Try Not To Touch Challenge (ft. Sid The Sloth!)

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- These are good! These are real good! - Ah, it almost touched me! - I feel like Captain Jack Sparrow but with a cat. - Look at him. You eat a apple. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) Today, you'll be going through another "try not to touch" challenge. - Oh, crap! - I'm not touching you! - No touchy! No touchy! - You guys always bring either cute animals or interesting animals that I don't know when I'm gonna get to pet next, so I don't know, man. It's a tough one. - (FBE) So, we'll be putting multiple things in front of you, which you cannot touch or physically interact with in any way. If you do touch something, you will have a punishment at the end. - Noo! I don't like the punishments. That's the only thing. - I wanna win, but I'm also like, you guys make some really funny punishments. - (FBE) First up, we've got some zen magnets. - Zen magnets? Ooh! What-- you almost threw it into my hand. That was cheating. - (FBE) So, first up, we've got some zen magnets. - Sorry. You scared the [bleep] out of me. That was so fast! (chuckles) - Wait does this count? This doesn't count. No way. What?! Wait! I thought you were talking about what's on the inside. - Dude, it's everything. (giggles) (buzzer) - I love these things so much. I think maybe two months ago, I finally got one to be a perfect cube, and I felt so satisfied as a person. So, the fact that I can't touch this right now really makes me upset. - I would like to touch it, but I don't need to touch it. - I don't think I have a firm grasp on what it is. Right now, I can just assume it's something that I'd buy at Staples. - (laughs) - And I don't care about Staples. - Are they connected? Is it a string? - Do I wanna go out on the first round? - So many questions that I could just answer with one touch. But I won't. - You know what? I'll do it for us, though. (laughs) - Yes! - Whoa! Not what I was thinking. I thought it was a necklace. - (gasps) Okay. - But it kind of is like a necklace! Whoa! - I have to. - Whoa! These are actually really sick. Look at this! This is so fun! - Yeah, no regrets. Zero. (buzzer) - Almost not touching it is a punishment in a way, but then if you touch it, there is a punishment. So, either way, we lose. - Exactly! There's no winning in this even if you do win. - Yeah. - (FBE) Here we have this fun and funky pillow that you can write and/or draw on. - These are good! These are real good! - Ah, it almost touched me! - Okay, see now-- - OH! (laughs) That was awesome. Ahhh! Ah, peer pressure! - Woo! - I'm writing a secret message, and you guys will be able to see it soon. - (FBE) Interesting. I'm trying to decode it. - (laughs) Yeah, I know. There's only one person in the world that can get it. (buzzer) - I come across these at the store often and never have I thought about buying them, but every time I walk by them, I do run my hand over them. - Oh, this already has a hand mark on it a little bit, and the OCD in me wants to just fix it. - To watch somebody do it and then to not fix it back the way it's supposed to be to get that same satisfaction afterwards, that bothers me more than anything. - (FBE) I was gonna say, Micah do you wanna go mess it up for both of them, so they have to-- - No, you-- - Stop! - (laughs) That's so mean. - Oh, no! You didn't-- no pattern! Like, just-- - Why you do that, man?! - (giggles) - Ugh, ew! - Oh, thank you. That actually helped. - Oh, that's real good. Oh. - That was nice. Okay. - How you feeling? - I'm sitting on my hands. - (laughs) - They are numb. - (FBE) So next up, we have a piece of cheesecake. Now, if you decide to touch this one, you can eat it. - Do you see that graham cracker crust? That looks moist and delicious. - I'm lactose intolerant. I still eat dairy, but you know what? - Absolutely. I had yogurt before I came in here, but I'm not a fan of cheesecake, to be honest. - I love cheesecake. (laughs) - Yeah, I love cheesecake too. - I'm literally so