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hey guys how you doing my name is Robbie and today I have one question for you are you guys ready to make some crap well let's do it I think that'll make for a good intro so the first thing we need is minor pill form so I think this is gonna be a little bit of a pain one down oh my god getting everywhere three oh my god come on four and let's do one more for good measure okay we got four caps and that said that gelatin this was the only kind I could find so I guess that'll do add a little bit of that yeah I think that'll be enough and then I'm gonna need some hot water you're right that time we're back with our hot water oh my god oh okay that got everywhere mix this up this is like boiling hot so I hope it doesn't burn me did I have too much water maybe I've had more of this stuff oh boy I'm gonna check really quick to see if this looks right okay it doesn't say it but I think I'm supposed to let this sit for a second and let it like solidify no I'm just gonna let it do that for a little bit okay I'm actually gonna add a little bit more gelatin to make this a little bit more solid oh my gosh I think that's a lot better it smells so nice I think just even it out I'm gonna add some more charcoal as well pop man so much charcoal okay mix that in oh my god I got it everywhere my gosh that is so thick that's perfect I kind of wanna eat this stuff it looks kind of yummy it kind of looks like putting a little bit we get all this back in here man I made such a mess of my test okay let's put some uh stuff on my face okay guys let's hope this doesn't mess my face how scoop some of that we're just gonna put it on my face like that oh man I mean it smells pretty good Wow make sure that doesn't get in my hair my pores are so clogged like all the time like my nose looks like a little strawberry when I'm not wearing makeup oh my goodness this stuff smells so good I mean it's mostly sugar so I bet I'm gonna break out so bad after that or maybe I don't clear my skin on there a toy didn't want any okay I guess I'll save some of it for her for later now I gotta wait for this to dry okay guys it's been about 20 minutes let's see if this is dry oh boy you're gonna wear it it's gonna come on it doesn't seem to be wanting to come off like it did in the video come on hmm thanks Brett good very little sour though oh yeah you can do it math it doesn't want to peel off like you did in the video oh man come on let me do raw is it because I used the wrong kind of gelatin I don't know doesn't really peel off like it did in the video though Tommy I said this doesn't work okay so I just took it off I don't know if you guys can see that or not but it kind of died my nose right [Music] okay so the first thing I need to do shave my armpits for this I think I'm only gonna do one armpit I'm some thick hair under their palm and a mess will shape my nipples all right such hairy nipples one thing one time I cut off this nipple I don't really want to get into it oh yeah okay now it's time to make the weird mixture thing so it says the first thing we need is sea salt some of that in there and some baking soda and then some hot water and then finally some vinegar I hate the smell of this stuff I'm only gonna add a little bit oh man this smells so bad I'm not looking forward to putting this underneath my armpits and we mix it up that's more salt baking soda to get rid of the smell of the vinegar yeah this also looks more like the consistency of the stuff that they make it makes me okay this looks good I am NOT looking forward to this maybe if I just scoop it up does it so close to the burn oh wise a pearl I think I actually have to use my hands for this this is gonna be awful okay okay now this is so gross I really hope you guys appreciate this I think I probably helped if I already had like dark circle things on my armpits I don't even know what that is is it working we just keep smashing that into my armpit like that and that one weird up we just kind of wiped it off oh it hurts so bad I think I gave myself razor burn okay so I feel like this did nothing I hate the smell of vinegar so much so I guess we'll say this work [Music] so first we're gonna need some so then we need to cut it up I had this idea where I would just cut soak for an hour and that would be like the whole video if you guys would like something like that let me know down the comments down below okay I'm gonna need something else to cut this this oughta do it here we go [Music] oh man you have to strap it down it's slipping off the so maybe something like that okay maybe that'll work okay let's do this oh my god this is so dangerous kids don't try this at home what else could I do to cut this maybe I could smash it that seems pretty effective to do it now put some of this in here okay oh yeah here's our molten soap I'm gonna try and mix it up a little bit yeah that's not too bad I don't even need 15 minutes guys I decided I'm gonna become an ASMR channel so here you go okay I'm gonna make some of the food diet where do I put it one drop two drop the red Roquefort okay that's that should be enough mix at all it's actually try to cover yeah it's nice and pink now this looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie I do it pretty good job with this mold so I'm just gonna use one of those