the chat doggy monkey we love it it's so [ __ ] good like man four player Cooperative uh you can zoom right in there D and D what's not to love about it which is what which is why I got confused over some weirdo walking in don't judge a game that's his first message yeah I don't know which is none of us said anything about it I think he's watching a different stream and typing in the wrong chat foreign oh I just yeah I wrote the lowest possible ones for that Alex it was just up to damage modifier all right OJ and I will grab this one by the balls what is this gold hunter is about to damage oh cool that's your reaction missiles now I'm gonna grab that missile out of the air what okay lowered it by 1D 10 damage [ __ ] that thing would have hit me already I was hoping for an animation to [ __ ] grab the faster around so your missile snaring reduced it by four so it would have done nine damage yeah would it a nine monks have an ability where they grab it and then they can throw critical man critical Miss well don't we saw that right oh yeah let's keep oh [ __ ] you okay knocked his ass in uh I'll kill this guy down on the bottom then and then you can go up and get the archers [Music] I'll go with you I guess we can leave this guy do it oh [ __ ] there's two archers catch them both Miss are you gonna die no he should be fine all right zero come on man zero you're still what the [ __ ] you doing he's having a great duel with this one dude last already which one has better hit blastery they can Dodge okay got him all right let's see if I can sneeze this guy yeah uh I'm gonna take my bonus action to hide so I can get opportunity attack next round [Music] wow he's got really high dexterity or something which one the yangu yeah he's high decks High Constitution high strength by charisma good luck joke he's only got two health y oh I'm dead I was like that thing hit me so [ __ ] hard even when I grabbed it out of the air he shot like three arrows oh he crumpled my body I'm crumpled help me help me please there's a multi-attack uh OJ's he can try to rescue but he will lose an action [ __ ] oh my God these guys are so powerful we're gonna lose how's their [ __ ] arrows so powerful Alex which one let me hit low HBO heal him for four six no it's poison damage oh my God it's 6'3 poison damage I get for being a nerd old guy I only have one Health they're gonna shoot me by credit uh one of the no Hunters so they're Lloyd um oh wow I'm about to die oh you you failed your saving throw yeah you're done you died wow I can kill the no Hunter I think the high HP one I guess I did too no you're from I can did you kill okay never mind no one HP um you can you go get any of them can you get Joe up uh I don't have an action to it but I can oh No I gave myself I can jump to where OJ is actually no I think I can travel in the distance I believe the [ __ ] had no Health fires three arrows at me and just [ __ ] rips my dead body apart when he's got three other guys running at him he wants to just he's like [ __ ] that guy in particular kill uh Angry Joe you were the closest one I think I was closer he just went over the Rock oh just my flight yeah even when I grab that Arrow out of the air I did so much he's just what is frenzied Fury do uh no he has a multi-attack which it's basically at aims three attacks at a Target and one d8 plus three oh I'm inspired character has escaped death and is stable but unconscious they will wake up when they regain Health points take a short rest heal them up foreign I think Alex has one too senator be healed so do you want to take the long rest so we get our spells and stuff back when you level up do you get all your [ __ ] back uh I actually don't know click level up and see if you get all your [ __ ] back see because sometimes when you level up you know some games uh talking about Ranger one spell slot game dispel kenja gifted a sub to Hurricane Jazz thank you oh I'm grabbing that Thunder Wave okay so I'll take guidance so I can give uh D4 to Ability checks now uh what would be a good feat yeah I got a feat that's quite a few feeds here I get it uh this one you probably skilled that game proficiently in three skills of your choice that seemed good oh sharp people yes definitely range weapon attacks with weapons you are proficient would have a negative five penalty to the attack roll but you can deal additional 10 damage gain charger weapon attack and charger shove that sounds like thank you let's see these others yeah we're just a little sharpshooter armor master no my house didn't change I like performer well it it did it was from one to seven it's not full HP Spells a Lot you learn two ritual spells of your choice I do need to constitute durable is really good adorable your Constitution increased by one you gain full head Points each time you take a short rest so your Constitution is 16 so you're fine uh even number is when you get the the biggest boost because then your save increases so like if you can find something that gives you one strength it's huge because seven going from 16 to 17 gives you no bonus going from 17 to 18 gives you a plus one on all of your strength rolls so if your strength is what plus four plus three if you get 18 it goes to plus four okay so if you find something with plus one string I think there's one for there should be one for everyone yeah athlete your strength or this dexterity increases by one when you're prone standing up less movement but I actually like this charger thing more because it gives two unique unique things cool um charger weapon attack and charger shove charge forward and shove the first enemy and you weigh your chances depend on your Athletics which is really high it's a bonus action and an action I don't know what that why they would list both of those there are some things that will only let you that won't let you use bonus actions after you do it and so having it be both gives you more flexibility it's like you could do this then you can only take a bonus action you can do this but you can only take a full action after the fact and so it just means yeah what's the plus did anyone see what the plus one wisdom is uh what do you mean the feat that gives you plus one wisdom uh I did not well I'm not