Trump holds 'MAGA' rally in Minnesota

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ladies and gentlemen the President of the United States Donald J Trump [Music] who died [Music] next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from Minnesota [Applause] see the shine Detroit down [Music] it's time we stand [Music] American [Applause] [Music] next [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] gets to you [Music] [Applause] so this is supposed to be a Democrat state I don't think so I don't think so they have a very big surprise coming don't you think hello Minnesota great state thank you and I'm thrilled to be back in the heartland with thousands of hard-working and truly great American patriots you know that in less than two years of Republican leadership America has achieved the biggest comeback in our history true jobs are boom wages are rising and the number of Americans working right now today has reached an all-time high in our history we are defending our great Second Amendment taking care of our wonderful veterans who we love and respect and our military will soon be more powerful than ever before by far but the Radical Democrats want to take it all away they want to destroy our prosperity we've had great prosperity you see what's happening you don't want your 401ks being cut in half and if your vote Democrat that's what's gonna happen they want to erase your gains and plunge our country into a nightmare of gridlock poverty chaos and frankly crime because that's what comes with it so we're just five weeks away from one of the most important congressional elections in our lifetime you see what's happening in Washington right now so you know how important it is you see what's going on [Applause] by the way look back there look at all that media if we could ever get them on our side we'd win for a thousand years on Tuesday November 6th I need your vote I need your support to stop radical Democrats and to elect proud Minnesota Republicans and we have some great ones right now up for election this week I announced another historic victory for our nation we're replacing the job-killing disaster known as NAFTA with the brand-new US Mexico Canada trade agreement it's called the u.s. MCA that works right us empty I didn't want to use NAFTA that has been a disaster for our country 50,000 plants and factories moving out millions and millions of jobs lost one of the worst trade deals ever I actually know one that's worst but I won't tell you because we're going to be doing something with that tool but that's it's been one of the great disasters of all time and now we have a great and fair deal we have a fair deal and that's what we want great for our workers and really great for our farmers it's about time we're opening it up the barriers are coming down and this is tremendous for Minnesota this is tremendous for Minnesota and you've waited for a long time and by the way you got plenty coming you know what's going on with China they want to make a deal they want to make a deal but I say they're not ready yet they want to make a deal but I told them you want to make a deal but you're not ready yet so we'll talk later we have secured landmark protections for the medical innovations being produced right here in your great state you have great medical in your safe and we've removed unfair trade barriers for our proud Minnesota farmers and our dairy producers like has never ever been done before in our country America is winning again and America is being respected again all over the world right now and we're going to keep it that way forever it's called America first [Applause] you even have people sitting behind the flag okay great people and by the way you got thousands of people outside and you have thousands of people who I just saw in a lovely room but I said next time you have to get here a couple of days earlier right the only reason to vote Democrat is if you are tired of winning that's really it because you're winning you're winning a lot there's never been an administration that in already less than two years but can you believe we all did this together we're coming up on two years can you believe it there has never been an administration with you that's done so much in so little time two years no administration's come close none has come from and we've got a lot coming if Democrats take over Congress the stock market will plummet they will it will plummet you know there's a reason for it every day we hit new highs new highs I think we had a hundred and three new highs think of it all time that means jobs to a lot of people it means great 401ks it means great but to a lot of people it means jobs it's jobs your 401ks will be devastated if Democrats take control and our political system will grind to a really messy halt and you see what's going on in Congress right now with one of the most respected people potentially hopefully Supreme Court justice and [Applause] what they're putting him through and his family his family is incredible what they're putting them through Democrats want to raise your taxes they want to restore job-killing regulations if in no administration ever that's cut as many regulations and we have regulations we want clean water we want crystal-clear air we want beautiful environment we want but you don't have to have regulation that makes it impossible for our country to compete with other countries and that's what we're doing the Democrats want a crippled law enforcement they want to get rid of ice how about ice I said tough and they love our country but you need tough ones it tough they love our country they get rid of ms-13 they