Trucking OTR with Roehl: Adventure #4: tornados, noob trucker

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look here at my leg it's doing much better I don't know if you can see that here I'll take this off and show you it's do a lot better right here see there stitched up good guess later I'll put a video talking about how I hit myself with that a cuz it is an interesting story and some of y'all seen that video I think before they removed it and some didn't um that won't even fit there so I'm going to have to oh man I don't know if I can I don't know if I can get that under there yeah I brought this from home this thing's beeping at me where the batteries aren't charged that there those are decaf I don't want my wife accidentally got decaf I did not want decaf but I I'll drink them they're good especially that M Cafe brand there for headache and or pain honestly for this I haven't hardly been in pain at all thank the Lord All Things Considered I hit my leg full on with an ax hard swinging hard and somehow you know it's it's okay you know it's so much better than not better than I thought it would be honestly they did a good job stitching it but then I believe the Lord had mercy on me too the way it hit cuz he said I he thought I hit the bone I went too deep as the bone but I didn't actually hit it I went right beside of it so if I would have hit it and it would have fur the bone which it probably would have with that swing in that axe I probably would have fractured the bone then it would have been a whole different story I would have been having to go through another hospital and probably maybe getting surgery done which is something I I've always been afraid of that word really even only surgery I've ever had I had my wisdom teeth cut out when I was about 19 all four of them in one day my face swelled up like a balloon uhoh I'm might have to start this truck in order to run that curig all there is to it now what did I do with my ah there there we go had some cap and ate it on got a big pack of water I haven't had time to rearrange this I just loaded this stuff up this morning that's why it's all disarranged and stuff this is the GoPro kit that I got awesome thing right here this is this GoPro I'm really liking it I'm going put this right up here actually it should stay there yeah we'll put him right there here's where your radio goes when you get one CB radio I think they call it all right uh this is going to be hard because this thing doesn't come off and I didn't I may be able to get it to work like that yeah this is the one from home I just brought it until I get me one I'll modify one of these water bottles if I have to whatever I got to do I got to get I want to put some tools in here too though let hope this works but it's saying not ready GoPro is awesome it's going to make it so much easier too all you got to do I was wondering how hard it would be to edit videos you know with these GoPros and all you've got to do it it copies it right to your phone so I can edit it on the same software on my phone as I did before you know just got to copy it to it all right ready to brew it says so let's hope I get it I think that's it right there yeah it won't fit under there see how much tall this thing is oh I love the smell of coffee how could you not love the smell of coffee especially good coffee there's so many different kinds I drink it black now and uh like I've drunk it for years you know with ker stuff but I've been drinking it black you know where I've been trying to dyet and I and I do love certain coffees black if they're the right kind of coffee good quality coffee I may I may have to do another let's do another this thing can fit a bunch we need to refill on the water I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out I just brought this pack of water that's very handy to have I'm thinking about getting me a jug of water too so that I can uh wash my hands and stuff when I need to because you do need to quite a bit and you're not always at a place that where you can do it so my trash can I CH I'll try to change that every day if I can sometimes I might not be in a location where I can three Miles Ahead K left ramp to Abraham Lincoln Bridge I65 North Abraham Lincoln Bridge left here's a GoPro I got it a GoPro Hero 12 and it's really handy I just kind of had it aimed up too high so I need to work on uh how to adjust it and everything but it's very handy all right so now I mean I was this was leading me the right way this was not so that's why it's good to have a backup you know over postage speed limit 6.4 miles Ahad take left High 65 north but yeah as you can see it can be a little hectic sometimes and and these things give you trouble once you get these long stretches I've got 278 miles so I I I should hit a good long stretch of highway that says like continue for 90 Mi 100 miles 150 200 that's what I like but you're going to have these times in these cities too to where you're uh you're trying to figure out where to go where to get turned around at what to do who to talk to if you're going the right way all this stuff that's part of it I'm not complaining that's just part of the job guys it is I mean maybe I am complain a little bit I'm not I I I definitely don't favor that but it's part of it you know all things