Trying American Candy from a Subscriber - This With Them

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hey guys me and Alex are back and this week we're trying more American candy but this box is super special yeah we're really excited about this one because this one was submitted by one of our subscribers she's really active in the comments which is awesome she follows us on Instagram and we have a little chat here and there yeah her name is Christina Marie thank you so much for sending us this box we are so excited to open this and because she's actually from America I think this is gonna be really good she's watched what we've opened before so I don't think were gonna have any repeats I think that's gonna be really awesome and what's cooler is before we've picked stuff in our second one and the one before that we were sent by a company so in this third one this is gonna be someone who lives in Florida this is the kind of thing she likes the yes and this is what is local to her and also what she wants us to dry yeah so thank you so much for sending us this box I know you're also excited to watch us open it so shall we get into it yeah let's not waste any more time we have a note here that says open note first so Christina Marie sent this to our p.o box we finally picked up last week no it's Barney time to open it and we don't want everyone to start sending us stuff yes we don't want everyone to be paying out money but if there is something you really think we should try and you feel really passionate about yeah and send it to us I'll try it this is such a pretty note so it says hi Kate and Alex please open your box of goodies on your channel I've been so excited to send this to you all the way from Florida xoxo Christina I'll leave that your surname just in case yeah and we've been to Florence I wish it but say that yeah but a few times yeah we've been a few times and but I think I'm not sure we've ever really tried like candy there okay oh we've actually got another letter as we like this packing stuff really nice it's like um hey almost look Alexis I stopped talking he's always trying to like get in on the act doesn't she so hi Kayan Alex this was supposed to be a Christmas gift but time got the best of me anyway I love your channel and all of your baking videos and blogs Kate I discovered you from a baking video long ago a few years at least you've been a longtime subscriber it was that time I believe it was eat immersed yeah that's better you and Alex are so fun to watch every time I see you do an American candy snap video I think of so many other things you should try this box contains some of brackets a lot of haha my childhood current faves I got carried away it started with when you said you wanted to try gummy lifesavers I can't wait to see you open this on your channel thank you for all the fun bits EXO Christina Marie from Florida Florida what lovely know your handwriting is incredible amazing like that all my words she's done notes I think she's done now that's cycle okay I know you tried original cheddar but pizza flavor is a favorite oh my word I said that I'd seen other flavors okay should we try with these better I think so so these are the goldfish baked snack crackers and these are the pizza flavor I wish we were doing this later in the day and then I could have a bit yeah but it's kind of a little bit too early for early plus we've got other videos to film there's slightly darker color these ones aren't they yeah we don't think wow she got faces on I didn't see that last time yeah Cheers mmm oh wow at first I didn't think it was that pizzeria I just thought it was more like the Oregon OE but that's actually like a little piece of pizza isn't it oh so good so good and like there's not too much pizza flavor remember when we tried these Japanese ones I always think the flavor was so strong he's a nice and light these will be perfect very nice for the Bears even though apparently these are for kids but I think they're gonna be perfect with a bear what are you giving these a nine a nine I think I'm gonna get them a ninety only because I hope those but I'm hoping there's yeah oh I've never seen anything like this so this is from the make Quaker which we have heard of before breaker rates for our porridge I think this says gluten-free popped rice crisp and the flavor is buttered popcorn so these basically a bit like snack at Jack's here these all I'd would say so so here in England we have snackage ATS but they're more savoury flavored aren't they although we do have a toffee no sweetheart but this is butter we don't have stuff do we know okay these look good because these kind of come across to me as if they're like healthy so I can imagine there's gonna be loads of butter no I was wrong the butter is a delicious he's a really good they kind of taste like I'm busted popcorn mmm what we've had in America he's a nice look at these are seven who think they're as good as the swedish fresh what they call fish boat fishermen not something they're not as good as the goldfish but i think they're really good so I'm gonna go seven whereas I'm going to stick with a nine because I think they're just as good as the goldfish if not better now oh I've so seen these I have seen these these are called harvest snaps I used to watch a youtuber who used to buy these I think it was cheesy star oh seven flare so these are called snappy Chris other flavor lightly salted right I can see these being like a really good like snap I just like to snack on as you go oh yeah these look like those word