in the level up screen so I can't see it because I already did my Sharpshooter one bro Sharpshooter increase one ability if you're liking proficiency it's a skilled um you said you wanted to go thumb into wizard right yeah uh warlock uses Charisma right and wizard uses intelligence you have probably garbage intelligence right let me check what's your charisma though 17. so you're gonna like that's so much better you want to be looking at a spellcaster that uses Charisma yeah there we go Warlock or sorcerer uh because you'll get Eldritch blast um I will go with warlock yeah I was gonna say warlock probably has them let's do it all right we need to rest you know ready to rest I'm still looking at my okay I guess there is no feat that gives plus wisdom uh well you can take the ability skill improvements at the very top where you can choose two that you want to right I put the level up yeah the level up no no wait it's like a ability skill Improvement where you can take two points into it or you could take a feed that's what it used to be in early access where you can mine just says select feet at the very top no no they they combined it together now so at the very top when it defeats the first one should be the ability uh oh I see you guys see what you're saying yeah good before it used to be one or the other yeah yeah that's that's incredible that's that's really good because now my wisdom I was able to get my Constitution to 16 and my wisdom to 18 and that's huge are we taking a long rest or short rest I think we're taking long rest so then we gotta get our spells because I don't have my spell slots longer okay everybody sharp and Lego oh my God you don't want to step on one of those cool name man this guy has a thing above his head I hope last night's little unpleasantness hasn't left a bad taste in you well I hope there are no bad feelings indeed it could these are very helpful in a fun zero door changed at a woman of course [Laughter] being a spawn how about now thanks where is she makes me zero Joe did want to see what the the naked ladies underwear let me help you oh Christ yeah there better run [Laughter] run into homes without an invitation they're all perfect I fit all the quality is strong taller than you breathing that's my theory but who knows I'm just glad you're being sensible about this I was worried you might but now there's clear are they going to bang no it's the plot man we have to build up to it it can't just happen immediately it's not porn people says if she wants to impress us the red dragon slaying his infernal kin above hell's fires did you not next to a dragon the devils and actually OJ which of the races is your type I can change that one trophy do you want a strong drop after a time I will ride a red dragon I will wield the silver sword and I will conquer every layer of hell should my queen command it here they are gifts to my Queen from the goddess Tiamat herself they reside in the great city of chunarav awaiting the privilege of battle do not pity them they reap great riches from their service gold and otherwise dragon's blood flows in you does it not perhaps you might be availed of the riches I offer we shall know in time's mortal enemy it is not unusual for the kids rack to give Chase to penetrate the hells this is unusual but I'm not one to question the wisdom of my queen I can see but to the Horizon blackest the planes oh do you turn all right here AJ does this satiate you left oh he left I was gonna say both Alex and hi God damn it [Music] y'all are sick what the [ __ ] you hit me for yeah what's a lizard get away you pig yeah hey push oh yeah oh [ __ ] do it again oh we get because you're in Collision okay oh do I have no strength to throw up yet oh no because I didn't take the thing to him for strength terrible terrible okay uh what else do we have uh Uber is that little bastard there we go you want to make a deal with the devil okay you got too many bombs because everyone naked he's like why are there so many women now I can do my Thunderclap oh here oh you can take off the shape-shifting thing and still be shape-shifted yeah you can hide it here OJ did this do it for you how do you unlock Molly morph yourself you have to dispel disguise at the far right it's like a mask breaking uh my wiener is now back uh let's run it I can be a bit more feminine for you oh Jay what the hell is going on here hey you said if you want to see a naked woman oh my God well it's good to see some movies instead of just freaking penis the whole time okay okay thank y'all thank you you're welcome okay thank you you want more here no please put your okay thank you yeah that'll be enough you left as soon as Alex and I shaved thank you what you decline not me and I'm here I hit yes unless it's not on the left side who's choosing camp supplies that would be me not me so then that would be nobody is choosing no I said no I said I am I'm getting exact 40. oh well we didn't hear that I don't think I can show that on YouTube they got different different uh guidelines the 3 to 14 Max potential damn straight Minecraft Daniel straight a lot better armor God damn it there was some for sale in the town no I can what's your dad we have a question 17. yeah 17 on dexterity you just hit the camp undown car lock yeah we have the quest nearby here it's like a little it's combat good it's Peach delicious okay I just got an auto save here Auto shaved all right thanks George for hanging out with us man see you next time all right man have a good time the dream of my character when you sleep oh my God oh God it Wiggles as he snores don't get no judgment yeah Alex nose oh God they were up there let me follow the path of I see hyenas in the far distance towards uh Direct North if we go more uphill okay who are you shooting at you're being silent about something wait are you trying to get oh I see it [ __ ] found some loot in there trying to get it faster than the other person that's what you get I oh God damn it no that was my backpack you son of a [ __ ] greedy greedy I had the reception and I saw it oh yeah I think you might want to come here then because we're right behind the nose Nest but there's two teeth no they're humans here uh past the bridge yeah I'm just