have up and downs the paperwork is is definitely part of the Downs in this doing all this on the computer I don't like that at all but it's something I know I have to do and I've gotten more used to it I'm still growing with it and then uh finding the customers is one of the the worst Parts sometimes it takes you out to them sometimes it takes you like three buildings down the road and then you're having to get turned around and it's not so easy to do with a truck and trailer like this it just isn't not not for me anyway ways and even for the experienced guys I think it can be tough at times but they're so used to that too though that's probably you know kind of second nature to them okay so I better slow down see what how it's saying 55 so what I'll do then what I found is you can go four miles over the speed limit without it uh saying anything so I'm I'm at 59 I set my cruise control so I'll just do that I'm going 59 that way I can go as quick as I can without getting trouble cuz it will post it on here if you uh it'll post it on there if you uh go over for for too long it'll it'll log it that you were speeding so I get those distance warnings all the time like where I get too close to a vehicle and uh don't slow down in enough time that it doesn't take long and it pops up and says warning and and it logs at when it happens if I'm not mistaken every time I've got a lot of those but anyways I'm heading that way going to to Indiana I believe right now but that right there's the Final Destination I'm thinking so I'm not sure why that's that far I thought Indiana was only 100 something miles away maybe they're not maybe they changed their mind on the fuel stop or something because the fuel stop is only a little over 100 miles away that's 276 that's the Final Destination right there I think that's probably Wiis I'm guessing Wisconsin I need to get over it's always good to well here yeah car you ain't going to let me over are you oh I get aggravated these cars and stuff sometimes and the and the other truckers it's easily done out here I mean some stuff some people they'll let you over and some won't I was going down uh I think I was in Chicago which is a horrible place oh see I sped back up which is a horrible Place Chicago is and uh I mean horrible place to drive I mean horrible place to drive and honestly I wouldn't want to live there either but but uh anyways I was going down through there and there was a vehicle a big semi on the side he had his reflective triangles out I needed to get over and there was like four other lanes on the other side and well these there's two cars here in my mirror and they would not get over for nothing I even beat my horn at them and they still wouldn't get over because he was actually like right on that white line or right close to it and I knew I needed to get over but they they wouldn't let me over they had there was nobody on the other side of them they could have got over but that's just how some people out here do you they're not courteous like uh some other people are and then some will get right over for you you know they they assess the situation they see that you need that space and they give it to you gladly or happy [Music] to [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what I'm showing here is how this Co-op it will lead you the wrong way sometimes this is a dead end Road right here as you see it's just like a little spot to turn around is all that's there but my co-pilot telling me to go straight that way and uh I had to back out into a four-way stop in order to get turned around right there behind me and so sometimes that'll happen that's why I think it's really good to have a backup uh GPS to get a good uh quality trucking GPS I'm in Chicago Illinois here which can be a uh pretty tough place to drive um lot of lot of Tide areas the Conan that I went here went to uh here this day I'm just leaving there actually here uh they were pretty hard to get in and out of um but one of the guys that work there he was really helpful he actually went out of his way to help me back in and everything and just a really friendly guy I really liked his his personality a lot and uh I didn't even ask him to help me he just came up S of helping me which I'm glad he did um but he was one of the guys there uh that uh staged the uh trailers at that partic particular place I'm not a city person I've always been raised in the country but I will say there's something beautiful about seeing these old buildings like as you can see there the Mist that kind of has like a a fog over those buildings it was in the morning it's just beautiful and then looking at some of the older ones and the neighborhoods it looks like places that I've only seen on TV like when when I was driving down through these highways I'd look over and you could just see these uh roads and these big tall buildings on both sides of them and it looked exactly like the ones I've seen on TV honestly and they were old buildings but um so they they look neat you know there's a lot of history there when you look at them if there's two lanes turnning lanes you always want to be in this one you know that one that's farther away from the curve cuz if you're in that one you're not going to be able to clear that curve you'll run right over it it's hard to clear