Trump rips Biden on Ukraine: ‘This should have never happened’

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well let's get straight to it let's bring in the 45th president of the united states donald trump mr president thank you so much for joining uh fox and friends weekend well thank you it's an honor and we have a lot of problems in this country but it's an honor to be with you well we're grateful to have you sir uh well let's start with with the headline we've had all morning long uh you know what's happening in russia what's happening in ukraine the white house right now is saying an attack could happen at any time on your assessment where are we and and how did we get here well first of all it's shocking because this should have never happened that should have never happened it would not have happened and how we got here is uh when they watched afghanistan and they watched the most incompetent withdrawal in the history of probably any army let alone just us they saw that and president xi and president putin watch what happens with china versus but uh with taiwan but they watched that and they said uh what's going on they don't know what they're doing and all of a sudden i think they got a lot more more ambitious i think putin really wanted to negotiate for a period of time i think when he watched afghanistan when he watched that unbelievably bad withdrawal incompetent where they took the military out first where they left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment behind for the taliban to have and to sell it to use and of course the death the death that happened when they watched all of that i think they got emboldened president trump joe biden is scheduled to be on a call today with vladimir putin what do you think he can say what should he say if you were in office today what would you say to vladimir putin well i wouldn't be in this position because we're in a very bad position right now and it would have as i said it would never have happened i know him very well got along with him very well i stopped his pipeline i sanctioned them more than anybody ever saying to them nobody was ever tougher in russia but i got along with putin very well we respected each other i think you have a whole different ball game right now this is just an exercise he's not going to tell him anything and i don't think putin's at this point going to be listening it's going to be very interesting to see what he does in terms of the the depth will he take a small piece when biden originally said that he's going in everybody was like did he just say that nobody could believe it but he said it and it was almost like a card ukraine went crazy when he when he saw that when they heard that the president but now the phone call i think is perfunctory i don't think much is going to come out of it yes sir republicans have introduced a bill that would block aid to ukraine uh until our southern border is secure the thinking is why would we be worried about a border in europe when there is a disaster happening right here at home do you think that those two issues should be linked well i certainly understand how people feel we had the strongest border we've ever had our southern border we were three weeks away from finishing the wall after going through two and a half years of lawsuits with the democrats and winning the ball we were two and a half three weeks away from think of it finishing the wall which is largely frankly finished anyway it's a tremendous help we had the best numbers in the history of our country on the southern border very little was coming in very few people were coming in other than coming in illegally we had the lowest drug numbers the best drug numbers in the last 32 years and they were getting much better rapidly and all of a sudden [Music] this guy takes over and the border is open that we have millions of people i think it's 10 million they say 3 million but people coming in countries all over the world are releasing their prisoners into our country were like a dumping ground so i can certainly understand how people feel when they say uh you know let's try and tie one to the other you know we fight for other people's borders but we don't fight for our own border we're the strongest the most secure border we've ever had at the south and uh and mexico was uh was great to me he helped us it gave us 28 000 soldiers free of charge because otherwise we would have as you know tariffed all of their cars and things coming in and we got along great with mexico we had the mexico stay in mexico policy now it's called stay in the united states whoever you are just come on in uh no it's uh it's a very terrible thing and i i must tell you i do understand how they feel when we're fighting for other countries but we're not fighting for our own yeah mr president not only fighting for our own we're facilitating that transportation with secret flights in the middle of the night things uh you you've heard about as well but i want to go to our other border if we can mr president and the idea of of truckers and the trucker freedom convoy that's happening there not just in ottawa but now on trade routes along the canadian border you've heard what you know you call them justin from canada what justin trudeau has said about them he's characterized them as as as racist as as bigots um but their message has been clear from the beginning mr president the list of their demands has been terminate vaccine passports terminate vaccine mandates and stop the divisive rhetoric they've been straightforward they want freedom what's your message to both the freedom convoy and justin trudeau people all over the world are watching and their respect for what they're doing they're tired of being pushed around by incompetent people being told what to do being forced with the mandates the mandate should have not happened i mean i'm very proud of warf's feet everybody has given us credit nobody