True Evil - The Making of a Nazi | Episode 2: Albert Speer | Free Documentary History

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[Music] they seem like ordinary men articulate educated civilized but they will turn into depraved twisted monsters they will commit acts of unimaginable cruelty for which they will feel no shame or remorse here is true evil albert spear the designer who turns the nazis into a brand he's the man behind the whole look of the nazi movement who designed narcissism he is one of hitler's closest friends he became i don't think it's an exaggeration to say devoted to hitler he is the man who murders millions of worker slaves in the nazi arms industry he's responsible for the german war machine it can't function without it how could someone go from being an idealistic architect to someone who was complicit in harnessing the slave labor of the nazi regime beggars belief the man who at nuremberg lies about his knowledge of the holocaust the idea that such a senior member of the nazi high command as albert speer really didn't know what's going on i think defies comprehension the cynical opportunist who escapes justice then cashes in as a nazi celebrity this is somebody who was a committed national socialist committed to hitler's vision served hitler loyally and then spent the rest of his life lying about it albert speer is born in 1905 into a well-to-do upper-middle class family in mannheim southwest germany spears father is an architect and the young spear decides to follow in his footsteps at the age of 20 he goes to berlin to study shabir was a pupil of heinrich tessenaum and was very much favored by tessena who was a great professor of architecture in germany in the 1920s when speer graduates his professor offers him a junior post assisting him at the university [Music] it is a modest steady job and in 1928 speer settles down with his new wife [Music] speer shows no interest in politics until in december 1930 he attends a nationalist socialist event at his university the speaker is adolf hitler when spear hears hitler speaking for the first time he's surprised because he's expecting somebody that he doesn't really take to he's expecting somebody who's not going to interest him and what spare finds is that hitler's words actually appeal to him it was talking about pride he's talking about the fact that germany must be ashamed of itself and spear found himself affected by this he was like many other people of course taken in by hitler's oratorial skills and and indeed his charisma but for spear the appeal of the nazis goes beyond politics the nazis have power they have just become the second largest party in the reichstag and they are talking about constructing a new germany about rebuilding germany and that's music to the ears of a young architect the nazis are about to embark on a giant public spending spree and like many others spear wants a piece of the action like many other young professionals spare realizes that the only way he's going to get on in the emerging nazi germany is to be a member of the party if you're not a member you don't get the gig spear joins the nazis and starts to network he is soon rewarded with his first big job to renovate joseph goebbels berlin headquarters even as a very young architect speer gets a number of important commissions including refurbishing the propaganda ministry goebbels is delighted with the look of his new officers and invites spear to design a decorative nazi logo for party rallies the current nazi symbol is gothic and old-fashioned spear turns it into something modern and arresting hitler is delighted both by the eagle and by the young eager architect who designed it political power has given hitler access to public funds he wants to spend it to aggrandize the new nazi state it is not enough for germany to be great again it must be seen to be great again in its cities and buildings and monuments hitler thinks spear could be the man for the job i think hitler saw an opportunity to have somebody young and new who wasn't in combat with a lot of pre-existing architectural ideas and you know there was a meeting of mines they get on with each other on a personal level spare regards hitler as his friend actual friend very few people regard hitler as a friend and it's this relationship that becomes endlessly fascinating in 1934 hitler appoints albert speer the nazi's chief architect when spear is promoted to hitler's chief architect it's a dream come true for him because he's an architect who actually had very little practical experience and now he was going to have the opportunity to build these edifices on a truly monumental scale once spear was in place as the chief architect of the nazis yeah that was in a sense the beginning of a of a new era but spears brief goes beyond architecture his mission is nothing less than to give the nazi movement a new distinctive look and feel in the flags and symbols of the nazis spear will introduce bold colours simple shapes and straight lines spear is the man who will design the nazis image even back then was important and in the early days of the nazi party its image was of troublemakers really the sa had this reputation for being street fighters and if it was going to appeal more widely it had to improve that image [Applause] hitler admires the style of italy's strutting vane fascist dictator benito mussolini mussolini is obsessed with his image hitler too is enormously preoccupied with how the nazis will look they've already started to get their uniforms from hugo boss but it will be down to albert's spear to brand the nazis to come up with the now familiar nazi look spare has a brief that goes from iconography to what a flag might look like to what the lighting's going to look like he is a vital part of the whole look of fascism