try not to CRY when SENPAI CRIES! Yandere Simulator's NEW SAD ENDING!

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so i just gotta wait for the right time she's gotta be standing in that light in that light below is and she's gone because that has gone in the most dramatic way possible i just dropped a sandbag on her previously on yandere simulator why senpai joined the drama group hey hey eyes on me senpai oh he's enjoying himself oh this cannot stand i will not stand for this injustice the funny thing about being a nasty piece of work is that karma tends to catch up with you so uh yeah about that um goodbye kizana is this just is this just gonna be a maya that doesn't look like am i not as much fun as it wants to eliminate kazana saying or evola to her cheeks is just not dramatic enough i need pizzazz in my elimination i need some gusto today darling kazana you might want to watch your back because after i'm done with you you're gonna need a chiropractor and some pretty good life insurance she's a very theatrical person and she demands a dramatic end gaming and i got one for her smash that like button if you're hyped if this video right here hit 10 000 beautiful legs tonight oh yeah this light gold needs to be reached tonight because if it is i will dress up in this purple mate suit and cosplay as this beautiful wondrous eviction oh my god wow smash that like button let's get the gold baby could you stop being so close to my son papi you're rubbing your naughty's all over him anybody who's an eagle-eyed viewer right now will notice that we're actually on tuesday what what happened to monday why is it tuesday why have you skipped monday paparazz because if you want to see monday's video which you probably should before watching this one it's around about my face just now click on that bad boy like and subscribe not joking give me your mind i would appreciate i like thank you i got a little bit crazy there like a rabid dog but this rabbit dog is on the hot tail of kazana today we're gonna see what her events are on the tuesday because we've got full tuesday events oh coconut i will get rid of this clone for you we've got full tuesday events and we've got full wednesday events and apparently there's a secret elimination on friday hey coconut say the word and i will snatch that girl's weave i will snatch it harder than a baby he snatched from his mother's wound hey cassana i was wondering could we play a serial endgamer this week we've been practicing for a while now and i don't like you've changed the play one week before but coconut we've set up a lot already why change it now we don't have time it shouldn't be hard to switch we could reuse some of the stuff from the start of the year okay hmm that's actually a good idea you commoner come on guys let's listen to coconut coconut whatever all right i knew you'd say yes i already placed the fake incinerator on the stage okay okay so we're practicing a different scene is that is that what's happening now we're actually not doing a serial endgamer play are we no we're not we're i'm going to prank her this afternoon oh pranking times okay that seems a little bit nasty your mind nobody told me you had coke i must eliminate her immediately sent by loves my eyes gay cool i vomited a little in my mouth oh it's nice to see heruda actually having a friend for once my immersion's been ruined she doesn't have friends she's a loner i tell you what though that hair is fantastic i would snatch that weave and wear it for myself oh they weren't joking they do have an incinerator up here hello that's a jojo hat guys i i i don't know about you but i've not seen any serial endgamer plays that look like this oh oh something's happening here where's coconut going where's coconut going was she off where's she going oh you had enough oh what did she do she did a little spin there oh is it because i was up there oh yeah because i was on the thing where are you going where are you going where are you going let me just spy on you a little bit beside all these beautiful mage uniforms this strikes me like it's an event oh she's about to pick up something from oh i wish one day i could be more like kazana she's so perfect okay she's really not she's a terrible horrible human being coconut you're the best you're like a sweet sweet baby angel just don't work she just picked up is that a is she just is she gonna end game kazana right here right now yo my day just became amazing what is going on this is the spiciest drama ever i i haven't even done anything yet i suppose they did say it was a serial end gamer play so if that's a fake who we could replace with a relu okay what's gonna happen what's gonna happen oh hey there ladies and gentlemen i didn't realize you were still here i'm glad you are because it's such a great video smash like it's really appreciated and do it now in the previous video ladies and gentlemen i asked you to capture this image you see right before your beautiful eyes and this comment this comment and especially this comment really made me laugh it made me laugh so much that the milk i was drinking at that point in time squeezed out of my nose and i thought wow this day couldn't get any worse but it could because i read this comment right here and i thought projectile knows milk was going to be horrific but then i just projectile from every orifice in my body because i no longer wanted to be alive if you would like to be featured in the next video please caption this image right before your beautiful eyes make me laugh make you guys laugh and we'll all ruffle together back to the video they're just standing oh oh struggling oh my lord why oh is she gonna throw her in the incinerator oh my she's literally tossing at her into the incinerator right in front of everybody what is this madness coconut uk she's had enough of her wig being snatched oh she's popped out i must have been a fake it was a fake it was a fake it was a fake so she gotta go and put it back now i hope no one would replace it with a real one that would be a disaster haha she says out loud while i'm here well i wonder what