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hello that so I love - wah it's the thing that I've used for many years about two years ago I started dabbling a little bit in acrylics and then about a year and a half ago I started trying watercolors every so often but one thing that I have never tried is all your painting and the reason I put this off for so long is because I find it incredibly confusing someone that's never been to art school or had any form of experience with oil painting I really don't understand all these bottles and jars and oils and chemicals and poisonous things that you put with the oils just it doesn't you don't just like sort of paint and dry you know it's confusing to me so went over to Skillshare and such oil painting because whenever I'm trying to learn something new I always do Skillshare because it's great I found these really really helpful classes by Adelle McFarlane and she just basically went through the entire basics and everything I needed to know about oil painting I will leave a link in the description if you want to take this class - because Skillshare is kindly sponsoring this video today and they have given me a link for the first 300 people only to take their classes for two months for free so make sure you check them out they got over 24,000 classes in art design photography business web design just everything you can kind of think of they've got on their website and I even teach my own classes on Skillshare gonna check them out they're on there you take them free if you check out the link they're just a fantastic resource that I recommend to all new artists and people trying to learn new things so thank you Skillshare for sponsoring this video today and yeah I think it's about time we start oil painting so let's go so this is everything that I purchased I went with the Utrecht or your paints here and basically I want to be as non-toxic as I possibly can with this because all your painting is I mean I don't wanna say dangerous but you know it it's it's kind of dangerous I don't know a lot of people do it but I just want to try and keep it as as non-toxic as I can so I've got some gamsol here which was recommended to me in the shop because this helps to like clean the brushes and stuff but I'm actually not going to use this instead I'm going to use linseed oil to help sort of take the paint off of my brushes and this is actually recommended to me in the class because she actually has an entire based on non-toxic or your painting or as left least toxic as possible anyway so yeah firstly she uses linseed oil in two different cuts so she's got two ones for dirty ones for clean and that just helps apparently loosen oil paints I deliberately at the time did but not by any paints that said they were cadmium in it apparently this one does say cadmium on it but apparently according to Adelle MacFarlane if it says cadmium hue usually it means that it's a huge like something that's pure cadmium but it's not always as dangerous or as potent so we've got this one and you know everything else is here I've got myself a little canvas here this one is pre Jess ode but she told me that I need to just sew it myself so apparently what you do is you have to put the gesso on in one direction let it dry and then do it in the opposite direction let it dry and then it's good to go I've got myself some cheap little brushes here which are synthetic fibers and she said that they're fine as well so should be good to go the only thing I didn't have was a palette she uses a glass palette which is quite helpful I think because you can keep cleaning off but she said if you don't have one you can use wax paper this isn't all something I'm going to keep using don't worry I know it's not very earth friendly so I'm just gonna use it for this one particular video until I get myself a proper palette so I'm not really sure which direction I want to go in with this just yet I just want to have like her a bear of some kind but maybe like a butterfly on his nose not really sure so I'm kind of trying to just get a really loose like anatomy of this bear or I'm actually using some references from my friend who is an incredible animal photographer so I'll leave her instagram handle here to make sure you check her out I really don't have the best ventilation in this room which is not good thing when you're working with oil paint these are all leaking all the HEC generally have no idea what to expect ya can kind of smell it already it's quite strong okay so I think I'm gonna have some sort of greenish background I feel like such a professional artist right now with my palette knife I'm gonna open a door because this is just many ventilation so apparently you're supposed to start with the darks and apparently you layer so the first layer should be very very thin because that's the layer that's going to be drying and then the more layers you add the thicker you can get with the paint but I'm not going to be allowing this to dry today I think I'm gonna just do it all in one go because I'm a rebel it's a child locked it's probably I can't get in right so I think I'm gonna apply very small amount of this linseed oil to my paints to see what the effect is whoa I'm so excited I'm so excited I'm oil painting I'm certain there's a lot of things that I'm doing wrong right now so I'd really appreciate any tips or advice any of you have because I really don't have a clue what I'm doing [Music] so I'm trying to be as thin with this as I can because that's what I'm supposed to do but I am actually again I'm not really waiting for this to dry to complete this I'm just gonna fully Bob Ross it and just do it all at once okay so he can do it well no one else can really do it cuz it's Bob Ross but you know I mean [Music] very hard to clean off the oil from the brushes apparently I absolutely love the way these blends like look at that how nice does that look I already fed these to acrylics I'm kind of really just experimenting