TRYING A BURNISHER?! | Mystery Art Supplies | Scrawlrbox Unboxing | Colored Pencils

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Today we're gonna be opening up the March Scrawlrbox, - I'm very excited about this - I don't know, I just woke up in a good mood, so let's open up, see what's inside, and then I'm gonna draw something with it oh I see a lot of colors! I see a lot the swatches! let's just open it up underneath the tissue paper.. look at this heavy duty - (oh wait actually that is very very light) - it looked heavy duty this pencil sharpener, something I've noticed whenever I have a pencil sharpener that has the two different sizes, this one's nice too small for my pencils, and that one's always too big for my pencils (doesn't really make a whole lot of sense) but we'll see what happens here we have the menu and it lists all of the different art supplies in this month's box we have this month's Scrawlrbox sticker - it has a fun like pencil texture to it - they're upping their sticker game they don't all look the same anymore - so these are.. there's...what is this...? these are the 12 supersoft colored pencils and there are little color swatches on the lid there - we got our pencils, they are each color coded on the ends oh that's so pretty look at that I was like seeing a rainbow of art supplies - never gets old they don't have color names on them I don't think but they are a cute hexagon shape with the color on the end of each black barrel and then you have you know your pencil shape on the other end also in the box we are not done yet there is the Derwent burnisher as well as the Derwent blender I've never used anything like that I wonder if that's what you used to like blend two different pencils together - it says [Reading the Description:] "the blender pencil is a soft colorless pencil that allows you to blend two or more colors together" so that's this guy and then this silver one is [Reading the Description:] "a hard colorless pencil which when used over layers of pigment provides a rich polished finish" so I guess this I don't know maybe it's like shiny...? that'll be fun to test out I've never actually even heard of a burnisher but it makes me think it says 'Punisher' every time I see it also this funny like triangle shaped pencil - can you tell? can you see the shape of that it's a like a very rounded triangle this is the YPO jumbo graphite pencil also the last two things I see here this is the Koh-I-Noor Progreso woodless pencil so that's why this one feels so heavy it's actually is core all the way through and then it has like a bit of a plastic casing I think unless that's also just whatever the inside is it could be wrong and this one is in the color white so it'll be fun to see how that works on paper (see if it's visible) and then also in here is the v-ball pilot pure liquid ink point-seven so it's just a ballpoint pen and apparently it actually draws in a 0.4 millimeters even though it says 0.7 millimeters on it (how curious) what else is in here oh we have a funny-looking [drops candy] well striped candy [drops it again] oh! why can I not hold onto this thing?! - I'm not sure what candy this is but it might be fun to kind of like incorporate that into our art I like the colors and the stripe-iness of it - we'll see alright so that is it for the art supplies oooooooooooooooooooooo Is that Sakuems?! Yeah it is! look at that she has a very distinct art style and I knew it right off the bat there look at like the color she uses they're beautiful and if you'd like to check her out I'll probably the link in the description and then there's also some of her other links there I'm gonna put that right there where I can still see it oh look is that a coloring page? that's actually kind of handy cuz then I can like test--what is this..? this is beautiful oh it's so shimmery! look at that Oh [new sketchbook noises] sketchbook. - that is a pretty sketchbook look at can you see like it's almost got like a glitter and a pearlescent like sheen to it oh so pretty and then on the inside, it's got some pretty thick and like textured paper so hopefully those work really well with the pencils this paper though that they printed the line art on it's very smooth so I'm kind of wondering how this is gonna work this is an a5 stapled sketchbook with a pearlescent purple cover contains 40 140 GSM pages - let's first like try these art supplies on the coloring page Wow thats loud... okay and let's see if I can blend them out yeah I don't think this paper was made for pencils which is kind of silly - okay that looks kind awful :( that that looks that actually is, uh... yeah let's just get rid of that and just swatch as we would normally do here not bad okay I agree I like this pen it definitely glides across the paper I don't have to like [makes a pushing sound] (realizes that isn't a verb) you know push hard that's it let's try the pencils next we got a yellow we've got 'I'm so embarrassed' Red they do have really nice coverage I'll have to say look at this p'wetty rainbow! This is getting me excited who doesn't love rainbows? The sky just decides to be a work of art one day - imagine the first person who ever saw a rainbow, what would you even think was happening? [Mimics the Voice of an early Neanderthal"] "Someone painted the sky!" "witchcraft!!" there we have all 12 colors they're very pretty and potent I like them, then I'm not entirely sure how to test these other things like this is a white pencil can we see it over top of those..? not really. okay what about this blender..? okay it does work better than the white pencil was doing for blending, look at that that's actually kind of cool wonder if you can do that with the white one? it kind of works but not as well as this thing yeah look at that go it just grabs it and smooges it around let's see what happens when we use the burnisher - so this is supposed to add like 'rich polished finish' is what they say - I don't see a difference this doesn't do anything I don't know what that even means what's a "rich