tums bottles gotta take that out don't need those anymore then we're just gonna cut this in half do it we're gonna put our molten soap in there go right in there okay first layer off the top is all done yeah that looks like it'll work now let's make the next layer I'm just gonna put some of this already cuts open here yeah that should work I don't feel like going all the way downstairs to microwave this so I'm gonna use a blowtorch method here we go oh no it's smoking please don't stop my fire alarm if I do it like this I'm so far away its melting it's perfect Oh nope oh man I really don't want to set my fire alarm off right out I guess I'm gonna have to microwave this okay we're back and it's nice and liquid mix that up real good oh it is steaming right now so last time we had it red so this time I'm gonna add blue that's so much food dye now mix it all up oh man that does not look as good as the rest is like a weird dark purple color actually it's kind of cool it's like turquoise almost I'm diggin this here we go now we're gonna put it on our other soap which by the way it's still actually kind of hot put that on there this looks like it's turning out great so I don't have poppy seeds but you have sea salt so we're just gonna sprinkle some of that on there oh yeah it's like a sea salt scrub or something I don't know dude I'm not a beauty guru what do I look like okay you know let's let this dry for a little bit okay this monstrosity looks pretty cool down now it's time to try and get it out of this thing I have to do it without ruining this gonna break out my exacto knife okay maybe like that oh my gosh I have colorful soap now guys I can't believe this actually works I'm gonna give it to Tori and see if she likes it boy I made you some soap yeah I got what is it it's so it's two different colors just paint color and then there's blue color and also I put sea salt on the tougher exfoliation of the plaque sighs what's the peak from those it's food dyes you died so Oh so the pink is blue so me you took soaked makes up the Ravi but I still made my own so done that sea salt so you can lick it it tastes really good [Music] but you expect after anyway that soaps for you you're a stinky girl so that's your so you're not stick everything I love you can toy are you ready for the massage of your life it doesn't get reported that be at all what my but I can't so are the brands can let's see what the first massage [Music] laid out straight yeah you never lay down okay so the first thing we gentle because I heard movements should be light and smooth yes right the torso do up like this so I do it like this all right so light like that - yes I could do you like it Oh like that okay that's good yeah that's said to go down like that do you like that it's good that's good I think this one works sound like cowboy music because they're naked Cowboys no okay so this one it says do this how's that is that good part of my love is that good rule it's good for that [Music] okay now you have totally straight okay you like it I think that's my worst [Music] and then it says that I gotta get my elbow so it says I got I got my elbow like that the doctor cut like this boy you're like this one but it's good I'm rubbing your back with my elbow it's good it's good back massage says that I got to do it from this angle so I kind of grab her like that and then I do her neck like that do you like this one why don't you like this one toy come on don't try to rub your neck nothing I've tried I'm trying to give you a massage right now what a Bratz game just trying to give you massage take the massage it does I have to do this for four to six minutes so are you ready for four to six minutes of this okay so I do it like this and then I go like that it's not go back I better do this this is my job as a professional massage server I'm a good massage mercy toy do you like this [Music] you pull my pants down they look stupid no I need to see your legs can you scoot up a little bit I got a massage the legs by doing this there's a tickle no stop I'm just trying to sauce the leg no this is how you massage the leg no I need it I need to massage that leg okay based on that one I'm gonna say that that one didn't work you're not being very cooperative I guess this is enough massages for Tori right now okay guys thank so much for watching the video if you liked it make sure you get some stuff of some of this fire right down there also if you guys like watching me do these weird 5-minute craft videos I have all playlists that can be doing them right here you guys wants a shirt some stickers or any Christmas sweater you guys can click right here description down below okay Louis too much also you guys again tomorrow peace love has Wi-Fi merry craftmas [Music]
Channel: Robby
Views: 3,117,688
Rating: 4.7048907 out of 5
Keywords: Robby, SATISFYING HACKS, trying 5 minute crafts, trying skin hacks by 5 minute crafts, HACKS FOR PERFECT SKIN, 23 SATISFYING HACKS FOR PERFECT SKIN, life hack, skin hacks, life hack for perfect skin, 5 minute crafts life hack, SATISFYING LIFE HACKS, LIFE HACK FOR PERFECT SKIN, trying hacks from 5 minute hacks, clear skin life hack, clear skin hacks, get clear skin hack, how to get clear skin
Id: fzao4dPtSh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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