look like a pea Cheers and it tastes like a pea socket the wanted from Whole Foods didn't taste like a pea never flavored whereas these taste like peas dude she tastes like a dried out pea with a bit of salt on I do like them if I had that bag next to a bag of say Norman George yeah that's next to a bag of Cheetos I'll go for Cheetos it's always the same texture as a cheetah like it's got that crisp bite I think there and I hate you know I think for me to 0-7 for me better than you like it's it's strange because when you first have it you're like that's not a lot of flavor but once you actually start eating them they're so good I know I have just gone down should we go for this I think we've got team Milky Way simply caramel okay correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure America's Milky Way is our Mars bar and what's simply caramel then well because we did actually have a limited edition a few years ago where the Mars bar was just simply caramel or what about are they made by the same people it seems so weird that you'd have a bar called Milky Way in America and one in England yeah but that completely do I know I'm so excited about this I feel like I'd be there eating this in real life or dreamt about there remember oh this is the perfect type of chocolate bar I love caramel this is amazing because you get say you like you get Cadbury's Dairy Milk caramel but you get much less caramel this is like the size of the Mars bar but it's all caramel in the middle when I have a mars bar in England I will eat the nougat off first so I'm left with the caramel when I eat wigs I eat the biscuit off first I'm left with the caramel what are you in a mars bar in Spain I'm meaning not a mars bar in America is different oh this is incredible I think this is my favorite chocolate bar in the whole entire world in the whole world you know I'm gonna give that 11 if we were gonna do Elevens that would be an 11 hmm sorry this pepperidge farm I told you about yeah it was popular in America now there's been a bit of confusion lately cookies in England are not the same as cookies in America no we call are we cool cookies biscuits so like we would call an Oreo a biscuit whereas you say Oreo cookie yeah yeah they always look like a monkey nut sure this would be perfect with great with beer no why coffee a coffee oh yeah ever than espresso okay so you let's say we've got chocolate running through the whole thing and it looks dark oh these are Christmas Sailor Christina Marie said she sent some Christmassy stuff too yeah and these are Christmas Eve so I wonder I don't know what makes some Christmassy I wonder if you get them all year round but some big companies just have realize about this don't they yes very young it's quite it's like a weight furry mmm look brisket is so like you know love when you go to a cafe and you get a little biscuit on the side that'd be perfect for that I love that I'm gonna get that a nine yeah because I don't think it's as good as the caramel but I could eat that all day yeah that's a perfect biscuit for you I think whereas I'm not the biggest fan of dark chocolate so sorry I'm giving it six lifesaver gummies now this is what Christina said on her note she said I told you you have to try the gummy version so good now in one of our previous American candy videos we tried the lifesavers almost hard sucky sweets oh yeah and we were just saying that they taste nice birth me and Alex we never pick up hard sweets in the shop unless we're going on a plane journey or a long car journey smell that so cherry oh wow Chevy really strong listen up so you've obviously got cherry in here so we've got strawberry orange green apple which is something else that's very American cherry and watermelon we hardly ever have sweets matter we love watermelon trees things yeah probably the best thing we get this watermelon is bubble gum Cheers oh they're like the hard round but they're like in softball what a lovely texture yeah see I think that was strawberry but it tastes like cherry this is like those things when you're a kid you have used for the money finger jallat meringues what were they carry but funny de strawberry one tastes more like cherry than a cherry one and that green apple one almost tastes like cherry as well alright which is amazing if you love cherry I love the doctrine I love the texture hmm much better than the hard ones all in a try green oh the orange one is divine they are really nice really nice texture I would definitely buy those if I was going with mica yeah trip or anything I probably give those in the case I'm gonna give those are sex sex yeah just you're not the biggest cover yeah tonight didn't work my world this is what I'm talking about that's what you're talking about 13 going on 30 Razzles and I I'm in love with this packaging really sure I just love this all your dreams come true all my dreams have come true now I have tried this but probably when I was about 10 to 13 probably remember when not 13 going on 30 no but it's a hard always candy yeah and then it goes into gum I think you only ever get a small amount of gum so because you say Donald you mean like chewing gum okay Joanna look at them it's a low range so they come in like a paper I know it's orange blueberry grape make America a dress that raspberry and lemon juices they're so different never have one news before such a weird sensation isn't it beautiful lovely paper let me say it starts to break up at first like it's a shirt like powdery yarns it's like you know love hearts yeah I'm pretty sure that