TRUTH About The Law of Attraction - by Wayne Dyer | Secret Attract Success Mentor

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it seems to me that I have always known this and that I came into this world knowing that that you become what you think about whether you wanted or not I was really very blessed I lived in an orphanage until I was 10 in a series of foster homes with my older brother but he was sick quite a bit he was very anemic and I used to have to help him as a young boy I was he was 16 months older than I was and when I was four five six and seven and so on and I can remember I can remember I lived out in Mount Clemens Michigan at a 231 town hall Road and with that lady her name was mrs. scarf and she she had a lot of children would come and go from there and I was in a foster home because the circumstances at that time or such that my father had walked out on his family and I was born in the depression and there was a there was no welfare and things like that in those days so like people just helped each other out my mother was working as a candy girl in Detroit on the east side of Detroit earning $17 a week and she she just didn't have the money and wasn't able to provide for her children so we lived out at this one particular place and I can remember whenever a new student would cut a new child would come to the house they would always so go find Wayne and I would be out in the back they had orchards there and this was no hardship this was no difficult thing for me this was a great blessing I think in my life these these those earliest days and I remember a girl came a girl named Martha came and they were dropping her off for basically the same reasons that we were dropped off there and they said go find Wayne and I came and I started talking to to Martha and and she was crying and she was all upset and she was sad and I was trying to convince her that she didn't have to be sad that this was I remember saying to her this is a great place there's no parents here okay you you can do pretty much anything that you want I mean you've got a lot of freedom and we're gonna have a great time and and I and I can remember being in school at the public school it was a numbered school they didn't even name them in that phase PS number 127 and I remember the teachers one time we were out on the playground and all the kids were all upset then and I said what's wrong and they said well it teacher said this is the worst class that she ever had and she was so all upset and she was angry and she was hurting and and I said well why would you allow her opinions to have anything you know if this is her hardest day then her life was just easy you know and and I can remember talking to other people about all you have to do is change the way you think and it goes from being a miserable experience or tough experience or hard experience to to one that you can do anything that you want with and when I my mother got our family all back together again when I was 9 9 almost 10 years old and I can remember her telling me what it was like when I was just a baby when I was just like an infant that I was I was the one child that could make everybody else laugh at times when when everybody else would she said we were waiting for a bus one time when we were just real baby before I went into the orphanage and she said a power came by and it was it was in Detroit and there was all this slush and it just and we all went flying down we had everybody had dere down the dirty snow and we were laying in the car in the ground and everybody was crying and she said you were though and upset and mad because our clothes were wet and so on and she said you just stood up and said this is great isn't this wonderful look you know we don't have to do this and we don't there was just turning it into something positive it's like so the ability to be able to do that was something I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't know that if I if I really went to work on how I thought that things just didn't have to be bad I was the richest kid in the orphanage I was that's why I've talked about that many times in my lectures that a snowstorm was a time we we had one we had two snow shovels at the FE at the at the home and one of them one of them had the the edges all curled up from hitting the curves and you couldn't make any money with that one so the other one when it would snow I would go downstairs and I would take the good snow shovel and I would put it under my bed and I'd sleep with it right right with me in the bed so that nobody else would get it and I would get up before everybody else got up and I would go out and I would just shovel everybody else to snow shovel the walk and then later on and I just go knock on the door and just tell them that I shoveled their walk and they'd say some would say thank you and some would give me a dime which doesn't sound like much but that's about $3,000 in today's money so when I found out that soda pop bottles for example were we're worth two cents each that if you took them back you could get two cents back that was just like one of the great awarenesses and awakenings of my life because I would follow people around who were drinking a coca-cola say you almost done with they said well no I'm not glass wall just whenever you win I just follow them and blocks until and I had a whole we had a coal bin where we live because it was cold furnace ism and I would fill that coal bin with with soda pop bottles and I would take it but it was just always it was just always easy to change and all the other kids would be not having any money and complaining about not being able to have abundance or being able to have some some level of being able to by themselves it's just a little donut or a Pepsi Cola or something they they couldn't figure it out and it always seems so easy to me that all you had to do is just look around and see the opportunities and anything and it it had nothing to do with whether there are opportunities there there always are opportunities I mean I'm 67 years old I have never ever been unemployed or even can't even deal with the concept of unemployment it isn't that I've had no job I've always had more jobs than I've and it isn't because I've been through all good economic times there's been some pretty sour economic times over the last 50 years or so I just have never known how to think any other way then if you change the way you think about things you can create whatever it is you want for yourself in your life it's just a simple knowing I mean I've made a living talking about it I've written lots of books about it and so on but I have always lived it and practiced it and I still do today was Thomas showered I don't know he did some lectures on mental science way back in the 1907 1908 was from Scotland and one of the things that he said he said that the Delta the law of flotation was not discovered by the contemplation of the sinking of things so