it sometimes in this land depending on where you're going this is this is ridiculous though right here I'm going to have to call my fleet manager and find out what's going on it's still saying I'm off Route hopefully this thing is just wrong um I'm not sure try to find out here's a different uh delivery here this is uh Wisconsin and it has some beautiful buildings they're different looking like that little I'm not sure what you call that almost look like a little Clock Tower or something and then that place there as well there's just some beautiful places there in Wisconsin uh this conin I remember it well it was right next to a river and it felt kind of sketchy going in there's very tight spaces right beside of it anyway so this is it right here I mean it's you see the building there and then the space the road in between it and that River not a whole lot of space for these trucks really there's a fellow railman there see a lot of those in Wisconsin and near Indiana a lot of uh rail drivers probably where they've got terminals in both both areas um I've heard that I think Gary Indiana is their busiest location the thing is too these conines all have some of them have different different requirements than others like see here I had to they told me to drive back here and get on this scale which you'll see me coming to here soon right here and then it had instructions for how to use that and then it printed you off a ticket then they told me I had it empty with me they told me to take it around this way where you see me going now and drop it back here the empty and so I dropped it and then you got to go back and get on the scale again you got to Bobb tail and go back and get on the scale again and uh use a number from your first ticket and it'll give you another ticket then you go back to the office the shipping and receiving office and you get your Bo and those receipts and staple them together and you put put them in a box and leave them there for them you keep your copy as well you know so that you can send that in your paperwork beautiful area there look at that that looks like I'm not sure if that's a Spillway or what but there were people in boats there and fishing and everything it was just such a nice beautiful day that day in the 70s if I'm not mistaken I remember thinking this feels like spring weather and then I realized wow it is like spring where that's in the 70s this is a place right here I just recently discovered I didn't know what these were they look like just exits and but it's caught an oasis but I had never went to one of them until today and I was getting low on my time I think I had 20 something minutes and so I pulled up in there didn't think I'd find a spot and fortunately I did they also had a building there with lots of different food courts and uh I ended up taking shelter in that too cuz we actually had tornadoes in this area so it was pretty scary must be broke all right anyways that latch must be broke um so I'm going to get my clothes here my beds a mess jacket won't be needing that much longer this year Lord will I want my fiskers in here right now I got these Waters in here the coffee and stuff I'm going to go and put my jacket in there for now just get it out of my way you are dealing with you know kind of tight space here's some GoPro stuff I had this open earlier close this thing up and put it up now and I'm just going to put it I think right there that'll be fine there the lid to this cup I may make me another coffee I'm going to put that up there so I'm think I'm going to keep this down for storage cuz I can put that some other stuff uh I still want to get me a microwave for here the curing I'm going to have to find out a place to put it where it will stay without you know going all over the place which I'm good right now on coffee anyways so for now I'm just going to kind of scoot it to this side on the floor that way it doesn't uh go all over the place so I've got some spinach in here eggs mushrooms tonight I may cook something bell peppers these are good for low carb from what I read There are baloney which ain't the best thing you know it's carnivore diet but let just got one gram carb so that's not too bad for the carb diet actually got some ground turkey there these are all ground beef here individually portions so but for now I think I'm just going to get something like this and these pork grinds cuz these are low carb a lot of fat but low carb so that's what I'm doing with low carb so for now I'll just do this this is I like this fridge cuz it gives you a surface too that's at the at a good height you know if I had one all the way up here yeah it would give me more space but I would have something to set that on as good I feel like anyways still red light checking that making sure put this back on here got a water all right good over boys that looks like cat food or something really does I've got to take this one to Wi Conant it's saying which is a long drive it's a lot of miles that's awesome but what is this is this another one already if this is another one that's awesome cuz there's 480 loaded 50 empty you all let me know about that my trainer was saying empty doesn't pay as good as a loaded I wonder what the difference is in the pay because I drove a lot of empty uh on the way home I guess I'm