in germany albert spare certainly brought a sense of style to the nazi image he brought a sense of grandeur to it a sense of class to it really [Applause] spear will launch the new look nazis at the 1934 nuremberg nazi party rally hitler decided that he needed something bigger and grander and that was when schpier got involved in designing what became the zeppelin field this was designed to hold over 150 000 people and to be a real focus for dramatic party celebrations shabir was very concerned with not just putting buildings up but how their use would contribute to reinforcing nazi ideology spears designs are meant to reflect aryan superiority but his inspiration will come from america in manhattan the empire state building has just gone up the effect of new york's breathtaking new art deco skyscrapers is thrilling and exciting but the same style when adapted by spear for the nazis has a more sinister effect [Music] the zeppelin field parade ground is not so much thrilling as scary and intimidating everything is huge and monolithic on a scale to make the individual feel small and powerless thanks to spear this is a look that will forever be associated with totalitarian government and of course this is how nazism worked the individual counted for nothing it was all about the state it was all about the sort of person that the state was going to build was going to create and you know one's individual quirks really were unimportant [Applause] if the building design comes from new york the nazi choreography and staging comes straight out of hollywood in the months before spears nuremberg rally five hit busby barkley musicals are released famous for their rows upon rows of dancing chorus girls [Music] what hollywood does with showgirls spear reproduces with stormtroopers the choreography perfectly reflects the nazi love of state control regimented forced into ordered lines one people one right no dissent the masked raised arms of the hitler salute look so good special courts are set up to punish citizens who refuse to use the salute as the nuremberg rally moves from day to night speer gets to show off his lighting design which again comes straight out of jewish hollywood [Applause] this is spears cathedral of light he took 130 searchlights and he pointed them up into the sky and so they created these pillars of light it's a building created out of light but it's so dramatic it's so theatrical it's so stylish that it actually creates a mood it creates an atmosphere and an emotion in people that simply wasn't there before spare came along the effect is very dramatic anybody who was there must have been astonished by what they were seeing as a piece of choreography i think it's impossible to deny that they were brilliantly done it's also important to remember it's called the cathedral of light and cathedral i think it's probably a very carefully chosen word here what he was able to do was to really foster this quasi-religious sense this idea of nazism as a kind of religion the nuremberg rally was designed to impress to overall to inspire [Music] it marks that shift from the street fighting nazis to that the stylish nazis nazis of you know the impressive uniforms the the the the idea that um you know the nazis are people you actually want to emulate not people you want to run away from or people that you're necessarily scared of they're people you actually you know might be inspired by the nazi message is nothing more than a contradictory mess of backward-looking hateful prejudice but albert spears modern branding and design makes national socialism look coherent and a vision of the future one of the reasons why fascism is so appealing to so many people is that it actually has a look uh it's very hard to think of the look of democracy but what fascism does it harnesses iconography pageantry it's more than just a political movement it's a kind of religious movement if you think of christianity you have the cross and you have a cathedral if you think of nazism you have a cross it's called the crooked cross the hakken cruise the swastika and you have these bombastic huge monumental buildings [Music] the specially built olympic stadium in berlin is filled to capacity as hitler arrives to preside at the opening ceremony for the 11th modern olympia after the success of nuremberg hitler turns to spear to redesign berlin's olympic stadium [Music] the 1936 olympic games represent a fantastic opportunity for nazism to show itself to the world hitler wants a pageant to persuade the world that the nazis are more than just jew-bashing thugs [Music] [Applause] the objectives that the nazis had were threefold really faultless organization brilliant choreography and of course demonstrating aryan superiority the nazis go all out to win medals they can't stop athletes like jesse owens wiping the floor with hitler's supposedly genetically superior nordic master race [Music] nevertheless with the world watching spear makes hitler and the nazis look good [Applause] speer is now a key member of hitler's inner circle he moves his family to a new home close to hitler's berghof residence speer's wife and hitler's girlfriend start hanging out he became devoted to hitler hitler obviously had tremendous charisma i don't know whether there was an element of shpeer being the son that hitler never had and in a way hitler being the father the spear wished he'd had hitler has big plans for the german state which he shares with speer the nazi third reich will be a new empire that will dominate the world hitler's main inspiration was the roman empire the roman empire had had mites it had grandeur territorially it spread across much of europe and asia but more than anything it was eternal and it was that idea of eternity that hitler was most attracted to he wanted to forge a reich that