with the color instead of trying to do too fancy I'm just basically seeing what I can actually make like it's just perfectly blending like this no you can't see any of the canvas behind it at all and I'm not sure if that's just because I have really good quality paints but whenever I use acrylic paint I feel like it's just not easy to blend it like this this is just so seamless [Music] I'm going to attempt to [Music] light in it now I'm not sure if that's going to be possible but I'm gonna try it anyway the color just goes on forever like it's just I love using this linseed oil because it just makes it lasts so long I don't even know it was a thing so yeah it's very difficult to lighten out once you've already put dark down because it just kind of blends in so much if you had like days and days to do this I can see why people spend just weeks on painting with oil paints cuz it's just like the most like it just doesn't ah no I've gotten rid of his tail and I get the feeling that's gonna be difficult to bring back so because I'm going the kind of greenish blue route I think I'm gonna go in in a more like reddish orange route for the bear to give it like that complimentary color I think it would look quite nice just need to make sure I clean my brush up properly that class was seriously so helpful like I had no idea half the stuff she was telling me was even a thing like I've read a lot of articles but some of the stuff she told me I genuinely didn't even know that was a thing because I never read it in the articles so Adele McFarlane you are awesome just blends so nicely it's just like a little cap lens just look at the blend I think from memory they said when you add linseed oil I think that it makes it dry slower or am I getting that opposite way around does it make it dry faster it's nice because acrylics dry so fast that you don't get that like really nice blend ability that you do with oils I totally get what Bob Ross use this like I just want to go and paint a million mountains and trees right now [Music] so think what I'm gonna do now is other than make this bet actually look like a bear which it doesn't right now it looks like some sort of deformed deer we're gonna go ahead and try and make a little beef on his nose I think yeah you really have to think this out if you're planning on doing it all at once because it just it's not gonna dry in a few minutes it's gonna take hours if not days and weeks to dry so you definitely have to like think this through so I want him to be like yellow and like orange and red it's gonna be quite tough and if being honest I really don't make a lot of animals so in general this is gonna be a bit messy but it's fine ah ah ah this way don't want to do I've got green in it I'm just gonna sort of just Pattinson colors to the bear I've got a couple reoccurring theme about bears at the moment if you look over on my Instagram I've had these like little bear illustrations and working on and I've really enjoyed them because I'm trying to sort of develop my own character and I want it to be like a little bear so if not cut with a name from yet so if you can think of one let me know is that a bee you never once when I was a kid I actually did try oils but I thought they were like acrylic paint so I painted something and then overnight wait for it to dry and it was still wet and I could not understand for like me what happened and then I went back to it like a few it's like aren't still wet I could not figure out what was going on I had no idea the oils were even like a thing Milou were nervous to do his face I'm not gonna lie because I kind of feel like I'm gonna mess it up [Music] I'm kind of taking a lot of inspiration from Rob cows for this because I love the way he does his backgrounds I'm not good with fine details with a paintbrush [Music] what amazed me about this is I'm still on the same tiny amount of paint that I was when I started like I've hardly used any oil pens whatsoever so I can see why people don't have to buy oil paints often okay so it's the next day now I started developing a headache because of the smell of all this so what I'm going to do now is just finish off his face basically and then just sort of see where I can go from there I'm messing his face up I can feel it I can see it and I can feel it [Music] think I'm pretty much on the cusp of being done so I think I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna leave it before I mess it up further if I'm being honest because this thing really needs to dry and there we have it there's my little bear what do you think it's my first oil painting it's no any perfect and I've made a lot of mistakes but overall I'm actually quite happy with it and how it turned out I will leave a link to all of the supplies that I used in this video in the description down below and also make sure you check out Skillshare too because this is where I learn a lot of the oil painting related stuff I learned in that class so definitely check it out if you can and let me know as well if there's anything that I should try out next or techniques that maybe I didn't do properly I'd love to hear your experience there and thank you so very much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video take care of yourselves and I will see you the next video [Music]
Channel: Chloe Rose Art
Views: 634,353
Rating: 4.9146004 out of 5
Keywords: first time trying oil paints, trying oil paints, trying oil paints for the first time, oil painting, oil paints, gouache, how to, tutorial, how to use oil paints, artist, artwork, i tried oil painting, first time, i tried oil paints, trying oil painting, trying oil painting for the first time, bob ross, weird art supplies, new art supplies, oil painting class, trying new art supplies, oils, art supplies, chloe rose, chloe rose art, i tried following a bob ross tutorial
Id: zL2S4wd3SLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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