Trying Indian Food for the First Time Ever!

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YouTube Welcome to or welcome back to our Channel today we are going to take you guys with us to do something that we have never done before and we've kind of been putting it off I'm going to be honest like we always are like oh should we do it and then we're like yeah no let's go somewhere else but neither of us have ever had Indian food I wouldn't say that we've I don't never had I don't think I can remember having it but there's no way I've never had it right my like family doesn't eat Indian food either so like it's like not something that they like so we never like went out of our way to have Indian food um that is one thing about like Belgium and Brussels in general it's like the the head of like the EU it's like where all the European Union uh countries have places have uh embassies at so like there's a ton of different ton of different cultures around here and like ton of different food like there's like 140 some countries represented within Brussels so it's it's really cool one of our things is we always were like oh let's go to like a steakhouse or something not good here and so we're like we need to Adventure out we need we've always like heard people say that the Indian food here is really good so we're like we need to try it so I found a place in ant worp and it's like a hole in the wall and everyone was like don't judge it by like the looks of it but it's all like handmade their Indian food and I contact them and I asked them I was like would you be able to do something for someone with like a gluten and dairy allergy and they were like yes and so we're going to go try I'm nervous how are you feeling hopefully uh we're not fighting over the the restroom when we get back but we'll uh we'll figure it out okay what's your like first like like what is your first thoughts of when I hear yeah like I think like it's going to be so spicy I'm going to hate it I didn't even think you're like bias like no they're really big on like Curry here and like Curry's like very isn't Curry like very I thought it was spicy prominent in Indian food isn't that like a big one of the main ingredients so like I'm I'm I understand what that tastes like so maybe it's very similar to to that Curry yeah they have like curry chicken here a lot I've never even had Curry though I've had so my impression is that it's going to be spicy you're thinking it's going to taste like C I'm think all all I hear around here is like Kip Kip curry curry chicken curry that's what I'm thinking of okay let's go Oh in the non non bread non bread that stuff looks garlic non bread I'm going for it so my my vote is that's going to be his favorite thing and then my other bias is that I think it's going to be super spicy only one way to find out let's go you ready for this think I'm going to get the bread and then the chicken P all right let's go in like to have you reviews you like for sure it's [Music] awesome okay spice bizaar you ready for this what do you think you're going to get to start let's do starters first start I'm going to do the garlic na I love garlic big garlic guy garlic Na and then I'm going to do for my meals between these three but I'm going to go with the chicken creamy chicken creamy okay all right we're going with the garlic naan kind of looks like a [Music] pizza good tasty he more butter but tasty they say it's good dipped in that chicken [Music] stuff you find it okay I'm excited the guy was super nice about my allergies and he came and showed me I could get a couple things so I'll tell you guys my options so that you can kind of see but this was his first recommendation it's like chickpeas and then also the vegetable beani which is like rice and veggies and then what was the other thing he said oh I could choose between the scampy Curry and then the chicken good luck I'm sorry if I'm pronouncing it wrong but I decided to go with the chicken Del freezy so it's tender chicken cooked with tomato sauce bell peppers and onion and then served with some rice so we'll see how it goes okay I played today we got some rice with the chicken should I try the chicken first do anything think I think you add them together okay I'm going to try the chicken by itself first and then I'll do it well it out together [Music] First Impressions the chicken's really tender that's really good actually I really didn't think I was going to like that that's really good it's like kind of sweet but also like spicy and super tender but I'll do another bite let's mix it with the rice little more sauce h on okay definitely but paired together I give it honestly probably like eight or nine I really didn't think I was going to like it so that's it's really good for me do you want to try a bite sure all right the butter chicken is plated are you going with the rice okay rice and chicken together so it's pretty good um it's a little bit like interesting have to combine it all together on a plate but yeah it's definitely kind of like Mexican butter all mixed in together like you said chicken is super tender it's like overwhelming amount of spices which is really good though really tasty really really tasty n n out of 10 for sure you really think so too yeah no that's so good wow that's incredible yeah I know it's better like mixing it kind of together I like it a lot cheers can you tell clearly we hated it it was delicious like literally I'm like I'll lick my plate it's like the first time we've had spice over it's been great yeah we haven't had spicy like any food so this has been great I needed it mhm all right I st corrected I didn't think I was going to like it I'm going to be honest like okay gent was probably my favorite meal that we've had and basil is up there but like that was so good really like honestly super tender super well season like so flavorful yeah lot of spices involved but it was delicious I I I think that place is very slept on we we walked by it and like didn't even see it the first time but now that we know now that we know it's there so good oh my gosh it was so good like I can't get over it like I really did not think I was going to like it and this is probably the first time that I feel like my mom like just steered me completely wrong direction she was even like are you sure you guys want to do a video like tasting Indian food like I don't know about that well maybe we do right now but in an hour and a half maybe we don't it was so good and like I will say like food here just in general hasn't been very spicy I have got a little hair hasn't been very spicy um so it was nice to have a little bit of a I still wouldn't say it was spicy though but it was nice to have a little bit of a kick and the guy like that owns it was so kind I mean he just stayed and talked to us and like they opened up last year and his wife is actually who like Cooks all the food it's just her back there she makes all of the meals great job she did job 10 out of 10 so if you are anywhere near ANP I would recommend definitely going but he also if it's a little outside of your comfort zone super tasty they had a bunch of different options like we we went with what he suggested which was I think is always probably a smart move to do the guy that owns it probably should get what he recommends but it was super good I mean I would say it's maybe it's a little bit out there buture out and try it um I did make Mitch try mine I couldn't try his but it had butter in it but compare the two for them mine was like just very similar flavor profiles but mine was just yours have more vegetables in it mine was just a little bit more like creamy creamy yeah no spice difference though no it was about the same spice was it was like the same taste so all right well we hope you guys enjoyed our video enjoying some Indian food and for the first time for the first time ever and we will see you guys next week see you [Music]
Channel: Addison & Mitch Lightfoot
Views: 26,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian food, culture shock, living aborad, Belgium, antwerp, food vlog, belgian food, travel vlog, foodie, taste test
Id: LRiwAh-qhNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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