was going to stand the test of time it was going to last for a thousand years hitler wants his own eternal city his own rome he will replace berlin with a new capital befitting the eternal reich it will be called germania and the man who will build it will be his friend albert spear [Applause] hitler had a dream that in time and not a lot of time berlin would be rebuilt along his own personal lines berlin is going to become not just a capital of the third reich but it's going to become a capital of the world and if you're going to sit down and design a capital of the world it's not going to be full of little cottages you're going to make it big [Music] germania was the nazi ethos in architectural form spears architectural designs are imposing monolithic or inspiring monuments to the all-powerful reich the nazis believe in total state control speer's job is to translate the supreme authority of state into stone there's no doubt that hitler and shapira and the nazis used architecture for political ends they wanted to make a statement about the power of nazi ideology the power of the nazi state so the buildings were on a big scale they were gone they were imposing i think you could argue they were intimidating for a young architect like spear of course it's a dream come true unlimited public funds and a more or less free hand not just a building to design but an entire city the most important city ever hitler had a lot of his own ideas and they had a sort of symbiotic relationship and spear definitely had the ability to deliver what hitler wanted hitler spends his time drawing sketches he imagines a gigantic victory arch to mark the center of the new giant metropolis albert speer is more than willing to indulge hitler's grandiose fantasies he would spend hours pouring over plans and mock-ups of germania spare was very happy to do his bidding i'm very happy to plan out this extraordinary cold impersonal city spear plans an enormous three mile long boulevard called the practice dresser or street of magnificence to be lined with vast new public buildings and at one end this big people's hall which would have had a dome 15 times the size of the dome of saint peter's in rome the people's hall or volks hall will be truly gigantic reaching 300 meters high taller than most new york skyscrapers it will dwarf everything in berlin and inside the volks hall will stand a great gilded eagle in front of which hitler can make his crazed speeches to up to 180 000 people at a time and at the other end a big triumphal arch very much modeled on the arc de triomphe in paris but big enough to fit the arc de triomphe inside it was all about you know size the scale of the project is utterly astonishing it was going to completely dwarf the individual it's a vision that's kind of bigger than humanity it's a vision that almost suggests something beyond people albus bear's father was an architect and when he took his father to see the plans for germania his father just looked at the plans and said have you all gone mad even tesnow spears old architecture professor poured scorn on the over-inflated self-important grand designs of his former pupil in his words they're big that's all and i suspect that was probably the reaction of a lot of ordinary germans that these things were just you know on a scale that was out of all proportion to normal building of cities spear sets to work immediately in just 12 months and ahead of schedule he designs and builds a new reich chancellery the center of the nazi government whole areas of berlin are demolished to make way for the new nazi buildings private properties are simply confiscated and destroyed and in a disgusting irony spear decides that this monument to anti-semitism should be built using jewish slave labour to build germania spear drove the berlin jews from their homes and he liaised very closely with the ss to ensure that he had a plenteous supply of slave labor so imprisoned jews were forced to work on these kind of monumental architectural projects [Music] but before hitler can justify his super-sized victory arch he needs to win some victories on the 1st of september 1939 hitler sends the german army into poland hitler and the nazis march into war brimming with confidence after all they lead the world's greatest genetically superior warrior race they've also spent a fortune on planes tanks and guns early on in the war the german war machine is astonishingly successful i mean beyond anything anyone could really predict you'd had poland you'd have the low countries you'd have france you'd have these quick and in relative terms easy victories in 1940 the nazis marched into paris hitler decides to visit the city not to inspect the troops with his generals but to look at the grand architecture with his master architect albert speer [Music] there's no doubt that right throughout the war hitler was still dreaming about the rebuilding of cities but soon hitler's and spears elaborate plans for victory archers and boulevards come grinding to a halt hitler has sent almost four million soldiers to conquer russia along with 17 divisions of panzers and most of the luftwaffe the veermarked plans to enlightening quick victory but within months against stiff resistance under russian winter the germans are facing disaster the vast army in the east is using its ammunition arms and supplies and losing its men at an alarming rate there is so little fuel germany's surface fleet is confined to harbour whereas the soviets seem to have an inexhaustible supply of men guns and tanks the germans hopelessly over engineered uniforms rifles tanks you name it whereas soviet designers just produced something quick dirty that worked and of course that means that you can produce far more far more quickly the german armaments industry is doing badly and in