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[Music] all right guys we are very excited because today we have an incredible challenge it is true skate versus real skate shout out to derf mode who made the mod of our skate park in True Skate yes in True Skate can they can they play the mod of our skat Park how did they get that I mean we could put a link in the description but we have no idea how you can get it but we think we're going to be able to put a link in the description okay so this game right here is glow and I versus Gabriel harao acius Cruz who will be playing on True Skate if you don't know what true skate is it's fingerboarding on the phone on the skateboard with the thing we're going flat ground and full Park two games two games five letters and apparently he said you can't manual because you can't manual in the game so apparently we're no manualing Aaron do you want to you want to take a look yeah oh dang that's sick yeah it's pretty good wow that actually looks hella sick the only thing is that it still has old back room oh that's the old school no vert ramp but it's okay cuz you know we don't have a ver SK come on start out easy I'm going to start out easy I'm going to go pop shove wow he did a pop shove so because there's two of us if he misses it then we both get a try no just one one try yeah dang it all right here I'm going to go uh I'm going to go kick flip wow he done did a kick flip and I'm on realistic mode right now realistic mode yeah so it's harder okay kick flip two games five letters I was practicing my treade double flips this morning you're lucky we ain't playing hardcore mode or I would have just gotten you two letters all right let's go uh oh man the choices are endless here yeah let's go Nolly flip says good says good was trash there I I mean redo I did it oh wow that was really good that was a true skate Nolly flip not like that poser Nolly flip you did with the fingers wow okay all right let's step it up let's step it up so you see switch he might not ever Miss I'm going switch heel there it is oh that's an ass you know what if actual skateboarding loses this game everybody just out there just quit actual skateboard and just skate let's go varial kick flip here dang wow this girl is on fire I've never been more confident in winning a game of skate really yeah wow okay let's go M what's a good one we can do here I don't want to be too mean yet you know all right let's go uh Tre flip you want me to redo that I think that was a Miss what okay that was a miss that was a miss all right 360 tricks are hard I mean never mind what did he say nothing nothing okay you ready Chris see now that's just not fair I'm salty how would I even do that well this is rolling regular so this is going switch and then I'd have to go 360 which would be popping that way correct yep okay it looks like you're trying to practice I'm not I'm not I'm just trying to make sure I'm good you're right all right here we go no yeah that's not it let's go I don't even know how to do that in this game is full cab possible in this game leave it in the comments below leave it in the comments below full cab is possible all right I'm going so hard after this if you landed a full cab he's missing has he been working out I think so actually he's looking good yeah three sh's hard too in real mode I feel so bad for you me too that was good that was good dude that was good that was good that was good don't give me another turn yeah don't worry I won't wow I really I see what you're doing here I respect it but I'm not happy about it so I need to scoop here and then hold that button so it turns yep I only got noly back one all right that's okay oh my God that did not just happen no way the easiest trick he can do TR flet body are you good I was worried about you in that Supreme puppy this is a sketchy one I'm going hard flip oh I did inward heel I went the wrong way back to us oh I can't believe I just did that it's all right Aaron you're missing the trade too True Skate True Skate okay this one might be doable you better hit that button and make it turn the body I will I will I will okay damn it oh we did it backside 180 let's go so you got a yeah don't mess up again wow boy that was very good I'm so proud of you thank you see you get one of these then Cruz got him make sure you turn that body you know what I'm saying thanks no leave it in the comments below if you can do a big spin on True Skate let's run it all right I'm whooping you guys full Park please go ahead blow do your worst wow no pop oh no that was sickest thing I ever seen I thought the man was going for a switch big I thought he's getting dare T see what happens when you add a little pop in there you know should have took the first one I thought it was good leave it in the comments below if the first one was good all right I'm playing fully dirty now all right I'm actually doing the hard flip though good there it is wow that hard flip was so cool I'm unrealistic mod man there's no pop ready for this yep Ready for the Miss realistic