waiting for it I need to heal myself God damn it yeah after getting smushed by Boulder you got smashed by a rock yeah you got Indiana Jones rock we can't cross now that you get older yourself back then you can jump you can jump yeah you just have to buff AJ prior to it foreign oh no I know uh I tried to turn the side of the rock because that's how I got there free okay fine we can help you with this OJ yeah I had already jumped oh it's a persuasion check five oh yeah I say that here just uh give me there you go oh not 20. uh I don't know it doesn't tell me and it's uh let's figure out what's going on with Alex here uh [ __ ] just happened what did you I didn't lose it all oh AJ went too far towards the hillside I did not oh maybe they were charging in then oh yeah they're all grouped there because they used to be more spread apart um no the the NPCs just randomly threw a Molotov cocktail at them and then took off running go around see if I can join you uh probably one is 85 Health let's get rid of the hunter so then he does a multi-attack as death and I missed I'm in this in disadvantage how do you get rid of Sharpshooter as like a reaction get it I should have did that prior to it um [Music] seeking Fearless furries take that [ __ ] I just had to drop a whole shitload of items oh we over encumbered cloud of daggers oh that's gonna help is that sarcasm feeling no no it's not current question because they're all clumped together so they would have to because if if we all space out all the way back we'll be out of range for the Archer so they have to move together yeah they're getting [ __ ] [ __ ] up by the daggers Joe's our most valuable asset oh he's dying idiots and they're a random Fire too this is a natural collection [Applause] you're just getting poisoned nothing right who the hell are those people I don't know uh oh one of them died whoops uh they paid me to protect uh to help them out the milk Liam Frank I am you know these [ __ ] no we ran up behind them they were they were the ones [ __ ] talk to them in the city oh wait did you follow me I'm guessing they were just trapped here do you know these [ __ ] that guy running into them he said I'll hold them back better him than us I guess oh yeah get in there yeah because they're on a treasure Expedition and then they got stuck by the note that's great when he dies I'm gonna take all his [ __ ] because he said that oh I mean I will pay I'll pay you if you can protect us that means it's got gold on him yeah he already paid me oh good I always take payment up front [ __ ] it that's why I put them we need to get rid of that level inside uh well 85 HP level five uh how do I get rid of this all in attack I want you to like disable all in attacks on some of it try to get to a higher elevation you'll get plus two you always have Advantage if you're shooting down technically I'm on the same oh 20. technically I'm on the same uh level field so I can get advantage oh use the warp bomb nice holy [ __ ] JoJo Jesus jump murdered so many goddamn hyenas you use the war problems that we found in the uh you didn't [Music] lately [Music] a little magic missiles just wow just use actions or disease imagine missiles you can't trip you can oh that's actually pretty useful that you just get for sure a sure [ __ ] damage even if [Music] [Music] oh he did that buddy is he always regending HP yeah I guess I'm next to die get over here yeah got him Alex what was it what the blue thing I saw the blue thing huh it's a uh shattered flail please so there's something inside this guy's body forced my mind shut I will not be influenced by the parasite or let the cat pull welcome the tadpole's influence Chad what do you want so the tadpole uh on the new skill tree that they implemented a couple of days ago where you can use the tadpoles to unlock new powers and what's the what's that Alex has one of the tadpoles uh well eats a part of your brain so I'm guessing you just become a mind flare but you get a power spells I don't care how powerful I am if I'm a mind player oh wait OJ did you have the cantrip what no yes compulsion takes over your anger your own gross I put the tadpole in my pocket in our buckets you can choose whether or not to use it for oh let's go inside I mentioned or you could just not use it at all find the missing shipment I guess that's the story of the game whether we give in to the [ __ ] tadpoles or not oh yeah let's see a huge overarching narrative yet because uh the main story that is well that is currently is that we're trying to get the title post out of our uh and apparently shot and Shadow heart needs to uh bring the fact that she has bound to her and Joe did you already load all these bodies holy [ __ ] that's a lot of bodies for me quick I gotta be you look tired what did the shipment say Alex what does the shipment say thing I just opened yeah it had a iron flask in it it's a glowing flask oh there's a wooden chest here but it's guarded by a trap let's see if I can get it be careful there's fire poison well this was not the car lock oh there's a city filled with blood down here that I think is where he is okay in the big yellow circle let's do a short rest on the boys time to get going oh I found it uh a gloves inside a locked chest uh ever Vigilant wearing the word chooses to end their rich rage uh they gained 15 temporary hit points let's go you're good for a barbarian somebody's getting hurt somehow don't know why did you run over a trap perhaps Vines uh AJ was hit for two fire damage and condition Burr oh I must be walking over burning embers potatoes carrots you know OJ won't eat carrots true really yeah it's weird oh I'm poisonous because I ate the cheese the cheese poisoned me oh buttholes are in here oh that's some ranch of cheese oh boy not gonna go in yet but there's bottles in this building that's a very interesting sword who it's a two-handed you can't use it I'm strong of tear never even expired cheese where these buildings possessed it keeps making horrible noises please I'm gonna go above them just in case things go south the toll house it seems like you're having the bubble guts over there the character he sent us after an infernal being straight out of the night I think the infernal