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hey guys how you doing my name is Robbie and today we're gonna be doing a bunch of fun wife hacks let's do this [Music] okay so for this one I need to give myself a migraine but how am I gonna do that I have the perfect video I actually made this from animation channel so if you guys want to see the full thing I'll link it down scription down below okay now it's time to watch this until I get a migraine yep that one that one definitely worked I definitely have a headache now ouch but now it's time to drink some caffeine why am i yelling so hot okay so here's our caffeine we got a Red Bull here Edd's if you are an 18 don't drink these cuz they're bad for you that's all I have to say we go okay so here's our card war parently we're supposed to cut like a weird Ross out of this so I already measured my foot it's about right here and here's the other cross right here a little bit bigger like that I think that's close enough we'll try it now break out our box cutter oh yeah don't need these anymore so we just fold this twice there we go once and I don't think I made this long enough you're like right yeah so I mean it's it's good enough and we go and we do this and then fold that over this now we basically have ourselves a chute and I just got a hot glue this together so we just put this all back together right here like that and we tape this one like this hold it hold it together cool awesome now I'm gonna go ahead and make the other okay looks like I gotta put it together better okay here we go second shoes a little bit smaller it'll be fine I'm sure it'll work just fine let's try these bad boys out here we go just yeah okay yeah not bad here's the other one a little small like I said but it'll be fine kind of squish it in there and we got it yeah these are so pretty these are some pretty nice new kicks I'm gonna go show Tori Brad ski aren't they still do it they're very nice and I wear them sure I made them myself are they comfortable these are great I could go for a walk yeah I don't think they're very flattering I don't think that she likes them very much what do you think God you like that yeah I'm thinking that he doesn't really like them yeah let's go shoo he likes it very much wait Victoria doesn't work I mean technically yeah I don't see why not well I guess we're gonna set this one black you want to keep the shoes all yours okay oh dang it what the heck am I supposed to do with these [Music] oh okay guys so here's my eyebrow as you can see it looks fine yeah it's a pretty it's pretty good eyebrow I don't know I guess do we get our eyebrow pencil and we get our toothpick and apparently we just uh you know what's that on there apparently all we got to do is we pull it across ah just like that and then pull god oh no oh god okay it's actually kind of working and we just gotta fill in our eyebrows the rest of the way oh my gosh looks so funny oh man now gonna try and do it without the toothpick all this eyebrows no I would assume just like that why can't you just do this with your pencil oh my gosh it's so freaking weird dude I look like that white dog with the eyebrows gosh this is hilarious so this is without the the toothpick and this is with them definitely guys say that this one looks better than this one so I guess this one works [Music] okay guys so here are my lips here's our lipstick it's actually not lipstick it's like I forget what this is called I don't really know though I'm gonna need the mirror for this gosh it's so dark it's like blood yeah I don't know if I'm getting this right tastes so weird I don't like it at all okay so yeah our lipstick on oh now I'm just gonna go ahead and let it dry for a little bit I guess and then we'll try the net thing okay so my lips are pretty dry alright I got a little bit already right there so then we're gonna get our net face just like that oh my god yeah this is great so here's our palette I'm gonna be using this blue I don't actually have a real makeup brush so I'm just gonna use this paint brush instead so no I'm the most prepared lifehack person ever I was gonna use blue maybe I should use I'm gonna use this white yeah white looks good we're just gonna okay and I'm gonna remove the net and we'll see how it turned out ready one two and oh wow I'm actually kind of impressed with that that looks kind of cool not bad Wow especially considering I've never done lips before like lipstick this turned out really cool well the Morgan knows well guys I'm no beauty guru but I think James Charles would be really impressed so I'm gonna go ahead and say this one works okay so first off I want to say how incredibly wasteful this is like why don't you just buy a full-size paper bowl in the first place that's wasting so much plastic anyway here's our play has to be just fold it up like that and then we gotta pull it off to the side I'm not doing this right here like that yeah that should do it and we get our flush try it like that just hold it together yeah just do it one more time here's another quarter another one right here and then we put our fork and one more or two more and there we go now have ourselves a little ramen bowl oh man this looks like it's gonna be incredibly hard to eat out of we're just gonna get our Robin put that in there which I just knocked off one of the four okay that's a good sign so far no there's another one yeah looks good okay now we got a lot water will just pour that in there oh man this is not looking good so far okay there we go I feel like I should put a cover on this or something to go ahead and cut one out of this plate here we go this is so inefficient like I would not recommend this so far yeah good enough okay gonna wait a minute or two for this to cook and then we'll try these noodles it looks like our noodles are done yeah those are definitely didn't see how good of a bowl this action up works as flavor packet I'm more of a chicken guy but all we had were the beef flavor packet so it is what it is no okay so this is where I'm looking like it's actually kind of working it doesn't feel super stable and I feel like it's gonna fall apart but you know what it frickin works and if you all you have is a bunch of works around and paper plate I guess this will work but I still recommend just buying a bigger bowl guys come on anyway time for me to eat lunch hmm I love