mode okay uh varial heel no you won't varial heel y I'm too cold to varial heel yeah true and by cold I mean Ice Cold Stone Cold Steve Austin cold I mean cold is nice rail skateboarding Academy about to be SK let's run this sorry I'm coming back just wait now got you right where I want you you know what let's go switch flip yeah let's do that go and switch see it says switch on the bottom all right let's go ahead and uh wow dang wow okay wow this this man's on fire all right I like it double flip oh H yes go ahead try trade double think I even need to like go that hard I'm not even good at True Skate honestly tra tra double Flip's pretty easy for you nowadays you know it's easier I got two tries you know in your face Cruz in your face just wait till I do double heel next try I get I'm ready so I saw this video today where this guy was running really slow there's like a truck coming and he's trying to avoid getting hit he's running really slow it remind me of this dream I have where like I'm being chased by a lion but I can only run really slow do you ever have a dream like that yeah dude there's no way all right I got one more try D it was nice playing buddy maybe maybe on pool park yeah you might get us on pool park but I doubt it cuz we just stomped you we can do big spins everywhere you sucker okay so guess who won flat ground me and glow so I guess that means the loser goes first yeah yeah it does so we're going full Park here full Park all right five letters yep going front 50/50 down the down the down rail I have a feeling that Glow's going to be doing a lot of tricks in this front nose tall very well played you know what I'm doing I'm turning off the trick modes or the trick names there's no uh you liar get the trick names on there you cheating look at this cheat look at that face cheat because sometimes the game is wrong so you got to do it based off of off of feel you know off of what you see the instant replays yeah right do this off of feel woo I almost missed that this is honestly so sick that you can just roll over there and skate it like the real skate [Music] park that was fast that was it that was huge that was it I ain't going to lie that was the sickest mother and big been ever seen my whole life let me just reenact what occurred he literally was like right here he goes big spin he landed right there and then rolled out and then he was like what How You Like Me [Music] Now wow I was fearing for this man's life he looks like he's going snowboarding not to do a back people now you guys aren't making this easy on me I'm surprised you got that bigman I thought bigman was the Kryptonite no I popped over the rail I got a little something for you that's not allowed cuz you can't do that yep all right all right then I guess that's not allowed just wait till I pull out three flip lip on you yeah three flip lip me I got that first te oo you think I can't do a simple board slide wow it's bust a 30t TR flip you took hard mode off no you lying you lying you took hard mode off wow oh put hard mode back on all right get him glove back D the quarter yeah that's not dirty you have to land it though I actually don't really know how to do this I'm just going to send it my man glow he's out for show he's in the dough up in the flow leave it in the comments below if we should make a glow rap music video wa so I got to launch up there back 180 and turn holy you know what would have been good for that trick hardcore hardcore mode you're right okay I know what to do because you're in not hard core mode and you'll miss this wow that's really whacked you think I'm going to miss a board slot yeah tell you what there's one thing I'm not missing it's a board slide easiest trick in theat tell you what because you're going to pop over the rail and miss it what no no no no no I needed the screen to say board slide too none of this yes what's that what's it maybe if you were on Hardcore Mode I'm going back to hardcore mode realistic mode on all right dang it back Smith no way locked in the 51st no way leave it in the comments below that was a redo no I still how did I still overp it hold let me just get this for love oh for the love it's possible which just kind of hard I should have two tries for every one try it's really possible if you didn't suck yeah that's true okay you ready got to do this whole [Music] thing I would have manual but I told you they said no manuals dir mode Dirk mode you're on fire hold up too fast okay 50 Ain going to lie that was the smoothest thing I ever SE I will kiss you right now you should have played this game you know you you'll see how hard it is AK D I have played this game I suck at it leave it in the comments below if you are a professional true skater if you are leave it in the comments below we will choose the best true skater and we will watch you play True Skate somehow we'll beat them in a game of skate yeah I'm bleeding that went straight to my shin I could have seen that coming excellent now take the camera with shame and let me turn this game around baby 