i'm supposed to do me being the sneaky snake that i am has a big boy brain idea heroic and i was about to undermine the friendship you have here with kuduri but i'm not gonna i actually want to say how wholesome it is that finally you have somebody you can talk to somebody that you can relate with i have that with senpai but he's interested in absolute idiots i'm a loner [Music] i'm sad oh she moved me maybe i'm not so alone you like what you see girl she likes what she sees um don't worry about a thing there uh am i i'm just gonna go and cut the cake by cake i mean kazana now i mustn't get caught doing my sneaky plan that i'm shouting out loud to everybody who can hear me swap real for fake there we go perfect yes pray for me [Music] wait hold on a second is osana got a new trim oh you know what oh santa that looks amazing oh i actually like that better than the the old stanky here that dropped in the toilet bowl every time you sat down i'm trying to have a conversation here as i was saying santa i think your hair looks fantastic the old toilet bowl dunkin hair which it just didn't work for you this one though you're pulling it off girl you got that swag you got a bit of pep in your step and i'm not needing to eliminate you i respect you i respect her i take it that's the hair she gets if you matchmaker as opposed to just right earring her off of the face of the planet girls just want to have fun don't they yeah they just said i'm i'm here having fun yeah this is a good day i definitely fit in with a purple brigade over here yeah that's me i'm gonna have a good time yeah guys what about that weather huh yeah it never rains here always sunny here that's right ah okay yep that's right just clean my feet please that's right bow down to me rub my feet clean them they're moist and disgusting they've got shrooms on them i see you gracie the inner of my thigh there and walked off let's just go awkward tonight guys hmm like what you see i forget a lot of compliments today a lot of compliments today thank you you know how to make a girl feel good so above the stage there's a light panel is there anything i can do up there just now i don't think there is currently i think that's probably the big event i could do later on in the week i'll be able to loosen one of these off and they'll probably just drop on top of kazana wait hold on a second what did that say i think it said coconut i'll go get the nif you wait for me okay so it looks like no no wait wait no no cause anna you better not prank her here i swear earlier on she said she was going to prank coconut and as the little uh cogs in my head turn around in the wheels i think i think she's going to play a prank on coconut and she's the real one no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is gonna be bad if this knife was real i could finally hear the end of that stupid serial endgamer idea yeah but it is real it is real look paparazzi you might want to stop but look i promise you this is not a good idea no it's gonna be funny but no this is one of the way it's supposed to be kokoda you're gonna have to use your strength use your big straight i've seen those man hands i've seen those man hands grab her protector i think i'm in trouble i think i'm in trouble here coconut coconut defend yourself please coconut this isn't good coconut this isn't good coconut please defend yourself coconut oh can you hear me please wake up oh god i'm so sorry wake up please please go gonna get up please wait was she doing oh no no no oh no no oh jiminy christmas these guys are like now that's entertaining oh no oh no oh no oh no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh uh uh oh uh um i didn't expect both of them to go bye-bye i i i i didn't mean this to happen i was a harmless prank it was a prank guys prank i could probably go wrong right yeah that's a prank it's a prank just it's just a prank gone wrong this guy's a professional can we have a round of applause please can we have a round of applause for this professional in amongst all the screaming and end gaming he's still painting that set oh they're all running back they're all running back to investigate the scene they're like this is drama this is real drama they're all sitting in the chairs as well they're watching you sickos have you got nothing better to do with your time than watch these poor innocent girls go bye-bye sickos okay i haven't done anything naughty watery this time i've been a good good boy let's find out what happens okay so this isn't a real nifu this is a stage prop it's completely fine everything's gonna be safe they're just gonna party together they're gonna be like wow what a great time together but how's she gonna prank her oh because she's pretending okay okay okay i'll get it i get it i get it so she's gonna toss her in here right you gonna toss her in she's gonna open it up she's gonna throw her in i like the animation of people getting thrown in there now i do like that animation that's fantastic okay so she's there she's inside oh wait what was that wait wait what i can't get out kizana open the door hmm we're not doing you a little play about serial key and gamers this is punishment for nagging me constantly you stay in there you peasant you're filthy no please don't leave me don't you speak back to me you filthy peasant you belong in the mud where your family is your bunch of pigs that's what you are you're a bunch of your bunch of pigs wait a week's happen hello puppet oh that's what the crowbar's for okay yup yup yup that's fantastic i'm just gonna walk away just gonna walk away let's see what happens this is a sabotage so i'm guessing some papi's gonna make his entrance at some point saint pappy's gonna make his grand entrance into the fray and then we're gonna find out exactly what happened that was gonna be good this is gonna be so good come on let's see what saint pappy thinks of this he's gonna very very much dislike this so uh hey xana how's the play going oh it's going fantastic saying pappy uh oh let me out what's that sound wait is is somebody in there is somebody being cooked is somebody being