universal when you bite those it's almost like powdery they're like falls apart and then it comes back together you get way more gum than I remember oh they're so nice and I can't wait to try the other flavors yeah I think I'm gonna give those a 6 I'm even them an 8 can we do this yes please now the reason why I want to do this is because someone that the other day literally just told us about this chocolate bar had you heard about it I've seen them I've never seen it but we posted a picture on our Instagram the follow us on Instagram of a homemade toffee krisp bar and someone said it looks just like a hundred grand bar and then I searched online and it always looks exactly the same as a tropic crisp but the other way round so you've got caramel in the center and then like Rice Krispies so chewy caramel milk chocolate crunchies two-piece share pack though you love that packaging it's so like it's classic its anxiety yeah old-school this is an s l-- a thing which is the same as toffee krisp yeah it's just brand I wonder why they do well that's cool I like the shape they're almost like smaller Krispies yes so you can see these on the no I think it's just caramel whoa so it's kind of like the Milky Way really yeah so it's the opposite of a toffee Chris because it's more based about the caramel with some rice krispies on top there's something so great about having Rice Krispies in the chocolate bar it's such a nice crunch I'm gonna give back 10/10 J yes the Tigers are so good that was delicious it's crazy how different caramels from tasting it oh that's so nice I think the aftertaste is amazing as well it's not really good but we were told some things were Christmassy and I'm guessing these are Christmas because this looks like a snowman and this one looks like a reindeer and then made by Oreo yeah we don't make stuff like that today our eggs don't look like this at all either and recently I saw a cream egg from like an American advert for it yeah and they were in these like plus four than four tubs are your cream makes in plastic I thought was better because you would have thought plastics worse for the environment it seems like a step backwards do you think it's to do with heat cream-filled candy with two pieces I think you just are they don't ABS apart like that oh wow this is so cool oh my it just sits on top it's like a little eggshell do you get it out I think you just go I don't mind people are an act for Christmas yeah what Usain Bolt I'm gonna give that eight it's good and I would have it well I wouldn't have it over a hundred grand or the Milky Way yeah I'm going to give this a seven shall we go for Jolly Ranchers yes because they sound so delightful and fun okay so they look nice have you tried the other Jolly Ranchers I don't think so that sounds so familiar and when we've been in America I've seen loads of different things you can get by the makers of Jolly Rancher I've only ever had the hard sweets though I think they do normal and sour I'd ever said normal so Christina Marie knows we like our gummies not all sweet so she popped it gummy did great first yeah very American cherry green apple orange Waterman malt melon lemon so almost exactly the same flavors they've got completely different flavors to us right that is super cute so this actually looks like the watermelon this actually looks like a grape these are so cute and that looks like a cherry these are so cute love them so squishy aren't they yeah we don't thankin ones we have that's pretty good mm-hmm it's nice don't take like a grape though no that grape is delicious they're not too strong they're quite subtle flavor I'm gonna give them a nine I'm giving them a seven I've never seen anything like this before now I bought this for Holly before happy yeah why what is there because Holly I think was the selling point about it I think she the saw you know a vlogger or someone on YouTube with this and then she obviously wants to try it it's got a tray I definitely didn't try this though and Holly had a thank you I like things from America they come on trays it's like yeah so polite Cheers right that to me is quite an fact if I'm wrong but I think that's quite am iconic American sweet like that would tootsie rolls and have been around for ages I think I like that I I really like the nougat but as always I'm not the biggest fan of the chocolate but the nougat inside is love it but I feel like there's such little chocolate on there that it's fine it I don't think all that chocolates so strong I'm getting more on it's more off than ogre and I actually quite like that it's got a nice chew to it what do you think I think I'm gonna get that ate I'm think I'm gonna give that a 7 sweet tarts now correct me but don't you think these look like the same texture as Razzles they do I wonder if they're made by the same people I seen sweet-talked quite a lot no these are no artificial flavors really yeah it says for a cue experience break it into bite-sized pieces before eating flavor thee like Hello oh my word yes sure oh that's so sour oh sweet ass I was not expecting that texture this is green apple isn't it yeah all day long green apple I thought this was going to be more like a love heart powdering crunchy whereas it's chewy and easy truly unsolvable every not all right was like we're just getting rid of the sour and then another time I used to have them the shoe it's extreme cool now I kind of wish I tried them before because I kind of wish I could have picked them up in our previous trip to America where's well there's so much stuff you