polished finish?" I guess I'm not rich I don't -I don't know so Scrawlrbox usually includes a prompt word here... Oh "enchantress!" [whispers:] enchantresssssssssssss which is right up my alley I love drawing girls so that's perfect so I'm gonna start just like sketching out some ideas throwing some color here and there and like again trying out these like burnisher and the blender and seeing if I can get those to do anything and seeing if I can get this to show up at all and then once we get a full idea of what I want to draw we'll move on to maybe another page? who knows? let's just draw something! let's start with this, since I kind of pressured my wrist too much when I was trying to blend this stuff so this is nice and ergonomical and I feel like I could be looser with it - I'm just gonna start by sketching a face and do what comes with this - it's very hard to get like details with this pencil which is probably good for like sketching out thumbnails or first ideas here -I kind of want to play around with the hair and do something fun and magical with that so maybe it's all pulled over to the side here something like this, maybe some freckles and then we need like magic flying bits everywhere you know particles magic particles and then like Oh what if these are kind of like the sleeves ehhhh thats not really the vibe I'm going for I think since the hair is kind of more modern I might want to take the outfit a little bit more modern -maybe one of those like tank tops that have like all those straps I can see her having like a big long maxi skirt I don't think this is it but I am going to just play around with the colors a bit here so I can get used to those and experiment with them a little bit before we get too deep into an idea everything's looking pretty muddy and gross I think it's because I didn't use liner so maybe in the next experiment I'm going to use this pen to add lineart over the pencil, erase the pencil, then use colored pencils - and that will definitely help with the colors blending in with that like gray graphite the prompt word was enchantress, so let's take this big chub-o pencil maybe sharpen a bit oh look at that! let's try to work on the character design since I'm struggling a little bit with the art supplies so maybe if I get really inspired that'll help a little bit more whenever I have a large range of colors that's when I feel like I struggle the most when I'm very limited in my color scheme I feel like I find that easier to work with because I don't have to make as many choices ooh we should do huge big heavy eyelashes and some big lip-pers just occurred to me I'm not entirely sure what an enchantress is. is that just someone like a woman who can perform magic or is that like a woman that like seduces guys? Maybe I should google that... if there's like a hood and then you only kind of see those eyelashes underneath it maybe she can have white eyelashes or something like that, maybe a poncho lets pull this down even further maybe it's got some blowy bits you know just need something to blow in the magical wind I going to have to give a bunch of like magical jewelry that are all bestowed with magic, then maybe this is like the cycles of the Moon on it maybe she derives her magic from the moon and then just some flowy magic bits now I keep thinking of .. was that the newest 'Pirates of the Caribbean?' that had that woman with all the tattoos? I think she was called a witch - I'm not sure kind it'd be interesting to go around with that idea like maybe she's bald and she has a bunch of tattos all over her body she covers up in this like big cloak so that no one could see them but she gets all her magic from the tattoos so she can't like she had to get them it was required (yeah it was a prerequisite to being the Enchantress) so maybe there's like another layer that's a skirt that's also like ripped up kind of like the cloak and then let me just color that in so you can see it, and then she'd have like her tattoos - I'm not sure what those would be so I'm just gonna like create some scribbles here to just kind of represent them see how that looks makeshift toes down there man I feel like to pull this one off I'm gonna have to have like a ton of details like everywhere and I can't really represent those with this, but I can just scribble and see how it looks without having to actually add all those details which is honestly really really fun gives me that freedom see how this looks for maybe another angle can't forget those huge eyelashes kind of like that Muppet that freaked me out as a kid, I don't know why,it just made me uncomfortable what if there's like a section that's pulled up here on the hood - that will create some more texture there - it's kind of fun maybe there's tattoos on her face too maybe this thing could be that candy yeah wonder if there is a way to incoporate that into something at least the shape and like the stripes maybe something like that maybe I still am gravitating towards like greens for the colors, so I'm gonna swatch some of those next to this so I can see them without having to switch the page and blend these out what if let's make her really really slim long neck maybe then her hood can be like pulled back like this so you still see her body so it's like tucked behind her arms and then maybe her hoods not even on maybe it's just kind of falling in the back there it looks like she's wearing a hat, it was suppose to be like a tattoo I do like the idea of the cloak kind of being made of magic so it spurts at the end the magic is stronger up near the shoulder where it's closer to her body and as it like goes away it sort of fades out for now, let's figure out where these arms are looks like she's going "live long and prosper" floaty bit and particles maybe one arm comes just down a little further I have to figure out what kind of pants I want to give this chick, maybe something slim fitting it won't necessarily be black even though I'm using the pencil to shade it, kind of trying to create tone and contrast here make the