cooked that i've had have you turned into hamburglar meat in kissana who is in there well they sent python saying that what it shouldn't be that hard to get out wait who put that there no wait it wasn't supposed to go this way i was only supposed to leave her in there for like two seconds oh what the hell cause anna you're such a bully oh no oh no she's been busted again the 4k hd snap for my cringe folder you've been caught kazana it's two days in a row it's two days in a row you've been picking on the sweet angel that is coconut sweet eight she just goes back to her she's a consummate professional i love it i love it senpai fall for me wait what the photography club no longer has enough members to remain operational what happened i didn't do anything wait on there did he just fall over and his camera go in his mouth or something senpai perfect timing today i'm planning to create some costumes made to fit you and the rest of the drama club for the upcoming play romeo oh she's changed her hair again wow oh really i didn't know you knew how to uh so fabric oh but of course i know silly i'm the leader of the drama club where the finest nakadami i know how to do basic stitch work can i ask i don't get anything too over the top i hate to walk up on stage and look like an anime character oh it's a guy oh really by with the drama club not the gaming club we have standards unlike those nerves we got no true gamers around here oh all right then i'll come back to see my finished outfit when will you finish them she's not doing it herself 100 and this afternoon of the latest uh i'll leave them in the backstage area okay so i probably got to sabotage senpai's costume somehow give him like his cheeks open or something what pause did you get the script i sent you last night so we could be practicing together yeah i i got it don't worry i'll be there okay so they're gonna have a one-on-one practice session at some point today so we gotta watch them disappeared from there i was the female how did she go bye-bye what happened wait a minute were they spying i think they were spying on senpai and kazana i spy with my little eyes something beginning with liar so we're gonna follow kazana very closely because i reckon she's about to go to the sewing room to request my boy in there to do a costume for saint pappy she's lying that she made the sewing but i'm gonna make her regret it because because if i know this more and i think i do the most dramatic way to sabotage this event is to wreck the the clothing some way whether is it nicking it whether that's taking a nifu or a pair of scissors or something to it so which one of you knows how to sew i need a peasant who can make a cape for romeo i i do casada yeah that's me that's all i know how to do your pet shop on my hoodie only lasted a day i i i i i i told you it was fragile coconut no kissanna we don't know how to sew or she's eating over there she's snacking and she's saying it i would do it myself but we really need to practice um try asking hazu the guy who spends all his time in the sewing room and the school pays him to create extra uniforms so he should know everybody's sizes that actually is not a bad idea for a total huzzah i will speak to huzzah hey you is she are you speaking to me are you are you speaking to me who else i need to ask you a favor who wait what why oh i think this is definitely her asking every time i walk past this room i see you playing with that sewing machine so you're bound to be a professional at it by now right otherwise you've wasted all your time loser i was going to ask a highly prestigious company to make the costumes for romeo and juliet but uh i'm going to give you a chance to be credited on our play how does that sound wow you want me to so cost you i'm a lot of aggravated oh come on darling i'm sure you are just put something together get your hair out your eyes get a haircut you really oh well if you think i should then okay i'll do it please don't get your stank all over the bar i need to go now i'll let you take the artistic license for the outfits okay okay okay can you begin by making romeo's cape also put in the gym's backstage area once you're done okay perfect that's exactly what we need to do excellent so we just need to spy on my man for a little bit yeah i'm a total sneak he'll never know i was here oh that's a lovely cave oh hold on a second this is different this is different these pair of scissors are different okay so this is what we're gonna be using to sabotage right because these are the normal pair and this is the the extra pair like the the nifu that was um that we used to switch the reel for the fake perfect i have a funny feeling this isn't gonna work and you may be asking me why for some reason he's gone bye-bye that's why the scene bugged out so it's not actually gonna be made why has has you gone ribaru gone where's she photography photography girl gone i haven't touched any of them why have they gone bye-bye it is a sad day for us all but it looks like we might have to come back to this elimination method another time if you'd like to see this one in another video let me know down in the comment section below if we hit the like button for today then yeah you know what ten thousand beautiful likes and i'll come back and i'll do the next day because we did 10 000 likes on the previous episode so if we do it again i will come back and do another one so smash that like button now wait a minute i can take these now and the keeper's gone so maybe it's still gonna do the event anyway and there it is there there a sabotage oh oh no senpai oh no oh no i've cut it all to pieces no you know what i'm gonna skip ahead anyway and we'll do it for another video because i i i want to see the event properly rather than it being ha hodge podged and put together so we're gonna save this for another video i'm gonna skip onto thursday give you a little something to look forward to wait what i just heard thunder what is going on i'm scared and alone remember how earlier i was joking about um how the weather never changes here well boy was i wrong listen to it