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I'm not looking forward to this all right it's all the world no that's calling the crack hi I just teleport from the future and it's gonna be a good day in this glorious notebook I have some notes I have the challenges that we're going to be doing in today's video today we have some food we got popcorn cereal peanut butter pickles Cheetos ruffles Oreos orange juice milk some of those things combined don't sound that good together if you're going to take pickles and eat them with popcorn that doesn't sound good right well that's exactly what we're going to be doing in today's video we're going to be trying super weird and very odd food combinations surprisingly I actually got all these food combinations off of Google which means other people have tried these and done them and probably still continue to do them which is honestly kind of scary I'm concerned in this notebook we have seven different really weird and gross food combinations that we are going to be making and eating so let's get it before we get into them leave like on this video number one is Oreos and orange juice great okay all right do we have no room for Oreos all right so we got our Oreos oh we also got the mega stuffed Oreos to make it even better and then we got our juice we have a little bit of problem I don't have any cups so that's kind of awkward oh there we go it's gonna be a cup I don't pretty corn juice how you're supposed to shake orange juice I like orange juice I'm just a little kind of guy you know all right there it is beautiful this is apparently a food combination that some people enjoyed I am not even kidding according to the internet we've got our fresh fun to open double stuff to make no Oreos and then we got our orange juice in there I'm not sure if you guys can see it I'm trying not to spill it here goes nothing literally let that happen gonna let it soak for a second okay you can see it is dripping there you go all right oh no you know what they say kids if you eat too much orange juice and Oreos you turn into a horse okay that's not what they say yeah I'm not gonna try that again to be completely honest it wasn't that bad it was pretty bad but I wasn't to a point where I like had to spit it out back you know kind of taste like what you expect think of orange juice to think of Oreos combining together put them both in your mouth there you go popcorn and ketchup okay I got some ketchup and we got some popcorn popcorn eat ketchup are you serious it will actually enjoy this Oh disgusting just thinking about this is sweet and salty microwavable and a corn popcorn popcorn is in the microwave over there about three minutes let's go ahead and set up the next food item hot cheetos and milk hot all right whatever hops use the milk it is we got our bowl right here we got our we got our milk wears them up to yours oh we got our hot cheetos if there are hot cheetos there we go if we clear the popcorn [Music] all right I feel like every evening like zero really good look at it look at it I don't want to turn it cuz you know what happens if I turn the bolt it all spills out yes oh yeah that's it's like oh oh you said three minutes on package boy that is a resume all right anyways let's try our hot cheetos look I really don't need to spin I mean I guess I'll use it anyways why that let me soak them all okay so I'm soaking all these Cheetos really really nicely there we go oh my gosh disgusting this is beauty right here look at this this is art look at this oh my gosh ha cheers of milk have you ever seen anyone do this oh my gosh it's gonna be disgusting I hear ya it's super weird what in the world oh that's so weird the milk takes away all the spicy flavor it's not even spicy at all like it is not spicy it honestly just tastes like you're eating Cheetos with absolutely no flavoring to him I mean it's really weird I'm not gonna lie it's really really weird oh yeah no that's not gonna settle will well in like 30 minutes no I'm just gonna happen yeah we're just going to move that over there alright would you look at that leave that Oh hohoho the whole baby's birthday oh my god I can't breathe I'm just gonna set in the seat it's actually like slightly on fire oh oh it said one minute look at the leg it's like that yeah it's it's steaming I mean I I expect it to steam but yeah I'm just gonna set this over here I'm sorry I want to see only pops when I go to the movie piers I don't think I've ever actually popped popcorn and like taken it to my house all right popcorn is cooking again what's that pickles and Oreos yeah Jimmy I'm not anything apparently people enjoy to eat and Orient's that is another weird combination so we have no worry oh and we got a pickle oh this sounds disgusting I swear ever throwing up later come on stupid okay I know what's too large of a pickle not like a decently sized one okay that's pretty good so there we go we got our pickle or do people Laurie yeah oh yeah look at this beauty muse all the popcorns done and I can assure you that it is not burnt this time because there's a smoker it smells good well let that cool down for a sec and any time let's go I need a yeah yeah you know [Music] [Applause] we're going to eat the rest okay oh so gross it's a texture thing to know I can know that is disgusting mmm no no how did everything I've eaten in this video so far that's by far the most disgusting I know you've gotta go as well no like I said it's also like a texture thing what I mean by that is you have an Oreo which is nice crunchy and then you have a super soft juicy so we got our bag of popcorn right here go ahead and get our pop right in here all right there we go all the way to the top here is our beautiful beautiful Banga popcorn so now we're gonna ruin it oh my gosh that was so gross I seriously can't I hope I can make it through this video oh my gosh all right we can do this popcorn and ketchup oh yeah oh yeah all right so there we go we got our ketchup covered popcorn or popcorn covered ketchup whatever you want to call ketchup on popcorn here we go let's get a nice good piece right here oh that's too much hold on I need like a taste tester first okay there's a pretty solid piece quite a bit of ketchup on there pretty good about you know that really doesn't belong there oh let me abnormal peace popcorn first I'm gonna show you this popcorn tastes like okay it's plain but it's good but then you add the UM the ketchup oh that's quite a bit on