hungry too, so I don't even care. Oh my god, I love cheesecake. (buzzer) - Well, I love a cheesecake, but I'm vegan, so... - (laughs) - Enjoy. - (FBE) That actually does count. - Oh, you touched it! Ah! - WHAT?! - Oh my gosh. - It's good? - It's really good. (buzzer) - Doesn't it look like queso fresco? Like, straight up, it's just queso fresco. - It just looks like a giant-- I just lost! - Alberto. - I did that on acc-- - Alberto! (buzzer) - It's just sliced so perfectly. And look at the consistency. - It's so pretty! - It's so beautiful! It's so gorgeous. Goodbye, beautiful. I'll miss you. - ♪ In the arms of the angel ♪ - (FBE) Next, we're going to literally give you $5. - (both laugh) - You [bleep] kidding?! (laughs) Yeah, that's gone. (buzzer) - Can you Venmo me this? - You know... - If I don't touch it, do I get it electronically? - (FBE) No. - I know we're close to winning, so we might as well just go all the way. - All right. [Bleep] it. I'll take this. - I feel like it's against my morals not to take money when it's front of you. So... - I gotta eat lunch. (buzzer) - Well, this is gas money. I'm taking this. I don't care what anyone says. $5 is $5. - I have $1 in my pocket. And if I were to grab this $5, I would have six. - That's enough for a happy meal. Not much, but... - Yeah, I'll take it too. - Eeee! (buzzer) - I can buy another cheesecake with that money. - Oh, that's a great idea! - (both laugh) - (FBE) Well, next up, we've got some... kittens! - (whimpers) Babies. - You are so cute! - Ahhh! Aww! - Oh! Hi, babies! Hi, kitties! (buzzer) - Yeah, I don't know. Wait! What if it touches me? Does that count? - (chuckles) - 'Cause then I'm-- ah, there you go. See? They're running away, so they did the job for us. - Oh my goodness. Babies. - (sing-song) You guys are the worst. - Aww. - I'm not gonna not touch these sweet angels' faces. - I mean-- - Look at their bow ties! - I feel like they would hate me if I don't touch them. - Exactly! It feels wrong to neglect them. Hi! - I feel like a pirate. - (laughs) We're connecting. - We're having very very different experiences right now. (buzzer) - Unfortunately, I'm gonna resist. (chuckles) And he's resisting too. - You're such a beautiful kitty. No, don't come here! No! I love you. - It's a set up! - I love you. I'm so sorry. - Oh my gosh! I feel like Captain Jack Sparrow but with a cat. - I don't wanna let him go. I truly don't. - I don't think he wants to get off of me. - (FBE) You guys ready for the final thing? - God, if this isn't the final thing, I don't know. - (FBE) The grand finale, we have Sid. He is... - A hamster. - (FBE) ...a sloth. - (gasps) - No! - Oh! I've never seen one of these in my entire life! - Oh my gosh! You look so cute! - This is an actual sloth! - That thing looks weird. - It's so big! - Bro, it low-key looks like an alien with Captain Hook arms. - This isn't real. - I've filmed with a lot of animals, but this is the most mystical. - This is amazing. In my mind, sloths aren't actually real. - I'm just like, I just wanna hold ya. (groans) - His claws are so cool! - I love how our nails are just completely matching. - They're twinning right now. - This was meant to be. - Did you guys plan on doing that? - He's just chillin'. Oh my god. (gasps) He blinked. - No! - Stop it. (gasps) Oh! My dog likes zucchini too! - (both laugh) - Look at him just eat the zucchini! - Even the way he eats is slow! I thought it was a joke! I didn't know they were actually this slow. - (softly) Oh my goodness. Look at him! You eat a apple. (laughs) - (FBE) All right, do you guys wanna go give him a pet? - Yes! So, just on his back? - (FBE) Yeah. - (woman) Yeah, just really lightly on the back. - Okay. - (FBE) Well, you guys are both winners at this point, so do you wanna give him a touch, a little pet? Or are you guys gonna go for the victory? - I feel like this is my only chance to ever pet a sloth. I feel bad laying my unworthy hands on such a majestic creature. - Baby! Hi, baby! - Oh, you guys just made eye contact. You guys just