get rid of these gangs you wouldn't believe it they throw them the hell out or they bring them to jail the Democrats embrace socialism we're not gonna be venezuela you see what's happening and open our borders to deadly drugs and violent gangs and I've said it and I'll say it as many times as you want to hear it and it's because of their policy that Democrats are truly the party of crime because that's what happens open borders that's what happened and the Dems are willing to do anything to hurt anyone to get the power they so desperately crave all they know is how to do you know what the words are they want to resist they want to obstruct they want to delay demolish they want to destroy that's what happens that's what happens and just take a look at what's going on Democrats have been trying to destroy Judge Bret cabinet since the very first second he was announced and he was announced for one simple reason he is an incredible intellect an incredible person an incredible power he's been an incredible judge because they know that judge Kavanagh will protect uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States azrael but all you have to do is look at the polls over the last three or four days and it shows that their rage fueled resistance is starting to backfire and a level that nobody has ever seen before nobody's ever seen it up 11 up 10 up 14 nobody's ever seen this before we love it do we love it we love because people see what's happening and they don't like it the people of Minnesota and the people of America are going to reject the Democrat politics of anger and destruction and they are going to vote to keep making America great again greater than ever before and in two years they're going to vote to keep America great right Keep America we're almost at that point already but I can't I love make America great but I can't use it into you so say what have you been doing right what have you been doing ah boy I tell you it's been a wild we have had fun right this is and they don't even correct me when I say they don't even correct me fake news media but this is I mean look at this Simon look look as an example thousands of people in a room next door thousands and thousands of people outside trying to get in this big stadium is packed always in all fairness to Minnesota in Las Vegas in Missouri you know in Missouri thank you I love you too but you're not my time no but hey Missouri they had 44,000 people outside of a big arena 44,000 people Las Vegas we went to Southwest Virginia was incredible West Virginia Tennessee Tennessee and you see how far Tennessee went up over the last couple of days it's incredible Missouri Wow have we done great Josh Josh so we're thrilled to be joined by a number of your terrific Republican leaders and I just want to introduce somebody that's been such an incredible help to me and getting your tax cuts I mean not so bad how about this how about this the damage want to raise you taxes we want to lower your taxes we don't want crime crimes okay for them they want open borders how the hell do we not win this thing in a landslide every time how do you think there for crime and high taxes with the low taxes in no crime I don't know somehow I don't think I would have been a very good politician on the other side of this equation but a man who really has been helping me a lot he's a tremendous force in Washington he's respected by everybody Congressman Tom Emmer [Applause] Minnesota House Speaker Kurt daudt thanks Kurt your state's next Attorney General dog Wardlow [Applause] your next governor I hear he's doing very well Jeff Johnson we're also joined by the next United States Senator from Minnesota Karen Housley Karen so karen is running against a far left Democrat Tina Smith who nobody knows who the hell she is worse she was appointed she took a wacky guy's place like I was he was wacky what did he fold up like a wet rag huh man man he was gone so far he was gone so fast I don't want to mention Al Franken's name okay so I woman he was gone he was gone so fast it was like oh he did something all I resigned I quit I quit Wow he was gone and he was replaced by somebody that nobody ever heard of her name is Tina Smith honestly you know I do this stuff for a living I'm not sure I ever heard of her die neither but the fact is there's no reason for me to have heard of because she's never gonna vote for us she'll always vote for Schumer and Pelosi and of course the legendary low IQ Maxine Waters low IQ person she'll be with shimmer do whatever he wants what would you like me to do should I vote for higher taxes yes oh I want higher taxes should I vote against the wall which is happening folks she wants to vote she voted against the wall [Applause] so we are building the wall we started it 1.6 million now we got another 1.6 billion and we just got another but I want to build it at one time fast but we're making a lot of progress on the wall lotta proper like to do it a lot faster I'm good at building and Dina voted for deadly sanctuary cities Karan Caron do you promise you will not be voting for sanctuary city's current okay good she wants to keep crime out of Minnesota that sounds like a good platform right Tina Smith would rather protect violent criminal aliens than loyal American citizens which is why Tina Smith that nobody ever heard of needs to be voted out of office she got appointed I guess and Tina Smith is voting against judge Kavanaugh can you believe that one [Applause] so he was number one at Yale number one at Yale Law School I think she's looking for a better student finally I want to introduce two incredible it by the way Karan come up [Applause] you really do go off-script don't you see thank you so much for coming everybody he said Tina Smith way too many times we need to say car and house ly a lot more thank you vote for vote for Karen now for the people that we're here for Congress is very important and I'm here to support congressman Jason Lewis who is a friend of mine who has worked so hard for us and so hard on your Second Amendment which is under siege and so hard on cutting your taxes and regulations so Jason thank you come on up Jason and the next representative from Minnesota's first District Jim Hagedorn come on up [Applause] welcome to Minnesota Oh mr. president [Applause] now everybody in this room knows Minnesota loves President Trump but I will tell you in 2020 when he comes back here and takes this state the whole world's gonna know Minnesota loves president right and you know what else Minnesota loves mr. president they love tax cuts to let you keep more of your money in the final analysis that's really good isn't it I mean growth is great four point five percent growth more job openings and job seekers after-tax income up six percent in one year but in the final analysis whose money is it it's yours you ought to have it [Applause] Minnesota loves manufacturing mining and energy production in the second district Minnesota loves our farmers now thanks to the president who have free trade and fair trade right here in Rochester Minnesota is very proud and loves health care the kind of plan that you choose not the plan that government bureaucrats choose for you and that's why we repeal the obamacare mandating the President signed it into law and and one more thing mr. president Minnesota loves your judicial appointments that's right Minnesota loves your appointment to the lower courts they love your appointments to the appellate courts and Minnesota loves your appointments to the Supreme Court including judge Brett Kavanaugh my friends my friends that's what's at stake in this election due process the presumption of innocence the rule of law private property in other words the Constitution of the United States and if Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House you can throw that all aside but you know what the radical resistors have to come through Minnesota first and this is where it stops I'm not gonna let it happen Jim Hagedorn isn't going to let it happen and President Donald J Trump is not going to let it happen thank you all I did November and let's win there well just Rochester Minnesota and southern Minnesota loved this president think back think back where we were just two years ago our nation's future was on the line had we not won that election we would have lost the country the way the forefathers put it together and by the grace of God and we are grateful and proud mr. president that year and thank you for what you're doing for our country [Applause] we are I just want to give the president a quick update on the Democrat Party here in Minnesota they've moved far to the left like the rest of the Democrats across the country we actually have a guy running for governor who wants to make Minnesota a sanctuary state we have we have two people running for United States Senate on a Democrat Party they love late term abortion and they believe in gun control [Applause] and we have all these congressional candidates including the guy I'm running against who thinks that we should have socialized medicine single-payer does that make sense for the Mayo Clinic Rochester no they want to resist they want to replace they want to take us back to Obama and then some are we gonna let that happen heck no no not gonna let that happen mr. president we're going to work tirelessly and because of your support and leadership and your endorsement I want to go out to Washington and serve as a conservative reinforcements to partner with you to keep moving America in the right direction Thank You mr. president [Applause] Wow good talent so Jason and Jim are both running against extreme Democrats Jim's opponent Dan feein supports a total government takeover of health care which drives your course right through the roof and the healthcare is lousy by the way oh that's so [Applause] and he wants to make Minnesota into true a sanctuary for the criminal aliens and for gang members as the people they will come flooding up here as soon as you do it happens every time Jason's opponent Angie Craig who the hell is Angie crackers also wants to take away your healthcare and she refuses to support Enbridge pipeline you know all about that that would bring more than 8,000 jobs to Minnesota and you know we've really opened up Minnesota you see what's going on with the mines and the miners before worst of all a vote for Dan field and Angie Craig is a vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House can you imagine Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House don't do that to me I didn't buy into that neither did you if Democrats take charge Maxine Waters will also now listen to this one she's going to take over financial services in Congress can you believe it Maxine Waters that's one of the most powerful committees in Congress if you want to stop Pelosi from becoming Speaker if you want to stop Chuck Schumer from becoming majority leader and if you want to stop the radical Democrats from running Congress then you need to vote Republican you have to get out there on November 6 and vote Republican you got to get it and vote for these people these are great people a Democrat controlled Congress would also pose a grave threat to Medicare you know what they're doing with Medicare they'll destroy it the