that yeah I know I'm not feeling it's not like oh my gosh and we just spit out like it's disgusting like throw up like the owner you was it's not that bad but it's definitely not something I would pick I'm not enjoying it I'm not enjoying it but I'm not throwing up yeah so on popcorn a ketchup that we never recommend actually what what about popcorn mustard weird that actually sounds terrible what is next in the book potato chips and ice cream that's a thing chips and ice cream okay here's the ice cream this is just your classical homemade vanilla ice cream and then we got some ruffles which are just you know original potato chips I don't really know you haven't had a ruffle in your life then you ain't really living good there we go I have never done this in my life and I don't know if I wanted to ever do it again let's get a pretty good amount okay okay we might have to use a spoon for this okay a little bit a little bit not too much this is our first bite right here so not too much ice cream but you know first but I'm gonna get a little more ice cream on that that ship kind of out ruled the flavor yeah look at that look at that that actually might be a little too much actually no what no we're good we're good we're gonna get a brain freeze from this but it's okay alright so that is a pretty large ship with a lot of ice cream I'll take half of it you know it's really not bad what all right don't get me wrong I wouldn't go to an ice cream shop and be like hey could I do for those food food I would never say that I would never want to eat this but if I had to I wouldn't mind it no bad not bad not bad it kind of tastes like if you have a waffle cone and ice cream in it it doesn't really taste that weird at all it honestly tastes just like a waffle cone ice cream cone you know we get a little bite of the waffle the cone itself and you get a little bit of ice cream that's kind of what it tastes like next we have this was gonna make me puke orange juice and cereal great this is the cereal that I picked this is raisin bran obviously there's a ton of different types of cereals this oh this is personally my favorite type of cereal I'm not getting paid to say this this is just my favorite cereal and then we have orange juice oh you guys nothing we had our own juice yep yep yep news that's good man we got our raisin brands of fresh fresh box not even open here we go let's do it all right come on little buddies get in there yeah Oh too much okay I want some for myself cheese I mean I do have some for myself but like some for myself with milk you know I'm not really how I like to eat cereal well I know I'm having for breakfast tomorrow we have our bowl with orange juice and cereal orange juice cereal disgusting let's do it I am NOT looking forward to this at all okay so I'm gonna brush around the cereal a little bit we're gonna make sure all this cereal has been soaked in orange juice just so we don't get any dry flakes so we're not cheating here every single flake has been soaked in orange juice here we go big bite got some orange juice in the spoon as well raisins in it too raises in the orange juice in a bowl in the same category mmm no I'm not taking another bite oh okay how good it huh sing another bike just do you guys live it like in this video please saw the world I'm not being a baby right now it's actually just rush no that's cool in the crash wasn't as bad as the pickle and the Oreo but I think it was right next to it we have one more weird food combination of triangle list and that is a peanut butter and pickle sandwich okay well it can't be as bad as that so I'm not that upset we got our bread we got our peanut butter and where's part of the pickles fresh brand-new jar peanut butter oh yeah it's a great day to be a youtuber I'm sorry I'm using a fork I don't have any knives in my office I'm sorry if I do but not just stuff utter nice what kids watching this video please be safe with your utensils all right so there we go we got our feed now we're going to line up some pickles Oh Oh big juicy look at that there's one two three and four looks like about four will fit these are some pretty big pickles look at this beauty look at that Oh beautiful so we got our pickles and peanut butters oh you can just looking at it all right I think we're ready I mean I'm not ready I mean the sandwich is ready I'm not ready all right so I'm gonna try to get a pretty good bite let's see where's the most peanut butter all right this corner has the most peanut butter and the biggest of all so there goes time Oh we'll hit oh okay wait oh yeah pretty good wait no oh it's not that bad oh there's a pickle again every time you get a good day so the pickle is like no no no no no no yeah it's disgusting well what did we learn in this video unspeakable what do we learn we learned that potato chips and ice cream is actually a pretty good combination it's not good like it's not like oh my gosh but it's not terrible so I guess it's good and we also learned that all the other foods that are trying this video we're absolutely disgusting guys I want to thank you all so much for watching this video hopefully you guys have enjoyed it before you guys go I have a little bit of a challenge for you guys I want you guys down the comment section below to comments really weird and gross food combinations kind of like what we did in this video the weirdest two or three foods put together that makes like the grossest food and I'll be looking through all your comments getting ideas and if this video does well and you guys enjoy it then I'll make a part two to this but it's going to be based off of all of your comments so I'll whatever you guys say combined together this don't be too gross you know what forget it feed some gross be super gross I'll eat anything that's like actually edible like food like I'm not gonna eat toenail clippings on eggs you know like I'm not doing that but I'll take it through the pretty extreme let me know some ideas down the concepts book thank you guys so much for watching I wish you guys a safe and fantastic rusty day stay safe stay awesome and Stan's people and I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video where hopefully I am NOT [Music] [Music] [Music] disgusting [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 2,181,039
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Id: L17iT6s9sNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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