that you know like before the 15th and 16th centuries all of the ships were made out of wood not because iron wasn't available and steel wasn't available but because there was a belief that would float it so therefore you had to make ships out of things that floated that's literally how and then someone came along and said that it has absolutely nothing to do with what things are made out of it has to do with the amount of water that is being dispersed that's that's what determines whether something will float on it and I think about that all the time because it's it's in the contemplation of what you desire that you create what it is that you want to have for yourself it's in your willingness to contemplate it and nothing more according to towered and then mental science so that I think about the Wright brothers you know 100 or so years ago it was like and I've said the law of flying was not discovered by the contemplation of the staying on the ground of things so that these were two people like for me to figure out how to get an airplane to fly and my limited knowledge of all that I would probably have contemplated the staying on the ground of things you know like this is what happened but there's somebody came along and contemplated the idea that if you get enough speed going and you have the right design and you get pressure underneath something like this and you get that this thing is going to lift off off the other somebody had to contemplate that idea and everybody who contemplated that it wasn't possible that it couldn't work was a part of why flying didn't take place because there was no new law discovered in the in the early part of the 20th century anymore than electricity was discovered by Thomas Edison or anyone like that I mean the ability to have electricity has always been there somebody has to contemplate so it's like in your own personal life your willingness to contemplate yourself as a person who is capable of attracting into your life what you want have kind of relationships that you want being able to have abundance where where you know scarcity always exists all you have to do is begin the process by having by being willing to contemplate the presence of that in your life and I've always been a person that I can remember throughout my life as someone who could contemplate myself being able to do things that most people couldn't I can give you a good example when I was when my mother got us all back together and we were living in Detroit on the east side of Detroit and we got a new television set it was a black-and-white it was a screen about this big it was an admiral and we had it in her home and it was like oh my god black-and-white television you know you remember Uncle Miltie and so and there was a guy that was on TV his name was Steve Allen and he was on The Tonight Show and I was 11 12 13 years old as warned in 1940 so it's 51 or 52 and I used to stay up every night and watch The Tonight Show even though I went to go to school the next day I was just something about that show and you know all of the characters and proxmark and all the things that the Steve Allen would do on it and I would come down when I would be talking the next day and I would be telling my mother and my two brothers that when I do the Tonight Show this is what I would say I wouldn't have said the world what Louie and I say the way reacted how he reacted that I would have said this and I used to do this and my brothers and my mother would say that's just way and he's just got he's just nutty he he thinks he's on The Tonight Show he thinks he's gonna do the tonight sir and I would go up into my room but you know on this little tiny house that we lived in a little two-bedroom house that five of us lived in because my mother remarried and and I would just I would see myself doing the Tonight Show I could just practice it and Steve Allen became someone that I was really enamored well you know fast forward I don't know 30 years or whatever so and that's a I've written a book your erroneous zones and The Tonight Show calls and they asked me if I would like to come on it so I do my first stint on The Tonight Show I I did the show like 37 times over a period of three or four years all these different hosts but Johnny Carson was on and the first guest on the very first show when I did the show was with Steve Allen and it was like something clicked in me that I had contemplated that as a child I had always had a knowing and I can remember sitting there talking to Johnny about this thing that you know and Steve Allen was sitting there right next to me and we were talking about that kind of so that by putting my attention on somebody I wasn't some deliberate thing that I was doing you know when I was 11 or 12 years old that was designating that I was going to be a person who was going to be appearing on talk shows 30 years from now it was just an awareness to a willingness to contemplate to contemplate myself in that kind of a place and I think the power of contemplation is the thing that most people haven't harnessed yet and when we do when you harness it in your life there's absolutely no limit to what you can attract into your life if you absolutely stay focused on what it is that you know you're going to manifest and attract you're not going to do it in in your time you know Jackson Browne sings a song it says in creation reveals its secrets by and by I mean you can't push the river you can't it's all done in divine time but it will show it will show it will manifest it will attract itself and I'm never surprised any longer about anything that I put my thoughts on that I can attract it into my life I just absolutely know that law of attraction and that it absolutely works and I have no absolutely no doubt about it and I feel I feel as if like before I even came into this world when I was in the world of spirit that I had a conversation with God and it was God saying to me like what would you like to do in this lifetime and I said well I'd really like to spend a lifetime teaching self-reliance because that's truly all I've ever done since the time I was just a little boy through all my life I mean I could just go through all of the things that I've done it's all been always about teaching self-reliance and God said to say you're sure you want to spend a whole lifetime teaching self-reliance I said yeah that's what I wanted and he said well you better get your little ass into an orphanage then
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Views: 175,793
Rating: 4.856636 out of 5
Keywords: Wayne Dyer (Author), Law Of Attraction (Religion), religion, Success, Coach, mentor, video, Coaching (Industry), help, lecture, advice, how to, attraction, rhonda byrne, the secret, bob proctor, abraham hicks, Development, Personal, Secret, Speaker, interview, Motivation, Inspiration
Id: OtNtLL__RkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2015
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