february 1942 hitler's minister of armaments dies in a plane crash to replace him hitler is expected to choose another civil service bureaucrat but instead he appoints his best friend albert speer choosing an architect to run the nazi arms industry seems like a crazy idea but hitler has total faith in spear in a sense it was quite natural that he would turn to spear who was one of the people he trusted most to take over the organization albert spear the designer spear the head of choreography for nazi parades is now in effect running the entire nazi war machine up until february 1942 when spare becomes minister of armaments he is a friend of hitler's he's really on the periphery of the nazi machine as soon as he becomes minister of armaments he's suddenly in a different field altogether first of all he's privy to information he would never have been privy to before but also he's got an incredibly responsible job he's responsible for the german war machine it can't function without it speer discovers an arms industry in chaos the once productive and efficient private armaments firms are now under control of nazi officials businessmen take their orders from government committees and civil service bureaucrats there are countless forms and meetings purchasing committees and supervisory bodies and accounting officers it is not the market but civil servants who decide how raw materials parts and labor should be allocated where and when and for what purpose although spear is a nazi member he is no socialist he immediately sets out to cut government bureaucracy to ribbons [Music] he's more than just an architect he's more than just someone who can design uh parades and cathedrals of light he is a man who can get things done as with his designs spear turns to america for inspiration hitler despises american jewish capitalism but spare is in awe of american war production which is vastly outstripping that of germans a great day for america the right company can step up its production to a thousand motors a month huge 2000 horsepower motors capable of powering a goodly proportion of the great aerial armada planned for the defense of america in america private companies like general motors and ford motivated by profit have pioneered new methods of mass production [Music] forget nazi socialist rhetoric spear decides to open up german industry to free market competition companies will be rewarded for success and punish for failure so what he did was to basically turn it into a capitalist enterprise there's an element of competition that comes in so each factory each maker actually wants to do better and this is totally new in fact in a way it's completely against the whole nazi ethos so it's revolutionary it's very clever one of spears first actions is to demand that reich tax officials stop plundering the profits of private companies germany's war drive suddenly starts to flicker back to life [Music] spares measures had an almost immediate effect the output grew hugely in a very short period of time he's bringing these new ideas and they work the reintroduction of free markets has an astonishing effect gerbils calls it an armament miracle germany's annual output of military vehicles shoots up from nine thousand to thirty five thousand tank production rises from three thousand a year to seventeen thousand one of the things that astonished officials was that industrial production actually increases during the war including during the most intense phase of the strategic bombing campaign against germany this was absolutely astonishing how could this possibly be but as the war rages on hundreds of thousands of workers are taken out of spears armaments factories to fight since they invaded russia german soldiers have been dying at a rate of 60 000 a month hitler keeps demanding more troops so that by autumn 1941 almost all german men under 30 years old have been called up spear has a simple solution he will replace them with slave labor it was an absolutely key part of the nazi war economy which absolutely relied on forced labour alberspeer was effectively running the production the nazis are rightly known for the millions they kill in the extermination camps but spear kills millions more by working them to death in nazi factories and mines the conditions in spares labor camps were horrific there was absolutely no care taken of the people at all they were completely expendable and what that meant was that there was an almost limitless supply of labor workers sleep where they work they have almost no food no clean water to drink no sanitation workers deemed to be lazy are hanged when workers die their bodies are dumped in heaps like wasted material spare was able to build his armaments with this ready supply of people who just didn't matter by 1944 the nazis have brought into germany more than 7 million people from occupied territories to work as slaves the nazis are prepared to kill to achieve a racially pure germany but their slave labor programme is producing the exact opposite effect by the end of the war germany will be the most multi-cultural country in europe spare was utterly aware that he was using slave labor he went to the factories where slave labor was being used he saw the conditions where these poor men and women were being worked literally to death he knew it entirely how could someone go from being an idealistic architect to someone who was complicit in harnessing the slave labor of the nazi regime beggar's belief [Music] the slaves are kept in camps run by himmler's ss as far as himmler is concerned they will swiftly be worked and starved to death the people in these labour camps were kept on a starvation dine they were given just enough to stay alive but absolutely no more than that so many of them did die of starvation they died of malnutrition