being is here to the right she snorted countless refugees fleeing the absolute yesterday and she butchered an entire family without Mercy lucky to survive our encounter with her religion failed she ran toward the river down the hill from here she must be if you capture her you would have served here we could not this is the sort of Justice blessed by tear I've wielded it since I saw my oath it's all I have but it's yours if you stop her and bring me her head and tail this into her crimes repaid just God guide you we really want to help paladins like you're being killed and we get the same thing yeah let's go demons you want to check what's behind that door which door that might not why is my poison not wearing off there though spooky in here who's making this Focus out I think it's upstairs yeah because it's a lottery oh there's also a Trader here we can sell some of our useless stuff oh yeah I definitely need to do that do you want to kill those things first what thing I don't see anything here I don't think it's here let's see what you have to trade no it's upstairs I can hear it oh my God so many sausages a few amounts to feed now I went upstairs there was nothing out here he said go get her and then hunt the devil it's down south you lady have my rotten eggs uh rotten cheese mushroom oh apparently I have an ocean of animals speaking whenever I'm looking uh AJ if you want to take that right um did you kill this guy not me killed me looking at that chair Joe looks pretty dude it's pretty good to sit in too late patiently okay so all that now now you can talk to the trader if you need something did you look upstairs Alex oh just leave something here well the demon zone is gone now well let's say check that we failed religion what was the other one rotten eggs oh yeah I gave her my rotten eggs looks empty I would narrowed down to hunt the Deadpool isn't that small close Circle all right we got about an hour and 30 minutes left are y'all are we done here it's still silly I collected Alex did you sell I haven't yet you can go ahead all right waiting for Joe uh if you want me to give me some of the stuff to carry like any of the I have a lot of inventory space if you're close to over and convert I am not uh just the cams to yeah yeah yeah yeah sure sure no no no no no love you bye you say that to the traitor lady yep she's not a traitor in short time your fate will be sealed so I sent you the potion AJ ith Grand Old Duke thank you for re-subscribing 36 months iyq2 thank you for gifting a sub to Harris tyler904 for six months total that is half a year thank you so much and as far as nodding the UI no that's not possible because there are so many elements on this UI that it is uh very difficult to find somewhere to put these things perhaps if we go all the way to the bottom and we do this let's try that the only thing it hides is this right here and the intern base mode but other than I actually is like rotten rotten stuff and no money uh Alex I think I may have that only do Can you shape shift or no yeah can you shape-shift into a mouse probably I found a barrel hole that you can go into it's at the back of the house I'm gonna buy some camp supplies since I can't buy anything else [Laughter] [Music] dark Templar thank you for gifting the sub door I'm too bad at this they've given 88 gift subs thank you so much darker I've got now I can finally trade cat we fear a mouse to cat's the smallest thing I've got I've got spider Badger wolf cat and then like some other thing you all took all of her money what am I supposed to do I I didn't I there was no money there was no items either I just took camp supplies because there was nothing else well you got a zero okay wait till the end to trade I took lock picks I don't know what you did okay took her money zero where is this thing it's not the back of the house so if you go around where the uh dead carcass the redhead is there's a barrel hole that I found by perception where here can you not see it I don't think it shows me what it shows you oh I see the barrel on the map let's go fight the demon I'm getting bored so let's see how do we get down oh yeah you did want to go oh gotta go down where's that I'm under yeah I'm in some sort of basement I like you too thank you there's traps everywhere down here can you get to the door and then I'm gonna try to like I'll open the door without exploding [Music] okay well the doors open I got a new instrument where are you you've had it a while oh it doesn't show you on them well I just learned to play it up here I couldn't play before this is a shitty song okay all right have some more beat what about this one [Music] what did you two uh if you double click on Alex you see exactly where it he's inside a underground part of the map yeah I'm underground as it turned into a cat why because zero told me to turn into a cat and go into this hole all right come back up let's go fight this demon okay it is I see a giant sword and stuff in the other room but I don't think yeah it's from the adjacent room but it's that's so cool that you could be a kitty it's walled off and then you hear the little beans hitting the floor can you guys watch my [ __ ] I'm watching you as if I'm playing no that's weird there's a bunch of two-handed long swords a bunch of inside a little secret room but I'm guessing there's a thing that you need to get a perception check in order to open it can you can you open the main door yeah it's locked hmm and I don't think you have lock picks do you yeah we almost stepped on trap uh okay how the [ __ ] do I get out of here uh wasn't there a hole here I can't oh I can't alt uh hold out to find it oh here there's a hole uh bro I wish somebody dude come we're now looking at Alex from a bird's eye point of view I think I like how is the thing changed her cat it's nice profile oh the Porsche yeah all right what now [Music] [Music] all right let's go attack the demon uh thank you not on my watch Damien's oh whoa where's the cat powering up for I could be out what best game ever 10 out of 10. that's it right there done review finished it it distracts people while other people are doing stuff yeah I missed it this is so that humans start running to the cat yeah direct the