myself some good news anyway I guess we're gonna have to save this one quacks okay it's the first things first we need ourselves a pass we go ahead and get ourselves a sugar I think I might have put too much but it's fine if I see popcorn seeds I mean just please don't get over there okay cool as you can tell this turned out perfectly maaan seeds get back in there well good enough I guess so apparently we just turned this bad boy out there we go a little bit of water in the popcorn kernels cool we put a lid and now we're just wait okay so we're about five minutes in and the popcorn still hasn't popped now looking good so far I'll give it another like a couple minutes oh my god I didn't think this was actually gonna work dude it's like Jiffy Pop you were like really apt to it Wow okay nice of course I'll be careful Don the pans hot wait hot be careful oh dude I just got so worn it doesn't taste good at all really no have you had it yes I thought it tastes pretty good buddy guys is so crunchy and hot because I made it in a pan like I think it's pretty good I mean it's not terrible it's just like stale tasting are you sure this is good I don't think Johnny likes it I don't like that at all I don't like it [Music] [Applause] okay so here's our - iou's I'm just gonna go ahead and shell some of these bad boys that should be enough okay here we go that's one okay yeah that looks pretty good hmm okay so now I have something to snack on while I make this okay so here we go well partly we're gonna start off with one little shell they're cute little shells I guess go like that we just put them together okay looks good next one put it like that okay this is already not turning out as nice as there's only three shells in I think it's because I started with our really small show and I'm trying to get a big shell in there come on if I put it on the outside I'm gonna do that is that right it's close enough so I guess it'll have to do next one okay I'm gonna stop here and say that I'm not really liking how this is turning out so far this whole thing feels very delicate like it'll break in my hand and I'm not really digging it I think if I spent more time on it I could probably make it look nicer but I'm just not really feeling this it just feels so weak so I'm gonna go ahead and say this what doesn't really work I mean it looks cool but it's I don't know I'm not feeling this one I don't like it [Music] okay so instead of going out of my way and printing on you know paper and wasting more trees I'm gonna go ahead and use this fun design that I got I got it when I ordered these stickers it comes in a pack and they look really nice this came with it I don't know what it is it's just a random piece of paper and they're really nice and they're really fun because want any of them this is her Etsy shop this isn't sponsored I just like her stickers anyway we're gonna use this because I have but I really like all this background so I'm gonna go ahead and cut that out here we go you know what I did my best I mean a lot of these little plant thingies fell off and also I didn't want to go too far in because they just kept coming up anyway this is as good as I could get it so let's try make this bad boy into a shirt okay here's our shirt apparently we just need to put some plastic wrap down first here we go there we go so we put our first layer of plastic wrap and we put our little design and then we put the second hair plastic wrap just like that I'm really hoping that this turns out okay because I think this would be a really cool shirt design I would just put our parchment paper over that then we just iron it on oh man I think this might actually work no I had crayons on the other side of it oh well it's fine I'll make it into a tie-dye shirt or something I don't know I really should have put like parchment paper on the bottom of this oops I know it's too late now but oh well okay now let's see it but if this did anything ratty kill that off whoa I think it actually worked Wow I'm gonna go ahead and let that cool down but my goodness it looks like it actually made it into a shirt yeah that's pretty cool oh no the plastic wrap is coming off I think I need to maybe melts it some more I was gonna keep doing this with a hot iron until it sticks I guess okay I'm gonna go ahead and let this cool and then we'll see how it turned out okay I let it cool down a little bit let's see how this turned out okay not bad does it feel like it'll come off actually that's pretty frickin melted in there oh I ripped it no I mean that's a temporary thing it does work but I wouldn't do this as a permanent thing I know if I put this in the washer it'll probably come right off which is unfortunate because I was really hoping that this would actually work so I'm gonna have to say this what doesn't really work I also look like I dumped mustard and ketchup all over the back of it so that's great [Music] okay so first off I just want to say that this whole thing feels like a weird nightmarish fever dream I really hope that this doesn't actually happen because my hangnails are pretty bad and I just really hope that it doesn't happen to me yeah it's a pretty bad hangnail so let's go ahead and try it okay so this is a before I'm gonna go ahead and do this and then I'll show you the after okay so here's our chapstick I'm just gonna go ahead and put that on there really the PISA just like that just rub it in maybe a little bit okay so this is after and I'm gonna have to say yeah I think it actually did something for my thumb like my hangnails they don't feel it's dry so I think this definitely helps I guess I guess I'm gonna upset that's what works okay so this is gonna be a lot of fun so here's our duvet what do you guys actually sent this to me and I got two of them because apparently it didn't ship correctly or they sent a second one and I use the second one for my couch over there that you see in every video and this one I use during the winter when it's really cold anyway let's do this here's our fan it's working so far see if I can fit inside oh my god god this is so cool this is actually so freakin neat is to do this all the time and I saw this come up in a five minute craft video and I figured that I would show you guys especially you guys what it looks like on the inside so you this enter through there so as you can see I fit perfectly in here it's