majority of House Democrats have co-sponsored a socialist takeover of health care that would obliterate Medicare their plan is called Medicare for all except they have no money but it's really Medicare for none their plan would rob American seniors of the benefits they have paid and they paid these benefits and they paid so much money for their entire lives and you take it away thank you darling love these people these people are so great [Applause] Republicans want to protect Medicare for our great seniors who have earned it and they paid for it and we will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions we're going to take care of it some of the Democrats have been talking about ending pre-existing conditions and some people have you know what I say we'll get a little more money from China it'll be just fine it'll be just fine well be just fine we're gonna take care of pre-existing conditions folks remember that the lead sponsor of the Democrats huh think of this the health care takeover who's the lead sponsor I've been reading so much about him he did predict I was going to win by the way I will say that that's the only thing he's gotten right in a long time keith Ellison did you know [Applause] that's right he was on her show the day after I announced on June 16th that came down the stair with Melania who's right now in Africa our first lady stood a great job doing a great job for the people of Africa amazing but Ellison was on her show the day after I announced and he looked at two people the hosts he said you know he's going to win don't you and they smiled one left they smart they thought I was just doing this for fun you think this is fun I think this is a lot of work a lot more work than anybody knew and that's the last time he's been right but I'm glad he was right about that Ellison is the number two official in the entire Democrat Party and he recently marched in a parade wearing a shirt that read I do not believe in borders oh that's wonderful by the way you don't have borders you don't have a country folks you have a country keith ellison democrat party embraces radical socialism and open borders the new platform of the democrat party is to abolish ice they want to unleash violent predators and ruthless killers and you know it somebody would say oh gee why is he saying that that's not nicest roo like ms-13 near our schools near our families and into our communities no good republicans believe America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans not criminal aliens and Republicans proudly stand with the brave men and women of ice Border Patrol and law enforcement are police great people they do an incredible job my administration has also reformed our refugee program to protect American communities like you have in Minnesota where you're being treated very unfairly and to protect your families and your taxpayer dollars if you want security if you want a border then what you have to do is immediately go out think about it get your friends get your neighbors get your workers you got to go November 6 vote Republican we need the votes you know I keep hearing we have a majority if somebody has a cold we don't have a majority if somebody's not feeling great we don't have a majority it's like it's like the same that's why we're getting the wall by a hook by crook we're getting the wall but it's so difficult these guys want to stop it they want to set you know it's interesting we got 700 billion dollars for the military which is you know many many many times we got 716 billion for the military we are rebuilding our military but to get money for the wall their whole life is trying to obstruct the wall because they know we want it but you know what it's not working I'd like to do it a lot faster but it's not working we're getting the money you think it's easy not easy but we're getting it built and it's already going up but San Diego and lots of other places along the way this election is about safety and it's about prosperity since the election we have created over 4 million new jobs the media will tell you there was no way we could have said that during the campaign nobody would have believed it and we've lifted four million Americans off of food stamps think of that you know when you do that you save a lot of money and you also make a lot of people really happy when you think about it right we've added nearly a half a million new manufacturing jobs remember you need a magic wand you'll never do that I said what happens we don't build anything anymore and we have companies pouring into our country and they're coming to Minnesota they're coming to a lot of states but we have companies they're all coming back they want to be where the action is they're all coming back they're all coming back the auto company I was with Prime Minister Robby two days ago he said many of our auto companies are coming back I said no no that's not good enough all of them have to come back all and he's going to do that they're all coming back they've already started you look at Michigan what's going on in Michigan where they're coming back so fast but they're coming back to Ohio they're coming back to Pennsylvania South Carolina and North Carolina and they're coming in to a place called Minnesota do we love Minnesota 1972 you know what that is right that was the last time and boy we came like dis plus one more speech up here I woulda won this fate I came you remember I said I think I'm gonna win Minnesota and everyone said no no it hasn't been one since 1972 is that right 19 right the congressman said right right yeah 1972 it hasn't been won I said no look at the crowds they love