glad I brought that trailer at least though and in bobtail because at least I got paid for the empty right which maybe I would have got paid bobtail and I'm not sure how that works maybe somebody can explain it working everything too yeah they're still loading I got to get my paperwork and stuff and then I'll click here on depart okay there so my fuel stops in Lebanon Indiana that's what that is whenever it has fueling instructions that means a fuel stop so I'll drive 153 Mi to there Lebanon Indiana fuel up there there and from there oh I'm going to Gary Indian I wonder if it's the rail terminal it should tell me there's another 130 Mi so see how 153 that's 283 miles almost 300 mil right there and I've drove 115 miles so far Stu and I know you probably would think pork CRS aren't healthy but they're low carb for low carb diet they actually are they they acceptable but anyways I was thinking of uh I was thinking of uh doing lives with my GoPro on my head while I'm driving so that way you can get a real perspective of what it's like which you can anyway you get a perspective of it when I do the videos and other people do videos but you can see it live happening you know like that nothing here all exposed you know so and I'll just have to figure that out exactly how do I do that because I could use my phone to go live and but I don't know how to connect the GoPro to where you can see you all will be able to see what the GoPro is seeing and I won't be able to interact as far as answering question goes or reading them or anything I'll just be able to talk and show you what I'm doing and then after that I can answer questions you know once I'm parked somewhere and safe another thing too sometimes I'll get a whole lot of comments at once I don't have time to reply to everybody at once so I wait until I do because I feel I don't feel right usually replying to one person and not replying to the rest of them you know so that's why sometimes it takes me a while to reply back to you but I'm very thankful that's why I try to put a heart to show you that but uh anyways yeah tell me what you think about that you would anybody be interested in seeing that at all like me doing lives with me driving um cuz it's not distracting you know it'll be on my head and me talking like I talked to my trainer when I drove quite a bit a lot actually we talked a lot while I was driving you know you just got to pay attention to what you're doing still it's like people listen to music when they drive and stuff you just got to pay attention now if I was adjusting with my hands and stuff that's different but it'll be on my head and you'll just be seeing what I'm seeing I see all kinds of people think I'm crazy seeing they probably think I'm talking to myself but anyways I'm going to try that out and we'll see how it goes my leg's doing great I hit it with an axe two days ago hard fullon blow hit uh I mean complete full-on hit it bounced out of my leg the ax did it bounced out and I thank God that I'm doing as well as I am cuz I mean it's it feels so much better today two days later it's really something to think that because you prayed all night 3 miles ahead take left tra to Abraham Lincoln Bridge I65 North Abraham Lincoln bridge take left to hamling bridge I65 North here's where I ended up parking for the night and it was such an easy spot to get into all I had to do is pull straight into it I was surprised this place had any places left left and and as I said I seen these places all over the interstates but I never knew what they were you know it looked like a big building over top of the interstate and uh they called this in O this one in Oasis and but yeah we there were tornadoes right in this area that actually touched down on the ground and it got really bad there and my wife was telling me she said there's tornado she said where you at and I told her she said there's tornadoes that are right in your area and I was right next to the lake you know right here that's I'm actually there right now still editing this video and it got really windy at one point and I I left the truck and ran in that building and uh I seen some other truckers do the same uh a little bit after and then there were people there too uh who were running in and I just kind of stood in there and waited for it to die down I almost thought we was going to get hit with tornado honestly I've never uh I've never been right in the middle of one but uh my trainer told me that he seen one when he was with his uh with one of his trainees he said they seen it and and I guess the trainy Panic pretty bad which I don't blame him but until next time be safe thank you for all of the supportive comments and God bless
Channel: Bluegrass Outdoors
Views: 1,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trucking, Day in the life of a trucker, trucking with Roehl, rookie truck driver, Roehl transport, driving for Roehl, Roehl get your own cdl program, 1st year with Roehl, Roehl phase 3, truck driver, commercial truck driver, trucker, trucker life, life of a trucker, Roehl trucking, OTR trucking, over the road trucking, otr trucking, trucking over the road, regional trucking, Roehl regional trucking
Id: rYbIDKuyrWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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