thought it was possible to do what we did and that includes therapeutics by the way regeneron and the various therapeutics that work so well but what we did with warp speed was great but the mandates are very very bad very very bad and i think there's a lot of respect for what they're doing i see they have trump signs all over the place and i'm proud that they do but that's what happens you can push people so far and our country is a tinderbox too don't kid yourself and uh there are plenty of our country up there right now folks the uh when you look at what's happening when you look at what's happening in canada our country i think is far more of a tinderbox than canada president trump we're watching blue states begin the process of loosening restrictions across the country in my one chance to interview in the past president trump i asked you about dr fauci you were at the front end on so many things as we panicked as a nation you talked about balancing the shutdowns against our economy and i asked you at that time about dr fauci and the way the public viewed him and you were beginning at that time to express some skepticism i'm curious and i'm not trying to give you the answer ahead of time but i'm curious if you look back on the past two years some of which was under your watch when it comes to covid what would you have done what would you do differently if put in the same position with with perfect hindsight what if anything would you do differently well we haven't been given credit but we're starting to get credit warp speed was phenomenal uh i closed up the country to china i closed up the country to europe that was incredible and i filled the shelves i filled up the covers of the states which they were unable to do themselves you had some very confident governors and you had some very incompetent governors but you know i went around with the cupboards were bare and they were as far as fouchy's and that was a big thing the ventilators that all of the equipment and all of the things that we're able to get from goggles to clothing and the plastics and we we did an amazing job got no credit for it but everything is stocked and right now the whole country is stuck for something like this we the country and this is long before i got there was not prepared fauci however was not a big factor with me uh he is a big factor now because biden chose to make up such but he was not a big factor with me he said he didn't want to close to as you know very strongly as we talked about this he didn't want to close up to china which was heavily infected he didn't want to close up to europe which was heavily infected four months later he said that president trump made a great decision and saved perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives because i was really a single vote i had 21 people in a room and none of them wanted to close it down but i did because i saw what was happening in china and in europe fauci did not play as big a role with me played actually a a pretty light roll and if you also noticed oftentimes when he would say something i'd do the opposite which tended to be pretty good you know he came out against masks and then he became a radical master he was a radical you know wherefore if you could but at the very beginning if you look back early on he was against masks i mean he uh he had some very different views but he was not a big factor with me i didn't get to see him too much i didn't deal with him too much i made my own decisions and they were great decisions and i let the states run so whether it's florida texas south dakota if you take a look at some of the states south carolina they did a terrific job the governor did a terrific job but i let the states run and make those decisions and frankly the republican governors did a far better job than the democrat governors but foundche was not a big factor as far as i was concerned he became a very big factor once biden came in and then it's almost like he couldn't make a move without asking fouch well mr president over the past week something very interesting has happened several democratic governors have dropped mass mandates or at least pulled back on mass mandates and there's this clip that's going viral it took place at a las vegas school children so excited that they don't have to wear their masks to school the next day take a listen to what that sounded like watch this starting tomorrow we don't have to wear masks anymore [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you know i think that would put a smile on anybody's face but juxtapose that to what president biden said about easing mask restrictions he said it's premature the cdc also said that now is not the time if now's not the time when is well first of all that's adorable it should have happened a long time ago and everybody says that the mask for the new variant at least is virtually ineffective i mean totally ineffective so i don't know what they're doing and why they're doing it but they've come out and said that the mask has almost no impact especially on the new variant and i i just don't it's inconceivable what's going on but a lot of the states are opening up but i think politically it would be unacceptable that just not going to be able to hang out too much longer it's ridiculous but you know that clip is so beautiful to watch but it just happened a long time ago yeah
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: Fox, Fox News, fox news, fox breaking news, Fox News trump, trump on fox, donald trump fox, donald trump, trump interview, donald trump interview, fox & friends, Fox and friends, trump fox & friends, ukraine, ukraine russia conflict explained, ukraine news today, Fox & Friends 2/12/22, joe biden, vladimir putin, breaking news, president trump, president biden, biden administration, world news
Id: qp-vkb4PZLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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