it we're gonna take care of Minnesota we're gonna stop what's happening that's so unfair in Minnesota and then on election night I said let's go to Minnesota but they already scheduled for a great place a great state Michigan that's another one hadn't been won in many many years I went to Michigan we had 32 thousand people in Michigan at one o'clock in the morning it was already Election Day so I had to skip Minnesota I felt so badly because one more speech I could have showed up at 3 o'clock in the morning maybe I don't know but we're gonna win we're gonna win Minnesota and you see that just by this crowd Lunas crowd this place is humble so something I'm very proud of african-american unemployment has reached its lowest rate ever recorded african-american poverty has reached its lowest rate ever recorded think of those two somebodies the lowest unemployment the lowest rate of poverty so think of this how does your african-american how do you vote for somebody else I've done more for them in two years African Americans are coming up and they're saying mr. president thank you thank you and their median income is the highest but not only for African American for Asian for Hispanic hispanic unemployment is the lowest it's ever been think of it aegeon unemployment the lowest has ever been people with no high school diploma that's a very important group of people to me is by far the lowest it's ever been women I'm failing with I am failing with women it's only the lowest in 65 years sorry sorry I thought it would be history by now because I've been saying african-american I've been saying Hispanic I've been saying Asian I've been and women it's only the lowest in 65 years but I thought by now would it be okay thank you very much thank you got a lot of energy this one over here she's got a lot of energy thank you darling thank you 65 years not bad but soon it's gonna be in history I predict my administration has taken the toughest ever action cracking down on China's trading abuses we have to stop it and we have a very good relationship with President Xi I have a very good relationship but we can't allow what's happened over so many years to continue happening they've been taking 500 billion dollars with a be out of our country and rebuilding China and I said we can't do that anymore I'm sorry I'm sorry four years China has been draining us taking our factories and building up their country with our money and at the expense of our workers and our companies and we're not going to have it no more and not only China many countries look many could we defend countries that are very rich they don't pay us or they pay us a small percentage I mean look we get along great with these countries but take Saudi Arabia would you say they have some money so we defend them and they pay a small percentage I said excuse me King Salman he's my friend do you mind paying for the military you might pay they're paying for 30% I said you mind paying but nobody has asked me I said but I'm asking you King he's great he said but are you serious I said no I'm totally serious trust me and they'll do it he said nobody's ever asked him you're talking about by the way you're talking about billions and billions of dollars Japan no President Obama would never have this that's not his kind of thing that is why would somebody has to be paid back billions of dollars Japan very rich very great country I told you Prime Minister I'll be great man just one of fantastic election big results I have an incredible relation I said to him listen we're defending you we're doing a great job that we're sending missiles over Japan from North Korea because of me those missiles aren't going over Japan anymore there's no more missiles no more testing no more nuclear we got our hostages back we get the remains of our great heroes back right the remains the remains are coming back that was the most beautiful ceremony did anybody see that ceremony a month ago so beautiful on the remains are coming back and what do I get I get the fake news saying why isn't he moving faster I just left what three months ago I had a meeting in Singapore I mean this has been going on for 75 years now let's say 25 years with the missiles and the nuclear but no president's done anything it's like three months and then they'll say the old time great what's taking so long I said it's been three months and you don't have Rockets and you don't have missiles and you don't have nuclear testing and we get all of our stuff I mean it's crazy but here's what they say so they can't get me one of them actually said nice guy friend of mine he actually said why is the president giving so much to North Korea I haven't given anything what if I given I haven't paid I didn't pay 1.8 billion for the hostages like Obama did with a Red River 1.8 billion in cash gave them a hundred and fifty billion so I haven't given but I have a very good relationship with chairman Kim I very good relationship so because of that relationship let's see you I think we'll work something that maybe we won't who knows it's a deal let's see but so far so I'm when did I leave like three months ago three and a half months ago maybe less and they're saying he agreed to me because I didn't give so you know what I gave them I agreed to meet that's what they say I agreed to meet is that a big deal I agreed to meet I asked the Democrats before you know we were close to a war with North Korea I'll tell you what and my rhetoric was very tough at the beginning it was really really tough in fact they all said I'm gonna cause a war with North Korea the cause of war and then with Putin of Russia they said he was too