a little loud because of the fan it's not that big of a deal especially because it makes your voice sound funny like a robot ah so yeah this is pretty cool it's actually cooler inside of the do thing than it is outside and now it's the whole house well guys I guess we decide that's what works [Music] okay let me just can you put pepper on a you can in fact use simple brown black pepper to stop bleeding quickly for small to medium sized cuts what no way Wow okay so this actually works apparently according to Google I know I usually try them but I don't want to you know just cut myself just to put black pepper in it that sounds awful so I'm just gonna have to trust the advice of Google and this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys so here's our milk I would have pulled it up really fast and done a fancy thing but I didn't want to get it everywhere I go ahead and dip a shoe in here very tell I'm not gonna like this this is Gro okay so that's one right there there we go and that's two okay now I'm just gonna let the sit on my eyes for a little bit and see if they feel any better afterwards wish me luck guys I feel like I should have like let the camera somewhere I can't see where the cameras do this okay I set a timer and five minutes I'll see you guys then here we go okay so it's been about five minutes oh I got no call on my eye oh my gosh I mean my eyes feel less tired but everything's all fuzzy I should have probably googled to see if this is bad for your eyes first or not but what would be the fun of that okay so my left eye feels kind of weird I think I got milk in it I'm gonna google and see if this is really bad for your eyes first it's milk bad for your eyes go go don't let me down it's not working well let's hope I don't go blind I really don't know because my eyes feel about the same as they did before I mean some of the color came back like it doesn't look quite as dark so I guess that kind of work I just need to know is milk bad for your eyes okay so it says here if you drink milk it's good for your eyes but not if you put it on your eyes choose a lower fat milk over whole milk to keep the saturated fat low to prevent plaque buildup in the eyes blood vessels yeah so it says that milk is good for your eyes to drink it but not to put on them it doesn't really say anything about putting it on your eyes anyway my eyes feel okay I would say that those kind of works I don't really know I feel like I'd have to test this over and over again to really get it so [Music] [Applause] [Music] well okay so I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to put deodorant near your eyes so I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and Google and see what it says is do derp and bad for eyes okay so it says here that it may cause irritation but serious injury is unlikely so apparently you can do this but I really don't think it's a good idea so I'm not gonna do that I've already tortured my eyes enough today I think [Music] okay so first off I don't have one of those fancy seal things so I'm just gonna go ahead and make my own using a hack that I learned a while ago you take your coin take your whatever you need they use a quirk but I'm gonna use this screw and then you just lie there you go you just hot glue on that go ahead and stick that on you got yourself a fancy seal this one says Canada on it and it has a moose so that's fun cool now let's go get some flour okay know that they're usually on this tree somewhere oh here's one perfect yep I think that'll do okay so here's our envelopes not super fancy envelope I mean it has its own sticky thing right here so I mean it'll seal by itself so it doesn't technically need a seal but you know whatever we put our flower right there and let me put our glues me up more yeah that looks good we get our seal then we just do that come on oh no it's stuck I was not as good as I thought it would be am I supposed to wait for it to finish cooling is that what I'm supposed to do I'll try it one more time or I just put that on there just like that and I'll wait for it to cool and then we'll peel it off and see what happens okay it's time to kill this bad boy off let's see if I can do this without damaging it wish me luck makeup Canada on there you can and there's a little movie can't really see it on the camera but I can see it it's very very faint but it's a seal that's so cool works [Music] okay so it is pretty freakin hot outside it is actually okay so it's 106 out here I don't know if you can see that so it's really freaking hot so apparently what we gotta do is get some ice and then we put it on our wrists I'm gonna put it right on my craft tattoo and apparently that should make me feel cooler I mean so far it's working yeah this is a bad also if you put it on the back of your neck it also works oh my gosh that's so cool it's coming down like it's dripping down my back okay I guess we can say that this won't work oh you guys no tears for a part of the video where we recreate the thumb now because our nail polish gonna go ahead and open that up I really hope that this fixes my phone just one little dab right there okay looks good and then here's the rest of it okay yeah dab some more on there do it okay so we got it all over our phone now I'm just gonna go ahead and wipe it and see if I fixed any of the cracks oh man this is so messy oh boy does it work oh you guys if you liked the video make sure you give a thumbs up that looks something that's better right down there if you guys watch me try even more life hacks and crafts I have a whole playlist thank you me doing them right here he has her new make sure to hit that subscribe button if you guys want this shirt some stickers or any my other brush you can click right here okay as Louise so much I'll see you guys again real soon peace love and Wi-Fi I'm ready okay bye [Music]
Channel: Robby
Views: 1,727,956
Rating: 4.5258412 out of 5
Keywords: Robby, 5 minute crafts, Trying 5 minute crafts, life hacks, lifehacks, trying life hacks, trying life hacks by 5 minute crafts, lifehack, robby life hacks, hack, hacks, easy lifehacks, diy, hacks by 5 minute crafts, crafts, 5 minutes craft, easy diy life hack, how to, 5-minute crafts, robby trying life hacks, 5 minute craft
Id: Xl2_0WsXT2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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