Trying French Army Rations: Tastiest in the WORLD!?!

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you guys are kind of synchronized you're like a rose garden grass roses I'm the cats walking around the garden hi I'm Josh I'm Molly someone makes me on instagram and told me that they could get hold of some French military rations French food is what made you fall in love with cooking so much you want to study it this is true young cordon bleu trained chef mrs. don't have a diploma for French cooking and Josh and I have a lot of experience with military rations we do a strange amount of experience yeah hello jolly like I promised I send you to French rations don't mind that they've past their expiration date they'll be good to eat for like 20 years I also put some goodies in the box keep going your channel is excellent and amusing five jelly beans is the main rushing to combat individual risk verbal pass-down dicamba individual ' man you say well played this is one of the most exciting I mean I love one need you to get snacks in general from anywhere that's amazing but when we get stuff that would be basically impossible to source yeah without you sending it to us extra thanks I have heard French military rations are supposedly the best tasting military rations in the world apparently in the Afghanistan war they used to trade one French ration pack for five American right at that are you serious an American ones are already better than the English ones yeah there's like 50 richest was so good oh my god I would be a happy french soldier chili con carne what's beef blessed son what tone oh if the heating pack a lot easier to recognize then we experienced sister Russian whoa whoa it's exploding take it off oh my gosh did you see how I can't afford up a meal can we just can we try some of the little the little thing I think this is a yogurt tube let me read it it's pre enhance that there's already just so many individual thing options should make a cheese board fromage do fondue oh this is a duck pate in a can is that how it normally comes yeah smells like pate okay can I just say I was a lot more excited so I open the cow cheese fondue this is looking very reminiscent of French cheese oh I'm becoming more and more attentive about this right this is my first taste of French cheese that's available to those in the military okay stuck in get stuck here wait on try this one looks better I wouldn't say that's my favorite and he's a bit Japanese a pitcher this is softer look who's more spreadable cymatics our cheese starter try some wine oh he's gonna chug it from the bottle what do you think they do on the battlefield Josh hey Lee aliquot ribald do refresh odd verse interior deposit in pastille and Flemmi yeh or miliar the result plus c'est votre recipient all through there sooner without proper than this there's like that the handle is a handle that's the legacy of Napoleon right that tree genius literally ready Ali wow I think I think is lighting can I just say this whole design feels significantly safer than the rationale well if the restaurant we just had less idea what we were doing I've never done this write it on the fire just what how heat it up what like just that yeah just from your hand it's again about the balances you know I was reading that Napoleon he was like we need to get married while just and so what he did is he held her I think a competition for like a better solution for food right oh and the guy who won just stuffed a load of boiled food in wine bottles and that's like the first ever like hand food yes the frigid military amenties canned food while we wait for the main course I should say we have a little side dish here the side means of what's up that the handle oh yes because the handles being directly heated oh yeah I think we're supposed to put the handle like on this side yeah this is why you get training in the other look whew let's decide means this requires no I thought Sony we're gonna look like we're doing careful here it's not by disaster gosh it smells fishy of course it does some massive fish just a big chunk oil is really good first you if you said I'm good good okay all right awesome you don't trust me you still calling me a wife so I feel like that sound kind of victory delicious is boiling underneath it's alive make it don't play the fire at home okay grown adults wow that looks good looks like a bloody restaurant meal only the French should have layered pasta in their army right so unnecessary the new attractions when pasta was involved is basically like they cooked pasta for two and a half hours and put in a blender with a bunch of Spooks yeah and he's not lying it's not wine that's pretty good yes it's really like tomatoey isn't it let's be honest it's got a real tang to it okay now I got a big chunk look Wow hey big ups okay pretty good it's pretty good a bit the cheese nah see nah I don't know if it's that kind of cheese [Music] no way are you serious it's just cheesy you just see visibly from the textures and those don't belong together double wife approval seriously the French do not mess around when it comes to food next up in a potato all right upon the death in a peeler back you want to heat up we can close it again we can go again look it's a plate on Josh to me look you guys struggle to open it last time why did you do because I rip the lid of the Romulan pop the entire world is like what have you done where they rip John when Rosa your lives on my finger wines appears and then puts it back when buying your wife is the chopsticks so it's correctly sealed which was all done ready ah yeah Oh actually you only need to put this on at the end that was our mistake ah okay honestly yeah in French giant like we all did it together trying to justify yourself I think it's fine good okay my marriage my marriage is off oh okay yeah that's not good I reckon it's done I know you want it we want it piping hot loading on my face I think what's been really really hard yeah in the handle it doesn't look cooked probably sense to the köppen wait I'm pretty sure all of this stuff is edible cold and look else is steaming was it esteeming what it's amazing really it's like potato and soonest you through the voice is the best one yet that is really good I'll trade tens Russian for this oh wow wow so I'm so impressed holy moly that's good knocking over that is it go I mean it's potatoes so I wouldn't yes I die happy so that has been French army rations way beyond any other minute or a hundred about the thing is I feel like with all the other ones that we tried it has to sustain you yeah it has to basically last forever it has to be edible in Cobra conditions and then the last Alyssa's taste I don't like the French you've just gone for taste number one yeah how the heck would you eat some of this in a cobra and it likes the condition that is so loud this is silent job done sorry oh jeez fingering Oh ice one we're doing it all right well uh thank you Gabby for joining us on this adventure through French military Kazim no thank you war up me yeah oh wow [Music]
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,709,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, Kpop, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, British, Priest, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, Korean, language, lesson, learn, food, mukbang, 먹방, culture, react, France, French, French MRE
Id: D8XheaeGVlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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