nice he was that was a great meeting we had a very successful so they want me to get into a boxing match with him I think I do very well but but with Russia it's a fake news fakeness they said with Russia he was too nice she was too nice with North Korea they said he was too tough he was do too and let me tell you if I was really rough with Russia that say he was too tough Houston these people are Loco I'm telling you crazy fake news the fake news everybody they are fake after years of rebuilding foreign nations we are finally rebuilding our nation right to give our workers and businesses a level playing field Republicans passed the biggest package of tax cuts and tax reforms in the history of our country better vote for Karen they want to take them away they want to take them on we've taken historic action to make health care more affordable and we've gotten rid of the saurian premiums you know the premiums are no bomb can nobody realizes they were growing up a hundred and sixteen percent hundred and thirty eight percent two hundred percent through great management and great people we've kept him down we've mostly obliterated Obamacare although we had it one except for two o'clock in the morning I say it again two o'clock in the morning knows I'm not gonna do it two o'clock in the morning but think of it differently we didn't get one Democrat vote so we're stuck with it but it's obliterated and the big thing is we get rid of the most unpopular part of Obamacare it's called the individual mandate where you have the privilege of paying a fortune so that you don't have to pay a fortune for horrible health care right so the premiums in Minnesota this year are coming down by double digits think of that and I don't even like this stuff but while we have the remnants of Obamacare we're working to make it much more affordable than you had and to reduce drug prices the FDA has approved a record number of affordable generic medicines and that's not all drug prices are coming down you might have seen last month where I called up some of the drug companies I said folks he just raised up the drug prices you can't do that and they all reduce them do you believe it that's what I said I've got a lot of power Pfizer right you saw that Pfizer Novartis they raised their drug prices and I'm bringing them down I said what are you doing with raising them I'm sorry mr. president will reduce them immediately I said man this is a powerful position I definitely first time in the history of drug companies that they've done that they literally announced it I called them the next day I told him I was extremely unhappy and they said we're gonna reduce it who the hell does that you think Hillary Clinton would have done that I don't think so I don't think so [Applause] by the way she or whoever it might have been crazy Bernie whoever they put in they wouldn't have done any of the things we did the greatest trade deal wit look at the money we did four point two percent GDP they were going down they would had a minus four point they they said four point two percent is impossible it's going to go higher much higher we have such potential between military and trade deals we have hundreds of billions of dollars worth of fat and potential and what I love what I love hopefully you don't need it for a long time or never to help critically ill patients get life-saving treatments we passed right to trial I love it I hope you don't need it I hope I don't need it to I hope you don't need it but that's you know we have the greatest frankly to the greatest drug companies of the world and we would have drugs that will take four or five years you know we brought it down from 14 years to get approved down to four I think will be a three or two but still you got to wait a long time and a person was dying a person was terminally ill and they have a great you know possible cure and so a person wants to see if they could possibly you couldn't get there was no way of getting it no way in term in use I worked with Congress including these guys and and Greg and Greg right and Jim and Mark and the whole group but we worked with Congress and we got it done I love the name right to train now they can go they sign a paper you have no idea they've been trying to get this for 40 years you know who would think they've been trying for 40 years and it is you have problems with insurance companies you have problems with trials you have problems with so many different things you have problems with everything everything is there any problems with liability I said sign a document that there's no liability they don't want to give something the person dies and then the family sues the country that's no good so you sign away your rights you take it and you know what happened everybody said well that's a good idea can you believe this so after 40 years we have it and now people are trying it and you know what we've had some incredible results and it's also telling you whether or not this stuff works is something good about that tool I love it people would fly to other continents that fly to other countries if they were poor that just go away they have no hope they go to their house or their apartment and they'd have no hope now they have hope it's beautiful it's so great we also passed veterans Choice giving our veterans the right to see a private doctor [Applause] see a private doctor instead of waiting in line I mean we had people waiting for three weeks two weeks 12 days nine weeks we had people that were not very sick it took them so long to see the private doctor to see a doctor a veteran's doctor and they're very good doctors we really do we have