people became ill they didn't recover they died at their benches where they were but the slaves are dying too quickly spear appeals to hitler himmler's starvation rations are damaging production he used his connection to hitler very effectively but he used it in the service of the regime he used it in the service of the german war effort speer will later claim that softening himmler's starvation policy saved at least some lives but there was cold logic behind spears actions dead slaves don't work even on slightly better rations spear slaves make bad workers untrained for the work they're doing exhausted diseased hateful wherever possible they sabotage their own work despite spear's best efforts germany cannot compete [Music] in america and britain free workers are manning the factories and productivity is vastly higher our war factories worked day and night everybody was looking forward to the day when our aircraft would smash deep into germany's more industries when our tanks would crash through the nazi panzer division when britain would attack the impact of this vastly superior output shows itself in the skies over germany [Music] wave after wave of american british and allied fighters all but destroy the luftwaffe as an effective force [Music] allied bombers are then free to turn their sights on nazi factories home again the boys certainly seem satisfied with their night's work and rightly so oh it's telling you good pacing this time anyway i look down over the target nothing but a sea of fire never seen so many aircraft in the air before i think the amount of aircraft we sent over and the amount of bombs dropped and everything else really completely [ __ ] the defenses etc [Music] allied bombers target factories railway lines dams ports and oil refineries germany's armaments industry is once more thrown into chaos spears armament's miracle is snuffed out by 1943 it is obvious even to many senior nazis the germany cannot win the war so much for hitler's victory arch so much for the nazi megalopolis germany [Music] so much for the super-sized vaults hole and all the rest of spears absurd grand designs albert spear helped the nazis look good but behind the smart uniforms of the giant parades was confusion absolute moral corruption and ultimately chaos as the americans marched through frankfurt there were scenes that are already becoming familiar in one german town after another the number of prisoners taken is generally a token of the extent of the enemy's defeat as berlin is about to fall hitler becomes paranoid crazed and vengeful in an act of pure malice he orders the destruction of germany itself the so-called nero decree hitler blamed his own people they weren't strong enough they were too weak they they had let him down they deserved to die so what he decided was that the allies as they move forward they weren't going to get hold of any supplies any factories any munitions anything that could help them he was going to destroy everything in that path so not only would the allies get nothing as they move forward the german people would get nothing either they were going to starve where they were hitler orders albert spear to implement the nero decree to destroy germany but spared disobeys he knows the war will soon be over and hitler will be dead spear has brilliantly used the nazis for his own advancement now as the war comes to an end he is thinking of saving his own skin on the 23rd of april speer returns to berlin and to hitler's bunker for the last time the city is in ruins speer sees his grand buildings reduced to smoldering rubble he takes a final tour of what's left of the chancellery he built then he flees berlin a week later hitler kills himself on may the 23rd albert spare is arrested this was the scene at flensburg after the arrest of the so-called german government dernitz yodel and fear in civilian clothes the minister of armaments and production they were now prisoners of war for spear and the nazi elite it's now time to face the music their trials will be held in the city of nuremberg 11 years earlier the seried ranks of the nazi faithful had worshipped here in spears cathedral of light now the city is just a shell on november the 20th 1945 the trial begins goring and the others do not hide their contempt they are arrogant and shameless but not spared spare plays a blinder at nuremberg when he's in the dock he presents himself very differently to the other nazis around him i swear by god that i will speak the pure truth he doesn't fit the mold he's not tall and ferocious looking he doesn't look like a psychopath he doesn't act like a psychopath he seems contrite film of the concentration camps is shown as evidence as witnesses testify to the horrors they endured at the hands of the nazis spear looks deeply moved he has tears in his eyes he criticizes hitler the others don't do that he criticizes the other nazis he comes across as a far more sophisticated elegant remorseful figure compared to his old nazi colleagues who still seem to project madness zeal a lack of regret where a spare is calm he's very apologetic it's quite clever actually it's holding his hands up it's making himself look responsible making himself look humble making himself look as though he's apologizing but really he's apologizing for nothing at all two-thirds of europe's jews have been murdered by the nazis but spear says he hadn't realized what was happening he claimed that he didn't really know that uh huge amounts of slave labor from the concentration camps are being deployed spear says he was unaware of the slaves used in his own factories he was unaware of the millions of innocent people who starved and died unaware of the final solution unaware of the holocaust he absolutely knew about the holocaust he attends a speech given by heinrich himmler