attention of nearby friendship [Laughter] [Music] Damon looks wounded oh OJ I got this she's a woman oh God oh God damn it Joe well maybe not Super Saiyan calm down tell her to relax if that works yeah usually does a trick and then he died devil face me oh maybe you can try to fly [ __ ] me okay all right calmed her down she on the ship with us I don't remember her you probably saw us but we didn't see her maybe within the intro cut scene that we saw let me guess baby it's a devil he told me who you were believe me I never killed anyone who didn't a great heat Roars through you her heat fiery the connection between visions of demonics as you as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood blood of War you soared from above as the north Lloyd passed through avernus was on the front line it's great baby you are a devil no it connects us yeah it makes us one mountains as far as the eye can see guess that explains the voices Peak I got into your head you've made some inroads trying to get consulted I said you know look at my head it's pretty dirty in there and you are I'm posting yes it was stupid it is amazing Chad is it not well met Soldier now that we're all Pals how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards a little background a female Compass needs something to point at you already know I fought in the blood War I was good at killing demons really good well that's actually actually so good zariel the arch devil herself made me her personal attack dog played along until I could get the [ __ ] out of there took me 10 years but now I'm free Zaria said goon after goon to hunt me down but believe me when I tell you I'm not going the latest yappy little dog she sicked on me are nearby a group of dopes posing as paladins tweet wanna help me take him down yes yeah I'll use my clothes [ __ ] yes they cornered me outside the toll house scorching I gave him yeah we can work on evicting this parasite and take favor we took all that lady's money and gave her a bunch of rotten eggs it's a great plan of me and we can steal her most valuable loot I'd hug you if it wouldn't score I'm okay with it oh it's written for me zero zero shapeshift put it foreign because I would like to play with some of these characters but it's so cool that you could play with three other of your friends no Joe not all the women can be yours and he won for the romance on to record okay since apparently likes you AJ you can take ladies out no she doesn't like me yeah I've been screaming at me don't tell me what I can take I'll take one off well guess what I Shadow heart doesn't particularly like so that's unless you want to find out okay it's not true you anybody can romance anybody if as long as you were on the ship you could romance them you could romance me piss him off I can romance no not player on play romance you said anyone are we killing these people yeah no man dessert or do we have to do it let me talk to the dude first see if we'll give me money or something any sign of the tiefling fiend uh remind me I met her she says you are the fiends and I believe her I met her by the river drop the ACT you're no Paladin you serve the arch devils are really block the oh okay who did that show what the [ __ ] I threw a Rotten Tomatoes God damn it Joe oh they shot the kitty oh you little [ __ ] outside of his jokes well did you get an animation out of it at least we didn't see it yeah no I saw him throw the tomatoes you saw him throw the Tomato but I could get it on recording [Music] did you hit OJ too I think you didn't how did I couldn't have hit it with you yeah he knocked him out of his song Let's play my song Frank look I had a Rotten Tomato he's a bad guy Miss oh that is 24. really powerful oh my God yeah and I'm dead well this is why we need to kill the people his sword was that powerful legendary [ __ ] let's take it tired of being the tank I thought Alex was supposed to be the tank God damn it well it was a kitty really like you [Music] now they really like OJ oh it's a traitor that shot oh I've got one Health left there you go a little more now wait did you have additional sneeze power die trash did he have any stuff yes [Music] uh Sword of Justice 4 to 14 2D2 he gets tears protection for me which does protect a creature from attacks increases at two sorry OJ I'm gonna have to kill your girlfriend that's right she has rotten eggs I need to get Joe Moore better armor uh I guess I'll just be wearing heavy armor in this game it's too heavy for my little body does he have anything to do like papaya smell we hates it he tricks us straight away six oh eight zero thank you very much for supporting The Angry Joe show adding your strength to the angry Army high five we're having a lot of fun with this game hope you guys check out this game we're enjoying the stream she just drank a health potion and she paralyzed you why are people still shooting me no what the [ __ ] she shot OJ you just got paralyzed but [ __ ] is this guy paralyzing me for if I can break her concentration nerd oh contraction broken yeah yeah snareder dropped her weapon because it was too hot to handle did you he meddle her I hit her with my schmeet [Music] oh how's it going to smoke she's using all the rotten eggs we ever plastered zero [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] oh one hitter quitter OJ just went down like a [ __ ] I can't handle Little Women I'm gonna I guess I'll try to like I like the big ones you can't even have one of those little ones already down I only had two hit points left I don't have enough actions to pick him up but I'm gonna go and help zero I'll get him up get up little buddy what are you talking about oh me so I gotta step in that [ __ ] [ __ ] that okay she it looks her bark skin what does that do uh oh is there any way to sap it Franco Franco thank you 50 65. hope everyone is doing well one month short of four years four okay almost there thank you for keeping the show the lights on oh my God I knew something like that was coming I should have [ __ ] not stepped in there God damn it this one [ __ ] you shouldn't have given all these rotten eggs she's 24-24 do I gotta go finish I gotta pick Joe up oh my god oh got her one shot her does she still have