Trugg, The Troggoth King! - Gloomspite Gitz Lore

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welcome wargamers to the tough skinned and thick-headed Mortal Realms because today we are talking about trug the king of tragats as featured in the dawnbringers series I guess he was kind of alluded to in the first book really presented as more of a character in the second and when I was covering that second book I had mentioned very briefly I think in the second or third video drugs story is kind of spread throughout the entirety of Reign of the brute the actual campaign book and so rather than kind of tackling his story piecemeal I thought well let's just tell the story of The Crusade and then we'll have a dedicated shrug video combining all the elements from across the book into a cohesive story now at the time of recording I don't know what the future of trug's lore is going to be he was beaten pretty bad at the end of Reign of the brute by the actually fire Crusade but that doesn't mean he has struck down by any stretch and today we're going to talk about the origins the mystery behind trug what makes him so powerful what is the source of the weird Arcane technology on his back all of that stuff and one thing I'd like to add right up top if you're interested in drug Gloom Spike gets or anything age of Sigmar please consider using the affiliate Link in the description down below Noble Knight games is a great store here in the US with discounts on All Games Workshop products a huge selection of hobby supplies and kits and every time you use that link big or small it goes directly to supporting me my wife our cats everything it's life-changing stuff and I cannot thank you enough also just to shout out goonhammer I'm part of their media team uh basically if you're looking for any kind of tactics or discussion on truck as a unit in the context of the game goonhammer has fantastic reviews for both models and also how they play in age of Sigmar so go check out goonhammer now in trying to find the basics about trug the creature that we know as trug it's a little bit difficult because it's kind of impossible to know how old he is these aren't like trees where you can cut them open and see how many rings there are draw guts age at a very glacial Pace to the point where there's myths from sorry there's Tales from the age of myth from all across the Realms of these giant colossal trogas that can level cities or mountains just kind of Meandering around cutting across gur and really anywhere they want to go they are known to sleep for centuries at a time so you're thinking a very an intense hibernative state so what was a myth One Day falls into Legend and is forgotten and all of a sudden that trogathy was very real the whole time just stands up and no one knows they're there because over a centuries they'll get you know covered in dirt or Moss will grow on top of them they'll basically be consumed by Nature until they are ready to awake now we have no idea or way of knowing if of the trogates you know spotted in these ancient accounts are drug there's absolutely no way to tell but what it does Enlighten us to is the fact that there could be more of them which is a also a cool idea so with that being said about the nature of trogots you know I'm assuming they have some kind of like indeterminate growth which is just the longer you live the bigger you get that's just the way it is but now we can start to focus a bit more on what we do know about this particular tragus truck he is a heavy sleeper even by the truck Hot standards that we mentioned before he slept for centuries in fact he was so dead asleep that in his dark cave underneath the forest of giran he didn't even notice a city being built above him he must have gone to sleep sometime in the age of myth because the city that was built above him was androsia a super city of giran during the age of myth this is like one of their major hubs of civilization when everything was thumbs up chaos hadn't entered the Realms yet and things were banging right that's why I call it a super City it's it's a megalopolis which makes me think he must have been buried pretty far down into some deep cave or Cavern maybe within a mountain there are not a ton of records that survive from that time but it is one of the few times where we get the first account of trug the tragus but it's funny because it doesn't really involve him and here's what I mean the first recorded encounter is basically a team of excavators for the city who were just kind of mapping out the Subterranean levels and at some point they found this tunnel way deep beneath the Earth and again they're just scouting Out locations underneath androsia they didn't even see trug he was covered in dust and dirt and Moss but they noted his location which is exactly why it's the only record of him and not only is he covered in dust and dirt and so like that also dragon skin is like it feels Rocky so they just thought it was a pile of rocks and this team this you know excavation team or encounter team whatever it was they think it's the perfect place to set up a pylon in their Arcane defense Network now that's a lot to unpack here but we get a little bit of history about the city in the age of myth you know in guyran the legions of nurgle were descending upon this place and the city's arcanists and wizards and Sorcerers got together and came up with a