in october 1943 in which himmler uh discusses the final solution quite openly albert speer was there albert speer heard it albert speer knew about it speer heaps one lie upon the next he says he was unaware of nazi brutality but now that he understands that crimes were committed he deeply regrets his involvement spare chose a very interesting defense at nuremberg this was not what anybody else did he was the only person to do this he he sort of took on a universal responsibility he said yes i am responsible but not for anything specific he's responsible simply for being part of the nazi machine so in other words it's really a total cop-out he's he's not saying i did anything wrong he's saying i'm guilty by association i'm i i should never have been involved but i haven't really done anything wrong so you can't really come after me speer then does what so many guilty people in power do he blames a subordinate [Music] his fall guy is fritz saukal the nazi bureaucrat who supplied spear with laborers the slave labor policy was the responsibility of defendant sokol forced labor often meant brutal and degrading treatment for sokol himself suggested all the men must be fed sheltered and treated in such a way as to exploit them to the highest possible extent at the lowest possible expenditure the tribunal was invested with power incredibly the judges decide to accept spear's story speer is simply a delegator above the tawdry details sokol who is under the command of spear is sentenced to death escapes the gallows spare is not guilty on counts one and two but is guilty and accounts three and four the butcher who orchestrated the largest deadliest program of slavery in history doesn't even get a life sentence somehow speer has managed to distance himself from the inhuman barbarity of national socialism but how no one is fooled that hitler's best friend the man who ran the nazi war machine didn't know what was happening the allies do not want nuremberg to look like a show trial if anyone is to be spared it will be spared [Music] the nuremberg trials to be seen as legitimate you know some people did have to escape the noose it may be that spare was the beneficiary of that need for the allies to show the world that they weren't going to be quite as keen on killing people as the nazis were perhaps bearing the spear allows the german people the same escape [Music] the german people identified with the way that he behaved and perhaps it provided some sort of cathartic release for them it provided a model for other germans they could look at him and they could say here's someone hitler's closest confidante in effect and he didn't know what was going on he was oblivious to the depth of the horror behind some of these crimes they could say well that's like us that's like the german people millions of ordinary germans could say the same thing could admit that they were swept up in nationalist enthusiasm so in that way speer it was quite devious he was not only talking about himself he is also talking about other germans ordinary germans speer serves his sentence in spandau prison west berlin despite the fact that spares played an absolute blinder at nuremberg and managed to hoodwink the allies that he's nowhere near as guilty as his own deputy which when you think about it is farcical he doesn't manage to hoodwink his family and his children slowly start to drift away from him emotionally while he's in spandau he continues trying to write to them and indeed his own son becomes an architect spares battle in prison is with his family speer is freed in 1965. he returns to his home in heidelberg and to his wife who has stayed loyal but now incredibly instead of hiding himself away in shame he courts publicity and cashes in german newspaper der spiegel carries a major interview he appears on television for huge sums of money speer has become a nazi celebrity he really spent what turned out to be the final 15 years of his life writing touring the world's television studios in a 1970 interview he says he worked for hitler because of his ambition to be an architect i was fascinated by hitler i was hitler's architect of course this was such a temptation in the age of 29 i got to design buildings of an importance which was unheard in this time in the whole world in his memoirs speer finally confesses the truth he admits that at nuremberg he lied but he shows little remorse [Music] once you understand how much spear knew a different person appears and this is somebody who was a committed national socialist committed to hitler's vision served hitler loyally he said that he did what he did in order to save germany albert speer is a nazi in 1981 albert speer is in london to take part in yet another television appearance he has a stroke and at the age of 76 he dies peacefully in hospital albert speer the man who designed the nazis showed the world how easy it is to become truly evil he was not mad he was not a fanatic he was merely self-serving ambitious and vain albert spear showed that when fame and success are valued more highly than basic human decency it is terrifying what sophisticated educated people will do [Music] you
Channel: Free Documentary - History
Views: 98,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full Documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), History, History Documentaries, Free Documentary History, History Documentary, True Evil The Making of a Nazi, Nazi Germany Documentary, German History, Third Reich Documentary, History of the Third Reich, World War II, WWII Documentary, Albert Speer, Albert Speer Documentary, Architecture of the Third Reich, Albert Speer Architecture, Germania City, Welthauptstadt Germania
Id: cs6R-IPq9Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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