great doctors but it's a long process so they're not very sick by the time they'd see the doctor 22 days later they'd be terminally ill think of it they would die they would die online waiting they now have the right to go to a private doctor and we pay the bill forty-four years they've been trying to get it I thought that was my idea I came back I got the greatest idea I said to all my medical people I got the greatest idea it's taking too long we can never solve this from too many people too few doctors they're great doctors but you can't get to him I got the greatest we're gonna have the people go to a private doctor we're gonna pay for it they said sir we've been working on this for 44 years but I got it approved because I'm good at getting things occur all right it's all done all done and these people help me right there they help me and we also pass landmark VA accountability law to ensure anyone who mistreats our veterans will be held accountable we say Jim you're fired out get out get out we had no right to do it between the unions and the civil service they could do anything they could be sadists and they were they were sadists these are sick people they they could be sailors they could be stealing they could be robbing you're blind they could be doing anything you couldn't fire him they were totally protected now you just fire them get them out we have secured a record seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars to rebuild our military and give our brave warriors their largest pay raise in a decade and at my direction the Pentagon is now working I'm so excited about this to create these thick spreads number six of the American armed forces called the space force they have the air force that we have the space I withdrew the United States from the horrible one-sided Iran nuclear disaster deal and we've opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem presidents have been promising that for many many decades and I finally know why because I was hit so hard when they heard I was going to do it I got calls from every country in the world please don't do it and I told you the story I said look I don't want to take any calls from any leaders of any countries tell them I'll call them back we were gonna have it signed on a Monday big ceremony said tell him I'll call him back next week because they were calling me they're saying mr. president please don't do that please please so I know why Obama and Bush and everybody didn't do it I mean I understand there was a lot of pressure put on so I just said tell him I'll call him back next week so on Monday I signed it and then on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I'd call everybody back hi how you doing what's up well we didn't want you to do I said oh I'm sorry it's too late so what can I do what can I do what can I do for years you watched as your leaders apologize for America now you have a president who is standing up for America [Applause] we're standing up for your values we're standing up for Minnesota and we are standing proudly for our national anthem I'll give you a quick story that they don't know they never heard it's hard to believe I thought they knew everything about me so in making the deal with Mexico and then Canada as you know Canada was very tough but they worked out fine and the NFL cuz we talked about the flag and then I'm not happy about it with the NFL okay I'm not happy if it's okay with you guys those are okay with you people should stand proudly for our national anthem and for our flight so I'm not happy I'm not happy but that seems to be working out do you notice that seems to be working out very good but to show you so we're making the deal with Canada and it's big stuff you know it's cars that it's farming and it's agriculture and it's factories and it's big big dollars tremendous they say it's the largest trade deal ever made 1.3 trillion dollars but I heard that the NFL had a big problem with Canada on their advertising on the commercials a big big problem I'm not gonna get into what it was but it was a very bad problem and it went on for years and it was really hurting the NFL now I don't care I like some of the people I don't like somebody doesn't matter it's an American company it's a great American company so during the negotiation I said you got to fix the NFL problem they said what said you got to fix the NFL Pro took me two minutes and now the NFL is so happy it's all worked out it's all work they don't know that it's all worked out gotta fix it and our country will be taking tens of millions of dollars more money it's gonna go a lot of it's going to go to the players and they'll still hate me can you believe it but you know what think of it it took me two minutes you gotta fix the problem it's because not because I love him or don't like him I do like him it's a great American company I said you gotta fix the NFL problem it's unfair what'd you do to them during the Super Bowls very unfair and I got a call from Roger Goodell no very nice and I figured he was calling about the flag like to say could you leave us alone please and he wasn't he said mr. president I'd like to thank you for what you did you solved a problem that was going on for years the Obama administration couldn't do it nobody could do it nobody could get it done I did it in two minutes it was like you gotta do it you gotta do it it was a tiny little part of the deal I think it what the hell it was like two sentences but it was very nice Roger Goodell called me and then Bob Kraft who owns was the great owner now it's great to have Coach Belichick and Tom Brady that's a good thing right I