had a moment. This guy would be a perfect DMV worker. - Mm-hmm. - Zootopia nailed it. (buzzer) - That's the opposite of how we ate our cheesecake. - Oh my god. (gasps) Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. We're touching the sloth, Eric! - He's way more soft than I would've expected. - Oh my god! - I was thinking bristly. - I wanna be its best friend. Wow, forever, I'm gonna be able to say I touched a sloth, and that's wild. (buzzer) - I'm gonna watch Brandon do it first, and if he doesn't die, maybe I'll do it. - Hi, my friend. (whispers) Hello. - That is the greatest thing in the world. - I don't know why I expected their fur to be rough. It's totally not. It just feels like human hair, actually. - Whoa! - Hello. - It does feel like they have a really long wig on. (buzzer) - I'm overwhelmed. - We met a [bleep] sloth. - I feel like I just met Britney Spears. - I am weirdly starstruck! - (laughs) - (FBE) So, Chelsea, Dionte, you have both won. You are safe from our punishment. You will not have to old our collection of worms. - Aww. - Oh, bless! I am so glad. Oh my god. I would've cried. I probably would've freaked out and cried. I'm so glad I stayed strong, and I did not do it. - (FBE) All right. Well, you both lost. - No, we won. - (FBE) You will have to suffer a punishment, which is... - Give it to me. - I don't like that you used the word suffer. - (gasps) - Ahh! Ahh! - (laughs) - OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! Ohhh my god! - NO! - They're moving! They're moving! They're moving! - (Alberto) Nope, no. - (Brandon) They're [bleep] moving. - (Alberto) No. All right. I quit. This is where my last FBE shoot happens. I'll see you guys later. - Okay, okay. Mama didn't raise no bitch. Let's go. - Mama did raise a bitch. I'm gonna be honest with you. - Ahhh! (laughs) - Hmm! Really fast. - (gags) - Stop it! You're not helping! - (both laugh) - Bro, I knew we shouldn't have touched that [bleep]. - I don't regret touching the sloth. - Bro, I knew we shouldn't have-- - But right now, I regret touching the sloth. - Should never frickin'-- we should always try to win on this channel! Always! And we always lose! - (FBE) Go! - I can't do it. I-- Ahh! Give me some! Just give me some! Just give me some! Just give me some! Ah, ah, ah! Got it, got it, got it, got it! - Look, he's holding on to me. (laughs) - God, I hate bugs, and I've had to experience so many bugs here. - (laughs) My hand feels dirty, but it kind of felt cool. - Here we go. Here we go. Here we go! - (screams) - Oh, it's gross! IT'S GROSS! - Two, one! (laughs) Yeah! Worm high five. Oh! - "Worm high five." - (laughs) - (screams) - That was the worst experience of my life, and next challenge, honey, I'm holding out strong. - (chuckles) - Oh. Mm-mm. - I don't think this deterred me that much. This is worth it. - You're like, "I'm doing it again." - Yeah, exactly. Do we still have cheesecake? (chuckles) - Thanks for watching us try not to touch... - On the React Channel. - Subscribe! - We got new shows every day. - (both) Bye! - Hey, guys. Ethan here from the React Channel. Hey, if you liked this episode and wanna check out everything that's going on at FBE, you gotta check out FBE2. It's more than just a behind-the-scenes channel. You can get to know every single thing that goes on at this company. Just click the link in the description below. Bye, guys!
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,712,242
Rating: 4.9371271 out of 5
Keywords: Try Not To Touch Challenge (ft. Sid The Sloth!), Sloth, Sloth girl, kittens, kittens mewing, cheesecake, cheesecake factory, cats, react gaming, teens gaming, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, try not to, try not to laugh, laugh challenge, try to watch without laughing or grinning, People Vs food, staff reacts, the 10s, guess that, rctone1938, try not to touch, try not to touch 2, try not to touch 4, try not to touch 5
Id: 5EuiK9_L1EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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