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[Music] video we are back here and again today obviously on the jailbreak map and today guys I actually have zero plans for this jailbreak video and that's what things usually go the best and we got a cop right here who should we try to go into rest it's not arrest him but that kids Kiko that's my bed and say oh my god I'm all over the place today guys I woke up super late I got a little a little little more sleep than I probably should have so I'm just chilling I'm chilling but this cop is literally arresting everybody but little do I know I gotta keep going oh my god I got that key card oh this guy's this is gonna be a challenge but we got to make sure we don't get tased cuz I think up there yeah we got a taste of course of course the cop the cop had to do it you had to do it but I escaped see you later bro hopefully we get out of here alive I don't know if this is gonna work enough but there's a Camaro literally win oh god I totally got this I got this in the bag I got this in the bag let's go here we go rocket fuel out of here let's go oh my god we actually got it oh no spoke too soon spoke too soon oh we're good we're good he's not I don't think he's chasing me I don't know what's going down but stuff is going down ladies and gentlemen what a great way to start this jailbreak Lobby I'm starting it off quite nice get it a little old escape off of a cop that nearly arrested me oh the museum's open for business so we might have to go over there and go check it out but I think first is first we definitely need some good old weapons so let's go over this way let's go oh wait we're on the wrong Street nevermind alright well screwed I'm just gonna go I'm gonna go for the museum I don't even know if it's really like started or not it sounds like it's started I hear the bells and whistles going off so you know let's go ahead and take a quick little shortcut here we're gonna go ahead and just rock fuel up on out of here here we go perfect you gotta get all the southern action all of a sudden got a little bit already good old stuff let's go ahead and get inside here we need this bad boy we need it now alright hopefully we can get in here with in a good timely manner here but I don't think anybody's here actually what the heck it sounded like this thing was going off and everything yeah no one's even here bro what bag dude I can't even start this without anybody else that's the only downside to this someone come to the museum it's open we got to go guys we got to get inside the beautiful look of museum we gotta get over there now brother alright somebody said okay okay okay oh hey hey what's up how you doing go ahead and open up the extra dynamite bada bing bada boom we made it inside wow that actually was a lot easier than I thought it was all she's coming for the paintings too bro I swear when you don't have a gun you have to go for the paintings bro you literally have to otherwise you can't break any of the glass which is honestly like weird thinking about it now I don't know I feel like if you could actually break the glass with your fists over here like that glass is up there by the donut it would make life a little bit easier I don't know that's what I'm just saying I could be wrong could be right but this girl is solving the puzzles so let's go ahead and go for this direction go ahead and solve this good old whatever that whatever you'd call this it's just like a little it's not really a puzzle but yes it's kind of a puzzle it's kind of like the same type but different type of puzzle if you know what I'm saying put a Bing and bought a boom and bada ba there it is bada bing bada boom that's what I'm talking about pull over pull over switch of two robbery that actually ended up working out quite well okay let's hopefully get our same Camaro here I don't think cops are here but just in case let's get the heck out of your boat come on you're my car bro what's going on here there we go there we go perfect bada bing bada boom we are all good to go there is a cop right there there is indeed a cop right there I have no idea if that cops trying to arrest people but I am out of here sayonara see you later buddy all righty let's go ahead and figure out what we got going on here so let's go wait well we got to go where am I going you I'm going to the city I'm so confused for a second we gotta go ahead and drop this off at the collector at the good old criminal base let's go all the way over here and see what's gone no come on bro come on come on we got to go backwards what are you doing all right Kelly boom we're bringing our stuff all the way over to the criminal base just hang on for a second always hanging out the window he's like Oh penny cops coming around here we got to make sure we shoot him make sure we survive the night all right baby here we go here we go my favorite part about going to the museum are now the museum via the criminal base after robbing the museum is the good old little ramp that brings this on in but there's copiers so we got to be careful here let's just