Trump - Las Vegas - One bedroom suite tour - Room 5306
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Channel: Michael Brøchner
Views: 15,502
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Keywords: Trump, Tower, Las vegas, lasvegas, 1 bedroom, suite, suitelife, Trumptower, International, high, floor, amazing, view, Donald, trump, donald trump, Ivanka, Ivanka trump, highroller, party, LAS VEGAS, LAS, VEGAS, mirage, palazzo, ventian, Treasure, island, treasure island, cospolitan, ceasars palace, mandalay bay, bellagio, livingroom, hotel, Review, Vlog, blog, Travel, 2017, upgrade, how, to, how to, 20 dollar trick, must, see, subscribe, follow, me, Room, 5306, rooms, Las, Vegas, EDC
Id: jsGejbQa_6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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