all that [ __ ] on her no but she did have four screw what or trixes oh give me one now what what about this guy didn't he have that badass holy [ __ ] laughs they killed him Jim he's dead thank you so much man wow more sausages no that is supporting the show my man [Laughter] hot damn all right well all of us need healing let's let's take a long rest after is still better yeah yours is still better it's just I get it free spelled okay are y'all ready to go or no not yet stealing sausages where are you receiving it from oh it's too tough oh is that the place that I was at that's the vault door I know we already looted him [ __ ] zeros hey let's well we can go down there okay how did you get downstairs uh Joe is oh there's a door zero you're gonna have to pick the lock of the Vault yeah and there's a shitload of traps down here what yeah I got a whole bunch of stuff in here um one trap goes off everybody's dead here yeah okay ride the truck in through the thing [ __ ] are y'all doing down here I just looted everything God damn it leave some for the rest of us I haven't gotten any loot in this game not at all I got one [ __ ] sword that's it Joe's too quick zero goes off I had too fast I found some sweet ass sale on the torch I mean do all sorts of stuff malt door that's the torch [ __ ] yeah it's already in use pull the boxes out of the way see if you can find a lever oh yeah old boxes what yeah I'm gonna hold left click it moved to distance based on your strength oh I got no strength how do you do it throw no you just hold left click on the oh thing I don't think there's nothing here that's the thing wait no wait there's a mound here oh do we have do you have like a heavy attack swing oh wait uh the great ax I I gave it to you maybe you could try to use it to break down by a force no oh yeah yeah you did it 24 damage you need to do one more attack medium toughness yeah [ __ ] that door uh let's zero okay every circle on the floor is a trap you get rid of this one 21. watch how you go perception there's another bottles in here there's a secret room we can see it just beyond the wall Passage looked empty someone else sit in the chair prowl poison what what chair the other Stone oh I see it I see I see I see I see yeah coming be wary this place is trapped ah oh [ __ ] that was cool oh [ __ ] shut your ass is down Joe OJ she's gonna steal all the [ __ ] loot when they walk in there we get off with the chair oh my God why are you letting the door go up he was gonna try to disarm the traps yeah I might have just died I no longer have control of my character what the [ __ ] all right luckily it glitched okay what if you sit on it so then I can uh disarm the Trap there's gloves metallic gloves there's a helmet there's some chests Shields you just move because I have reception I have high perception oh hold on all 22 yep good disabled get simple toxin [ __ ] on the ground I'm getting poisoned over here hurry shut off no lose when does the acid go away you let the scalp go for I don't think ads go though naturally what the [ __ ] I'm sure it does after a huge how about I freeze it maybe if you have water I think you have great water I've got frost bread is it just loot everything in there and just let us know what's in there uh plus one ax that's good plus one stop I think it's like the first plus one plus one great ax three to fourteen with the weapon enchantment there I found green gloves I need to jump back take more damage uh glow the gloves a heroism boarding hand Channel cutting in and out all right strength savings throws plus one it's because your mic is not sensitive enough you'd be tougher on it I'm just all right you got everything looted uh glitter heroism warding hands winning game channel Spells game one heroin there no that doesn't help actually you just raised your volume and now you're just cutting out at louder I'm not gonna actively yell into it no that not what I mean your sensitivity bar but the mic is like so close to me but but it's on automatic for the sensitivity onto the score yeah that's why lower yourself back down spooky shoes why are you naked in there oh he's not it just looks like he is from way back here okay I thought he was trying to like save weight all right so I'm gonna go sit in the chair uh Joe you you know how to get poisoned [Music] wait you're walking he's not he's encumbered because he looted too much [ __ ] no I sold it all to that crazy lady it's clearly shows us you're encumbered RJ you shut the door I didn't move oh thank God I jumped I actually jumped is that some ice cream the wall what's up okay which one of you AJ do you want buried ax 315 uh I think my current weapon is better but I guess I'll sell it he could highlight it and see it looks like the everbird blades better though um what's your strength Outlet 17. or 18. now you want the gloves the heroin well at least for now until you can get like better who's this if anybody wants it instructed on the floor is it more it's a hammer can't use it oh you owe me five dollars oh my God 98 months thank you so much couch would you grab the pouch this is boring I'm out of here there oh [ __ ] okay now what is what do we got next on the docket we're gonna rescue the Druid right yes on the goblin camp the rest of the Druid hallsen he's like right next to us too okay do we want to heal um are you guys doing on spell slots and stuff I used to have one spouse I've got some spells I should be all right yeah I should be fine for now-ish okay well you'll just heal your wounds I don't see anybody close one later what do you mean like for the quest Kevlar candy bar that's cool man Kevlar candy bar thank you Kevlar for being with us for two months two months two weeks all right now we need to go west going west okay yeah that looks like an evil place let's go in that direction careful there's trolls on the left that we touch Ed OJ I gave you I'm looking up it's the same armor class but it's just new looking when just now oh yeah I think you were the wrong person me and Alex look a little bit like I hear a party happening sounds like a goblin party down there okay all right across the bridge I assume this bridge is gonna [ __ ] break or something there's gonna be a fight for sure