go ahead and get that get our cash I'm not even gonna see if that cop is nice cuz I don't even want to know man I don't even want to go we got to get out of here bro we got to hit the escape pod bro there we go we at the escape pod in style let's go TJ Kelly boom let's go right now the question we robbed the museum where do we want to go next that is the big question of the day that is gonna be something that I guess depends on whatever the heck is open right now all right what have we got on our watch today yes the good old Bank might be open are you making a bid yes I am indeed I am my friend indeed I am it looks like the bank is closed okay so we won't begin the bank unfortunately for today but the jewelry store is probably open itself no it's not open look that gets going on all right it's 12:00 p.m. in the game so it makes plenty of sense but you know hey we're over here by the Bugatti might as well go ahead and upgrade from this Camaro because we've been rocking that Camaro since the beginning of time hey the jewelry store just opened perfect exactly what I like to see a good old joystick I just all thank God these guys got in I was about to say I think I just broke it and like nobody was like even in it bro but hey luckily they got in thank God bro it's always great seeing some more peeps inside of the jewelry store how about it solos always scary bro I don't know about you guys but solo jewelry store Rob's are always like man what the heck am i doing bro I wish there was more people in here but there is so we're all good to go we are all good to go 3.5 you know honestly I think I'm pretty good at 3.5 I always like wait to get 5k but honestly at the end of the day you just end up getting extra bonus cash from like these robberies so I'm just gonna go ahead and keep walking through here and hopefully pray for the best year because we need to go ahead and go around town there and just not take too much damage left because you got to keep in mind you always gotta be careful in these jewelry stores man as you can see I'm super low super low right now but that's okay we got a fight we go fight for the end here we go bada bing and bada boom bada bop all right now here's the crazy part so you guys all know it's laggy and jailbreak and these lasers are honestly kind of scary they they can go ahead and get you even if you don't even walk through me that doesn't make any sense I know but sometimes in your laggy it happens and it's not always the best thing in the world but hey all right bada bing bada boom barish chute has activated all right let's go ahead and hit up a brand new Bugatti even though we already have a Bugatti down there but that's okay all right II bought a big bottle boom we got some cash appoo pest you my friend are going to go ahead and earn the cash from the jewelry store with me right here for the best oh thank you so much a guy that guy stole my Camaro bro what thank NE but we got our 4.2 suits all good and we probably get some bonus cash from that other girls so that's always fantastic I don't know about you guys but if I rob something I try to grab another person or if another person jumps to my car to get that bonus you get that quick little bonus all the museum's opening again bro what the heck that open up so fast all right say no more we're going back to the museum I've never seen a museum open up that fast after the fact that we just robbed it bro we really the jewelry store for maybe like even like five minutes something like four actually probably to be quite honest with you were probably in there for like three minutes you made my day a thanks of food thank you so much I like your day by the way all right let's go ahead and get inside the the good old Museum I believe people have already started the robbery here so no actually no why why are the bells going off bro no one's even inside to you right now all right all right up we got to go we got to go before the cops come let's get inside bada bing buy a pool there you go see what I did there I tried okay I tried all right let's go ahead and get in here we need to go ahead and get the paintings the paintings are the most important part of the day dude Geary's what whoo there it is eight out of eight I'm telling you guys if you guys really want a quick museum robbery best way to do it right there you just go in go out and boom bada bing you're done two paintings is old thanks all right let's go ahead just do this no no you gotta go to the other side of poop way is that a poop I have no I don't think that's a poo actually I'm not sure all I know is there's three people over here so I don't know if anybody else is on the other side of where they should be but I'm gonna go and pull the lever here and just hopefully pray for switch room to to go ahead and go off no maybe not I knew this is gonna be the case Oh does anybody even over there that's the question bro I don't even all there is somebody over here oh it's this girl again [Applause] it's below below again whoa we need somebody to oh there's already two people over here pull pull and switch