Try Not To Say AWW Challenge.. (VERY HARD)

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try not to say Oh guys I've never done this challenge before but we're freckie doing it alright the try not to say oh what's a key you can't do it you can't say oh alright this is an interesting challenge but I'm gonna guess it's pretty frickin hard I tend to suck at these challenges I don't know why I do a lot of the try not to say wow challenge videos Wow are you lost yeah you guys seem to love that so we're mixing it up a little bit today we're gonna be looking at the cutie animals on the world so I put lake thun these are the cutest animals just the kid is cutest ever so let's just get right into it guys hi my name is Kayla or infinite make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel whoa sorry to scare you like that but we have a sponsor for today's video today's video is sponsored by dragon city dragon city is free for iOS and Angela if you guys go ahead and click that first link in the description or go to spawn sword slash infinite dragons I can guarantee you're gonna have a great time playing this game in this game you can collect so many different dragons I already have like 300 dragon but I have so much more to get so I'm gonna keep playing you can breed all types of different dragons to get really cool looking ones new one to make your collection even bigger and better your dragons actually generate gold which is pretty interesting but it helps you feed them build them up and make them stronger there's actually a ton of different PvP modes where you can take your strongest dragon out of the ones you have and fight other dragons and play and leagues you guys can even play with your friends I've used Facebook Connect to play with my friends you can do the exact same thing you can play with all your Facebook friends so yeah go ahead and click that very first link in the description to download Dragon City you guys are gonna love this game free on iOS and Android just click my link spawns org slash infinite dragon thank you to dragon city for sponsoring this but without further ado let's get right into the video guys try not to say Oh [Music] ciao editor we need three lives on this screen Oh Oh boom three lives let's freak it go try not to say Oh challenge you guys can play at home with me if I say oh I lose a freaking life let's go enough messing around let's just press play guys in three two one try not to say Oh challenge oh my gosh it's wearing an adidas switcher like a cute little dog adidas sweatshirt okay okay that was starting off a little bit easy it was pretty cute but I'm not saying a word instead of the W word it's the the a word that you know it you know what I'm trying to say that that word yeah that word I'm trying to say that work that was close I said oh my gosh I didn't say the a-word so we're good we're good it was cute I liked the cute little adidas dog sweater that was amazing anyways on to the next clip guys whoo this is gonna be hard I already know it dude all these African animals are killed already dogs are so cute God is about to be really hard oh my god dude I can't do this I can't do this heart ah okay I'm just trying to get it all out now nothing's cute alright that job wasn't even kill okay it totally was alright that was a freaking lie but I'm just I'm just trying to you know distract myself you know just get I don't want to say the a-word nothing's freaking cute alright nothing nothing can give me what is this OH I just said it oh I'm an idiot dude I literally was just like nothing's gonna get me and then two seconds later I frickin home I can't why why did I say why did I say dude you know I'm gonna take it out on Jerry Jerry I know but yeah you fine take a life away you know I'll do the honors yeah I wasn't expecting it cuz it was just a bunch of pillows and then the dog just speaks his head dude is so adorable I'm sorry I'm sorry Jerry all right Jerry's a squid all right he's deaf and I'm sorry I punched him but I had to take my anger out on someone so one leg equals one prayer okay on to the next clip we have two lines great paw I almost said it so there's two of them I said oh oh I didn't say your hearings messed up oh you should probably get your ears checked because I didn't freckie say it hang it man did I say it I don't technically technically I mean I did I don't know did I uh-huh this is hard man that was so cute fine fine I'll take off the life dude I'm sucky oh my god fine you know what whatever I don't I don't ah one life whatever on to the next clip dude this is not fair mm it's not cute it's definitely not cute definitely not it was super cute it was super cute but I don't I don't care because I'm not saying a word guys leave it in the comments below are you a cat person or a dog person let me know I'm personally a dog person but that guy was so care dude I'm not gonna lie that was a really freaky cute that doesn't count by the way I was just okay that's not the a word don't even freaking try next clap what is this dog doing does it have an H on its stomach or some oh it's a freaking pug ah pugs are so cute that wasn't the a word I went ah like I was screaming so does I close one huh next clap yeah this is too hard oh wait the dog just wave are you kidding me that was that was that was really cute not gonna lie that was freaking adorable but I didn't say the a-word so next clip we have one life all right I'm freaking winning this hundred percent are you okay ah what's happening hello is this dog okay do I need to call 9-1-1 do I need to call an ambulance on this dog hello are you okay let's continue someone explain what the dog was doing are you serious what a talented dog out Sirit frickin Seri Seri I wasn't talking to you stupid oh my god I said serious you stupid you are freaking stupid okay but what the heck digit spinners are still thing I was like 2016-2017 okay let's continue okay uh uh sorry I had to pause it but I almost said it I almost freken's said it ha so cute it starts crying if you stop petting it through this challenge is way too hard this is so hard guys oh this is too hard okay stop she's like like why do dogs do that why Utley cuz they think that they're gonna swim so they start doing it but it's Lily just to sing the dog you're gonna be okay you're not gonna drown like what it's so funny out dogs do that that's clip we have this one life that I'm just trying to hold on to it's hard alright but hopefully I can get through this what is its tongue doing what was that look its targ what it's like a dog it's like I could do the dog - what was that a dog in disguise do you have something to say to me cat you're probably low-key a dog nice frickin try but I caught you red-handed next clip oh my gosh stop Oh baby puppy and a kitten you can't do that to me man it's to kill oh we're fine we're totally fine I didn't freaking said I got this one life that I need I need it cuz I can't lose it or I'm gonna frickin get made fun up in the comments let's continue oh ma okay not colitis kind of mean but is freaking adorable it's not cute definitely not definitely not do you wanna cook brushed okay let's eat let's eat I'm freaking love dogs dead upside I just do all right dogs are the best dogs are the freakin best and that's a big fact you try to push the friggin water but the water melts bigger than the dock but what emotes bigger than you bad you can't forget push that you Frank a deep Frick oh scared me what's happening are you okay is it Frick is it barking what's happening I've never heard a squirrel barks before you probably haven't either what that what's happening is it okay I can't tell if it's if it's okay or not ha ha ha that was the the strangest video I've ever seen you probably never seen a squirrel bar till now you have so that's cool shop like oh my oh oh guys I think that's it we passed the frickin challege let's show I never passed these I never passed these challenges but we did it we Frank you did it guys let me know how many lives you had in the comments I had one life I feel great all right I feel freaking fantastic break it get it we did it guys drop a like if we can get hmm let's see 50,000 likes on the video I will make a part two so guys drop a like make sure you are subscribe to the channel Road you better be better for you can do do it alright a lot of you watching right now aren't subscribed so you should probably frak it still you probably do it subscribe thank you guys so much for watching you are the frickin best make sure to cop the merch before it sells out guys also it is limited edition so you got a cop it's freaking jump but yeah guys I will see you guys all in tomorrow's video peace you [Music]
Channel: Infinite
Views: 3,928,475
Rating: 4.9003639 out of 5
Keywords: Infinite lists, entertainment, family friendly, Elders React, Kids React, Try Not To Say AWW Challenge.. (VERY HARD), Try, Not, To, Say, AWW, Challenge.., (VERY HARD), infinite, lists, reacts, infinite lists reacts, azzyland aww, azzyland animals, azzyland try not to say aww
Id: iRTmLbtLtME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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