can't try all panicked I really like them you never had anything that texture I love the sourness I'm actually gonna give that a nine are you I'm gonna give that a seven I was so close to give him that a 10-round but they give it no I'm really like that I'm really surprised actually I did really like that and I liked it more than the other sweets but I'm not gonna get it up now I'd much prefer those demons chocolate this is really cool we just found this right at the bottom and this says feel your dad because Kate's always saying how odd dad are like this and guess what they are original Redhawks cinnamon candy that's so nice that you've put a little post-it note and I thought that wasn't so camera shy we'd get mom now that you're home but my dad is going to want us to say thank you so much yes so very much he's gonna absolutely love these okay this packaging is really like old school isn't it chewy Spri candy chewy candy yes oh cool that smells like you know your hotels in America all these anecdotes are based on our childhood trips to America right you know they have those candy machines where you put a quarter twist it a silicon it smells like those she wants better right so these are obviously gonna be chewy because you've got no sauce on my date Cheers kind of glossy on the house oh I was expecting it to be like those boundary and then chewing your candied shell weight hanging as well oh say partner because we've had so many gum so many sweets we I'm really working off those I would've either seven I'm giving them a seven as well actually right shall we crack into these oh these are Caramella I know what we actually saw we didn't see these in America anyway and then did we see them on someone else's video I don't know we have Mother's original here but for some reason we do not get these exciting flavors Werther's original caramel apple filled oh they're hard candies oh you can't actually kind of smell that individually wrapped like all weathers for little green bits on the end so he's a really sweet just in case you mix them up with norms you can tell they're hard but the type of ones that you can buy if you're in impatient oh yeah hear that just like playing but I playing conkers so far tastes exactly the same as our Werther's original when you say we've almost got a slight change in flavor I think that's their green apples Nova stranger I never would have put an apple when the flavor but where there's a retro no actually it's quite nice pretty nice fresh refreshing because where the original was kind of like butterscotch ooh caramely and America goes very big on caramel apples what's good really nice I'm gonna give that an 8 hello that you still got a tutor I'm giving them a 9 really from my say something down and out see if they like them so this is razz awful magic tip it's always have stuff like this one asks a child and that's the thing all right I doubt Christina Marie has this now she said this was like childhood favorite it's good flavor though that is actually not bad and that's good child child Kate would love that no we've got green tongue what about my lips alone okay do you know what I've just realized these are called Smarties and I'm always wondered why some people have been like when I've said Smarties in our restaurant videos people have been like what's what your Smarties because for our Smarties our chocolate with a candy coated show Smarties here or a candy yeah and they're like well the lower violets and what were the other ones called because the palm of violets tastes like obviously has a charge up probably these if I'd ever get a multi pack of lollies and these were in here these but always the last to go yeah that's cool at least we know what Smarties are ya think blue walls brie and cherry airheads hurts sometimes I have a bigger head because we've got no brain in our hat we're just oh look at this now there's lots of our heads in America isn't there do we have some okay that's a bit harsh I may be the brand their heads oh we had something like airheads in one of our American candies yeah they were hard sweet so when they wear we cherry you hmm good flavor actually quite likely I quite like that - that Cherry's much nicer than some of the other charity I'd probably get that an eye even a really I'll give that an 8 - then oh my good we've just tried so much stuff I don't know whether or not we're gonna just go straight to the crowd I think I'll be on a high in like five minutes and then I'll be on the floor five minutes after that thank you Christina Marie I can't believe he sent us so much we absolutely loved it it was so nice trying new things as well yeah we've recently just announced that we're launching our own British candy subscription box where we choose the stuff and we'll be sending out to you so to say thank you so much Christina Marie we are sending you the first box yeah hopefully you can try our candy and you'll love it as much as we've loved the candy you sent us because I'm not too sure if you've been over here yet so there are much I really hope you like it so that is the end of the video did you enjoy it I definitely enjoy it I really enjoyed it and I can tell the sugar she's coming we're like it's real we hope you enjoyed it we'll see you soon bye guys see ya
Channel: This With Them
Views: 788,258
Rating: 4.9009123 out of 5
Keywords: kate murdoch, baking, in the kitchen with kate, how to bake, easy, simple how to, food, foodie
Id: g1gx5wPK9Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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