them on there better be somebody over in switcher months no come on please oh oh there is a couple people over here guys why did you not pull the lever bro we got to get the heck out of here brothers slow the lever and in five more seconds five four three and pull every bottoming bottom home that's how you doing ladies and gentlemen bada be right where did I park my car again did I park it on this side yeah I did I see my Bugatti over here okay so we don't have any cow all I hear Jason I your taste I hear Jason we gotta get in this Bugatti quick boys somebody get in the car whoa oh that was crazy that was too close for comfort in my opinion oh my god we got to get the heck outta here and go to the criminal base oh hello how are you see this person sing hi and I think it's actually the girl that I normally see what the krinklepuff merch you get old Jimmy's season two merch all right what else we gotta get out of here we got to go this way we got to give our good old Museum a good old robber oh that was a perfect jump did anybody else see that it's fantastic oh we're gonna get ripped out of vehicle go go go go go go go go we're so close we were literally so close this cop is following us there's a couple cops off chase but I already got the cash joke is on you my friend I already got it already got my cash gotcha oh and I just got broken up by somebody bro I don't know what that happened let's go arrest me just to tell me friend me yeah I don't friend and evil cops bro that's not a good idea all right well we got a Lambo now so I guess that's good oh we got some guy blocking the tunnel here with that all right well screw that it looks like we're gonna have to do a little bit of a Lamborghini stealing over here actually my car is right over there we should probably just go for my car all this is locked anyways okay hopefully that cop that just arresting me is not trying to arrest me again right now because I'm kind of scared not gonna lie oh dude come on give me give me Bob hey don't take my Bugatti sir this is my Bugatti not yours oh we got a Kringle puff cop okay at least we got a nice scalp on our hands is what I like to see right Malou we got to get the heck out of here we gotta go rob something else we robbed a couple of stuff we got to go ahead off the rest of the stuff here and see what's going on all right so what else we got do we have the bank is the bank indeed open I don't even have a key card on the key card bro the course with the State of the Bank is open I don't have a key card right you know what honestly I'm gonna go ahead open um you never mind Oh does this guy have a key card no I don't think so I don't think so he might he might oh he does she does indeed okay never Bob we don't need our own key card I was gonna go ahead and get some weapons but I don't see at the end of the day like if we're gonna go ahead and just jumping in here and go ahead and give this bank robbery started you might as well join you might as well join okay let's go and get this started it started here we go hopefully there's no cops in here none of you guys are cops all right let's just double check and all right good stuff that's what I like to see it's like that's what I like to hear all right she's about to explore three two one boom bada bing here it is all right that's exactly what I like to see okay perfect right guys here we are we are in the good old bank robbery I was about to call it a jewelry store robbery for whatever reason why I just usually never robbed back Oh cop cop cop cop it's all you that's all you Kringle buff I don't know what she's doing she's jumping but she was jumping clothes where did she even say in the chat Oh worries I'm nice yeah you were nice but you were coming straight at us so what Bank was going on there all right fifteen hundred coming my way let's go ahead and get the heck out of here in a second you're on Anacapa just arrested us all how did that guy how did nobody see that guy how did nobody see that guy bro all right guys I think we took a big L there we took a big L but you know honestly I think that's gonna be it for this jailbreak video yeah some crazy cops pros some crazy cops all over the place let's see is there anybody in here you have a high bounty oh here he is again is that the same guy yeah that might be the student cop not hundred percent sure how does this guy have a twenty four hundred dollar bounty bro what the heck this guy's been dodging cops left and right anyways guys I think that's gonna be it for this jailbreak video hopefully you guys did enjoy if you do - make sure to go and drop a like down below as well as hit that subscribe button if you are new and with that being said I will catch you guys all again in today's second video and tomorrow as well so I'll catch you guys then [Music]
Channel: Ant
Views: 1,149,387
Rating: 4.856801 out of 5
Keywords: Ant, ROBLOX, jailbreak, ant jailbreak, jail break, cringley jailbreak, cringley, jailbreak ant, cringely
Id: yosm0szpKoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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