plan create a series of pylons like surrounding every inch of the city both underground above it everything have them all tap into the latent leyline power of the Realms and use it as a defense grid so for example when the forest overgrows the network will then channel the power of akshi burn the forest back and then it'll flip back to neutral if they need to basically purifying nature from the forces of nurgle that are encroaching on the city they'll flip it to gear in and it purifies all the neural stuff if you need to be hidden Channel olgu and it shrouds the entire city in darkness which is a really cool idea and it's cool because it's a throwback to pre-history so to speak when it comes to Aegis Sigmar lore but also it kind of factors in the MacGuffin of the current story arc which is like Ley lines and nodes of power across the Realms it's just like you know this has always been a source of power and it fits into the world I appreciate that well this team comes into trug's cave they see the perfect little perch to put their pylon on dig it into this guy's back and that's where our story kind of pauses for the moment as for androsia nurgul invades this defense network whatever it is utterly fails and Chaos annihilates the city and it seems as though all but one of these pylons was destroyed and it's through this apocalyptic Madness that trug slept through the age of chaos but that pylon on his back the one planted by that original team it never stopped it just kind of went haywire once it wasn't connected it kept spinning and spinning and every once in a while it would spew Magic from the Realms all over truck again it's pinned to his back he's just dead asleep and this thing is just hacking up realm magic directly onto him and this kind of comes to why trug looks so different and possibly why he's so big giran magic mutated him it made him bigger more robust it gave him those cool antlers that he has which just make him the coolest looking trogath in my opinion whenever this thing channels actually he will become wreath in Flames that he is immune to because you have the power of the Magic in him and this is incredible because we have whole books and story arcs about characters trying desperately to channel the raw power of the realms meanwhile this dude's been steeping in it like tea for centuries just sleeping and I think that that is fantastic but there's one thing to to note here is that the thing was put was on on his back without him knowing about it he doesn't show a ton of awareness that it's even there and he and he certainly has no mental capacity to control the effects around him and Drug sits like that for another a roughly 500 year that's the age of chaos plus whatever time there was in the age of Sigmar as Society was rebuilding itself and they were trying to come back into the Realms and so the question then becomes well what woke him up and we got this little uh tidbit it's kind of a tidbit it was kind of a loose background story in the first book of the dawnbringer stories uh called harbingers there's a grot by the name of braggit big taco widely regarded as the most annoying of the rabble Rouses which is quite an honorific and a faction full of the moon Clan grots where everyone just seems very obnoxious to be the most annoying you wear that badge with honor and at some point in his travels bragat finds this particular cave and it seems he was just Meandering looking for trouble in guyaran he finds this colossal monster right with this weird thing in his back he's staring at it and he's like well I know the devastation that a normal chocolate can cause this dude is something else and so he kind of sets up this plan for how am I going to wake this trogath up like I've seen what he can do I've seen what others like him can do I want to see this kind of Destruction I want to see it with my own eyes that kind of spiteful fun energy that gets have he's like how am I gonna wake this guy up now what braggett couldn't have known at that point was that half the work was already done for him when alario did the right of life that erupted and made the new era of the beast happen it woke cragnose up all that kind of stuff well when that went off this pylon that was channeling gear and Magic kinda went haywire started spinning spewing out tons of magic it woke him up enough to where he kind of sat up a little bit and he actually broke it against the castle wall which is why it's a broken looking pylon or Arcane Machinery on his back but that only made it go more ballistic and just made things worse and then more importantly it kind of left him in this weird half awake half dozed state so that when braggett comes up and starts doing his full open mic night you know Carrot Top routine level of annoying with clanking bangs he's got bat squigs going around squealing at a devastating pitch it's just too much and slowly trug wakes up which is smartly when bracket decides it's time to leave truck busts out of his cave looking around for The grot Who dared to wake him up and he starts following bragette pretty much everywhere he goes specifically through a realm gate to akshi which is where his story picks up in the dawnbringer series and I'll leave a link to that Series in the description down below but there's something else important to note about trug after he is woken up once we start seeing a story from his perspective is that