character interesting and not super flat, I think if that's the case I can pull that v-neck down a little even more never know what's going to work until you try it and you might not know what won't work until you try either #wisewords usually when I find something I like I know it and I'm just not feeling that - I don't hate it by any stretch but just not tickling my fancy you know I'm also making a big mess with my hands oh gosh every time I touch the paper it draws a little yeah still don't like that one, okay so maybe I need to take this down a completely different path and like what's another definition of the word 'enchantress' I mean we could go by 'enchanting' which usually means a very beautiful person so see where that takes me it's nice cute little like innocent face this is what I call a blank "I have no character design or personality yet" face. so what if we have like... stars? and then some hair, what if it's like pulled into these funny pigtails? mmm not really what a picture for the word "enchanting" let me try again picture more like flowing hair kind of like the magic is just defying all laws of science, this person is just so gorgeous gravity doesn't affect them okay I think I know why I can incorporate this sort of idea with this one so maybe she's very enchanting and like generically beautiful but then she has like her cloak which is just plain grey and it kind of hides how colorful her outfit/personality is underneath and that's kind of sparking my interest and that's what's important here lemme try and get like the character outfit down a little bit so I'm gonna draw the character in a much more simple almost T pose - really big pupils - That just draw her suitors in the big hair then she has - wait...where are her shoulders? and she needs her cloak, I can still have like that magic-y bits I think that's gonna be really fun to draw in a more dynamic pose and then underneath we have her a little like cutesy outfit almost like Sailor Moon-y or we could go a little bit more medieval have a nice like floor-length kind of thing with one of those really low ornate belts and then those random stars that just accompany her so she tries to like hide her beauty In the outside world, she's considered beautiful but inside the enchanting community that's not really what they find attractive so she tries to like hide her true self so that she can be accepted by the other Enchantress's this is definitely interesting me a lot more than some of the previous ideas - let's turn the page probably should go wash my hands before I destroy our drawing [claps] all right we're all clean now perfect so I'm gonna draw it on this side of the page that way I could easily like flip, so I want it to be a pretty dynamic pose I'm trying to decide how much of the brightly colored outfit I want showing through from the more gray colored shawl thing/cloak, so let's just try to start with a fun curve and see where that takes us - the dress is facing that direction and then she like curves her hips around here, a nice floaty pose maybe-no no no no try and loosen that up it felt too tight and restricted and I wants to be kind of like billowy you know from the cloak - let's see the heads here got like a nice curve for the body then the hair, -- the cloak, --- maybe it comes out this way, which comes right underneath her feet there - okay I'm liking the shape of this a little bit more then we just need to input the body let's get a head shape shoulders would be here, --- little hips, --- shoulder pokes out there, --- then we just need little feet to stick out here, let me just figure out where those would be let's see how this goes let's see how this foot turns out your little pinky and the other foots here all right then we need that giant ornate belt I was talking about before, it looks a lot like Raven [from Teen Titans] doesn't it? I should look that up, make sure it doesn't look too similar okay, yeah, she does have that belt thing that's where that vibe is coming from maybe I should change that up to like the squares which I've also seen in like medieval stuff it's a big chunky thing but it's made up of like square shapes I think I want to slim down the character a bit more so there's more contrast between the character shape and the big billowy cloak I'm just gonna erase the lines a little bit so i can still sort of see them, so we don't lose the pose of the character too much and just slim everything down now we have something a little more like this so basically right now I'm just trying to figure out where everything goes so that I can go over it with this pen and then erase the pencil this is reminding me a lot of a Loish drawing I think I need to change some things up here okay I found the one I was thinking of,it's not quite as similar as I thought it was so I think we're good similar vibes though for sure trying to exaggerate some of these shapes make them a little bit more interesting now we're missing some arms here so let's put one maybe right here and if there is a shoulder here the hand would stick out! hey! we can draw it! just squeeze a little hand in like-a-so! okay so I got the basic shape of everything down and I'm liking it except for this belt so I'm gonna try one last thing with the belt and then we can add the line art and color it for belt I think I'm just gonna go with a very slim slender belt feel like that's less distracting it's slim again and kind of fitting that she's a very slim slender kind of person hiding in this bigger baggier coat get in on here and hope for the best! There we go, we've got some eyes really don't like her face, what did I do? it just doesn't look the same work on this cloak while I have a little crisis about the face oh I should have had some hair coming over front of this I think I did have that in the sketch so I must have just missed it durggit.... you ever just remember something embarrassing that you did like years and years ago and you're still like cringe a little, that just happened to me now I want to erase some of the stuff