1984 Denver Broncos let's go they never gave up you I'm I'm going just dirty right now I'm getting letters kick flip the three block boom go ahead take a letter S I didn't see it say kickflip I turned the the trick labeling off trick info on you want me to do it again yeah I don't believe that was a kick flip could have been heel dang go ahead take take that letter if I got to play dirty I will what you say if I got to play dirty I [Music] will that's an S I didn't get blanked all right all right here we go here we go playing dirty yes we are all right let's go I'm going uh going on the hip uh hard flip going backside boom you woke up the Beast he woke up and chose violence yep yep yep that's it I wouldn't practice cuz that would be cheater like Gabe Cru I want practice oh yeah that's a letter what' you say oh yeah oh yeah The Comeback baby don't call it a comeback I've been playing true skate for years that that made me mad on the uh downhill Manny pad I'm going kick flip up kick flip off okay okay kick flip up kick flip off baby is that hard yeah just quick feet you know not even a manual in the middle no woo yeah that's eight baby eight that's eight I thought that was cake no how did I miss that all right here you go here you go I love it too cuz you you missed the trick take the letter then you got to take the camera and shame ain't no shame love it all right ain't no sunshine when she's gone all right I'm going uh I'm going varial kick flip on the A-frame hardcore mode better be on too I'm going to redo that burial kickflip solid I think you got this I've been having bad luck with this thing you're the A-frame champ [Music] though oh okay but if we won flat and you won Park then and you're going to no we're not we're going to win you guys are at te and you're at we I'm at te as well T to te T to te all right I'm going real Ender here give us something real I'm going three flip lip going three flip lip on this down rail better be fire too holy yeah oh that was the same thing you did leave it in the comments below if that would count are are you saying that it wasn't a three flip lip that was the best three flip lip I've ever seen it was like Perfection what now you're going to try it okay that's me Ty should we go to sudden death sudden death sudden death I feel like for sudden death what we should do is pick a trick and then we alternate and whoever lands a trick first wins okay what's the trick I don't know that's a tough one how about this a manual I literally I think manualing is possible is really difficult though oh now the truth comes out you know what else is really difficult a Trey flip lip you poser leave it in the comments below if a manual is possible on TR skate hey Siri is a manual possible on True Skate yeah it is oh it is huh yeah manual but it's just it's hard to hold it so this fool just did a manual after all this time yeah manual kickflip that is honestly insane I've actually never done a manual in the game before so that this spam the comments Gabe crw dropping on the vert Ram Gabe crw dropping on the ver okay here's what we'll do we'll R Shambo the winner gets to choose the trick and we go back and forth and to see who lands at sudden death oh okay Trey double flip on flat on flat okay that's a very good strategy and a very good hard for both of us but you better land it though yeah don't worry you better land it otherwise you're going to otherwise I'm getting it first te cuz you've been practicing it well guess what so have I what I started laughing okay go you can't trade all right you know I'll go the same way as you too yeah please all right here we go no let's go I'm not liking my chances right now will a real human Prevail or will finger flip on the finger deck phone wins leave it in the comments below and if the AI are listening I love you please keep me safe don't you k yes sir no I'm not oh my gosh dude how is it possible been working on this oh I got it next try it's happening you better land this this might be the biggest land of your life of the last week yes that probably should be a rebate but you know no way one chance at at redeeming and then I get to Cho choose the trick yeah KCK with the Braille drop look at this look at this yeah I want to see that realistic mode on all right so make sure you all youall see that I see it D no dang I seen it sudden D yeah I just want to make sure y'all know realistic mode is on watch me get this it's okay all right we hope you enjoyed the video subscribe like leave a comment below and you yes you learn to ride a skateboard we have everything you need at
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 36,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, true skate, true skate vs irl, true skate pc, true skate steam, true skate gameplay, true skate vs skater xl, true skate cheats, true skate gaps, true skate update, true skate big screen, true skate pro, true skate mobile, skate game, new skate game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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