um zero once you give jump to everybody I'll get OJ you get AJ you think there's gonna be a fight yeah on oh wait I couldn't I can disguise myself as a drought defeat the goblins oh [ __ ] okay that's uh that's a lot of government do you want me to Skype myself as a drought no no he's not in dialogue yeah I'm not there yet uh where's drow drop you trying to scare him I'm not even sure if we're intentional rights I mean they're not enemies yet it just says talk to him so all right I'm great at talking don't worry you you do it well somebody did it no Joe do it oh I guess we just walked past him all right well quite this time because I'm looking for somebody we were friendly with the person wow Joe you're really good I initiated uh talk uh talk with him as a drop and he just said that's okay you can go on uh these guys are all sitting around a table filled with alcohol they're celebrating a raid the sick because of some wait a minute cutscene AJ's should have been Kevin should have been [ __ ] Joe yeah my voice they captured a Duke obey my come on recognize the overwhelming Authority that you've used on others infinitely stronger Vision clouds leaving you in a dark featureless shadow Escape nothingness in every direction then there are three figures before you go exuding power and command eyes These are My Chosen they speak for me the age their search for the weapon and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence division of spade and the voice Alters is a strange energy swells around you the many sided artifact and how you understand it's repelling the Press my forces gather a reckoning just happened did that thing fly at me so the same artifact that shadow protected you what type of power the artifact possesses it shows no sign of it now we received a mysterious artifact it just floated to me I guess yeah where you guys at he was basically protecting you uh we're right behind you 've captured themselves idea [Music] what are we supposed to do here we're looking for uh Goblin leader well we had that in Polson what's shaking purple buff yeah it wasn't it wasn't shaky before we hate it he tricks us you know what's weird is it's not shaky for me it's only shaky on obs wow hmm okay how about this using game capture now should be fixed now all right fixed excellent well this is a lot of goblins I don't think we're meant to kill every single one I mean we can it is possible but the big doors uh he said no you you no go inside in not sure if that zero you you are breaking up every other word it's more like yeah the beginning of what you say and the end of what you said that to me usually indicates or Discord sensitivity yeah is that better Maybe so if we don't go in there then I don't know what to do except for I don't know we're already inside I'm guessing it was the same ward off because it's just boring when I hit save what do you want to do I'm just on the other side uh I'm in a dialogue I don't want to do anything um if you guys want to go through the door great otherwise I can yeah you could detect thought yeah I've got to detect thoughts um OJ can you go through the door where the ogre is and then to help Alex with the this side yeah on my way look at that bartic inspiration what are we doing I'm in a dialogue right now I'm just waiting for you guys to show up so she's just like we are here yeah so it's like do we deception intimidation or detect thought our courses through the text box might do something it's it's low he said he couldn't do it again boy only the absolute herself gets to do that oh holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you say to her everybody's attacking that's one second [Music] are you doing that music oh yeah very interesting music it's our battle music [Music] oh that's an alarm okay that's the alarm we got the war drum [Music] temporarily hostile yeah she sounded the alarm even though I did not hear it foreign [Music] jeez all of them had Dash oh OJ this might be a good time for your whirling blades yeah wood but I don't think you missed I need to go to sleep it's just performing well in combat he's got a spell that's basically saved our ass two or three times called the whirling blades but he doesn't have it in this battle so tougher depending on enemies are coming at us whirling blades creates a little tornado blades in an area and usually all these dumb ass say I'll walk right through it is that guy's ensnared and I guess stand that they stay within the rough roughly the same position I can try to do an error of ice that can be dirty damage yeah I could try to yank a missile out of here get reduce the damage to zero got it get rid of these [ __ ] archers spotlights on me boys should I should I get rid of these people on the ground or the ground I'm gonna try to yank the archer off the top all right then let me move here and go with the cleave [Music] oh x67 Health left [Music] bonus action I should have just took it give me Miss missed rap [ __ ] [Music] hit for two is that a Sci-Fi blade yo what do you got there yeah lots of blue doesn't do much though it's just for show time scare people it's blade yeah chicken it's dangerous couple stuff one time I'm gonna snare that missile come on got it missed son of a [ __ ] [Music] Taylor water I hated that the fire all over the [ __ ] yeah too bad so far I need two actions you get a level five plus you also have your yeah you'll get a second and your flurries you'll get up to three attacks on the turn Next Level that's cute when are we leveling up where is that and your inventory there's a bar at the top yeah all of us have had like this again yeah we'll be much better next next stream next stream will be much more proficient at fighting I'm gonna do some bonuses with my surges but I'm saving that for when we're in troubles no breathing you want to get the far Archer I don't know if you can reach that one yeah up top I should have the one in front of me but no chicken diddle is fiddle nice if I can uh soften them up baby we win you see what the Warriors are looting their bodies is red what is that it just means like since we're friendly to them it would count as steel and are you gonna do it hell yeah yeah dude if y'all already did it if no one's watching