at the top where I know it's dry, so next is to try and come up with the colors and I didn't practice a lot with the color scheme so this is not the proper order of doing things but I did have the idea that I wanted her to be pretty vibrant and then her cloak to be pretty dark so we'll probably make her cloak a mix of like brown and black so that there's like no saturation there and then for the outfit I'm kind of feeling like a blue? like light blues maybe even put in a little bit of green there, just color the whole cloak in like that I still have not fallen in love with using colored pencils yet I don't like how long it takes to fill in large areas like just have that very thin little tip of a pencil I just always end up pushing really hard with a pencil and then my whole wrist hurts and I don't that so if anyone has any colored pencil tips let me know try using that blender and see what happens here whoa! I'm actually seeing a significant difference look that's where I haven't blended and that's where I have blended although it's a lot darker than I wanted cuz I kind of wanted this to be gray but hey I'll take it it looks like it's got better coverage though now you can't see any of the line art anymore [pencils] just take so long to fill in large areas, I'm definitely a lazy artist this is also why I've never been into like adult coloring books because just filling in areas with color has never been my jam, my favorite part is definitely the sketching where's this feels tedious to me I guess what I'm asking for when I ask for tips on colored pencils is how do you get them to blend without like destroying your wrist is there like a trick to that? - start with this light blue and then maybe gold on the end of this maybe not sure maybe shade that with the blue and then we can use the darker blue for shading the arm a bit here well actually looks kind of cool and 3-dimensional blend it out with the lighter one - just keep layering it and layering it alright i'm gonna layer some white on them - that does make it look a little bit brighter which is what I'm looking for because I want some contrast between it and that black heh! look at the difference between like first layer and the finished there we go got some dress down and for hair maybe I'll just use this like lemon yellow color see how that look I don't know how you get something to look cool like this with colored pencils I'm trying and I think I'll take that like golden yellow color and use that for shading here and then I might even go in with a little blue but I don't really want to look green so we'll see - that doesn't show a whole lot so let's try-oh wait we have another orange it's okay no what I was hoping for, i can use that pink color here - or is this red? it's hard to tell - this is where color names would come in handy it's kind of interesting looks a little barf-y like I can see every color in there but maybe if we layer on top of this now - it should look pretty cool, maybe is there a purple I can use for shading? probably even add some of that up here too add a little hue shift here and there maybe even to the cloak and some texture then grab the blender and start blending, I do want to try see if this works see how much darker it gets when I use the blender I kind of want it to lighten up when it gets to this edge here and then get dark again when it's that further away bit of cloak - try not to push as hard, and see if I can get it to lighten like that maybe and then when I take those same pencils and color in this section I can blend it out more and then hopefully we'll get that darker color like we have up there and it'll hopefully create some contrast between the front layer of the coat and the back layer see if we can create some contrast here, yeah do you see the difference? perfect. this is so messy, I would never have thought that this would be this messy like I said, i just don't use colored pencils - they are just not my thing. okay we didn't try,...where's that..? this thing, the burnisher see what happens let's get that "rich finish" just fill in some of the whiteness that texture that's the pencil left behind, let me just use it so that I can say we did well the only thing I kind of want to do is just darken up the hair I feel like it's too vibrant alright there we have it at the expense of my wrist we have this pretty cute illustration I think I could have taken it further with different art supplies but the Scrawlrbox challenge is to try and create an illustration using only the arts supplies that they have provided *boop, boopadoo!* and I did that my favorite part of drawing will always be creating these kind of sketches it's so much more fun to me than finished illustrations but I have been pushing myself to try and spend a little bit more time on drawings I don't know if it's obvious but I'm trying I don't just draw the first thing that comes to my head anymore so yeah otherwise we would have been stuck with this there is a little bit of improvement there don't you think? if you'd like to give these art supplies a good home, I will have a link in the description where you can enter a giveaway to see if you can win that but yeah thank you guys for watching plunk yeah thank you guys for watching I'll see you guys all next week and I hope you have a delicious evening full of waffles!!!! BYE!
Channel: DrawingWiffWaffles
Views: 5,347,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DrawingWiffWaffles, drawing, wiff, waffles, art, illustration, clear pencil, enchantresses, enchantress, scrawlrbox, colored pencil, UK, art subscribtion, mystery art box, mystery art supplies, drawing process, illustration process, draw with me, art videos, sakuems, staedtlr, purple sketchbook, mystery pencils, art pencils, drawingbuddy, drawing buddy, monthly art box, art box video, mystery art boxes, colored, coloured, pencils, burnisher, blender, what does a clear colored pencil do
Id: TW-kag5GG9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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