it's all it's all moist sounding oh i don't like this at all oh i'm looking forward to thursday then apparently thursday and friday don't have any actual events as of this time of making but uh cutie cat and star have both assured me that they're working on them hard and i'm really looking forward to them because so far monday through wednesday but really really good and i'm loving the visual effects of rain here as well oh it's it's just it's just like predicting that some of the weather is getting stormy storms brewing and words to that effect and let's just say cassana's parade is about to be rained on romeo and juliet by william shakespeare starring kazana and san papi gymnasium friday at 4pm is when the drama really hits a crescendo to say i'm looking forward to this is is just an understatement at this point it's just an understatement i'm sorry i'm just skipping straight ahead oh look at your hair luxurious i was just rude here i was giving a dramatic speech about how today's gonna be the best day the most prosperous day in my career uh to try to grab a sweet slice of that same papi and i was shunted and bumped social distancing please right so everything looks the same so far up here nothing nothing looks any different whatsoever um so maybe i just unscrew a light do i need like uh do i need a screwdriver obviously it's gonna happen at four o'clock that's obviously when the the the main event is gonna be is they said four o'clock absolutely everywhere so that's when i'm gonna say goodbye to coconut 2.0 because you're the only one girl you're the only one you keep them tren twin drills you keep them and you keep your filthy hands off my sin papi you are animal oh so they're practicing romeo and juliet they are practicing it right now so let's have a quick scope out see if i can find anything else quickly quickly quickly see if i can find anything can i find anything up the top here i cannot find a thing so let's just just just skip to four o'clock or at least the afternoon and find out what's different oh it's got a little smiley face oh you're adorable oh the lights have gone on okay okay okay okay okay okay does that mean something else is gonna happen now oh okay okay okay so i just gotta wait for the right time she's gotta be standing in that light in that light below us and she's gone because that has gone in the most dramatic way possible oh this is gonna be amazing the whole school's gonna come and watch the play oh they are they actually are coming to watch the play they're all funneling in oh my this is amazing ladies and gentlemen may i have your attention please you're about to witness the most dramatic event in human history that is right romeo and juliet but without saying papi romeo going bye-bye there is a little twist on this tail oh look at them look at them dancing away they're doing the play okay okay she's up there she's up there adjusting that middle one okay so it can't be tampered with i'm gonna go up there just now i'm gonna go up there and let's see what happens let's see what happens she's got to move away right she's somehow got to move away have i missed my opportunity to do this she's going to move she's got to move oh no i've still got the option let's see what happens what's happening oh i just dropped the side i just dropped a sandbag on her oh he just dropped a sandbag on her that's what just happened oh she's bent and broken i'd say bobby's just cry [Music] that is amazing that is absolutely amazing oh no no no no no look at her i just dropped the sandbag on her head oh and i got away with it i totally got away with it as well said papi your makeup is looking absolutely amazing and may i just say that you look more regal than ever oh don't cry too much buddy otherwise the makeup will come off are you okay there senpai are you okay there buddy oh sad pie sad pie over here oh no no no sad he's still pining after he's lost um osana he has lost a mai and now kazana and he's still wondering about osana oh here okay here we go here we go we got odiaga in the house in the house everybody's favorite well there we go ladies and gentlemen that was another yandere simulator video if you did enjoy today's video and the fact that we have got kazana elimination a kazana specific elimination in fact we have two very specific eliminations let me know down in the comment section below i want to go over wednesday properly at some point so if we hit 10 000 beautiful lights on this video i will go ahead and record that as soon as possible if we hit the light goal tonight however you'll get that very special costume and i haven't won costumes for a while so you guys are kind of slacking you clearly don't want to see me embarrass myself making sure i was going to cutie can't start as well for letting me have the early access to this mode i can't wait to see what it's like when it's finished because they really have built a great world for kazana her personality is fantastic um all the eliminations are very cool and so are the sabotages so i cannot wait to see what happens as they continue develop this and i'm really looking forward to it so their channels will be in the description below go and check them out follow and like their channels and uh be excited for when the game comes out so you can try it for yourself either way guys i'll see you very very shortly i'm razbowski you've been in the video for raspberries always for watching and i love each and every single one of you goodbye
Channel: Razzbowski
Views: 177,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, yandere, new yandere simulator update, razzbowski, razzbowski yandere simulator, yandere simulator new update, yandere simulator razzbowski, win senpai, yandere simulator ending, yandere update, yandere simulator senpai, senpai, yandere simulator demo, yandere simulator rivals, yandere simulator all rivals, yandere rivals, senpai win, kizana, yandere simulator kizana, kizana elimination, kizana yandere simulator, yandere simulator end
Id: asbSYdymrro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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