he is actually quite messed up from all of this mutation and all of this annoyance all the stuff with the realm gate it's just really messing with him first off he has splitting headaches just the absolute worst most of the damage that he does in these stories is him just trying to find some level of relief from a raging headache which is kind of a bummer right I don't want anyone to I want you to have fun destroying everything don't be dour from his perspective meaning like literally from his eyes he sees all of these impro impossibly bright lights all around him and all of them feel like nails in the skull if you've ever had a migraine you try looking at like headlights or something when you're driving oh it's awful it's that same feeling well it turns out that what he is actually seeing are the Ley lines of the Realms whatever fusing this pylon did to him it keeps kind of wanting to connect with any nearby Ley lines and so trucks sees them but when he sees a big Confluence of them meaning those important places of power it's a it's a piercing light and so it isn't that shrug has some long backstory over hating a specific species or answering the feral call of Gorka morga or anything like that chaboy has a killer headache and is marching towards whatever the next nearest Bright thing is to Snuff it out so that he can go back to sleep which is a motivation that I deeply understand and so we'll end this video like we end all of them asking the question why is this cool what makes trug the trogath king awesome but for me personally I like the leyline thing I think that's very clever he he always has a reason to be places either the destination or along the way and it's just from a narrative perspective I love having reasons for why my Army would be at x-place fighting another Army well truck going place to place and knocking out lights that he sees is just as good fodder for anything he can consistently show up as a threat in these books because the whole story right now is that we want to build cities on those sites which is wonderful and if nothing else I think he makes a great monster and not everything needs to be god tier although they kind of describe him that way like in the stories but of course in the stories they will but what I mean is like he's not the prophet of Gorka morko like King broad was in the same book you know King broad the bearer of brain cells for the sons of Behemoth yo it's so much it's very grandiose over the top you're bringing the gods into stuff and then they're just like here's this guy named truck he's got a headache oh also there's like a thermonuclear bomb or whatever that just kind of farts energy every once in a while on his back I love it like oh it's just goofy like it's so pretentious to have everything be like the son of the Gods I fart lightning and all these things and then there's just this fat guy he's just like everyone shut up I'm trying to go back to bed it's goofy I love it I want more of it but what I love is that juxtaposed with that is it could be scary but he's also interesting and entertaining and one of the things I had thought about as I was kind of going through descriptions of what this like pylon spewing Magic on his back is like it occurred to me he's basically a destruction version of The mutelith Vortex beast but instead of chaos warp it spits realm magic and when I started thinking of it that way I was like I like this guy more and more because that unit is crazy stupid and a lot of fun so the destruction version has to be more so right let me know your thoughts I would love to hear it what do you think of trug the king of trogath's for me I like the mystery around his backstory he could be any age I like that they left a lot of room open for other creatures of the same size I'd be very interested to see tragus mutated in different ways for sure I love the antlers of giran that he got that could definitely be a concept that bleeds over into other factions uh specifically the first thing that came to my mind was hooking up something like this in olgu they had mentioned the shadow ones but also Dark Elves tend to be a faction that like subjugates lesser one so it makes sense for them to have trogs and that kind of thing I would love to see a fusion of those kinds of Concepts because I think destruction units make for a great canvas for that they're so not Bland like they're uninteresting but they're a clean canvas in terms of you can really set up their motivations to be whatever and they make for great twisting of tropes and stuff like that anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts down below thank you so much for watching listening and I'll catch you next time happy wargaming [Music]
Channel: 2+Tough
Views: 10,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, fantasy, age of sigmar, age, of, sigmar, AOS, lore, story, background, narrative, army, book, character, battles, Games Workshop, GW, fluff, Age of Sigmar Lore, gloomspite gitz, gloomspite gitz lore, gloomspite, gloomspite gitz warcry, gloomspite gitz army, gloomspite gitz tactics, gloomspite gitz troggoth army, troggoth, troggoth army, troggoths age of sigmar, troggoth lore, trugg the troggoth king, age of sigmar factions, age of sigmar lore playlist, age of sigmar lore realms
Id: W3BhF_NoYGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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