us then it's fine but if like there's a scout somewhere that sees you do it then it's a problem so let Joe go in first again these are already hostile but we can see oh damn we really needed enough to fill that role at the beginning there's a whole dungeon of these guys no he it was like used up he can only do it if he's got slots I'm gonna entangle the floor like are these all archers couple of more archers I don't know but I'm not sure he also greased the floor that works too oh we got the high priestess here too 40 HP in the way back left ow en greased oh well I can't do that attack anymore I don't fire in the grease I could it'd be funny because prone gives me a lower chance put a fire in front of us and then they walk the road and they die that was the plan we only have one action it's ridiculous oh what the okay I was about to say does that happen it's prone he's burning and he's having a bad day yeah I was hoping they would do more it was shot I don't know I don't know if I like my grease route kind of somewhat situational we'll see how it plays out all these guys are archers we're screwed uh yeah yeah how much damage one damage a piece nah [ __ ] the grease tactic I thought I I thought toes was like it was really good grease is good on its own because they'll slip in it and they'll just fall once you light it on fire it turns into damage all right well that I wanted to try the fire one at least so now we know Greece is going to be a little bitter I have one at level five I believe where they take damage when they walk through it ends a huge AOE plus they're goblins I don't think they care about fire ah let's see examine the Constitution saved it's all right it's about average oh what oh that's the high priestess yeah that's one of the goblin leaders there are so many enemies here come on two Health he'll burn for one but that's it can I shove him for damage you can shove him into the fire if you're successful is he melee yeah he's mad like so if he moves through the bar then he would take the last damage to well he has two health which one's more dangerous well it's 1v4 damage what's one D4 I thought that burning is 1v4 damage killed him sweet oh I can't see the damage good job throw a smoke bomb and then killed her oh well time to celebrate he just gave her bad gas yep take some Taco Bell well we're doing good just the fire attack that did somewhat work out oh I got a burning up Alex Beach Oh I thought she was dead someone killed Chicago do you have anything that can cure hexes [Music] does uh someone needs to wake up OJ what the [ __ ] oh dude y'all are all in the way for my more powerful stuff I get out the way like a Thunderclap but I did get a It's Gonna Knock Alex way into there if he depending on what the fave is oh yeah because yeah just trying to stand out in front and take all the soak the damage right now double Miss crap ass crap ass power as long as austerity hex last oh into a long rest [ __ ] it and give myself another action and I'm gonna charge attack [Music] got him [Music] nice your hex is gone [Music] where did The High Priestess go hey I slept a shot slipped [Music] oh nice well you can shop [ __ ] blew up like a melon [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes that didn't work this guy two times yeah there we go that's wild he's running this torturous Pike lady foreign [Music] [Music] mansion I'm looking forward to Ahsoka and the game is good yeah no because it caused a spell not mine I need healing somebody in me a second wind I already used it do you have potions you don't have any healing drums [ __ ] my guy's tired all right two more I'm just gonna get disadvantaged on that original on top yeah climb uh they're very high up one is super high up to where we're just gonna get disadvantaged if I try shooting her from here are they stuck they just don't seem to be doing no one's the clerics of the casting spells the other ones the Archer so the shoes yeah there's no saxophone yeah I'm a copyright claimable with an Epic Sax Guy song sucks [ __ ] yeah Fireball [Music] magic Missile won't miss him no more for some reason got him for fire critical Miss he's got two Health left yep you should have brought more I never liked turn-based games until I played Baldur's Gate three much love to the ajs well welcome to the wonderful world of strategy tactics turn base you're gonna love it it's gonna open up a whole new world to you and you're gonna find that you really enjoy this kind of chess match of executing the plan and using your brain it's gonna be good what's going on you'll enjoy hey Luna what's going on oh I'm so tired about to pass out okay um dead yet we're gonna wrap up after this battle so uh OJ should I push her off for him where's the guy very top yeah no I'm gonna hit him with ice before you can that's forward sport here's the other one the one that keeps healing itself do bonus actions and stuff and then do an advantage we survived we won okay uh I gotta go to the bathroom really bad but I think that's a good stopping point I'll save here um yeah we'll do twitch day one and we will be back for day two tomorrow I hope you guys enjoy uh you know join us then we should be a lot more proficient once we hit level five you're gonna see some wild ass combinations is going to be a lot of fun so I hope to see you here uh tomorrow and um thank you to zero for playing with this and thank you to all you guys for supporting the show purest diamond for subscribing eight minutes ago spine 74 that was 23 minutes ago nine months much love I missed a few of these I believe so I think I've got them now um yeah Jackie here tomorrow I think we're in trouble what'd you do well what the hell happened what who's this what the [ __ ] is going on it wasn't me no no he just walk walks down here he just walked in look at this ah you [ __ ] trying to [ __ ] spoil me all right that'll do it we'll see you guys on the next Angry Joe show bye everybody all right
Channel: AngryJoeShow Live
Views: 55,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 1hVT-u6ywcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 471min 9sec (28269 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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