always say Bob you're a great owner and you're one of the luckiest men on earth you took Tom Brady in the sixth round right and you have the greatest coach in football that's a good thing and he's a great guy but he called me to thank me and Roger Goodell called to thank me very nice and we're all friends I want what's good for the country people said to me - one of my killers called up we have very tough negotiator very smart guys we have like the a-team of the world I said you know we could have that that NFL do I heard about it for years everybody heard about it what they were doing I said I said they said you know I think we could fix that NFL deal pretty I said let's fix it they said really you want to do that I thought said no they're a great American company they're gonna pay tax on that money they're gonna pay the money to people that work and live in our country fix the deal they were surprised I said fix it they fixed it and it was a nice thing okay enough of that that's enough of that so the NFL good company great great people we're lifting millions of our citizens and you know this from welfare to work from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity that's what's out there towards that and a lot of people are coming out of prisons and they're able to get jobs now and that great they're getting a second chance and even a third chance and they're getting jobs and people that are hiring many of these prisoners are saying unbelievable how good they are it's so beautiful to see and before they wouldn't have a chance people didn't want to hire him they're hiring people coming out of prison and these people are stepping up I have a friend that hired many quite a few and he said he can't say every one but he said these people are unbelievable they're so hard-working we've given them a second chance it's up to me it's a beautiful thing but to continue our incredible momentum you have to get your friends and get your family and get your neighbors and your co-workers and get out and you have to November 6 you have to go out and vote Republican send Jason Lewis and Jim Hagedorn to the house and vote to send Karen hoesley get car and hoesley into the Senate we need her we need her vote we need her she's going to be fantastic forget about Tina Caron they're going to get you in a vote for Republicans is a vote for lower taxes less regulation and more products made right here in the good old USA wetzel will it's a vote to respect our borders respect our Constitution and to love and respect the heroes of law enforcement great the great the great people no easy job and a vote for Republicans is a vote to reject the Democrat politics of anger division and destruction its destruction and to unite together as citizens as Patriots and as Americans to everyone in this beautiful big rich room to every citizen watching across our land this is your time to choose it's a time to choose whether we turn backward to the failure and frustrations of the past or whether we continue forward into a future of American greatness it's not up to the media or to the pundits to decide your fate it's up to you this was the greatest movement 2016 all those hats make America great again look at him the greatest movement in the history of our country it is I mean there's never been a movement like this there's never been a moment as an example the presidential election is not for two and a half years look at this room look at this look outside this is not a normal situation this is the greatest movement in the history of our country and they know it and they don't even challenge me when I say because if it was wrong they would be headlines Donald Trump it's up to the proud people of our country and the very proud people of Minnesota a great state you have the power with you vote to defend America's honor and reclaim America's future loyal citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country returning power to the American people this state was settled by tough pioneer men and strong pioneer women who braved the wilderness to build a life and to build a home they didn't have a lot of money they didn't have a lot of luxury but they all had one thing in common they loved their families they loved their country and they loved their God these courageous Patriots did not shed their blood sweat and tears so that we could sit at home while others try to tear down their legacy and destroy our proud American heritage for the sake of our freedom and for the sake of our children we are going to work we are going to fight and we are going to win win win we will not Bend we will not break we will never give in we will never give up we will never back down we will never surrender and we will always fight on to victory because we are American and our hearts bleed red white and blue we are one people one family and one glorious nation under God and together we will make America wealthy again make America strong again we will make America safe again and we will make America great again Thank You Minnesota thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Fox News
Views: 351,166
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, FNC, Fox News, News, Latest News, Top stories, fox news live, fox news live streaming, fox live stream now, fox live streaming, trump live, trump, trump rally live, trump minnesota, trump minnesota rally, politics, politics news, president trump, maga rally, trump maga rally, trump live stream
Id: -R8l8Inx_28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 6sec (4386 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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